View Full Version : Active, Retired, and Reserve Military Personnel

November 11th, 2010, 07:59 PM
Hey guys,

Happy Veterans day to start things off. Your service and sacrifices are greatly appreciated!

Now for the other half of the reason I started this thread. I'm contemplating joining the USMC here sometime in the near future. I'm curious as to what you men and women think of your time in the service. I'm not open to any other branch, as my fiance is in the Marine Corps and I'd like to keep us together. She's already offered a lot of information, I'm just fishing for input from others. I do not have a degree so none of the officer MOSs are open to me. I'm ok with that for now. Just looking for your general perceptions of the military life, the ups, the downs, and the in betweens. I'm not concerned about the physical aspect of any of it, as I can already pass their PFT. That's not to say I'm not expecting a challenge, I'm just not worried about failing lol. I took the ASVAB a few years ago and scored a 98 on it. From my understanding that pretty much entitles me to whatever MOS I want, providing it's available at the time I get assigned.

Thank you again to all the families on here who are part of our military in any aspect!

Thank you for your input/suggestions,

November 11th, 2010, 09:33 PM
If you considered going Navy, you could still stay together. USN/USMC couples have (99% of the time) no difficulties. I know the Navy offers a better chance of getting the job you want than the Corps does. But I'm not going to try to sway you. All in all, I enjoyed my active duty time. Deployments can suck, then again, that's also a matter of opinion and where you deploy to.

November 11th, 2010, 09:36 PM
If you considered going Navy, you could still stay together. USN/USMC couples have (99% of the time) no difficulties. I know the Navy offers a better chance of getting the job you want than the Corps does. But I'm not going to try to sway you. All in all, I enjoyed my active duty time. Deployments can suck, then again, that's also a matter of opinion and where you deploy to.

I'd like to be a sniper or infantry. I would consider navy if they would give me corps man, but I'm not entirely sure what the odds are yet. I haven't gone down to speak with the recruiters yet. Needless to say they had today off lol. Do they ever deploy couples together?

November 12th, 2010, 07:35 AM
If you are part of the same unit, I'm sure they would deploy you together. Of course, if you're not married, you couldn't stay in the same CHU. And you're not supposed to have sex while you're deployed. I have seen a couple married couples get to live in the same CHU. You could just not tell them about your medical background. Or try for the SEALs.

Why, if you don't mind me asking, do you want to be infantry, especially with your good score on the ASVAB? Why not look into something that you still get to go out and do cool stuff, but takes a little more brains. Maybe combat engineer or something like that?

Sniper is something that you try out for, so you would have to sign up for something else anyway. I used to want to be a sniper, and I still kinda do, I guess.

November 12th, 2010, 09:23 AM
I like the tactical aspect of infantry. I looked online and didn't see any job descriptions that looked that exciting. Most of them looked like tech jobs and those do nothing for me. Thanks for your knowledge! I definitely need to talk to a recruiter lol

November 12th, 2010, 11:16 AM
And give Big Ed a call, too. He has something like 18 years in.

November 12th, 2010, 11:34 AM
I've decided to hold off until Brenda finishes school. Otherwise my odds of sticking around with her are pretty slim. Should be about a year, which will give me lots of time to get into better shape so I can excel further in boot camp and work on my marksmanship.

November 13th, 2010, 10:19 AM
Just my :2c: Spent 4 years in the Marine corps infantry (0351-anti tank assualt) this was from 1989-1993, at that time NO women served in the infantry, I do not remember seeing any WM's other than working in the PX anywhere at our camp on Pendleton. I know things are different now but as far as I know no WMs deploy with infantry battalions, and if your going on a ship there is usually no women on them either (unless its a carrier or some other larger ship) infantry Marines usually deploy on LSDs or LSTs or other similar amphibious landing type ship. What does your fiance do in the Corps?

She's in process of getting into flight school. She just got out of the nuclear program with the Navy. As of now, women are trained just like men, they're just noncombative. They're allowed on carriers and submarines now too.

November 13th, 2010, 10:38 AM
So its a little different but the same. No women in the infantry, but all Marines a basic rifleman. Any how, I would think the only way you could deploy together was if you were in the same unit or battalion. You would have to work something out during recruitment, probably have to go into the same general MOS field as your fiance. Probably not much help for ya, I would suggest talking to a recruiter, just don't believe everything they say and get everything in writing! :thumb: Marine corps infantry- best combat fighting force in the world! Semper fi !

Yea, when I get ready to join there will be a huge process. It should help that she's a Lieutenant and has been in for 8 years and her dad is former special forces. Between the two of them they know some people that can help a little to ensure that the recruiters promises are honored.

November 13th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Just make sure its in writing. Recruiters can tell you whatever they want, the only thing that counts is whats in that contract.

November 13th, 2010, 11:25 AM
Just make sure its in writing. Recruiters can tell you whatever they want, the only thing that counts is whats in that contract.

It will be :). Brenda knows the system inside and out. She's spent her entire life around the Marine Corps. Thanks for your input, suggestions and concerns guys!