View Full Version : 2011 Anniversary Run

December 13th, 2010, 02:23 PM
Hey All,

This is way early but its how I like to roll. I'd like to start thinking about the Anniversary run again this year. We don't have to get down and dirty into the details as of yet but we could start getting some of the initial thoughts planned out...

The first and obvious questions are when and where? Last year it was on March 27 and we had it at China Wall.

Lets start with WHEN as that will dictate some of the where questions. There is a group planning a Moab trip from Mar 25 - Apr 2 so we probably want to not have it on either end of that week...

Chris, Pete, Ed and Stephanie. I know you guys were all heavily involved with the planning of this thing. Do you guys want to be again?

Bring on the opinions!

December 13th, 2010, 02:25 PM
Chris, Pete, Ed and Stephanie. I know you guys were all heavily involved with the planning of this thing. Do you guys want to be again

Speaking only for myself - no but I'm looking forward to taking part!

December 13th, 2010, 02:38 PM
As long as I have at least a few weeks (3 at minimum) to get off of work and figure out school stuff. I'm down for whatever.

December 13th, 2010, 02:53 PM
I don't really have a preferance on where we do it or when (except the Moab trip maybe). That said, since we are trying to be inclusive of everyone, do we want to have it at a different time of year? I know it was kind of Snowy and such, which is fun for many but not all. I know it was a "good time" getting up that first hill for many on China Wall last year.

I know it wouldn't coincide exactly with the actual anniversary, but moving it to May or June, or at least the end of April might open up more possibilities for trails and such.

I know during the post run discussions last year, many would have preferred to have it closer to the cities and the idea of doing it at CORE was brought up. Many of the Ft. Collins crew had to drive quite a ways to get there last year, so having something a bit more central to them might be nice. We do have more people from Colorado Springs this year then the past too though, so its hard to say.

Doing it at CORE would allow us to have a central area to hang out, and people could go do laps around the place at their leisure. Defnitely more fun, IMHO, to do a trail, but we aren't going to find anything close to town (except maybe Yankee Hill) that would cater to all build levels.

December 13th, 2010, 02:53 PM
Of course I will be there. Even with a big trip planned. Probably after would be better for me.

December 13th, 2010, 05:57 PM
Many of us, including me and LaDawn, are simply not going to have the "extra" money that a trip to CORE is going to cost. A lot of us have trouble finding gas money to do ANY runs at all, and that includes a lot of the full time students we have on the forum.

You also have to consider the folks that live in the Springs, too, as a trip all the way up north to run at CORE is pretty much out of the question for the drive time.

As to being involved, I'll deal with all the vendor stuff once again. It would be nice if some of the Ford, Jeep, Chevy, Dodge, Rover people stepped up to the plate, too as the vendors that gave the most were almost all Toyota folks. Your loss if you don't....again.

December 13th, 2010, 06:01 PM
Bring on the opinions!

Okay, here's one opinion that everyone needs to understand.

I don't know how many members there are now but we had a great turnout last year and expect the same or better this year and relying on a few people to put everything together is wrong. The easiest part is deciding when and where and that's about all I did last year so I can't take credit for all the effort other's put into it.

Okay, that's my opinion. Now my suggestion; everyone & anyone should solicit donations from any business they're familiar with. This applies especially to Jeep suppliers and general 4x4 companies. It also would be cool for any member fabricators to donate to promote themselves along with soliciting the larger businesses.


December 13th, 2010, 06:23 PM
We seem to re hash the same old **** every year. Why doesn't someone step up (like Aaron, since he is the one that posted it) and simply say the anniversary run is going to be on such and such a date and such and such a trail, at this time. We meet here. Be there or not.....and eliminate all the wishy washy BS....Don't ask preferences, don't ask opinions, simply set a time, date and trail and people will either come or not.

Nope. We're going to re-hash the same old **** again this year because this is how the club works. In the end, I'll make a decision but I want to hear what everyone thinks.

Now, does anyone have opinions?

December 13th, 2010, 06:24 PM
Okay, here's one opinion that everyone needs to understand.

I don't know how many members there are now but we had a great turnout last year and expect the same or better this year and relying on a few people to put everything together is wrong. The easiest part is deciding when and where and that's about all I did last year so I can't take credit for all the effort other's put into it.

Okay, that's my opinion. Now my suggestion; everyone & anyone should solicit donations from any business they're familiar with. This applies especially to Jeep suppliers and general 4x4 companies. It also would be cool for any member fabricators to donate to promote themselves along with soliciting the larger businesses.


hahaa.....you forgot to start your Soapbox with the proper tag Chris.

I do agree though. Honestly, the Raffle is nice, but I don't feel like it would lose a ton if we didn't have it. As I recall, everyone got at least one item last year. That was awesome, but I still think people would come and have a great time without it. Since everyone got something last year, it would almost be better to do something like a "Secret Santa" or the likes, and have the few big items like the Jeep sliders be a raffle.

At the end of the day, since we have members at both the far north and far south end of the Front Range, someone is going to have to drive a long way if they want to come, whether its from Fort Collins or Colorado Springs. The last two years its been Colorado Springs that got favored with China Wall, but the Fort Collins/Loveland/Longmont people had to drive for 4-5 hours to get there. If we did this at CORE, its a 2 hour drive from both Colorado Springs and Fort Collins (checked it on google maps).

I think a talk with Clive for a group rate to rent the place for a day would be very possible. Hopefully he would give us a deal or even let us do it for free in exchange for helping clean the place up a bit or something. I agree though, if everyone that comes has to pay the $10 entry fee, then its not worth going there (the reason I haven't gone myself).

I also agree that more people should contribute. Stephanie and Hugh did a great job too, but others contributed too. Scoutman and I provided burgers and the means to cook them, Jason brought his hibachi down and made the awesome roasted Jalapeno Bacon things, and I think there was at least one other grill doing hot dogs.

December 13th, 2010, 06:30 PM
Now, does anyone have opinions?

Sure! March 29th is the anniversary so either the weekend before or after would be appropriate and China Wall has worked the last couple years so why change location? IIRC people bailed at the last minute because it was snowing pretty hard but once we got to the trail it was sunny and warm. We originally chose the location since it doesn't really favor one area over another, it's a drive for most everyone which seems fair. Yes, it's an easy trail but still has challenges for those that want them.

December 13th, 2010, 06:47 PM
Sure! March 29th is the anniversary so either the weekend before or after would be appropriate and China Wall has worked the last couple years so why change location? IIRC people bailed at the last minute because it was snowing pretty hard but once we got to the trail it was sunny and warm. We originally chose the location since it doesn't really favor one area over another, it's a drive for most everyone which seems fair. Yes, it's an easy trail but still has challenges for those that want them.

I was sort of thinking that the weekend before and after the 29th is out if a bunch of people, might be going on the Moab trip. Perhaps the week after that? April 9?

China Wall was great. I think Metberry Gulch was supposed to be the original location last year but we switched it because it was snowed out. Is that right?

December 13th, 2010, 06:49 PM
hahaa.....you forgot to start your Soapbox with the proper tag Chris.

I do agree though. Honestly, the Raffle is nice, but I don't feel like it would lose a ton if we didn't have it. As I recall, everyone got at least one item last year. That was awesome, but I still think people would come and have a great time without it. Since everyone got something last year, it would almost be better to do something like a "Secret Santa" or the likes, and have the few big items like the Jeep sliders be a raffle.

At the end of the day, since we have members at both the far north and far south end of the Front Range, someone is going to have to drive a long way if they want to come, whether its from Fort Collins or Colorado Springs. The last two years its been Colorado Springs that got favored with China Wall, but the Fort Collins/Loveland/Longmont people had to drive for 4-5 hours to get there. If we did this at CORE, its a 2 hour drive from both Colorado Springs and Fort Collins (checked it on google maps).

I think a talk with Clive for a group rate to rent the place for a day would be very possible. Hopefully he would give us a deal or even let us do it for free in exchange for helping clean the place up a bit or something. I agree though, if everyone that comes has to pay the $10 entry fee, then its not worth going there (the reason I haven't gone myself).

I also agree that more people should contribute. Stephanie and Hugh did a great job too, but others contributed too. Scoutman and I provided burgers and the means to cook them, Jason brought his hibachi down and made the awesome roasted Jalapeno Bacon things, and I think there was at least one other grill doing hot dogs.

I like the raffle and the give-aways. Of course I got the sliders last year so I should!

December 13th, 2010, 06:54 PM
I like haveing it around the end of march. I was thinking of maybe doing the metberry/longwater/hacket trails. hopefully predator off road will have it opened all the way through, and there are a lot of gathering spots around where the entrance for hackett is. makes it a little more spread out with all the people that are going to be there since there are 3 different trails, and it is about the same drive for most, a little longer for some, but anywhere we pick is going to have these people

December 13th, 2010, 06:57 PM
If i offered an opinion i would say move it to summer so that a net work of trails would be open, make it an evening or late day bbq instead, and wheel to the bbq spot. The reason for the network of trails is to cater to the different skill levels and trail difficulties and wheel to one spot through several trails. bbq and wheel down. One spot is at the top of spring creek, and i am sure their are others with in a short drive of denver. I have yet to attend a anniversary run but i am really going to try this year. A few of the reasons that i havent: It is usually on a saturday (which i have to work saturdays), China wall pretty much sucks anyways, in the winter its cold and there is usually snow on the ground (little kids do well in the snow for a little bit but sooner or later they get cold and wet), there is nothing else near buy to do (kids get bored and restless), in the summer it stays light longer which means more time out. These are just a few thoughts i have on the matter. I agree pic a time and a place put some thought into it and those that will make it will and those that cant wont.

December 13th, 2010, 06:59 PM
I say keep it a tradition n the same location ,china wall

December 13th, 2010, 07:00 PM
I was sort of thinking that the weekend before and after the 29th is out if a bunch of people, might be going on the Moab trip. Perhaps the week after that? April 9?

China Wall was great. I think Metberry Gulch was supposed to be the original location last year but we switched it because it was snowed out. Is that right?

I have to say that if I had to choose between the Anniversary Trip and Moab, I would do Moab every time. That said, I would like to be there for the Anniversary trip. If we are dead set on it being the actual "founding day" then thats fine though, you just might not have a few of the more active members showing up for it.

December 13th, 2010, 07:04 PM
I like the ideas of raffles and give aways too. I hope to be able to participate this year! China Wall would be good with me, never have done that trail.
Also a swap meet would be cool if people have junk they want to try to sell or get rid of.

December 13th, 2010, 07:16 PM
I'd prefer to wait for the snow to melt, but what about Bill Moore Lake: http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=12

I'd be willing to bring food and drink, but my Jeep dealer didn't budge when I tried to sell them on getting listed on our vendor dicount thread, so I highly doubt they'll donate anything. I'm due for an oil change, so I'll give it a whirl.

December 13th, 2010, 07:19 PM
I am happy to help in any way possible unless it is scheduled while I am in Moab.

December 13th, 2010, 07:20 PM
Alright. Lots of great ideas. Here's what I'm thinking.

1. The Moab week is out. Even Chris indicated he might be going on that.
2. We should have it near the anniversary. As you have seen, I don't mind having more big events (multi-day runs) in the summer but the anniversary should be on or near the anniversary. I'm leaning towards April 9.
3. We will need volunteers. More than last year.

This is going to be fun!

December 13th, 2010, 07:22 PM
I'll be another vote for later in the season when more trails are open and we can split up into groups and run different trails.

December 13th, 2010, 07:31 PM
I'll be another vote for later in the season when more trails are open and we can split up into groups and run different trails.

That is exactly what I wanted to convey, plus why not make it a different trail or group of trails each year, that way our "club is more versed on different parts of the front range. I have been wheeling since i was 16 and i have never wheeled north of I70. It might be kinda fun to get up that way once or twice.

December 13th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Also why not charge $5.00 per person for those not volunteering. It could cover the costs of food, drinks, supplies and be used for raffle items.

December 13th, 2010, 07:35 PM
also, I would be interested in doing whatever I can to help out. I can bring food, whatever. just let me know what I need to do. I'll try to get in with a few 4x4 shops around the springs for donations. since I am special on this part and have never really asked for something like that, what exactly would I say to them to get a donation?

December 13th, 2010, 07:36 PM
i have never wheeled north of I70

You're missing a lot, Nick. Lots of fun trails up here, with lots of variety. That said, I wheel south of I-70, but not enough.

December 13th, 2010, 07:48 PM
i hope to this summer. This summer is going to be more about enjoying the outdoors with my kids, more camping and less wheeling. I really want to get better at fishing. I can ever catch anything.

December 13th, 2010, 08:02 PM
I like the winter part, but I guess I am weird. China Wall is a nice classic trail but if it is moved I understand that also.

December 13th, 2010, 08:13 PM
I am also good with china wall, but anything really works for me. I just like a place that has a good place to camp as I will probably camp out the night before and the night after

December 13th, 2010, 08:24 PM
I am also good with china wall, but anything really works for me. I just like a place that has a good place to camp as I will probably camp out the night before and the night after
I would like to do this as well. I can bring my nice 10x10 shelter and help setup a base area for cooking/eating. Might be able to score some Collapsable picnic tables if it is on a Sunday.

December 13th, 2010, 08:25 PM
same here, I have a 12 person tent that we can put stuff in to keep it away from any critters, or if anyone needs a place to stay

December 13th, 2010, 08:40 PM
i recall last year, quite a few people brought food, snacks, grills and such. It wasnt just one person brought food, it wasnt just one person cooked, many people brought items for the raffle. But on the other hand there were a ton of people there so it appeared to be just a few cooking and bringing food.

I know i brought snacks and a big bunch of heat shrink for the raffle (all i could scrounge beside gas money).

I do know this, we are family and if a family member came to my BBQ and could only afford the gas to get there, i wouldnt give him grief about not bringing anything. As it has been said many can barely afford to get there. I have no problem feeding many as i can afford it this go round and if they want to donate money so be it but it wont be expected.

We're not going to be calling people out on here.

Set the date. I vote china wall, most everyone can do it. Bring food or not. Eat or dont Eat. Have a raffle or dont. If people show up for a raffle and not the atmosphere and wheeling then they arent true at heart.

If someone cant afford to go, tough. they will make it next year, or someone might GIVE them gas money to get there. Where is the charity to help others enjoy this?

December 13th, 2010, 08:42 PM

December 13th, 2010, 08:52 PM
[QUOTE==WINKY=;125354]i recall last year, quite a few people brought food, snacks, grills and such. It wasnt just one person brought food, it wasnt just one person cooked, many people brought items for the raffle. But on the other hand there were a ton of people there so it appeared to be just a few cooking and bringing food.

I know i brought snacks and a big bunch of heat shrink for the raffle (all i could scrounge beside gas money).

