View Full Version : Racing 616 4Runner Build and Tweak

July 14th, 2011, 08:01 PM
Brad got in touch with me awhile back about doing a custom rear bumper for his 4Runner with a double swingaway. We got the basic design hashed out and I started on it the other day. After some time breaking some critical bolts (in the bolt holes that I was planning on using for the mounts, of course. No one has touched these since the rig was new.), breaking the capture nut welds on another, and repairing the same, I was able to start the actual building.

I inclosed a couple of shots showing my fix for the broken bolts/capture nuts. I essentially drilled the hole out to the point where I could drive a flanged nut into it and then welded the nut in place.

Initial pictures show the rear of the rig as I got it. The picture of the dude is my temporary boss who is supervising and making sure I stay on track. He just sits in the back and stares....

The exhaust had to be clipped to clear the mount, which will also let me fix the broken inner fender bumper brace. I will weld on a 90 when the mount is dialed in.

So, to date:

Main bumper piece, mounts, bolt holes and pivot points located and temped in ready for final fitment and bracing.

July 14th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Next pictures:

July 14th, 2011, 08:12 PM
Nice work, looking good so far! :thumb:

July 14th, 2011, 11:29 PM
Mmmmmm I loves me some Brodyfab

July 15th, 2011, 02:52 AM
How many are you making Pete? :rolleyes:

July 15th, 2011, 06:49 AM
How many are you making Pete?

HAHA...the Hawaii sun takes it's toll....


July 15th, 2011, 06:53 AM
As usual Pete, nice work! :thumb:

July 15th, 2011, 12:06 PM
How many are you making Pete?

HAHA...the Hawaii sun takes it's toll....


:thumb: Just checking! :lmao:

It was lack of sun, spent yesterday fixing plumbing, lighting, patching, texturing, painting, etc. Today is finally moving day for Ryan & Jon. The closing has been changed 4 times. :mad:

July 16th, 2011, 06:05 AM
It was lack of sun, spent yesterday fixing plumbing, lighting, patching, texturing, painting, etc.

That anything like 'lackadaisical' ?

By the time you get back here, the canopy in the rain forest will have gotten a lot healthier...

July 16th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Closing was changed again, we moved them yesterday anyway. Oh my body hurts and I've more plumbing to fix, door to hang and who knows how many trips to the hardware store. I'm ready to come home...

July 19th, 2011, 03:26 PM
How many are you making Pete?

Any updates Pete?

July 19th, 2011, 03:28 PM
Coming today. All I have been doing is making brackets. Nothing too visually exciting about that.

July 19th, 2011, 04:58 PM
Let me know when you'll have something fun to look at when you have Brad's truck and I'll try to stop by.

July 19th, 2011, 05:20 PM
Always such awesome Brodyfab!

Who's the stuffed guy with the rings through his arms?

July 19th, 2011, 05:49 PM
When will you be there with your truck Brad, I'd like to check it out too. ;)

July 19th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Who's the stuffed guy with the rings through his arms?

That is my job supervisor.

Chris, the rig is here, but I wouldn't make a special trip from the beach to see it. That is a lot of flight time. Update pictures tomorrow.

July 19th, 2011, 09:12 PM
How about from Aurora Pete? Got home last night I think, my body's here but my mind is still in Maui.:lmao:

July 20th, 2011, 08:06 AM
Here is an update:

I got almost all the brackets done and the basic set up mounted. I relocated the receiver hitch for more clearance using the factory holes and a new bracket that I made. I need to sleeve the inside of the factory bumper for some more reinforcement, but, other than that, the receiver is finished. I added some 2x2 square stock inside of the hinge brackets and tied the pivot mounting points into this. This will reinforce the pivot point immensely. Another piece of light gauge steel stock is going to be welded over the face plate, both for a finished look and for more strength.

The bumper to frame mounting points will be dressed up and then wrapped around this and modified Toyota tow hoops will be added to these. Of course there is much more to do and a lot of other brackets and gussets to make and weld on, but the bulk of the work is pretty much done. At least the thinking, designing stuff, making it work part is over... When this is all done, it will go to Good Paint for sandblasting and powder coating. The I will be able to re weld and adjust the front after market bumper and deal with the fridge tray mount/slide out.

July 20th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Looking great Brad, I saw it in person this morning and kept Pete from making any progress for about an hour so blame me if he's off schedule. :lmao:

Mine's next! :thumb:

July 20th, 2011, 03:02 PM
It's a sure thing Brad, Pete and I have talked about it for a while and his design looks perfect, access to the lift gate, no bulky wrap around the sides, etc.

BTW, I like the zebra and giraffe motif! Not so much the front bumper, whose design is that?

July 20th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Pete will have the Perkins looking great for you! I'm just not a fan of that style on a 4th gen myself and IMHO for the price it should be a perfect bolt-on. Pete is going to make me a tube style when I can afford it.

July 20th, 2011, 04:59 PM
I always wanted an ARB style for my FJ62 but tube on the Runner has me sold. I like thst a lot of the empty space can be eliminated gaining approach angles. I really like a custom one Zi saw on the 120 forum and sent pics to Pete months ago.

July 20th, 2011, 05:07 PM
This is the basic style to start with but would change a few things.

July 20th, 2011, 05:10 PM
I like how it incorporates the stock turn signals and covers up most of the junk tube bumpers usually reveal.

July 20th, 2011, 05:29 PM
I guess I'll have to, I haven't thought that far ahead and like to leave a few puzzles for Pete to solve. :D

July 21st, 2011, 08:11 PM
Getting closer to taking it to be sandblasted. Basically down to the fine tuning and welding the last of the stuff behind the bumper-the critical junk that you don't see...I also added a "peace of mind " gusset on outside of the hinge post on Chris' suggestion. Better more strength than not enough...

I had to relocate the Hi Lift mounting bar as I had set it up for a 48", not 60" and it stuck up too high. The first tire carrier/jack mount shows the position for the 48" which is why the angle is a bit different. Double gas can mount goes on the other side.

July 21st, 2011, 08:35 PM
Looks great Pete!

July 22nd, 2011, 07:06 PM
Update. I have a few little clearance issues to deal with and final stuff like the latches, lock point for the Hi Lift, welding in some shims for the frame mounts, and straps for the dual gas cans. Home stretch...

July 23rd, 2011, 06:22 PM
Looks better in person! I opened one swing arm and stood on it, very stout!

July 31st, 2011, 09:23 AM
The last of the bumper pictures until it gets back from being blasted and powdercoated. The last of the inside welds were finished, the latch welded on, the exhaust re routed, and the trailer plug in routed through the bumper with the wiring extended.

July 31st, 2011, 09:40 AM
Front bumper:

Brad showed me his front bumper and how much he had shimmed it to get it to work, I realized that it would need a little trickery to get it to fit right. As you can see from the pictures, the bolt holes didn't line up with the frame mount, it was jammed tight to the body panels, and numerous washers had been used to get it to this point. What you can't see is the too tight fit against the bottom of the front grill which prevented using the hood latch without losing some skin...and that was if you could jam your fingers far enough in there to begin with.

I had to take off and re install the whole bumper (thing weighs as much as I do, so that was entertaining..)re mount and re drill some holes to get the bumper aligned. After getting the bumper where it need to be, guess what? You still couldn't use the hood latch. Nice clever bit of design, that. Rather than cut into the bumper, which is powder coated, to make some more room, I simply added a small lever/finger catch to the existing hood release. This can now be accessed through the grill.

I like the bumper OK, though it is does weigh a bit much, but Perkins could have spent about 5 more minutes on the drawing board before selling them. The side pieces do not even come close to matching up with the fender lines and, looking from the side, looks like someone adapted another make bumper to fit. Picky, I know, but if it hadn't been powder coated, I would have added a piece to make that look right and painted it to match.

I also made a roll out mount for the Engel fridge that Brad has on the top of his storage in the rear, but didn't take any pictures. I'll take some when I remount the rear bumper. bottom line is that it works just fine.

August 1st, 2011, 05:16 PM
Looks Good Pete :thumb:

August 12th, 2011, 11:22 AM
Thanks for posting the pictures, Brad! I am glad you are happy with it!

August 12th, 2011, 12:06 PM
Looks good, looking forward to mine!

August 12th, 2011, 01:51 PM
Awesome work Pete!

August 12th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Looks great. Nice work Pete. :thumb: