View Full Version : Just another SAS swap !
March 18th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Stared out with a 2 inch body lift (home made).
Parts that I have
Solid axle from an 82 pick up.
Rear springs from a 2010 Tacoma (thanks Pete)
Front spring hanger with receiver (made by Danny) sorry if i got you name wrong!!
Front spring axle tubes with jigs (thanks Danny)
Front Ford shock towers (thanks Danny)
Stock rear springs, (may turn in to new front springs)
Parts just fabbed up
Rear spring stuff
Rear long Shackles (Home made)
Rear spring front mount (Home made)
Rear spring rear mount (Home made)
Parts wish list
Detroit locker front and rear
5.29 gears
Tires 35’s 37’s
Front axles rebuild kit w/ bearing kit
High steer kit (4bolt)
And the rest of the junk I need.
(I can do most of the metal work)
Tools I have
Pretty much all I need to get the job done
So on and so on!
Any help, opinions, advice, hints, tips is all welcome and much appreciated.
March 18th, 2011, 03:58 PM
more photos !
March 18th, 2011, 04:01 PM
first two pic are of the truck stock with 2 inch body lift. the rest are what i fabbed up, with the help of my biddies parts he bought. saved me some cash !! All parts and mount that i made are welded on and in place.
March 18th, 2011, 04:06 PM
the way the bear sits now as of 3/18/11. mounts all in place about 4-6 lift (not sure) rear axle moved back about 3-4 inches ( still got another inch to play with an the perch) could not max ot the spings with what i have, Im very happy with the 2010 Tacoma spings ! thanks one more time Pete !
now time to start on the front wish me luck !
March 18th, 2011, 06:01 PM
Nice work. Looks like a fun project.
4runner freak
March 18th, 2011, 09:50 PM
Good work, Adam
It's looking good.
March 19th, 2011, 07:22 AM
Sweet Adam! Glad to finally see pictures of the stuff on the rig rather than these nice pieces of fab stuff you have been bringing over.....
Looking good! try running the Taco springs as is on a few trails. If they don't compress enough, then you are running into the limitation of the overload. Not a real problem, just something to be aware of. If you need more compression, without taking the spring off or anything else, you can remove the back half of the overload, cutting it off with a thin blade of a grinder about 2+" inches in BACK of the spring perches. What this will do is to allow all sorts of compression and leave the front part of the overload on to help prevent any axle wrap.. them the way they are for a bit first as you may not need to do this.
So when are me and Aaron scheduled to go over to your place to help with your junk??
March 19th, 2011, 08:53 PM
well pete most of the hard work is done allready. UPDATE : front end is out ! stock brackets are plasma cut and off ! about 25 percent if the left over brackets and welds and down to frame ! coming along fine. im sure someting will go wrong sooner or later HAHAH ~! also Pete. frame is bent for sure. !! so i will need your Brain to figure out what to do with the springs.
work that should be done tomorrow.....: welds and left over brackets down to frame. front spring hanger tacked. rear shackle tubes holes cut and inserted. and maybe springs hanging. buuuuut im waiting for that something bad to happen we will see.
March 20th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Nice going! You sure managed to get a lot of work done!
Can you tell where the frame is bent? Chances are that it is going to be in front of the motor mounts, anyway...
We will have to do something much like we did for Aaron's and find something to call square and align stuff from that..
If you have gotten this far and there hasn't been too much drama, there shouldn't be much if any coming up.
March 20th, 2011, 08:55 PM
Helped Adam out a little bit on Saturday. We got most of the IFS stuff off. I think he got a little bit more of it off with the plasma later that day after I had left.
March 20th, 2011, 11:59 PM
didnt get to work on it today. had a late night last night. eneded up getting in to a huge fight with with 5 guys and just me. haha crazy stuff. but anyways. it is bent behing the right side control arms more so on the lower then the upper. im going to try and get the axle tubes in some time this week. then were gona have to set up a time to figure this out. i need your brain !
thanks pete
March 21st, 2011, 12:00 AM
thanks fred !
March 21st, 2011, 12:17 AM
No Problem. It was a lot easier for us to work on stuff together when we were neighbors.
March 21st, 2011, 06:50 AM
ended up getting in to a huge fight with with 5 guys and just me.
Been there before and it's not a good feeling at all. People get really brave when there are a bunch of them against one guy and it ain't like watching Jet Li, Jean Claude or Jason Statham take on a room full of dudes, even if you have some decent training....Someone usually gets really hurt and that someone most of the time ends up being you..
March 21st, 2011, 11:14 AM
Looking good!
March 21st, 2011, 11:28 AM
We are probably going to have to approach this the same way that the did the bent frame/1" out of whack situation on Aaron's Yota. Jig it up and square it to the rear axle.
March 22nd, 2011, 12:10 AM
i totally agree pete ! im allmost to that point where im gona need yours and arrons help. im pretty sure i can have the front spings hanging buy saturady........
thanks Pete, and Ricardo !
March 22nd, 2011, 12:52 PM
Update: frame is clean. axle housing is clean have sand blasted half power washed. knucles are being soaked in solvent. looking at what i have to do next. rear tubes are going in by tonight maybe. and front sping hanger will be clamped. and also getting spings ready to to mount.
1 and 2 my Dog Jack n nephew out helping me out by force, untill he knew what he was getting in to. PLASMA ! all this kid wants to do is look at a screen, now he said " if you ever use that thing ever again let me know" hes really good with his hands he just dose not know it. !
3 my axle housing
4,5 frame all clean ready for more work.
Pete dont call me a cheat ! this is my nephew not a student !!
March 22nd, 2011, 05:13 PM
Ahhhh....if I had students, they would be busting their collective asses on my projects...
Don't forget that I have 2 drop pitman arms, one of which you may find useful. Should fit on your PS box no sweat. Start hosing that sector shaft nut down with PB Blaster every chance you get.
March 22nd, 2011, 07:22 PM
im sure they would be Pete ! hahaha ok sounds great im gona need that soon it looks like. PB blaster is so great !
Up date : I have both shackel tubes in and ready for som welding. i need bushings, shackels, U bolt kit(front and rear) as of now !
i told Arron to hury im catching up ! !!!
March 22nd, 2011, 09:18 PM
Keep in mind that High Country 4x4 probably has the best stock of U bolts in town at $8-9 per bolt, all BDS..
March 23rd, 2011, 12:38 PM
UP DATE: got the axle tubes cut out and in place. !! Thank god for plasma's ! Got it done in less then a half hour.
Working on the stock rear springs now cleaning the old bushings out for the new Poly-urethane bushing. My buddy Fred (also on the forum) helped me out with those at a good price.
Help please.:eek::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Where is the best place to buy:
Poly-urethane bushings
High steer parts
Front spring shackles
Gears (5.29)
Lockers front and rear Detroit
Thanks !
March 23rd, 2011, 06:11 PM
Where is the best place to buy:
Poly-urethane bushings
Poly Performance or High Country 4x4 Most of the generic Jeep replacement bushings (in packages) will work and are cheap. Most of these are in stock (High Country)and visible to look at and measure.
Probably 4 Wheel Parts. They will most likely have the products in stock in pretty much any length in Rancho or Pro Comp, both of which work fine without spending a bundle and will last a long time.
High steer parts
Without getting into the six shooter hi steer stuff (4x4 Labs)
Davez Off Road, Wab Fab, Sky Manufacturing, or, if you want to go this route, Ballistic Fabrication. Get the 1/4" thick tubing, the bungs for either the 23mm (L/R) FJ80 ends (Wab Fab or Sky Mfg) or go with the hiem Joints and bungs and drill out the Hi Steer arms for 5/8" bolts. Trail Gear and Marlin also sell basic Hi Steer arms.
Front spring shackles
Again, Ballistic Fabrication will probably have the better prices. Bud Bilt also has some very inexpensive shackles.
Gears (5.29)
Randy's Ring and Pinion or Davez Off Road
Lockers front and rear Detroit
Randy's Ring and Pinion or Davez. I think Davez also sells a complete 3rd member with your choice of gears or lockers, too.
This was without doing any prices searches and simply reflects the people whom I have priced stuff with before who had good to decent pricing.
March 23rd, 2011, 11:03 PM
Needs more pics from the front.
Also, I just noticed that the Thread title basically reads "Just another SAS swap" where SAS means Solid Axle Swap so your essentially saying: "Just another Solid Axle Swap Swap"
Get some detail shots too. Probably wont be able to go look at it until this weekend.
March 24th, 2011, 07:03 AM
where SAS means Solid Axle Swap so your essentially saying: "Just another Solid Axle Swap Swap"
Boy...I can tell you guys are friends...Only a real friend would get so damn picky about a small error like that.....Hell, I read it just fine and I am a confused older person....
Adam..I think you need to stick some grease under Fred's door handles...or at least pack the toes of his favorite shoes with some..You know..just on general principle..
March 24th, 2011, 08:04 PM
hahaah that fred! i wonder what would happend if i put just another SA swap. see dont catch your eye right ! SAS is were its at. and swap just sounds cool to see and hear.
March 24th, 2011, 08:28 PM
i like to think of it more like a "my truck is now bad arse" swap.:D
though i have heard it called a "live axle swap" before. and that makes it sound pretty cool too!!
March 25th, 2011, 03:49 PM
agree ! hhaha thanks
March 26th, 2011, 03:02 AM
Just get the darn thing built already.
March 27th, 2011, 04:45 PM
Just get the darn thing built already.
only so much one guy can do !!
December 25th, 2012, 05:56 PM
Started working back on it this week!!!! New bushings new front hanger kit with shackles and greasable bolts. Problem I'm having now and not finding Nothing at all on the net is my stock. Rear springs are to long for the holes I made for the frame tubes....... made new holes about 3 inches back more..... springs looked great hanging.....but once compressed..... FLAT... shackles kicked back in line with the frame....... clueless what to do next..... HELP
December 25th, 2012, 05:59 PM
How do I add pics with and android phone. ? Tried the advanced mode but no luck
December 25th, 2012, 06:40 PM
Problem I'm having now and not finding Nothing at all on the net is my stock. Rear springs are to long for the holes I made for the frame tubes....... made new holes about 3 inches back more..... springs looked great hanging.....but once compressed..... FLAT... shackles kicked back in line with the frameYou used the rear leaf springs on the front?
I'm not surprised they are flat with the weight of the cab and engine over them. If you were to load the bed, they would flatten out and ride like butta. Why is flat a bad thing?
Sounds like you want to play with the spring pack, and/or adjust the shackle angle.
December 25th, 2012, 07:15 PM
You used the rear leaf springs on the front?
Using rear springs up front is a fairly common swap on Toyota SAS's. People usually combine 2 sets to get a little more lift out of them. My 4Runner is set up this way.
Adam, from your info your truck is a '94. The later years of P/U's had longer rear springs than what most use for a RUF set-up. I did this once on an '85 P/U. IIRC I pushed the front spring hangers out about 2.5", used pretty long shackles, and an add-a-leaf. I wasn't very happy with the set-up as the springs were very flat. I'd probably recommend picking up another set of springs and combining them. This should help carry the added weight of the front end. You could also source a couple sets of the shorter springs and use them. HTH
December 25th, 2012, 07:16 PM
'Bout the only choice you've got now is to either move the rear shackle hanger back 'till you get the angle you want or get some shorter springs.
December 25th, 2012, 07:22 PM
You used the rear leaf springs on the front?
I'm not surprised they are flat with the weight of the cab and engine over them. If you were to load the bed, they would flatten out and ride like butta. Why is flat a bad thing?
Sounds like you want to play with the spring pack, and/or adjust the shackle angle.
Yep rear 4x4 springs up front. Flat is not a bad thing. I actually want flat... but now the rear of the spring is on the frame.
December 25th, 2012, 07:59 PM
'Bout the only choice you've got now is to either move the rear shackle hanger back 'till you get the angle you want or get some shorter springs.
As I said before.
December 25th, 2012, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE=Popsgarage;218888]'Bout the only choice you've got now is to either move the rear shackle hanger back 'till you get the angle you want or get some shorter springs.[/QUOTE. Shorter springs is not what I had in mind. Putting 3 holes in my frame is outs the question
. Shorter might be the only option at this point... sadly. Other option I have is moce the front hanger forward stiffn the spring like said before. What in after is the lowest profile I can get with good flex. I'm not really in to the. Liftend truck 6. Feet in the air.
December 25th, 2012, 11:49 PM
I'd try and stay with the longer spring, if possible. If the width and thickness stayed the same, the shorter spring would have a higher (stiffer) spring rate.
Since your shackle is already against the frame, I wonder how much further back the spring eye would travel if you freed it up. Also, I wonder how much that would change if you were to add another stock, main leaf to your existing pack.
December 25th, 2012, 11:51 PM
Putting 3 holes in my frame is outs the questionYou lost me there.
December 26th, 2012, 01:36 AM
You lost me there.
Sorry i guess I didn't explain that well. I allready made holes in the frame. Between the body frame bracket. (Like everyone else dose and everyone else told me) lol. So when I finally got a front hanger and shackles it turned out. My springs were to long for the holes I allready made.... so to correct it I made new holes and tubes about 3 inches further back..... but still did not turn out right. And adding one more hole in the frame is out of the question.
December 26th, 2012, 01:43 AM
I'd try and stay with the longer spring, if possible. If the width and thickness stayed the same, the shorter spring would have a higher (stiffer) spring rate.
Since your shackle is already against the frame, I wonder how much further back the spring eye would travel if you freed it up. Also, I wonder how much that would change if you were to add another stock, main leaf to your existing pack.
I wonder the same haha... I'm going to try to move the hanger forward as much as possible... I think 1.5 inches is all I can get.
Question I have leaf springs from an 89 wrangled and 57 willys pick up on hand now.... do you think the wrangler top spring can help out?
December 27th, 2012, 07:10 AM
Question I have leaf springs from an 89 wrangled and 57 willys pick up on hand now.... do you think the wrangler top spring can help out?I think a tape measure will give a better answer. My preference is to have the added leaf go from eye bolt to eye bolt.
December 27th, 2012, 02:50 PM
can not up load photos. help anyone ?
December 27th, 2012, 02:54 PM
how to convert JPEG pic format to gif jpg png format ?
December 27th, 2012, 03:35 PM
Just change the end: example.jpeg - change to - example.jpg
December 28th, 2012, 05:25 PM
hmmm tried it not sure what to exactly do.
December 28th, 2012, 05:34 PM
whooow hooow ! i did it !
first hole i cut out is to the left. Second hole i have is to the right
December 28th, 2012, 05:47 PM
Is that weight on the spring? if not what is the angle with full weight on it?
December 28th, 2012, 06:00 PM
more work to be done
December 28th, 2012, 06:03 PM
the pictures above are Stock 94 pick up springs. the full weight of the truck is not on the springs and the shackle angle is way off of what i need it to me. it actually hit the frame if i go any further. to correct it im adding the whole spring pack from an 89 wrangler. more pictures to come.
December 28th, 2012, 06:09 PM
Keep in mind that High Country 4x4 probably has the best stock of U bolts in town at $8-9 per bolt, all BDS..
I Know Pete is gone, but is knowledge lives on ! I would like to thank Pete for all his Knowledge pass on to me.
as you can tell from the pics above i finally bought my u bolts and of course Pete was right HC4X4 has the best stock of you bolts !
Thank Pete !
December 28th, 2012, 08:51 PM
I'd try and stay with the longer spring, if possible. If the width and thickness stayed the same, the shorter spring would have a higher (stiffer) spring rate.
Since your shackle is already against the frame, I wonder how much further back the spring eye would travel if you freed it up. Also, I wonder how much that would change if you were to add another stock, main leaf to your existing pack.
Using rear springs up front is a fairly common swap on Toyota SAS's. People usually combine 2 sets to get a little more lift out of them. My 4Runner is set up this way.
Adam, from your info your truck is a '94. The later years of P/U's had longer rear springs than what most use for a RUF set-up. I did this once on an '85 P/U. IIRC I pushed the front spring hangers out about 2.5", used pretty long shackles, and an add-a-leaf. I wasn't very happy with the set-up as the springs were very flat. I'd probably recommend picking up another set of springs and combining them. This should help carry the added weight of the front end. You could also source a couple sets of the shorter springs and use them. HTH
You pushed out the front hanger 2.5 inches?? Do you have any pics? Thanks!
December 28th, 2012, 08:56 PM
Looking good!
December 29th, 2012, 10:01 AM
You pushed out the front hanger 2.5 inches?? Do you have any pics? Thanks!
Maybe it was 1.5" rather than 2.5", it was a long time ago. I did find some pics. Pretty sure these are the same springs that you are using with a 2.5" add-a leaf. The shackle hanger is in the stock location, this was an '85 SA truck. The front flexed like crazy.
December 30th, 2012, 11:27 AM
Verrrrrrrry interesting! Adam, I have some 1/4-inch, and some 1/2-inch plate, if you feel like reworking that front spring perch.
December 30th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Added the wrangler springs to to stock rear spings up front and it worked out pretty good so far. My welder is now so I can't put the full weight of the truck on the axle. With about 80 percent of weight and the front hanger 1 inch forward looks like my shackle angle is going to be eyeballed at 20 / 30 degrees. I'll post pics soon.
