View Full Version : Moody/Crystal report

scout man
October 20th, 2010, 10:43 PM
I am surprise Josh didnt post anything up yet!! I am back! I know he made it out of loveland, I am assuming he made it back also. We had a good time today!! His truck did really well. The only problem he had was that by the end of the day his alternator belt rubbed through his power steering hose and it sprung a nasty leak, but he seemed to still be able to drive it. Ill post some pics up in a few minutes, just wanted to say we survived!!

October 20th, 2010, 11:23 PM
Geez.....can't a guy get his pictures together before he posts a report?:lmao:

Yep, I am home. I am really please with how the truck did today, both running wise and in general. Definitely put it through its paces. We both had a few scary moments today, but I think I got the closest to major damage. No pics or vids of it unfortunately, but I nearly rolled my truck today. It was one of those "oops....its on its way over, better drive out of this or you'll be on your roof" moments.

I have to say that it is abso-fricken bueatiful up there right now. The leaves were perfect, the weather was fantastic, wheel is great, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to get my rig back on the trails. That trail is still my favorite trail. Perfect mix of easy and hard.

I didn't get many wheeling pictures, but here are the ones I did....

http://dk04fg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pE17XnHS204bpfGoMFzebgxfpSDCrEAUgaFKDltXXsoBE0IX AL4Oentb5bCGHrZC-8BEdMI3-Pis6MYelCqfqqerhTt88exJL/8.jpg?psid=1

http://dk04fg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pqNB68VPJ_QDasgW_wv8IqozQ-XvOjM3jnGf0LFxQRtiSEPX70GsJUAKZSmJfUse1x4G3KeSvbbo swTDduobrFu7DFyjs2ED_/9.jpg?psid=1


http://dk04fg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pizA9VgWAii5wK3mnzANvTwTtzFAMnEX4ILZcx01krbceru8 oIscavNw3_3zBUq2O0UFdbf_JDP78xtIkHcDGnQwI8gE-v_2G/6.jpg?psid=1

I have some video of the obstacles and such, but its gonna take a few to get it edited and such. Expect it tomorrow probably.

scout man
October 20th, 2010, 11:23 PM
some pics of josh wheeling. I took a lot more, but with his camera, so he will have to post them.

scout man
October 20th, 2010, 11:29 PM
and some pics of my mountain dog... as that is really what most of the pics I got consist of.

I also have a nice 360 panoramic from the top, but I need to shrink it down a LOT before I can post it.

scout man
October 20th, 2010, 11:46 PM
alright, here is my panoramic if this turns out

scout man
October 20th, 2010, 11:49 PM
sorry, had to shrink it to 70% to make it fit

Red Rhino
October 21st, 2010, 12:09 AM
Looks like I missed a great run! Can't wait to see more Pics. Josh, when are you going to try out the new 37" and beadlocks? You must be saving them for the challenging stuff! ;)


October 21st, 2010, 01:12 AM
Glad that you had a good run! Thanks for the pictures.

October 21st, 2010, 12:08 PM
Looks like I missed a great run! Can't wait to see more Pics. Josh, when are you going to try out the new 37" and beadlocks? You must be saving them for the challenging stuff! ;)


I spent all day Tuesday buttoning things up and getting it ready for the trail. Unfortunately that means I didn't have time to do the tire stuff. Plus, I wanted to get the truck back to the state it was in before the engine blew up so I could gauge the differences. Some things I like, others I'm not as thrilled about. There is a lot more vibes and cabin noise due to the upgraded engine mounts. Definitely have some alignment issues too. That said, power is definitely increased on the engine, though it is subtle. I think it will get better with a bit more use, and a tune up. Plus, I still have exhaust and headers to add.

You did indeed miss a great run. Anyone want to get out on Saturday or Sunday this week? I'm about to head out and get some new Hydraulic hoses to fix the power steering, but otherwise I'm still good to go.

October 21st, 2010, 12:29 PM
Great pics and a great day! I hate working..

I would be but am getting ready for SEMA this weekend. While the weather is holding everyone should be getting out.