I do know this, we are family and if a family member came to my BBQ and could only afford the gas to get there, i wouldnt give him grief about not bringing anything. As it has been said many can barely afford to get there. I have no problem feeding many as i can afford it this go round and if they want to donate money so be it but it wont be expected.

We're not going to be calling people out on here.

Set the date. I vote china wall, most everyone can do it. Bring food or not. Eat or dont Eat. Have a raffle or dont. If people show up for a raffle and not the atmosphere and wheeling then they arent true at heart.

If someone cant afford to go, tough. they will make it next year, or someone might GIVE them gas money to get there. Where is the charity to help others enjoy this?

Well put, China Wall has been fun. Crowds always show up regardless of time of year. I missed last year but I hope to make this one. The first one was a lot of fun!

December 14th, 2010, 08:26 AM
No matter to us when or where, we ARE IN!

That is, if we can beg a ride off someone if the 'burb isn't up and running....

We will be assisting in any and every way we can, just like we did last year.

I have ZERO connections in the wheeling world, so when it comes to donations I'm pretty much useless. I showed up last year with a few camping items that I no longer needed, that will be the type of donation this year if I can.

Either way, we had a GREAT time last year, and looking forward to it again! We miss everyone!!

December 14th, 2010, 11:13 AM
Just curious, but are we talking about camping afterwords?

December 14th, 2010, 11:28 AM
Just curious, but are we talking about camping afterwords?


I think Ed (southpaw) camped last year with his RTT. It's is up to you. It's not specifically a camping trip but no one is stopping anyone from camping.

December 14th, 2010, 11:32 AM
:camping: It's is up to you.

I think I might, there's some nice water out that way so I may do some fishing the day after, if anyone is interested they are welcome to join me.

December 14th, 2010, 11:39 AM
If its on a Sat. I will go up the night before and set up camp and stay through Sun. Come back Sun. afternoon. :camping: :thumb:

December 14th, 2010, 11:52 AM
If its on a Sat. I will go up the night before and set up camp and stay through Sun.

I maybe down for that.

December 14th, 2010, 12:53 PM
Lots o emotions in this post kids! :GroupHug: I was not a member last year for the anniversary bash but I sure as heck plan on bein there this time and many many times to come. I am down to help in whatever way I can, lord knows a lot of you have been there for me!! I'd also be intersted in the camping. Just post up when and where once the decision is made.

Count me in!!

December 14th, 2010, 03:39 PM
Has a date been set yet? we need to start there. Cant accommodate everyone.

December 14th, 2010, 03:49 PM
Lets plan on April 9th.

I'm leaning towards China Wall for the place again. It was stocker friendly. Everyone made it up the hill and there was plenty of room for us all. Equal distance from most locations. Lots of camping space.... All the reasons it was so successful last year.

December 14th, 2010, 03:52 PM
ANd if it is later in the spring than there will be less snow. But i should have snow chains to assist the barge up the hill.

December 14th, 2010, 05:21 PM
sounds good to me, I'll be camoing the night of the 8th and 9th then. I assume we will be in the same spot as last year since it is a great gathering spot.

December 14th, 2010, 05:30 PM
Dang. You picked the one weekend that there is a strong chance I won't be able to make it. Too early to call, but if I have a motorcycle by then, I will be in Illinois for a memorial gathering.

scout man
December 14th, 2010, 05:41 PM
but if I have a motorcycle by then,
?? what happened to you other one??

sorry for the hijack


December 14th, 2010, 05:52 PM
Lets plan on April 9th.

I'm leaning towards China Wall for the place again. It was stocker friendly. Everyone made it up the hill and there was plenty of room for us all. Equal distance from most locations. Lots of camping space.... All the reasons it was so successful last year.

I just remembered we were going to use a different spot but were forced back to China Wall so it only makes sense to stay with what's worked in the past.

December 14th, 2010, 05:56 PM
?? what happened to you other one??

sorry for the hijack


Too many things to repair, bike isn't worth enough.


Waterpump failure was the straw that broke the camel's back, but the list of major things that will wear out within the next 10k miles or so is pretty staggering. I was expecting this, was just praying I'd have the ability to replace it.

End of hijack!!

December 14th, 2010, 08:13 PM
I'm leaning towards China Wall for the place again. It was stocker friendly. Everyone made it up the hill

As long as there's not another foot of snow on the trail or that hill. :)

December 14th, 2010, 08:17 PM
As long as there's not another foot of snow on the trail or that hill. :)

Ditto that. The funny thing is, I came down the trail that went the other way on that hill, and it would have been a much better choice to take everyone up despite it being steeper since it had more rocks and less snow. The rest of the trail is pretty good and I found more challenging stuff then I expected. Everyone who wanted to got through, but I do recall a certain rock that was doing some rocker damage and such. I'm cool with that, and I'll probably even camp this time like I meant to last time.

December 14th, 2010, 10:25 PM
we are up for CW !! but i agree w/ everyone else What else is north,south,east,west ????? BUT we are a 4x4 club we are supposed to go anywhere! Help eachother out!
Plus i can't see paying a private playground when their is tooooo many other areas to go and explore/camp/etc !!!!!!!!!!!

