View Full Version : Something else to obsess over.

September 12th, 2010, 01:33 PM
Some of just can't help ourselves. :lmao:

I found this an interesting read. Given the range of automotive savy on the board, I thought it worthy of mention: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Like-the-55-Chevy-the-nytimes-3825041162.html?x=0&mod=pf-family-home

It's an easy read, with words I can pronounce, and simple explanations. :)

September 12th, 2010, 01:43 PM
Brings to mind when my brother was selling his Corolla and a potential buyer said "You must change the oil regularly to have such a good running car with 310,000 miles on it.

My brother: "Change it? I just add oil when it gets low."

Yes, he was serious and had never changed his oil. :lmao:

September 12th, 2010, 03:17 PM
i have heard of a diesel engine oil filter system that once you put oil in, you never have to change it. You do however have to change the filters about every 10,000 miles or so and add what was taken by the filter replacement. Or add what is lost from normal burn and vapor. And yes your oil is mostly dirty and if it hasnt started to break down due to excessive heat than it really is still good. I usually change my oil in the truck between 3-5000 miles mainly due to the dirty conditions im in.

September 12th, 2010, 09:46 PM
I read that today. My FJC is done at 5k miles, whether it needs it or not :D

September 12th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Brings to mind when my brother was selling his Corolla and a potential buyer said "You must change the oil regularly to have such a good running car with 310,000 miles on it.

My brother: "Change it? I just add oil when it gets low."

Yes, he was serious and had never changed his oil. :lmao:My '64 T-Bird leaked that much. I just kept pouring oil in it, don't remember changing the filter. :redface:

i have heard of a diesel engine oil filter system that once you put oil in, you never have to change it. You do however have to change the filters about every 10,000 miles or so and add what was taken by the filter replacement. Or add what is lost from normal burn and vapor. And yes your oil is mostly dirty and if it hasnt started to break down due to excessive heat than it really is still good. When I still worked in shipping, one of our contract drivers bought a new tractor that carried an oil reservoir on the back of the cab. At regular intervals the engine management system would inject crankcase oil into the combustion process and replenish it from the reservoir. He sad something about changing the filters at regular intervals and keeping the reservoir full. That was around 2002. How long has the ULSD been on the market?