December 30th, 2012, 02:47 PM
I'd try and stay with the longer spring, if possible. If the width and thickness stayed the same, the shorter spring would have a higher (stiffer) spring rate.
Since your shackle is already against the frame, I wonder how much further back the spring eye would travel if you freed it up. Also, I wonder how much that would change if you were to add another stock, main leaf to your existing pack.
Using rear springs up front is a fairly common swap on Toyota SAS's. People usually combine 2 sets to get a little more lift out of them. My 4Runner is set up this way.
Adam, from your info your truck is a '94. The later years of P/U's had longer rear springs than what most use for a RUF set-up. I did this once on an '85 P/U. IIRC I pushed the front spring hangers out about 2.5", used pretty long shackles, and an add-a-leaf. I wasn't very happy with the set-up as the springs were very flat. I'd probably recommend picking up another set of springs and combining them. This should help carry the added weight of the front end. You could also source a couple sets of the shorter springs and use them. HTH
Verrrrrrrry interesting! Adam, I have some 1/4-inch, and some 1/2-inch plate, if you feel like reworking that front spring perch.
Thanks. I'll let you know if I need any. I might have enofgh sheet to get by for now.
December 31st, 2012, 09:49 PM
first pic is 94 Stock rear 4x4 leaf springs and 89 wrangler leafs ready to be bolted together.
second pic is both spring packs bolted together with new center pin bolt.
3rd pic is new shackle angle. looks way better then before i think.
December 31st, 2012, 10:03 PM
found an extra set of rear springs this weekend !! I am running leafs from 2010 taco and found the extra set from a 08 double cab taco with 25k miles for 50 buck ! the first set was not border line sagging so i figured id ad the middle leaf from the 08 springs to see what it will do........ it worked out great ! shackle angle looks good accounting they will settle down the road due to the low miles on both sets.
i also replaces the original rubber bushing for poly.
and while i was at buying poly bushing i ended up getting new u bolts and spring plate for a flip kit.
i didnt take any before and after just side to side and an after pic of the truck on the one side i upgraded. ( other side soon to be upgraded)
January 1st, 2013, 06:44 PM
Looks much better. Now you just need to weld up the extra hole in the front on both sides.
January 1st, 2013, 10:04 PM
I'd try and stay with the longer spring, if possible. If the width and thickness stayed the same, the shorter spring would have a higher (stiffer) spring rate.
Since your shackle is already against the frame, I wonder how much further back the spring eye would travel if you freed it up. Also, I wonder how much that would change if you were to add another stock, main leaf to your existing pack.
Using rear springs up front is a fairly common swap on Toyota SAS's. People usually combine 2 sets to get a little more lift out of them. My 4Runner is set up this way.
Adam, from your info your truck is a '94. The later years of P/U's had longer rear springs than what most use for a RUF set-up. I did this once on an '85 P/U. IIRC I pushed the front spring hangers out about 2.5", used pretty long shackles, and an add-a-leaf. I wasn't very happy with the set-up as the springs were very flat. I'd probably recommend picking up another set of springs and combining them. This should help carry the added weight of the front end. You could also source a couple sets of the shorter springs and use them. HTH
Verrrrrrrry interesting! Adam, I have some 1/4-inch, and some 1/2-inch plate, if you feel like reworking that front spring perch.
I actually have two sets of frame tubes. Im going to weld both sets in. I'm pretty sure that will be stronger then a plate welded back in. So I think.
January 1st, 2013, 10:45 PM
Sorry about the quote thing I just did. Trying the page on my new phone.
January 2nd, 2013, 11:00 AM
I actually have two sets of frame tubes. Im going to weld both sets in. I'm pretty sure that will be stronger then a plate welded back in. So I think.I like that idea! :)
January 2nd, 2013, 02:30 PM
Got the drivers side rear spring done last night did some measurements before and after I gained 1 1/4 lift. I'm starting to smell smoke from my future camping trip!! I hope I can keep on on the role I have been in get it rolling soon! Hopfully by summer!
January 2nd, 2013, 04:39 PM
Tires and gears? Time to start thinking about thoes things I can't build my self.... for tires about the only option I would have/want due to rIm sIze (Im tryIng not to buy new rIms) is the nitto 38x15.5-15. A buddy of mine runs the same tire but 33's and he really likes them. With tire size 35 to 38 what gear ratio would be ideal?
January 2nd, 2013, 07:21 PM
With tire size 35 to 38 what gear ratio would be ideal?
The most common gear ratio for Toyotas with 35" + tires is 5.29. That's pretty close to "stock" RPM with 35" tires.
January 2nd, 2013, 09:12 PM
That's what I've noticed on alot of other yotas. Even Pete Brody had 5.29 gears. I'll research it more thanks!
January 3rd, 2013, 07:52 PM
Found a rear E diff from a 98 Trd 3.4 supper charged wIth 115k mIles. The truck was rolled over and still ran after. Guys asking 900 bucks for the whole axle drum to drum. Unsure what gears it has. Sound like a good deal?
4runner freak
January 3rd, 2013, 08:03 PM
Found a rear E diff from a 98 Trd 3.4 supper charged wIth 115k mIles. The truck was rolled over and still ran after. Guys asking 900 bucks for the whole axle drum to drum. Unsure what gears it has. Sound like a good deal?
Adam, That sounds like robbery.
You can get the diffs for $500 when you want them, and much cheaper if you have time to hunt(I got 2x for $150/ea)
You will have to regear them as well, so that is going to add to it.
I'd cut your current axle(Which I've heard are stronger) and get a seperate diff.
BTW, hows the kiddo doing?
January 3rd, 2013, 08:04 PM
Not sure what the ratio would be. I paid 400 for just a e-locker 3rd member with blown gears. Wasn't a big deal because I was gonna re-gear it anyway. If you get just the 3rd you will have to modify your existing housing to accept it. $900 seems a little steep but it would be nice to not have to modify the housing. At $900 it's awful close to just buying a new ARB. I'd value the housing at $150-$200 and the locker at $500. I'd be looking in the range of $650-700 complete.
EDIT - Danny beat me to it. What he said too....
January 3rd, 2013, 08:18 PM
I figured it would be about the price of a new ARB without a compressor set up. And I would have to regear what I have now anyways. Also I like the lower mileage.. what's stronger about the 94 v6 axle to the 98 TRD rear diff?
Also I'm kinda Burnt out at modifying and fabricating all my parts. Do you guys know what the pros and cons are. To each other other then modifying, housing and center section?
January 3rd, 2013, 08:24 PM
DANNY. Thanks for asking baby is doing great he's 8 months now! He Is pretty much my motivation. To get my Yota going... I want to make a safe andreliable rig we can both share! oh and And he like plays with hot wheels allready!
4runner freak
January 4th, 2013, 08:49 AM
From what I've read, Tacoma rear axles(I don't know if all or if they fixed it) have a reduction in the diameter of the axle tube at the wheels.
This transfers to a weaker housing.
In this picture, you can see it pretty clear on the left side
January 4th, 2013, 11:13 AM
Wow your totaly right! I see the difference! Im you guys pretty much persuaded not to get it due to price and strenth. Iv been doing more research and I'm starting to like either Detroit Locker or ARB. I like the simplicity of the Detroit! But I have also have read it's best to put ARB in front. And if you have In front you might as well put one in the rear. What I really don't want go to is ad an air pump to everything. Man all these expensive decisions are driving me nuts really. Lol. Speaking of ARB and air pumps. I ok only seen this one on Google that you can use CO2 tanks to pressurize the ARB or a CO2 from a paint ball gun.... sound lime it would work as long as its not leeking.
4runner freak
January 6th, 2013, 09:08 AM
Here is the same axle for $500
January 6th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Yeah. I was gona get robbed! I'm lucky to have asked! Thanks a lot! Was that diff posted today?
January 8th, 2013, 06:50 PM
Woooooohoo! Ordererd front axle rebuild kit and and high streer kit too!
February 4th, 2013, 10:11 PM
With out getting in to its a toyota keep it Toyota.... I'm thinking about going with a 5.3 ls swap. As far as cash goes after parting scraping I'll only be in 500 or less bucks. I'm good at fabrication and done a few motor swaps so it's nothing. New. What is you opinion??? I found a a compleat. 01 Chevy suv for 2k with 101 k miles. It was rolled on the. Snow and still drives.
The StRanger
February 4th, 2013, 10:58 PM
February 5th, 2013, 12:31 PM
?? Huh. Haha
February 5th, 2013, 02:14 PM
The 5.3 would be awesome! You'd probably have to be nice to it if you were going to keep the stock tranny and t-case. I'm planning on going with the 4.3 Vortec when the funds allow.