Red Rhino
October 21st, 2010, 06:57 PM
You did indeed miss a great run. Anyone want to get out on Saturday or Sunday this week? I'm about to head out and get some new Hydraulic hoses to fix the power steering, but otherwise I'm still good to go.
I am in for sat or sun! After last two weeks I have had, I need to take it out on some rocks. I am sure I can beat them in to submission with the heavy use of the right foot! ;)


October 21st, 2010, 07:02 PM
How about Sunday then? Just found out my sister and family are getting together on Saturday, so Sunday would work better for me. Any ideas on where you might want to go? I'm sort of tempted to hit Holy Cross, but it sounds like its supposed to snow 4-6 inches up there over the weekend so that might not be the greatest idea. I'd like to hit something with some challenge to it, but not have to drive a ton to get there.

Red Rhino
October 21st, 2010, 07:25 PM
Sunday sounds good! I want a challange as well. I want to do Holy Cross very bad, but I don't want be stopped by snow. Lets do research on big rock runs and put up up tonight.


October 22nd, 2010, 08:50 AM
I think it will get better with a bit more use, and a tune up. Plus, I still have exhaust and headers to add.

A tune up? I thought you just rebuilt it. What did you do? Stick the old junked up plugs, distributor cap and plug wires back on it?

Call Yoda Jim about the headers for the 4 banger. He seems to always have a set or two kicking around. Price varies on manufacturer of the headers, but every header I ever priced for people down there was priced well.

October 22nd, 2010, 01:02 PM
I think it will get better with a bit more use, and a tune up. Plus, I still have exhaust and headers to add.

A tune up? I thought you just rebuilt it. What did you do? Stick the old junked up plugs, distributor cap and plug wires back on it?

Call Yoda Jim about the headers for the 4 banger. He seems to always have a set or two kicking around. Price varies on manufacturer of the headers, but every header I ever priced for people down there was priced well.

Yep....definitely put gunky spark plugs in a brand new engine:rolleyes:...

I need to fine tune the timing a bit more and need to set the valve lash again now that I have a couple hundred miles on it. I think that qualifies in the "tune up" category, and is a normal part of rebuilding an engine don't ya think?

I bought the Trail Gear Rockripper headers since they were on sale for a very decent price, but I might still call Jim's to see what kind of deal I can get with any he has there. If its a good one, then I'll just sell the trail gear ones for what I paid for them. Downside to getting those, is it doesn't come with all the hardware and gaskets like the TG one, so it would have to be a hell of a deal. Unfortunately, the whole exhaust system needs replacing, since the muffler has a bunch of holes, the other pipes have very crappy welds on them, and its just not a great setup. I'll get around to doing it soon, but there are other things on the list above that at this point.

October 23rd, 2010, 10:03 AM
So I finally got the video spliced together. Didn't do anything fancy, just blasted them all into one video and put some music up. It was a mellow afternoon, so I figured some Hank Williams was a good fit...


It would seem it has been blocked, so I'll take the music off and re-upload it.

scout man
October 23rd, 2010, 10:13 AM
mine says its been blocked on copywright violation?

Red Rhino
October 23rd, 2010, 11:28 AM
That MAN is keeping your rule breakers down. I was told by a friend of a friend of a friend that Toyota is going to start charging a fee every time use show a Toyota Truck on UTube. So watch your back.


October 23rd, 2010, 03:51 PM
Here it is....without the music. Enjoy!


October 23rd, 2010, 05:04 PM
Good times!

October 23rd, 2010, 08:43 PM
Looks like fun, but I don't think my Jeep or I could do that as-is! My Jeep would need a lift and bigger tires. I would need to start taking drugs!:lmao:

scout man
October 23rd, 2010, 09:46 PM
Jackie - we took mostly the hard line on this. I think with some intelligent line choices and some spotting you could get up it. There are a few spots towards the end though that might test your comfort zone a little. The first time I ever did this trail was in the snow with my scout 100% stock. Actually the first time I ever drove the scout on a trail. about 29" tires, unlocked, and 34 years old!! The really steep section you se josh drive up a coulple times is just at a bit of a playground. It was pretty much a dirt road slightly to his right!

October 24th, 2010, 08:42 AM
Jackie, we had some stockers do this and you could too. I don't recall everyone but I think Chris had his stock FJ60 and maybe it was Brian in his stock Jeep. The only damage I recall was Chris loosing his muffler but he has pretty saggy springs.

October 24th, 2010, 12:39 PM
The only damage I recall was Chris loosing his muffler but he has pretty saggy springs.

Was that before or after he lost his muffler on Johnny Park Road? :lmao:

October 24th, 2010, 09:39 PM
Grrr.. Wish I would have made this run, looks like good one. Guess I will have to add it for the list next year. Thanks for the pics guys!