December 15th, 2010, 07:42 AM
I agree with southpaw. I know there are many more trails that can accomidate a group our size. However I have not been on the trails. I can say I would like ot find more trails and do a run just to see whats out there. I am not sure how well the buffalo will do in the major stuff without a lift on it but I do have the gearing. 3 speed wiht a granny low is real nice. I am concerned wiht the wheel base. I am up for CW for sure.

December 15th, 2010, 09:04 AM
So, I'm hearing lots of people saying that a place other than China Wall would be acceptable but no one is giving suggestions. The reality is that there are lots of trails in CO but not many that are open in early april, stocker friendly, can accommodate lots of folks and is somewhat equal distance from the folks int he north and the south. These are the characteristics that are necessary for the run and China Wall meets them.

Are there others that meet them?

December 15th, 2010, 09:07 AM
only thing i can think of is metberry, but I would rather do CW.

December 15th, 2010, 09:11 AM
Metberry was our location last year until it became apparent that the snow conditions made it impractical.

December 15th, 2010, 09:25 AM
it is kind of weird that Metberry was worse than CW. metberry is lower in elevation lol. We can always have tester runs close to the date and check out which we want to do

December 15th, 2010, 06:30 PM
Slaughter house or twin cone
any date is good

December 15th, 2010, 11:13 PM
So, I'm hearing lots of people saying that a place other than China Wall would be acceptable but no one is giving suggestions. The reality is that there are lots of trails in CO but not many that are open in early april, stocker friendly, can accommodate lots of folks

Hence why peoples think doing it during a no snow month would be better than a snow month. I know its nice to do around the anniversary date but it would work so much better in the summer. I mean if we were a skiing forum but we started the forum in the summer ( in the off time when everybody has time away from it) would we try to find a mountain with snow on it to celebrate our anniversary? It just seems like it would run smoother and get more cooperation in the summer time.

December 16th, 2010, 12:53 AM
Yankee Hill is another one I could think of, as is Bunce/Ironclads. Both have big wide open areas for gathering, some decent trails that any build level can do, and within a reasonable distance for everyone. Honestly, don't have a major preference between either of these and China Wall but they are both options that would work. I'm sure there are others too (Penrose or Chinamans?....oh wait).

December 16th, 2010, 07:41 AM
So, as far as the anniversary run goes, we'll be having it near the anniversary date. That's sort of the point. I know many of you were there last year and it was GREAT!

However, if someone wants to plan another event in the summer, I have no problem with it. In fact, for the summer, I'd like to have a couple (if not more) multi-day camping events. But those need to be planned as well.

December 16th, 2010, 08:15 AM
There were quite a few folks last year that made separate arrangements to hook up and camp where we had the Anniversary Run. My suggestion to anyone that wants to do this is to simply get in touch with like minded individuals and PM them to make your own arrangements.

Big Ed, Zach, and others were already at the planned meeting area last year when the bulk of the group arrived on the planned date.

December 16th, 2010, 01:11 PM
My suggestion to anyone that wants to do this is to simply get in touch with like minded individuals and PM them to make your own arrangements.

Kind of hard to determine like minded individuals without knowing what their intentions are or if they are like minded about camping out for this particular run without discussing it here, no?

Or should we start a separate thread called Anniversary Run Camping for Like Minded Individuals?

December 16th, 2010, 07:39 PM
Or should we start a separate thread called Anniversary Run Camping for Like Minded Individuals?

Seems like the best way to do it to me. Since it would technically be seperate run, that seems legit to me. Your the Mod....just do eeeet.

December 16th, 2010, 08:13 PM
It wouldn't have to be a separate run... just a side note to those interested. Keep it simple!!!

December 16th, 2010, 10:53 PM
Hmmm. Lots of interesting things on this thread.

-Keep in mind that summer runs mean more people where we want to be running. It has worked out well to be 'off-season' with such a large group. As much as I hate snow and cold, it is tolerable when everyone is there to help everyone out.

-Last year I did not like the sliding at China Wall but know what? too damn bad. Metberry was not a good option. If there is snow, then those who are looking for more of a challenge should be happy.

-The business of food can be addressed later. I believe I was mentioned at the beginning of this thread because I was kind of in charge of the food thread and making sure we had the essentials needed to feed everyone. IIRC Hugh and I cooked the basics for the group, lots of people brought supplies and food for the basic feed-all, and others brought additional cooking gear and food.

- However, I will say right at the get go: This is a large get-together with a large lunch. Not everyone who goes can be accommodated if they have certain or special dietary preferences and requirements. If you want to bring your own lunch then just do it. No need to ask if that's fine or be concerned about bringing enough for everyone.

December 17th, 2010, 11:40 AM
Seems like the best way to do it to me. Since it would technically be seperate run, that seems legit to me. Your the Mod....just do eeeet.

It was sarcasm, as to me it wouldn't be a separate run, we "the campers" would just be getting there earlier than everyone else. I also plan on helping with the grub so it would be nice to get out there a day before and set up.