February 5th, 2013, 02:42 PM
The 5.3 would be awesome! You'd probably have to be nice to it if you were going to keep the stock tranny and t-case. I'm planning on going with the 4.3 Vortec when the funds allow.
I have a not so great lower back and as much as I like banging gears I think I'm gona stick with the stock Yukon tanny. I think it's a 4l60E. I read somewhere that the Toyota tranfercase bolts up to the 4l60E so that's a plus! I think a 4.3 VorTec would be a great swap plenty of parts out there. Just watch out to the injection systems. Pian in the a$$ ! Also I'm sure when you do you swap you will run in to fule pressure problems.. make sure you get the correct pressure for the 3 different tempermetal injection systeams.
February 5th, 2013, 05:45 PM
What're ya still talkin' 'bout this fer, giterswapped! The 5.3 swap would be awesome and relatively painless!
February 5th, 2013, 07:30 PM
Wooooh! Just bought it! I'll post pics soon
February 5th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Sounds like a cool swap, looking forward to the pics!
The StRanger
February 5th, 2013, 11:05 PM
Wooooh! Just bought it! I'll post pics soon
5.3 or 4.3 ?
February 5th, 2013, 11:37 PM
5.3 or 4.3 ?
The StRanger
February 6th, 2013, 12:13 AM
Sweet !!
February 6th, 2013, 08:01 AM
Is there anyway to load pics to this thread on my droid phone?
February 6th, 2013, 10:43 PM
buld is looking good 5.3 way to go
February 8th, 2013, 03:48 PM
this is the 2002 tahoe i picked up with 101k miles. still drives and all the good stuff !!!
February 8th, 2013, 07:20 PM
February 9th, 2013, 12:58 AM
Sweeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!! Gonna be a big boy truck! Keep the pics comin' on this one 'cause I for one, am excited!
February 9th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Looks good! Looking forward to seeing the swap progress. Hopin to learn a thing or 2.
February 9th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Selling the 3.0 and 5 speed transmission from the pick up. Give a good deal to members. Posted on Craigs will post in FR4x4 section too. Also parting out the rest of the Tahoe and selling a 1995 Toyota 4 runner.
February 17th, 2013, 07:19 PM
Hey Adam, can't wait to see the swap in progress. You're gonna love it! It was nice meeting you today!
The StRanger
February 18th, 2013, 12:22 AM
Well, Its been a week ?
February 18th, 2013, 06:06 PM
I will get some pics up Wednesday or Thursday. I have sold to 3.0 it's out waiting to be picked up tomorrow 5 speed is out waiting to be sold front radiator support is off and coming up with new ideas to rebuild. I tore into the Tahoe today front rear support is out reservoirs of any part that I will not use in back of a cab also got into the interior thinking about possibly using the steering column from a Tahoe. Pictures soon to come.
February 18th, 2013, 06:07 PM
Thanks for having me over.
February 18th, 2013, 06:15 PM
Thanks for having me over.
Heck yeah. I've got all kinds of bad advice just waiting for the word!
The StRanger
February 18th, 2013, 11:35 PM
got into the interior thinking about possibly using the steering column from a Tahoe.
Make sure of what you need. Most of the same years Ford run throu the cluster
No insterment cluster, no run,,,
and the clusters matched the PCM's
February 19th, 2013, 05:35 PM
Make sure of what you need. Most of the same years Ford run throu the cluster
No insterment cluster, no run,,,
and the clusters matched the PCM's
I'm confused????
The StRanger
February 19th, 2013, 11:03 PM
I'm confused????
Keep the insterment cluster
Youll probely need it..
February 19th, 2013, 11:36 PM
Got it. I have checked in to that. It runs with out it. Thanks for the tip.
The StRanger
February 19th, 2013, 11:46 PM
It runs with out it.
Sweet. That a good start.
February 20th, 2013, 11:41 AM
3.0 removal (sold) yota radiator support hacked off, enginebay Simi cleaned up Tahoe front end disassembly.
February 20th, 2013, 11:42 AM
Sweet. That a good start.
i plan on using the cluster anyways. not sure how im gona mount the pig in my dash but ill get it in.
February 20th, 2013, 05:27 PM
Keep 'em coming!
February 20th, 2013, 05:53 PM
Looking good! Can you swap the entire dash? There are plenty of guys who have swapped Tacoma dashes into earlier model Toyotas. Unsure how close a fit the Tahoe dash would be.
February 20th, 2013, 07:48 PM
Looking good! Can you swap the entire dash? There are plenty of guys who have swapped Tacoma dashes into earlier model Toyotas. Unsure how close a fit the Tahoe dash would be.
I thought about it but won't be worth the troubble it comes out. In a million pieces. Thanks for the thought.
February 26th, 2013, 06:52 PM
With the 5.3. Swap I have come to the idea of a tubed front clip. I think with the weight incress and me wanting to eventually tubing around the front clip like Pete's rig its best and cost effective to build a front clip all in one. Possible weight reduction or keep the same weight as the 3.0, protection, and removable panels for easy cleans and repairs......... anyone have any write ups about tubed front
March 4th, 2013, 06:00 PM
when Ipulled the 3.0 v6 out I figured I would trim, trim and trim to fit the 5.3 inthat itty bitty space........being the my pick up was rolled or flipped Ishould say(right front fender to left rear bed then on driver’s side door) offa high way years ago. the front clip was tweaked have held together by jip tiesand self-taping sure most of you are getting to the point of" just hack the thing off and start new !"
Ok sound like a great idea! Came off easier then i thought it would haha thanksto a borrowed plasma cutter!
March 4th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Being that the Tahoeis going to the scrap pile I thought it would be nice and easy to salvage thetranny tunnel incase i want to make a removable cover in my pickup...................was I wrong! This thing took forever for me to get out! Brightside was I could get the tranny to motor bolt supper easy!
Maybe ill useit maybe I won’t but it’s worth the shot
March 4th, 2013, 06:03 PM
off with the intake so i dont crack it !
March 4th, 2013, 06:06 PM
Looks like I’mhave enough room for now! That tranny is a monster to get out!
March 5th, 2013, 05:06 PM
Hey, Adam Do you know what engine mounts you're going to use and are you going to use that tranny and t-case? You're going to love not having to work around the front end, fenders and wheel wells!
March 5th, 2013, 05:24 PM
Les, I’m notsure what engine mount I am going to use at the time, I have always like oldschool mopar spool type motor mount. I have some on hand I was going to see if Ican modify them to fit.
I do plan on using the tranny at the time but not that MASSIVE T CASE. I waslooking in to Adapters and WOW supper pricey! I was actually going to ask youyour opinion in this?
March 5th, 2013, 08:35 PM
I guess it depends on your long term plans for the truck. Adapters are expensive, but what are the options? I currently run the gear driven Toyota T case behind an adapter I got from Advance Adapters. It has held up well, but I'm nice to it. I'm hardly an expert on Transfer cases, and maybe someone who is will chime in.
March 5th, 2013, 09:27 PM
As Les has stated, what're your options? Advanced Adapters and Novak Adapters make good, quality products and are usually worth the money. And you can occasionally find them used or in their scratch and dent sections. You can look into a NP/NV231 case. It should bolt to the rear of your trans with a simple input gear swap. Check out JB Conversions for applications.
March 5th, 2013, 10:49 PM
This is what you should be looking for from Advance Adapters. Call them to verify.
This is what you should be looking for from Novak Conversions. Call them to verify.
If you go to JB Conversions, look in the 231 case section and find the input gear section and locate the gear for your year trans with the correct spline count. Then call and ask them if this will adapt the Jeep case to the GM trans. As long as you have a six bolt transfer case on the back of the trans now it should.
March 5th, 2013, 11:13 PM
Wow!! 800 bucks!! Jeep. T case adapter won't work my front diff sits on the right side. Thanks for all the links and info..........800 bucks!!wow!
March 5th, 2013, 11:27 PM
Found one from summit for under 600 ! looks like it's from advanced adapters.....
March 6th, 2013, 11:46 AM
Looks like ill be ordering that from summit here real soon. ! It's funny how the motor trans wireing computer is going to cost me less then just the t case adapter it's self!
March 6th, 2013, 03:27 PM
Marlin sells an adapter for small block Chevy to bolt onto the Toyota t-case.
March 6th, 2013, 07:05 PM
Marlin sells an adapter for small block Chevy to bolt onto the Toyota t-case.
I'm not finding one for a 4l60e for marlin allpro or trail gear.... am I just blind?
I might be looking in to other tranny options.
March 6th, 2013, 07:09 PM
I wasn't sure what tranny you were running. You may have to call Marlin. They also didn't have prices listed that I saw.
March 6th, 2013, 07:13 PM
und one from summit for under 600 ! looks like it's from advanced adapters.....
I didn't know if you were keeping the factory axles. I knew there was adapter, I just couldn't find it.
March 6th, 2013, 07:28 PM
Can you get an adapter to run a Toyota transmission behind the V8? Would you even want that?
March 6th, 2013, 09:59 PM
I didn't know if you were keeping the factory axles. I knew there was adapter, I just couldn't find it.
Found out this kit from summit will only half way work for a 4l60e. I would have to get an additional adapter which ring it up to 800 bucks.
March 6th, 2013, 10:01 PM
Can you get an adapter to run a Toyota transmission behind the V8? Would you even want that?
I was considering this option not sure how well the v6 trans will hold up to the power increase gota do some research.
March 6th, 2013, 10:03 PM
Is it an auto or manual? If manual, I would swing for the 4 cylinder version. That way you can bolt the gear driven t-case on without any adapters. The V6 t-case is supposed to be a chain drive. They aren't interchangeable without an adapter.
March 6th, 2013, 10:12 PM
Look like there is a bell housing set up to run Chevy v8 (4.3) not sure if will fit a 5.3 to a Toyota v6 5speed trans ... more research needed. Either way it seems I'm in a grand on any set up I go lol
March 7th, 2013, 02:34 PM
Hey, Adam (as I elbow my way into the crowd), those fittings are a -6 AN or JIC x 1/4in. NPT. The drill bit will be about a 15/32, maybe one size up. I suggest Arron disassemble the box in order to debur and clean any shavings left over. It's kind of a pain to do, but should be done.
Sorry, everyone for the barge, just responding to a text.
We now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast
March 7th, 2013, 08:47 PM
Look like there is a bell housing set up to run Chevy v8 (4.3) not sure if will fit a 5.3 to a Toyota v6 5speed trans ... more research needed.
All GM engines share a common bell housing pattern except the small 2.8/3.5 V6's and most of the 4 cylinders. 4.3, 5.0, 5.7, 305, 350, 396, 454, 502 are all the same.
March 7th, 2013, 09:09 PM
Hey, Adam (as I elbow my way into the crowd), those fittings are a -6 AN or JIC x 1/4in. NPT. The drill bit will be about a 15/32, maybe one size up. I suggest Arron disassemble the box in order to debur and clean any shavings left over. It's kind of a pain to do, but should be done.
Sorry, everyone for the barge, just responding to a text.
We now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast
I'm sure no one minds seeing what work you have done! Thanks les. This helped Arron a bunch
March 7th, 2013, 09:12 PM
All GM engines share a common bell housing pattern except the small 2.8/3.5 V6's and most of the 4 cylinders. 4.3, 5.0, 5.7, 305, 350, 396, 454, 502 are all the same.
That's what I thought but it's not stated on the adapter site. Thank for clearing that up. For me!
March 7th, 2013, 09:15 PM
I had the same thought, but as stated, non of the sites state anything about other engines. Made me think twice.
March 9th, 2013, 12:07 AM
Thank for clearing that up. For me!
No problemo!
March 22nd, 2013, 10:40 AM
Pick up a 19774 speed Chevy SM465 with an Np205 t case behind it.
After researching all adapters I would need to run an automatic I opted out forthe 200 buck bullet proof SM465 and np205 rather than the 2 k I would need injust adapters.
I like banging gears more anyways, plus it will only cost about 100 to 150 tomarry it to 5.3 LS 3rd gen.
After scraping and bushing for a few hours still not clean 2 cans or degreaserand two power washes............... still a greasy pig! back to the brush andscarper today !
March 22nd, 2013, 10:41 AM
more pics
March 22nd, 2013, 11:57 AM
That ought to do it, Adam. I'm kinda thinkin' I should go that route too.
March 22nd, 2013, 02:20 PM
That ought to do it, Adam. I'm kinda thinkin' I should go that route too.
the Np 205 seems to be the hardest part to find, lots of SM465 out there in craigslist.
March 22nd, 2013, 06:36 PM
March 23rd, 2013, 04:28 PM
Picked up the fly wheel, clutch kit, pilot bearing, flywheel bolts, pressure plate bolts. Hope my research pays off and it all matches up! If so its gona be a set up under 200 bucks! Sweet deal if so.
March 24th, 2013, 07:21 PM
SM465 QUESTION. is anyone on FR4x4 running hydro conversionon a SM 465 tranny?? If so please let me know.
March 24th, 2013, 09:34 PM
That ought to do it, Adam. I'm kinda thinkin' I should go that route too.
Pick up a 19774 speed Chevy SM465 with an Np205 t case behind it.
After researching all adapters I would need to run an automatic I opted out forthe 200 buck bullet proof SM465 and np205 rather than the 2 k I would need injust adapters.
I like banging gears more anyways, plus it will only cost about 100 to 150 tomarry it to 5.3 LS 3rd gen.
After scraping and bushing for a few hours still not clean 2 cans or degreaserand two power washes............... still a greasy pig! back to the brush andscarper today !
Same reason we decided to use my old T-18 behind the 5.0L in the 4runner, as well. Still need an adapter for the toy case, but its a fraction of what the bell housing kit would have been.
March 24th, 2013, 09:43 PM
Easily done with junkyard parts. A bell housing off of an '80's Chevrolet truck will do the trick as most of them came with hydraulic clutch systems. Might cost you $30 dollars for all of it at one of the yards around town.
March 24th, 2013, 10:45 PM
there's an SM465 sitting right here/no bell housing though and not sure condition. More than welcome to open it up and see if it's worth taking if you would like.
March 24th, 2013, 10:52 PM
oops I seem to have missed some posts here, guess you already got it :D
March 25th, 2013, 06:25 AM
Bell housing is the part he needs anyway. Most '80's manual trans'd GM's used a hydraulic clutch setup.
March 25th, 2013, 05:13 PM
oops I seem to have missed some posts here, guess you already got it :D thank you anyways! You should beable to get 100 bucks for that tranny... not sure of the tcase tho. Make a few bucks off it orbin other words. Gas money! Thanks a lot tho
March 25th, 2013, 05:15 PM
Bell housing is the part he needs anyway. Most '80's manual trans'd GM's used a hydraulic clutch setup.
Looks like ill be in the just yard this week some time this week! THANK YOU! Seemed no matter how much research I did I wasn't having any luck unless it was a 200 buck aftermarket set up
March 25th, 2013, 05:18 PM
Matted the sm465 to the 5.3 today....seems like the research paid of... just under 200 bucks and looks great!! Better then the 900 adapter! !! Ill have pics up next week.
March 25th, 2013, 11:57 PM
No sweat little brother, glad to be of assistance! Now get back to work so you can post some more pics!
March 26th, 2013, 02:19 AM
Found a bell housing for 40 bucks with hydo line and rez. Missing the fork....anyone know if there is a difference between hydro and link forks? I read on pirate there is.
March 26th, 2013, 01:16 PM
Got the bell and ordered a fork and slave cyl. This to easy lol.
March 26th, 2013, 05:59 PM
Yes there is a difference and yes, sometimes it is that easy!
March 26th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Yes there is! yeeep your right. I'm pretty happy as far as price on this set up.... I'm not kickin any doughts around for the first time! Under 450 bucks for the whole set up now with alot of new parts.
March 26th, 2013, 11:23 PM
You'll like it for bummin' around town and on the rocks and trails but you'll hate it on the highway. Just make sure you run a fairly quiet exhaust or the drone'll drive ya crazy. And you'll never use first gear except off highway. It'll flat crawl. The engine you're using should be capable of running sustained rpm's of over 3,000 'cause that's about where you'll be on the highway.
March 27th, 2013, 07:05 PM
Wow the shifter is going to end up under my dash! !! Looks like the torch and metal bending is in my future! Hope it shifts ok.
March 27th, 2013, 07:12 PM
Picked up the sm465 gasket and seal set also seals for the t case and a rear main seal. Man I have so much on my plate now. Haha good thing I'm hungry for it all.
March 28th, 2013, 01:09 AM
It'll shift just fine, you can bend that shifter anywhere!
March 28th, 2013, 01:57 AM
Hhhhhaaaaaaa now I can sleep at night with out thinking WTF do I do! I read a lot of forums today and bendinging it seems to work fine like you say!
March 28th, 2013, 07:02 PM
The shift lever is made of a solid bar and very easy to get out of the top of the trans. Push down on the top of the slotted "dome" and turn counterclockwise. The "dome" will turn and you can lift the shifter up and out of the trans! Put it in the vise, heat it with your torch and bend away!
March 28th, 2013, 07:05 PM
Like pops said, dont worry about it and bend away. Ford used to do this from the factory on there shifters to make them clear the dash board.(note that is a ford shifter in a jeep)
March 28th, 2013, 07:21 PM
Thanks guys! To be more clear... when I mean under my dash. I mean under my dash and near the fire wall... have not got under or marked it out yet.... whats the most extrem bend I can do? Looks like I would have to do a 90 deg right out the top then back 1 foot then back up... whats the most extrem you have seen?
March 28th, 2013, 07:27 PM
I've seen one, very similar to the one your describing, ill try and see if I can't come up with a pic.
March 28th, 2013, 07:37 PM
I've seen one, very similar to the one your describing, ill try and see if I can't come up with a pic.
I have seen kne with a 90 deg and it didnt work out well for that guy..... if I have to I can some dash mods... but that's if I have to.
March 29th, 2013, 07:25 PM
Make the first bend about 2 or 3 inches up above the "dome", bring it out from under the dash and make the up bend less than that by quite a bit and tune from there till you like it. As long as you heat it to red with the torch, it'll bend easily, but it will not bend very easily or at all if you don't. Remember, check it in every gear, even reverse!
March 30th, 2013, 06:08 PM
Cut the tunnel out to fit the trans looks like ill have to do some mods on the lower dash. Nothing major tho just cig liter and change holder.
April 2nd, 2013, 01:31 PM
First pic is 4.8 flywheel and pressure plate bolts from a 06Chevy Silverado and pressure plate from a 77 Chevy pick-up 4x4. I had to drill out 3 of 6 pressure plate holes to fit the bolts snug. The dowel pins did not match up to the pressure plate and I removed them. During my research I have seen lots of guys do it this way with outre using the dowel pins, I personally don’t think thats a good idea and plan to reuse them. Lucky the pin holes go all the way through the flywheel and plan to just use that as my guild to make new dowel pin holes
2nd pic the pilot bearing, I’m not sure exactlywhat car or truck it’s from I only had the part number and got it from GO ChevyI Assume it’s a newer vet or Camaro or full size Silverado with an LS7 motor.
3rd pic is the flywheel bolted up to the crank……I did buy flywheel bolts for a 4.8 Silverado but they came out to be the sameexact bolt that held the flex plate on. I did some more research and found alonger bolt from a lsx motor turned out to be longer but next to the bolt headthere is a smooth part and was longer then the thickness of the flywheel. I will post pic’s of the bolts soon.
4th if pretty much obvious its just all parts mocked up
*****To avoid a mass confusion and edits to my build thread I don’t want to add any part numbers to my build until I know everything will work correctly.
April 2nd, 2013, 01:35 PM
1st pic is the NON hydraulic bell housing took my time sand blasting it and washing it up only to find out it will not work. I didn’t pull this tranny and didn’t realize it was a mechanical linkage to the throwout bearing fork. I did try and do a hydraulic throughout bearing but after seeing a 200 + price on most set ups like this I went old school. A week of CL phone calls and pricing one out at a junk yard luckily I found a hydraulic bell housing on CL for 40 bucks (about the same price at a junk yard). I am nots sure what year make it actually came out of i have heard its from a 85 to 91 Chevy K5 blazer, pick up and some years suburban’s
2nd pic While searing for this bell housing I read that the one of the top bell bolts did not match up to an LS block and it was true,but what I did not find anywhere on the net is that one from LS block won’t match up. Its not a big deal the old bell never had a top bolt to begin with but I was told that some later GM blocks ran 3 dowel pins. I am most likely going to stick a bolt back in hack the bolt head off and make it for a dowel pin if possible.
3rd pic is me asking myself if I really want to pick that up in that or use a jack……. I ended up muscling it in there it wasn’t too bad I didn’t have the clutch disk in it.
4th pic rather than just assuming that everyone who has ran this set up is right and reading to many
“Just do, it will work” I globed some grease on the pilot bearing shaft so I can see how much is making contact.
In the next set of pic you can kinda see the contact area. I should have globed more on it to get a clear answer. It sat on the shaft about a half inch in, worked perfect !
April 2nd, 2013, 04:00 PM
more info to come
April 2nd, 2013, 04:01 PM
more info to come soon
April 2nd, 2013, 06:52 PM
Looking good!
April 4th, 2013, 05:30 PM
Found some stock Zo6 Vette manifolds, correct me if I’m wrong I believe that’s an “F” Body.
Basically it’s a shorty header, and exactly what I need to clear bell housing, slave cylinder, motor mounts and other junk.
Sadly it won’t be a bolt up thing and I’ll need to do even MORE modifications. I’m trying my best to stay away from anything I have to put more time in to even if it cost a few more bucks.
I picked them up for too much cash but it worth the end product I believe.
I will/ already cut the bottom flange off so I can modify as needed good thing about these manifold compared to other Non Vette manifold is they are stainless steel compared to the castiron.
That mean I can modify all I want. Yaaaay more metal work!!!
April 4th, 2013, 05:43 PM
chop chop chop ! I hope it work out better then i think it will !
April 4th, 2013, 07:40 PM
Sadly it won’t be a bolt up thing and I’ll need to do evenMORE modifications.
What's wrong with a modification here or there? :D This is neat. Are you going to run dual exhaust?
April 4th, 2013, 08:02 PM
What's wrong with a modification here or there? :D This is neat. Are you going to run dual exhaust?
When modification happends there, there, there and oh yeah there too....its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel hahah
I'm not sure if I'm running dual or not at this point. I'm leaning to single, less weight, less to maintaine, less cost and. Oh yeah. Less modification! !!
April 5th, 2013, 12:21 AM
If you can afford it, take it to a shop and have 'em run duals! The weight savings on a single would be negligible and the engine would love it. That'd sound bada$$ and work like a champ. Have 'em run 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" pipe out the sides right in front of or right behind the rear tire. It souldn't be all that hard for a shop to bend and fit the pipe around everything! Have 'em make it out of stainless and it'll last ya forever!
April 5th, 2013, 12:27 AM
If you can afford it, take it to a shop and have 'em run duals! The weight savings on a single would be negligible and the engine would love it. That'd sound bada$$ and work like a champ. Have 'em run 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" pipe out the sides right in front of or right behind the rear tire. It souldn't be all that hard for a shop to bend and fit the pipe around everything! Have 'em make it out of stainless and it'll last ya forever!
Chhaaaaaaaciiing! !! Haha. Sounds. Like a plan... I'm gona start saving now! Haha. That would be ideal no dought ! !
April 5th, 2013, 12:46 AM
A bigger single would work almost as well though. It really depends on how much you're willing to spend on things like exhaust. The wife's S-10 has had a Dynomax aluminized exhaust on it since 2008 and the rust is very negligable. Les is running a single and it'll probably work like a champ as well. I'm just a huge fan of stainless exhausts and loud stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
April 5th, 2013, 06:56 AM
When modification happends there, there, there and oh yeah there too....its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel hahah
I'm not sure if I'm running dual or not at this point. I'm leaning to single, less weight, less to maintaine, less cost and. Oh yeah. Less modification! !!
Copy that, Bro
April 5th, 2013, 12:48 PM
A bigger single would work almost as well though. It really depends on how much you're willing to spend on things like exhaust. The wife's S-10 has had a Dynomax aluminized exhaust on it since 2008 and the rust is very negligable. Les is running a single and it'll probably work like a champ as well. I'm just a huge fan of stainless exhausts and loud stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
If thats the case! I have the Stainless exhaust manifolds and ill just run them open! Lol. I TOTALY agree with you. It won't be quiet ill tell you that much.
April 5th, 2013, 04:31 PM
The next car show victim! Check out the car show I’m putting on. It’s in the general topic thread.Here’s the link
come test your flex for free on this 98 neon!!!!!
The StRanger
April 6th, 2013, 12:21 AM
Oh Boy !!!
April 29th, 2013, 07:21 PM
project got put on hold due to my Wrangler's d35 blowing up last week. At the moment I'm doing a LSD 8.8 swap with 4:10 with only 130k miles on the sucker!
SYE supper short and cv type drive shaft (thanks Bill at englewood Drive shaft). Also had a after market truss from a friends project goin on it.
May 12th, 2013, 10:23 PM
Back from high jacking my own thread.... found some tires rims and bead locks. Made a deal to pick them up tomarrow. Gona get 5 36-13/15 supper swampers in with 90 percent tread 5 Amarican racing rims and 5 staun internal bead locks.... not exactly what I was looking for but its well worth the 2 grand in saving. Hopfully will get back to the yota build once my wrangler is back on the road In a week.
June 26th, 2013, 01:40 PM
Still stuck on the YJ. Got the 8.8 in a few weeks ago everything works great. Ended up with braded brake lines. bent up new hard lines, new perches, reused u bolts, modified ubolt plate, had Bill build me up a bad A$$ drive shafe to match up to my extrem short SYE kit (THANKS BILL GREAT WORK). All this and buying two dirt bikes and gear ended up draining me of all cash so really cant do much on the Yota. As always I need to have my hands on something so I started building a a rear bumper/hitch for the YJ from my unused yota hitch and some free scrap tubing.... the best thing is it has not cost me much about 10 buck in cutting disc. Ill try and get some pic up soon.
The StRanger
June 26th, 2013, 11:36 PM
Still stuck on the YJ. Got the 8.8 in a few weeks ago everything works great. Ended up with braded brake lines. bent up new hard lines, new perches, reused u bolts, modified ubolt plate, had Bill build me up a bad A$$ drive shafe to match up to my extrem short SYE kit (THANKS BILL GREAT WORK). All this and buying two dirt bikes and gear ended up draining me of all cash so really cant do much on the Yota. As always I need to have my hands on something so I started building a a rear bumper/hitch for the YJ from my unused yota hitch and some free scrap tubing.... the best thing is it has not cost me much about 10 buck in cutting disc. Ill try and get some pic up soon.
Been there doing that.. So bizzy on other folks stuff I got no time for me
And low on funds too .
June 26th, 2013, 11:46 PM
Been there doing that.. So bizzy on other folks stuff I got no time for me
And low on funds too .
Its sucks but at the same tine that's whene being creative becomes fun and you get a great end product too..... In most cases.
The StRanger
June 27th, 2013, 12:19 AM
Its sucks but at the same tine that's whene being creative becomes fun and you get a great end product too..... In most cases.
I love makin things out of junk
Welded up the 79s radiator support out of bed rails..
August 29th, 2013, 08:39 PM
Well I have some some times freeed up (I thinnk) and wanted to get back to my yota build. I was thinking... yeah my toya axles can do the job and hold up to the 5.3ls that's going it.. if I treat it kind enf and throw a lot of money into the front and rear diff.. this is gona piss yota guys off lol but I was thinking why not just put some 1tons under it ??? Or at least 3/4 ton... I would like to keep it all yota but i kinda messed that up when I got the 5.3 for it. I'm also not the one to take it easy all the time...I have a small heavy foot...
With the hard core yata politics aside Whould 1 or 3/4 tons be a better cheeper and or stronger rought to go...??? Input please and thank you
August 31st, 2013, 12:46 AM
One tons. Might as well go big. You could run damn near a 50 inch tire on a rig as light as your 'yota.
August 31st, 2013, 10:10 AM
One tons. Might as well go big. You could run damn near a 50 inch tire on a rig as light as your 'yota.
I think you read my mind lol. 50's sound fun ! And expensive haaa. What years are best to go for ? What should I look for ? Is there anything with a disk break set up allready? I found some good info on pirate 4x4 but kinda over welming so much options.
September 1st, 2013, 02:02 AM
Depends if you're gonna stick with the 'yota transfer case or not. If you do, look for a GM or Dodge passenger drop Dana 60. If you go with the GM transfer case, go to a Ford driver drop Dana 60. Run a 14BFF in the rear. Look for a newer one out of the GM vans and get factory disc brakes.
September 1st, 2013, 09:41 AM
Depends if you're gonna stick with the 'yota transfer case or not. If you do, look for a GM or Dodge passenger drop Dana 60. If you go with the GM transfer case, go to a Ford driver drop Dana 60. Run a 14BFF in the rear. Look for a newer one out of the GM vans and get factory disc brakes.
Its been awhile and I think you forgot where my build merged over to the V8 lane. Just a reminder I'm now doing an Ls 5.3L swap( from an 02 Tahoe) ditched the 4l60E for A SM465 with a NP 205 hanging off the back(passanger drop). i have a nice power plant and a great drive that's the reasoning behind why I want bigger axles. Id. Hate to spend twice as muchnon my yota axles only to snap them. There was a 6.0l 05 or so Chevy Express work van at pick n pull last time I went with disc brakes....whould that be something to keep my eyes out for ?
September 1st, 2013, 09:28 PM
There was a 6.0l 05 or so Chevy Express work van at pick n pull last time I went with disc brakes....whould that be something to keep my eyes out for ?
I believe so. Look at the outer ends of the axle. Look for 8 bolts around the outside of the center of the "tube". This'll let you know if it's a full floater or not. Check for 14 bolts around the diff cover. While not a completely accurate indicator, it'll point ya in the right direction. I'll look for some pics. On the newer 14BFF, look for the fins on the bottom. Also check the designation of the vehicle it is in. Look for a 3500 van.$(KGrHqJ,!kwE4p83Sjz7BOMV6erYKQ~~0_12.JPG$(KGrHqJHJDYE-8ydmlv6BP2nKINwJQ~~60_12.JPG
September 12th, 2013, 05:03 PM
I believe so. Look at the outer ends of the axle. Look for 8 bolts around the outside of the center of the "tube". This'll let you know if it's a full floater or not. Check for 14 bolts around the diff cover. While not a completely accurate indicator, it'll point ya in the right direction. I'll look for some pics. On the newer 14BFF, look for the fins on the bottom. Also check the designation of the vehicle it is in. Look for a 3500 van.$(KGrHqJ,!kwE4p83Sjz7BOMV6erYKQ~~0_12.JPG$(KGrHqJHJDYE-8ydmlv6BP2nKINwJQ~~60_12.JPG
I found a 07 chevy express 3500 on craigs list...its in ft collins so I have not seen it yet. Guy said its a 14 bolt FF with disk brakes...hell pull it and is asking 200 bucks.....sound like a good idea ? Ill have to research it some more but it sounds good to me.
September 13th, 2013, 06:12 PM
Darn. Guy called me back... its a 12 bolt non FF. Search goes on
September 14th, 2013, 02:34 AM
U-Pull n Pay on Broadway and 64th usually has one or two. What used to be Western Auto Salvage but is now an LKQ on 58th or 61st on Federal almost always has three or four.
September 14th, 2013, 10:14 AM
One nice thing about these yards, is that you can search their inventory through the respective web sites.
September 14th, 2013, 10:19 AM
Did done and doing lol. I checked both denver and auroura's inventory. Atully heading to denvers now...then LKQ after. Lets see what I find.
September 14th, 2013, 02:12 PM
Well looks like in in luck ! I found a 14 bolt FF axle codes GT5 G80 and looks like from searching the codes its a 4:10 posi track.. what I noticed is there if ab14 bolt 9.5 ring fear and a 10.5 inch gear. I'm asuming that the FF is a 10.5 and the non FF 9.5. Can any correct me if I'm wrong !
September 15th, 2013, 01:31 PM
Went today to pull theboneb i thought I got lucky on... turnd out that the RF disk break brakets won't work on that axle... its from a 97 k3500 ( metric)..... ended up finding a Burban with an open diff with 4:10
Tore it all apart to do 3/4. Of the disk brake swap in the yard got a rotor and caliper from a 86 3/4 pick up that was allready apart... the other side was a dooozy... I didnt have the right tools to get the caliper off.... in order for ne not to spend and extra 100 in a set of calipers and rotors I was gona to the swap there minus the bracket....... didnt happen we got rained out upnp closed. .. got a
Rain check.... going back tomrrow to bust t he caliper rotor off and pick up the 14 bolt aswell. Over all a fun wet day !!
September 15th, 2013, 10:57 PM
FF is a 10.5 and the non FF 9.5.
You are very correct! 14BFF (full floater) is a 10.5" ring gear and the 14BSF (semi floater) is the 9.5" ring gear. G80 is the GM version of a locker/limited slip. Hope it works out for you! Rain just doesn't seem to be stopping!
September 15th, 2013, 11:59 PM
didnt happen we got rained out upnp closed. .. got a Rain check.... going back tomrrow to bust t he caliper rotor off and pick up the 14 bolt aswell. Over all a fun wet day !!So, you went muddin today...
September 16th, 2013, 12:31 AM
Looks like Mike got some muddin' in as well. The two foot kind!:D
September 16th, 2013, 08:24 PM
Haha yeah mud was there till it got washed away by the rain ! By the time we left we needed a boat !
I went back today to finish the job off. Got her on the trailer. I Plan on sand blasting the hubs, rotors, cover this week some time also get new hub seals hopefully the bearings are good machine the rotors and paint it all up. I ordered the caliper bracket just now hope to see it soon. And as far as the E brake calipers go I found a set but its 275 for the pair with life time warranty. Ill have to pick them up next week.
Guess this mean my toy gets a little less yota here soon... ill have a rear v6 diff drum to drum and front 82 solid axle with rebuikd kit and high steer kit for sale......I still have the 5 speed and t case for sale aswell.
September 16th, 2013, 08:28 PM
Any one know if there is such a thing as 15x8 8 lug rims ??
Has to be cuz I found a set of 4 (15's) at the yard but unfortunately they were 2 peice rims.
My guess is it will have to be off a 3/4 ton (smaller drums in the rear, Right??
If not ill have 5 36x13.3 (i think) supper swampers from 100 to 75% tread on 5 15inch amarican racing rims with 5 satan Bead locks.....
I don't want to sell them. So some 15 inch 8 lugs steel rims will be great !!
September 16th, 2013, 09:14 PM
To answer my own question I found procomp 87 series is what I'm looking for or equal to. Its a 10x15 8x6.5.... anyone know of any local and used ??
The StRanger
September 16th, 2013, 10:41 PM
Got four !
September 16th, 2013, 11:30 PM
Got four !
Are you selling ?
The StRanger
September 16th, 2013, 11:42 PM
Ya, I keep putin them out on CL But most folks dont know Ton'ers are
I think there 51s or 52s 8 lug's
September 17th, 2013, 07:28 AM
Wow ! Are they on CL now? Post a link if so.
The StRanger
September 17th, 2013, 11:02 PM
Wow ! Are they on CL now? Post a link if so.
Havnt had them on for a while.
Need to clean them up
If youve got tires Ill get them to you for 200 and Mount and balance them for ya ..
September 20th, 2013, 12:56 PM
What is the back space ? Is there some time I can come by n check em out. What area are you in ?
The StRanger
September 20th, 2013, 09:50 PM
Im south aurora but work Arapahoe just off I 25 ...
Ill dig them out in the morn !!
The StRanger
September 21st, 2013, 12:40 PM
Here ya go. They do need some polish !!
September 21st, 2013, 04:04 PM
Pm sent
September 24th, 2013, 10:25 PM
Picked up the rims today From Sam. It was nice to meet you Sam ! ....
I will mount n balance the wheels this week some time. In the mean time plan is to sand blast the rest of the 14 bolt parts, inspect repack the bearings, hub seals, seal up the rest, machine the rotors, bolt up the disc conversion brakets, cut the perches off paint and order the Eldorado Calipers. That shoukd keep me busy ! Ill do my best to add pics
The StRanger
September 24th, 2013, 10:26 PM
Glad I could help.
September 25th, 2013, 07:56 PM
Any have a set of 1973 /1976 cadillac rear calipers ? I need to take a peek at the park brake lever, I pick up calipers today but sadly did not come with the lever...googled it but it don't show to much.
September 26th, 2013, 11:29 AM
Check out for all the brake bracket stuff. They're actually located in Castle Rock.
September 26th, 2013, 12:16 PM
Hey, Adam,
Not meaning to discourage you, but from reading up on the Caddy calipers, the parking brake doesn't appear to work very well. I was considering building a 14 bolt like you have done, for my Bronco. If you search on there are several threads on converting a 14 bolt. IIRC most threw out the Caddy idea. It's been a couple of years since I gave up on the 14 bolt & sold it. A pinion brake seems to work better, & more reliable for a parking/emergency brake. This is from research, I don't have hands-on experience with these. I now have Superduty axles with 4 wheel discs to put in. You have a great project going on, best of luck with it.
September 26th, 2013, 08:22 PM
Check out for all the brake bracket stuff. They're actually located in Castle Rock.
I'm giving them a call tomarrow ! Thank you.
September 26th, 2013, 08:29 PM
Hey, Adam,
Not meaning to discourage you, but from reading up on the Caddy calipers, the parking brake doesn't appear to work very well. I was considering building a 14 bolt like you have done, for my Bronco. If you search on there are several threads on converting a 14 bolt. IIRC most threw out the Caddy idea. It's been a couple of years since I gave up on the 14 bolt & sold it. A pinion brake seems to work better, & more reliable for a parking/emergency brake. This is from research, I don't have hands-on experience with these. I now have Superduty axles with 4 wheel discs to put in. You have a great project going on, best of luck with it.
Thanks for your input ! I have ran in to a few places that say they didnt like it and a lot more that say they love it...the one that hate it seem to have not made a good solid cable brakets. The other thing I was considering is the wieght of my truck to a full size rig like a Burban or Bronco...I'm gona be waaay lighter ( i hope). The other thing about the pinon brake is if I break a shaft it pretty much useless, also the ground clerance is compromised. Anyone fell welcome to correct me if I'm wrong please.
If anything I can sell the caddy calipers and allways go back to 1/2 ton caliper.
Thanks for the compliments! Hopfully ill be able to wheel it some year.
September 26th, 2013, 08:36 PM
Theres a link to someone's 14 bolt disk conversion with a home made custom cable brakets. I plan on doing the same thanks to this guy.
September 26th, 2013, 08:43 PM
Why is there a mad looking face over one of my replies ??? Didnt mean to do that if I did it on mistake.
September 27th, 2013, 03:46 AM
Nice solution to the problem! I like it!
October 5th, 2013, 07:25 PM
Picked up this 14 bolt FF with4.10s from you pull n pay a few weeks ago.
I did the disk conversion in the yard so I wouldn't have to pay for rotor at another time. Saved a few bucks being smart.only spent 120 bucks
October 5th, 2013, 07:41 PM
Took apart the hubs to check bearing lucky all bearings were great looking. Sand blasted the hubs n rotors and turned the rotors and new seals.
October 6th, 2013, 12:55 AM
Looking good!
October 6th, 2013, 04:32 PM
looks good
October 6th, 2013, 11:36 PM
10x15 , 8 long rims I pick up from Sam. Rims are gona look and work great thanks Sam .
Iv read that with the 14BFF disk conversion that no caliper grinding was needed, well not in my case the rim back space wasto far in but I actully think it worked out better. My rotors are allmost tucked in the rim, unlike most pics I see that stick way out looking for rocks to smash. I didnt have to grind much, I actully used a die grinder with a sanding disk on it les then a 1/8 was taken off in the middle of the caliper and some minor spots though out the out side of the caliper. Worked out great !
October 7th, 2013, 12:05 AM
Very nice!
The StRanger
October 8th, 2013, 11:43 PM
Glad it worked out. Looks like this is comin together.
And ya, I never realy liked the look of brake caliper hangin out the inside of the wheels
Ed Gates
October 10th, 2013, 09:22 PM
Very impressive I'm jealous of your tool collection too I dream of welders plasma cutters and all sorts of metal fab tools looks like you're havin a ball too I've got tons of fab work to do, if only....... (sigh) I've got a '46 ford I can't touch cause I don't even have a garage
October 18th, 2013, 08:19 PM
Very impressive I'm jealous of your tool collection too I dream of welders plasma cutters and all sorts of metal fab tools looks like you're havin a ball too I've got tons of fab work to do, if only....... (sigh) I've got a '46 ford I can't touch cause I don't even have a garage
Ih have been having a ball ! I love that I'm learning so much ! That fab work is a bounus. Sadly I have been straped for time a lot latly.. I'm still pushing tho. Post a pic of your 46 I wana see it
October 18th, 2013, 08:42 PM
Passanger side of the 14 bolt. I like how the rotor is tucked in the rim.
October 18th, 2013, 08:48 PM
I got to see the dana 60 in action after the guy stuck it in 2 feet of mud. Then ran out of gas...then put a new battary in it... needless to say it was a long cold day. It came out fairly easy and thank God he had a fork lift....its a heavy SOB
October 18th, 2013, 08:53 PM
Now I need some E-couragement..... been pickin up the garage for 3 hours.... need to keep building...
October 19th, 2013, 01:38 AM
Hustle, hustle, hustle. Got lots to get done. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, Gitterdun, move it, move it, move it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That kinda what you were lookin' for????????????
The StRanger
October 19th, 2013, 09:46 AM
Eye on the prize !!!!!!!! Lets go, lets do this !!!!!
October 19th, 2013, 02:06 PM
Sounds like a good time for a group intervention. Anyone busy on, say December 3rd at 9am? I got the rope.
October 19th, 2013, 03:38 PM
Thanks guys ! It worked.... today I had a buddy come over and help out. We rotated the truck from so its facing out cleaned up pulled the toy diff bolted the 14 bolt in place and cleand some more. I have more space to work now.... now I need to organize all my tool and get rid of junk (even if its my dads stuff)
October 19th, 2013, 07:23 PM
May 2nd, 2014, 12:06 PM
been thinking alot about 4 links and 3 link up front instead of leafs, anyone have an opinions on this? just a reminder I do plan on making the a street legal, road and high why worthy. I say 4 link but I am not finding or just not doing a correct search.
May 2nd, 2014, 12:55 PM
it looks great!! i will have to call you when I start on the SAS on my toy. to ask questions.
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