December 17th, 2010, 12:44 PM
It was sarcasm, as to me it wouldn't be a separate run, we "the campers" would just be getting there earlier than everyone else. I also plan on helping with the grub so it would be nice to get out there a day before and set up.

I am there with you Jock. When are you planning on going out?

As this is on a Sat. I will not be able to get the tables but can bring all my other gear to help out.

December 17th, 2010, 12:51 PM
I am there with you Jock. When are you planning on going out?

I work nights, so sometime after work on Friday would be good, maybe head out in the afternoon.

December 17th, 2010, 01:05 PM
It was sarcasm, as to me it wouldn't be a separate run, we "the campers" would just be getting there earlier than everyone else.

Just what everyone who wanted to camp did last year.

December 17th, 2010, 04:38 PM
I do agree with the snow season as being a not so great time for those with kids and smaller, non-built rigs. In the summer time I am sure that there might be a better selection for a wheeling and anniversary place. I went to the run last year and could only stay for a short time. China wall is a great place and has tons of room. Winter time in that area is pretty good because it get a lot of sun shine. Metberry Gultch is in a whole and snow just don't melt that good there. I really don't care if it is in the winter time or summer. I can only speak for me at this point. I would like to think that there would (or) might be more members show up on a summer run. The little ones can have there fun out side and the weekend would be a little better for a camping trip. For those that only have a pup tent probably will not camp out with the kids of there is even a skiff of snow. All my kids are grown and can fend for them self's. Like I say I can only speak for me and just throwing this out there. I hope not to offend any one on the form. I am up for a winter anniversary again. I had fun digging my brother out of the show drift. We had a great time and the company was great as well. I am ready to try out the new tires on a good snow run!!!!!

December 17th, 2010, 04:45 PM
I hope not to offend any one on the forum.

Not to worry , Marc! You didn't and were at least considerate enough to mention it. Hope all is well is your neck of the woods...

December 17th, 2010, 04:58 PM
I work nights, so sometime after work on Friday would be good, maybe head out in the afternoon.

I will probably be working that friday as well. I can plan on getting out early so we can head up together.

December 17th, 2010, 05:41 PM
same here my son/i will also leave early so we can have extra- What ever time. plus i'll bring goodies like last yr

December 17th, 2010, 11:04 PM
I will probably be working that friday as well. I can plan on getting out early so we can head up together.

Cool, I usually work Friday nights too, so I will have to ask for the day off, but yeah we can head out together.

same here my son/i will also leave early so we can have extra- What ever time. plus i'll bring goodies like last yr

I have been there, but did you guys camp at the trail head or is there somewhere else you went last year? I guess when the time comes we can set up a meet time and place and head out altogether.

December 17th, 2010, 11:14 PM
I have been there, but did you guys camp at the trail head or is there somewhere else you went last year? I guess when the time comes we can set up a meet time and place and head out altogether.

Lots of places to camp. Last year, we used a big meadow that was a couple hundred feet off the trail just after the first big hill, but there are plenty of places closer into the trail. There is a really nice place at the end that has a small creek and is surrounded by trees. Its past the "wall" obstacle. Lots of places though.

December 18th, 2010, 01:34 AM
I 100% agree
i recall last year, quite a few people brought food, snacks, grills and such. It wasnt just one person brought food, it wasnt just one person cooked, many people brought items for the raffle. But on the other hand there were a ton of people there so it appeared to be just a few cooking and bringing food.

I know i brought snacks and a big bunch of heat shrink for the raffle (all i could scrounge beside gas money).

I do know this, we are family and if a family member came to my BBQ and could only afford the gas to get there, i wouldnt give him grief about not bringing anything. As it has been said many can barely afford to get there. I have no problem feeding many as i can afford it this go round and if they want to donate money so be it but it wont be expected.

We're not going to be calling people out on here.

Set the date. I vote china wall, most everyone can do it. Bring food or not. Eat or dont Eat. Have a raffle or dont. If people show up for a raffle and not the atmosphere and wheeling then they arent true at heart.

If someone cant afford to go, tough. they will make it next year, or someone might GIVE them gas money to get there. Where is the charity to help others enjoy this?

December 19th, 2010, 04:50 AM
I say pick a date, pick a trial and lets do some wheeling and have a great time. There will be plenty of rigs there to help anyone that needs it if there is any snow or problems. Thats why we are here at FR4X4, have fun, help out, it's our family....

December 19th, 2010, 12:11 PM
i second wat happy said

December 19th, 2010, 12:16 PM
As far as people not being able to afford to go. On just about every run i have ever been on there have always been empty seats offered up for other people to tag along and enjoy. I am not sure why this run would be any different. The first 7 months i was a member, with no running rig and others still made it possible for me to hit the trails, because thats what type of group this is.

A anniversary run is a what it says. An Anniversary, its like telling your SO that you dont feel like having and anniversary right now but in few days/weeks/months you might be up to the task. Most of us would get murdered for such a thought at home. If we moved the trail run date to a later time, it would be no different than a large typical summer run which we all attended on a regular basis.

If i recall this run is actually posted for a later date than last year, and if our current weather pattern holds yes there might be some snow, but it wont be such an amount that makes the trail so overly hard that is just undo-able in a stock vehicle. Last year i believe there was a GREAT turn out and the run was posted earlier in the year and that didnt seem to stop anyone. As far as the trail goes it seems like Metberry and CW were the candidates last year. The group ended up on china wall because Metberry was not a good option. That being said we live in Colorado and nothing with the weather ever seems to be the way its meant to be. Having a Few options within a central location would seem to make sense so that way the event can still be planned and go on even if the main trail would be impassable for the whole. Also this last summer we started Geneva Creek in around 8inchs of fresh snow. By the time we were finished 75% of the trail had become snow free. This is something that is typical of colorado.

I was unable to make last years run because i was stuck at work, I miss most runs i wish to attended because of such. I would love to make this years run regardless of where it is or what the conditions are. Every time i have ever gone out with he club its been a great experience. The sooner we can establish the outline of everything the sooner i can make plans to accommodate this. If the run is indeed planned for Saturday April 9th i would be interested in camping from Friday-Sunday(8th-10th) I might be able to swing borrowing my dads hunting tent. Its a 14?x16? or so sheapheraders tent. As well as 6ft and 8ft table, and maybe a potbelly stove as well as 2 good grills. However i am not sure if it will be me or katey and i just yet. Shes not to much of a camper in cold weather.

I will try and see what my budget can afford as far as supplying a surplus of food. I am also going to try and get some vendors to donate, but i am not the greatest when it comes to this type of customer service, but i will give it a shot.
Figured i would add my :2c: finally.

December 20th, 2010, 08:00 AM
If i recall this run is actually posted for a later date than last year, and if our current weather pattern holds yes there might be some snow, but it wont be such an amount that makes the trail so overly hard that is just undo-able in a stock vehicle.

Agreed. However I'm changing my leaning a bit. I'll post up the run after the first of the year but I believe at this point it will be March 19 which is a week earlier than last year. Again, last year was a blast. We'll get everyone up the hill. I promise!

December 20th, 2010, 09:51 AM
ok im a sorta lost, to me it sounds like people are getting scared of the snow , and last i recall i was the only 1 that had problems get up that hill, So i think we need to set a date now so people can get off work for this run. And this is colorado we can get snow up to summer.

December 20th, 2010, 09:57 AM
Agreed. However I'm changing my leaning a bit. I'll post up the run after the first of the year but I believe at this point it will be March 19 which is a week earlier than last year. Again, last year was a blast. We'll get everyone up the hill. I promise!

If it is a week before my big trip to Moab then I am not 100% certain I will go. It takes alot to plan a big trip and I would not want to risk damaging something on my rig prior to a week in Utah.

December 20th, 2010, 10:16 AM
Once again let me say China Wall is not a hard trail for any 4x4. There's one hill that can be a challenge with snow but everyone made it up last year. The less capable trucks simply have to wait until the trail is broken to make the ascent. It was bulldozed before our last Anniversary Run so the difficulty has been significantly removed from what was an easy trail to begin with. The Wall and some other obstacles remain so there is still some optional challenge.

Like any run there's no way to satisfy everyone and since this is more social than anything else we chose it to make it accessible to as many people as possible. I don't recall anyone being disappointed last year.

December 20th, 2010, 10:43 AM
It's not about difficulty, its about the expense of deposits, time off with my son on spring break, too easy to have 1 stupid little thing break and ruin the trip.
Don't plan for me or anyone else going to Moab. Plan for yourselves. I am simply stating I would probably not go.. and that is a big probably. Never know if
I might change my mind at the last minute. :thumb:

December 20th, 2010, 12:24 PM
ok im a sorta lost, to me it sounds like people are getting scared of the snow , and last i recall i was the only 1 that had problems get up that hill, So i think we need to set a date now so people can get off work for this run. And this is colorado we can get snow up to summer.

A bunch of people had issues....you just might have had the worst time at it. As I recall, Pathrat got to camp with a "deer in the headlights" look after spinning out and getting sideways on the hill. Honestly, if we had gotten there an hour or two later, it wouldn't have been an issue at all, as it melted through. I was right behind Brody (who was leading) on it, and lost traction and was sliding around a lot and I am fully locked. Ended up airing down and finally got up it, but a few others had issues behind me. That said, everyone got up it just fine in the end, it just took a little while. The rest of the trail was just fine, though I do recall Roland having an altercation with a tree and some rocker damage due to a large rock being in the middle of the trail. Still, everyone who wanted to get to the end did, and I think everyone had fun.

It's not about difficulty, its about the expense of deposits, time off with my son on spring break, too easy to have 1 stupid little thing break and ruin the trip.
Don't plan for me or anyone else going to Moab. Plan for yourselves. I am simply stating I would probably not go.. and that is a big probably. Never know if
I might change my mind at the last minute. :thumb:

Better to break closer to home rather then in Moab......ask me how I know :D. I agree that its not going to be possible to make everyone happy on this. I do remember that even though both years there was some minor carnage, everyone had fun and as one of the more supposedly "hardcore" people on the forum, I had fun and found some fun stuff to challenge myself with. I don't mind China Wall at all, and had a ton of fun on it last year.

The only reason I question us using it is due to the northern members having to drive 3-3.5 hours when its less than 1.5 hours from Colorado Springs and there are more members in Longmont, Boulder, and Fort Collins then there are in Colorado Springs. It hasn't been a big deal in the past though, so that is my only qualm.

December 20th, 2010, 12:37 PM
If we're looking for something that's impossible for anyone to have issues let's choose a parking lot somewhere. The concept of wheeling a 4x4 is being able to deal with less than ideal conditions and helping each other. I don't think Roland, Stephanie, Keith or anyone else were unhappy with the day. IIRC Roland had reason to be unhappy being left to his own devices to get free but that would have been resolved as some of us came upon that iced sled run shortly after he freed himself. I'm now driving pretty much a stocker myself and damage is not something I want to see on my new truck but wheeling is wheeling.

Thinking about it some more I recall Randy popping a tire and having to switch to his spare and someone, Happy I think, had to push the boulder aside but didn't have any damage and made it passable for everyone.

December 20th, 2010, 12:51 PM
If we're looking for something that's impossible for anyone to have issues let's choose a parking lot somewhere. The concept of wheeling a 4x4 is being able to deal with less than ideal conditions and helping each other. I don't think Roland, Stephanie, Keith or anyone else were unhappy with the day. IIRC Roland had reason to be unhappy being left to his own devices to get free but that would have been resolved as some of us came upon that iced sled run shortly after he freed himself. I'm now driving pretty much a stocker myself and damage is not something I want to see on my new truck but wheeling is wheeling.

Yep.....as I said, despite the issues everyone had fun and enjoyed both the time spent BSing at camp and out wheeling.

Brad, just look at it as a way to make sure your Disco has all the problems worked out.:D

December 20th, 2010, 12:56 PM
It's a Land Rover. The problems are never worked out! :D

December 20th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Hey Brad, we know you'll make it because if you're not confident about not breaking something on CW you won't be driving to Moab! :thumb:

December 20th, 2010, 12:58 PM
Hey Brad, we know you'll make it because if you're not confident about not breaking something on CW you won't be driving to Moab! :thumb:

You have a point!

December 20th, 2010, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Chris
Hey Brad, we know you'll make it because if you're not confident about not breaking something on CW you won't be driving to Moab!

You have a point!

Yeah, I would have much rather dropped a u-joint on the way to China Wall than Moab. Much fewer tractor trailers buzzing by your head at 85 miles per hour...

December 20th, 2010, 01:08 PM
It's a Land Rover. The problems are never worked out! :D

hahaa....fair enough. I'll qualify it and say "worked out well enough to drive to Moab, wheel and still be able to drive home". Seriously though, it sucks to have stuff break 6 hours drive away, especially in a town where everything is price gouged parts wise. My engine spun a bearing just as I drove into town, and the only reason I didn't have to shell out a couple of grand to get it towed back was that CR was cool enough to come pick me up with his work truck and tow my ass back home.

December 20th, 2010, 01:09 PM
Personal experience is invaluable! :frown:

December 20th, 2010, 02:44 PM
ok im a sorta lost, to me it sounds like people are getting scared of the snow , and last i recall i was the only 1 that had problems get up that hill, So i think we need to set a date now so people can get off work for this run. And this is colorado we can get snow up to summer.

I had some issues on the hill but that was because I was probably 4th in line and it was my first time on the trail....handed the reigns to my dad and he got up with minimal effort :rolleyes:

December 20th, 2010, 05:13 PM
I had some issues on the hill but that was because I was probably 4th in line and it was my first time on the trail....handed the reigns to my dad and he got up with minimal effort :rolleyes:


I was second one up, and Brody just cruised up it no problem just in front of me. For some reason my truck didn't like it, and I spent the next 20 minutes trying. I was just in front of Smash and I think he had a little bit harder time then I did, but still was challenged. I probably should have been in 4wd going up it, but I think I tried in 2wd first. I think it was new but wet snow, and Pete packed it down just enough to make it harden and then it just got really really slippy. Ended up taking a bunch of tries and finally got up after airing down and such. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, as it was a fun challenge for people and obviously makes for a good story.

scout man
December 20th, 2010, 07:19 PM
. I probably should have been in 4wd going up it, but I think I tried in 2wd first.
:frown::funrover: Maybe its just me, but I thought this was a "4 wheeling" club, not a "2 wheel drive rig trying to be tough" club !!! :whatAreYouThinking:

I am just giving josh a hard time, and he knows it, so no yelling at me!!!!! :D

December 20th, 2010, 07:23 PM
:frown::funrover: Maybe its just me, but I thought this was a "4 wheeling" club, not a "2 wheel drive rig trying to be tough" club !!! :whatAreYouThinking:

I am just giving josh a hard time, and he knows it, so no yelling at me!!!!! :D

oh man...get out the Ban Stick...:p

My sensitive disposition can't take this crap :erm: