View Full Version : Camera Bans, Alien Lizards, Breakfast Club, etc.

August 25th, 2011, 06:27 AM
So in an effort to insure that nothing embarrassing that state/local officials or law enforcement may say or do ends up on Youtube, certain states have been arresting people caught taking video or confiscating their equipment.

Where do we live again? :confused:


In short, recordings that are flattering to the police - an officer kissing a baby or rescuing a dog - will almost certainly not result in prosecution even if they are done without all-party consent. The only people who seem prone to prosecution are those who embarrass or confront the police, or who somehow challenge the law. If true, then the prosecutions are a form of social control to discourage criticism of the police or simple dissent.http://www.infowars.com/cops-confiscate-cameras-at-ohio-congressmans-town-hall/

Video from the second link:



August 25th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Welcome to the New World Order......The crazier thing is that we all seem to keep allowing this kind of s**t to happen. "GET UP, STAND UP....STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT!, GET UP, STAND UP....DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!" RIP RNM.

August 25th, 2011, 08:07 AM
good thing is that the video of them trying to get rid of video is online.

August 25th, 2011, 08:19 AM
Welcome to the New World Order......The crazier thing is that we all seem to keep allowing this kind of s**t to happen. "GET UP, STAND UP....STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT!, GET UP, STAND UP....DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!" RIP RNM.

Agreed 1,000%. So sick of the incrementalism over the last several decades, that got us to where we're at, and still headed that direction...

August 25th, 2011, 10:54 AM
We keep voting the politicians in that are doing this to us.

Wind Dancer
August 25th, 2011, 06:53 PM
Welcome to the New World Order......The crazier thing is that we all seem to keep allowing this kind of s**t to happen. "GET UP, STAND UP....STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT!, GET UP, STAND UP....DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!" RIP RNM.

:2thumbup: Not too many people know of 'New World Order.' People really need to start educating themselves in what is happening and/or why it is happening. Good place to start is to Google Denver International Airport, which is to be one of the main headquarters for New World Order. In addtion, Google 'New World Order.' The information is abdunant. "GET UP, STAND UP....STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT!, GET UP, STAND UP....DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT I agree! Otherwise, the life we know is going to be a thing of the past.

Wind Dancer
August 25th, 2011, 06:55 PM
We keep voting the politicians in that are doing this to us.

I do not vote. In my mind, different face, but the same *******. Now if Robin Williams was to run for President, I may reconsider. I would probably :bowdown:

August 25th, 2011, 08:10 PM
Term limits, for starters...

August 25th, 2011, 08:21 PM
New World Order? It's just people taking advantage of ignorant/lazy people. I used to study up on all the woo-woo, Disinfo, counter-conspiracy info.. it ran my life for a while. I have come to the conclusion that the idea of a group of nefarious individuals is much easier to swallow than
the plain and simple fact that people just dont care in this country. Oh sure, give them the chance to blame their problems on an illegal, a homosexual, or some other "OTHER" and they are all up in arms, but when you point out plain and simple facts i.e rich people are trying to get richer by taking advantage of your ignorance.... well, that's just liberal media bias. Our country has been being polarized for years, pigs have been instituting corporate law for years... The term "incremental" was used earlier.. this is the MO. when your populace has a memory span of 30 sec.. it's easy to push whatever agenda you want.
The good thing is the fact that concealable media is getting smaller and smaller, and youtube is alive and well.
This "no filming of pigs" is just ridiculous. public servant, public place, smile for the camera piggy. Most of these cases get dropped, and I doubt a one will hold up in the supreme court...

August 25th, 2011, 08:46 PM
The NWO is real. It is all about everyone being equal under one goverment that rules over the world. I read about this in the early 90s. Take over the financial systems first. The Euro is the start. It is 1 monetary unit for a large group of countries. How can the European Union tell all those countries a cup of coffee costs the same everywhere. There are sucessful countries that are wise with thier money and others that are not.

There is a group that wants a single monterary unit for North America, the Americo.

The use of credit cards and debit cards is part of this also. A society without cash. Look at the last five years the financial fall is an example of the goverment devaluing our cash and the raising value of gold and silver.

It is there and our leader even said that is what he wanted on the campaign trail. Just keep your eyes open and get out of debt. Live whiyhin your means not the goverments.

Wind Dancer
August 25th, 2011, 09:15 PM
The NWO is real. It is all about everyone being equal under one goverment that rules over the world. I read about this in the early 90s. Take over the financial systems first. The Euro is the start. It is 1 monetary unit for a large group of countries. How can the European Union tell all those countries a cup of coffee costs the same everywhere. There are sucessful countries that are wise with thier money and others that are not.

There is a group that wants a single monterary unit for North America, the Americo.

The use of credit cards and debit cards is part of this also. A society without cash. Look at the last five years the financial fall is an example of the goverment devaluing our cash and the raising value of gold and silver.

It is there and our leader even said that is what he wanted on the campaign trail. Just keep your eyes open and get out of debt. Live whiyhin your means not the goverments.

I remember when I had learned about NWO, it was through a Militia Leader (here in Colorado back in the 90's) who was avid in educating people about NWO. I recall looking at him like he was out of his mind, but with the more proof he gave me, the more of a believer I became.

One of the biggest warnings he sounded was percisely what you have stated, 'The use of credit cards and debit cards is part of this also. A society without cash. Look at the last five years the financial fall is an example of the goverment devaluing our cash and the raising value of gold and silver

Time will tell if NWO becomes even more real.

August 25th, 2011, 10:59 PM
New World Order? It's just people taking advantage of ignorant/lazy people. I have come to the conclusion that the idea of a group of nefarious individuals is much easier to swallow than the plain and simple fact that people just dont care in this country..

The existence of apathy is just not as exciting is it?

August 25th, 2011, 11:01 PM
I personally feel that if you don't vote or do anything concrete to effect a change, you undermine any legitimacy your complaints against the current situation might have.

August 25th, 2011, 11:02 PM
Militia Leader

I find these people suspect.

August 26th, 2011, 06:03 AM
I have come to the conclusion that we have actually been invaded by an alien species who can make themselves look like human beings. They have been studying us for years, and, because they have managed to **** their planet up to the point where they can no longer live on it, much the way we are in the process of doing, they have invaded Earth. They assume the guise of world leaders after first eating them, and then proceed with their agenda, unbeknownst to the masses. They use subliminal programming on TVs, movies, billboard advertisements, sports stadiums-any visual or audible media- to make us weak and confused. The aliens have invaded the churches, too, and have assumed the guise of preachers. They have no morals and use subliminal programming in the gospel that they preach on Sundays. It is also worked into the organ music.

They have taken over the food and medical industries and are putting mind numbing drugs in food and mind altering chemicals in medicine, all designed to destroy our reason and will power. They have taken over the world's military and government, and have instituted programs so that when the few remaining people that can actually think on this planet get pissed off, they can legally make them vanish..The abundance of street people is due to the use of experimental mind control drugs they have used on us, as are things like AIDS and cancer. The influx of stupid people that seem to be increasing every year is also the result of drugs that they have put into our water supplies world wide, which is why everything in the media is geared towards a 5 year old's attention span.

They are all around us and in some places outnumber the real humans. You can see through their disguise if you have the 'special sunglasses'.

I just looked outside and it seems that those pesky aliens ate my goddamn Buick, too! What's next?

No shitski.... I saw the movie, read the books and use the internet.

August 26th, 2011, 08:45 AM
The reptilians.... they are sneaky bastards...

August 26th, 2011, 08:48 AM
I have been wanting to get a job app for the NWO. If they are doing what everyone claims, they seem to be they only agency capable of accomplishing anything.
I'm doing what Luke should have had the sense to do before he lost his hand and joining the dark side.
Besides, all this thinking is getting old.. i want someone to do it for me.

August 26th, 2011, 08:58 AM
The reptilians.... they are sneaky bastards...

Cool. I am so glad that I am not the only one to have seen them! Where did you get your sunglasses?:lmao:

Do your own thinking! It is when other people do it for you in the interest of (more often than not) protecting you from yourself, that things get screwed up. The entities or individuals that offer to think for you usually have only their own interests at heart.

August 26th, 2011, 09:08 AM
Damn, you are as subtle as I am....

August 26th, 2011, 12:35 PM
New World Order? I always kinda had a feeling that the Hulkster, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were up to no good. Those sneaky sumbitches...



August 26th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Cool. I am so glad that I am not the only one to have seen them! Where did you get your sunglasses?



August 26th, 2011, 01:01 PM
My late grandmother-in-law used to b!tch on and on about politics to the point where she would drive you nuts. I used to interupt her by asking "Did you vote?" "No??? Then I don't want to hear it"!

August 26th, 2011, 01:14 PM
No leg to stand on unless you VOTE!

August 26th, 2011, 03:21 PM
let's leave the handicapped out of this...

August 26th, 2011, 04:57 PM
let's leave the handicapped out of this...
I admit, it took me a minute to get that!!!

No leg or not, get out and vote!

August 26th, 2011, 11:37 PM
Hulk Hogan for President!

August 29th, 2011, 11:48 AM
From what I have read on here by those that have posted so far is The Majority does not like our politicians and think they should be limited on their terms of service, also if you don't vote then you have no right to complain am I right so far? Lets go a step further than the fist issue of length of terms served, cut their pay in half and oh yeah they do not get the same years salary for retirement every year for the rest of their lives even if they did only one term[/B], Hell the American Military person does not even get anything close to that for sacrificing their lives and family life and are order to kill people j8ust because some politician decided to wage war! Why do we pay the politicians such high incomes and for what so that they can run over us and take advantage of us in so many ways? Now I am not preaching that we do away with them all together, but we as a society need to rethink the whole agenda before us and how the politicians have hurt our Wonderful country over the last 100 years!

As for the money going the way of the Euro, well you can believe it or not it is going that very direction just wait and see what they pull out after we are totally down the drain here with no way out, oops wait they already have a way out! This will most likely get me into trouble but hell someone needs to put the info out there. They already have the new money printed and stored. It was printed right here in Denver at the mint and is store out at the DFC, It is the Amero, but now you know what and where it is. I have seen it with my own eyes when I worked out there and whats really sad is that this was done and ready to go over 20years ago. And just a hint in case anyone thinks of going out there the Main HLS office is right across the street for protection. With regards to DIA go check it out sometime there is all kinds of things out there that everyone walks right past w/o a second thought, hell they are even bold enough to put a plaque stating it is part of the NWO right there in the main corridor on the south end by the windows.

August 29th, 2011, 08:00 PM
Hulk Hogan for President!


August 30th, 2011, 09:54 AM
Here's a truck for all of you fearing NWO or zombie attack. :erm:

eBay Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-4-Runner-Survival-Vehical-Armored-car-Survival-/330606861840?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4cf9b45e10#v4-40) :lmao:

August 30th, 2011, 10:16 AM
HAHA.....An EMP will leave that a parts vehicle, much like any of the other cosmic newer unshielded 'survival' rigs out there. No one ever seems to take that little bit into account except the military.

Wind Dancer
August 30th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I personally feel that if you don't vote or do anything concrete to effect a change, you undermine any legitimacy your complaints against the current situation might have.

Hey Pathrat,

I can understand what you are saying and I agree. Not in the least am I being hypocritcal. Within my mind, I did not comment/complain on the video. In fact, I did not even watch it to know what it is about, because I honestly had no interest in it. What drew me into the topic was the statement about NWO and even then I did not complain. I only gave my belief, which is not complaining-by far, and quoted another individuals viewpoint.

I personally feel, if you knew me, you would know I am not a polictical person-therefore, you would know I do not complain-when the subject is at hand I am silent; however, what you would know, I am a free moral agent to speak my beliefs; however, I realize it is not with people who have no clue as to who I am, from day and night. So I guess I did deserve all the sacrasm. I apologize for my error in upsetting many of you. :bang: I am just a straightshooter with thought/feeling/whatever, am I going to change it? Probably not.

Wind Dancer
August 30th, 2011, 07:34 PM
[QUOTE=ColoRaider;157133]New World Order? It's just people taking advantage of ignorant/lazy people. I used to study up on all the woo-woo, Disinfo, counter-conspiracy info.. it ran my life for a while.

Fortuately, I have not allow the NWO (counter-conspiracy info-as you put it) to rule my life. Nor am I eager to take any more knowledge, because it is plainly, simply is to fear inspiring.

I like your words, it is just people taking advantage of ignorant/lazy people. Well if that is true, I love being taken advantage of in this way, at least it is not compared to the damage that can occurr when you trust someone who feeds your mind and heart up with a lot of trash, which hurts a lot worse when all turns out to be a conspiracy of untruth. It is not great, no matter how far the truth is buried, it will prevail itself. Time will tell if you are right, I hope you are. I am not a supporter of NWO, but rather a rebel (and am not lazy or ignorant)

August 30th, 2011, 08:02 PM
That wasn't directed at the voter vs non voter. It's just my take on the "NWO" situation.
as for the whole " trusting someone" meh I dont trust any of them, that's the issue.
But just a bit of clearing up, ignorant isnt a bad thing. if someone isnt educated about something, they are ignorant. that is it. You said yourself that you wish to stay away from information, re NWO etc.
that in turn makes you ignorant of that which you do not wish to learn.

August 30th, 2011, 11:12 PM
Winddancer: my statement is one of general belief not directed at any one person. No personal judgments here. And, I didn't watch the video. :D

August 30th, 2011, 11:14 PM
Here's a truck for all of you fearing NWO or zombie attack. :erm:

eBay Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-4-Runner-Survival-Vehical-Armored-car-Survival-/330606861840?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4cf9b45e10#v4-40) :lmao:

What is that beak thing on the front of the "vehical"??? :lmao:

August 31st, 2011, 06:31 AM
What is that beak thing on the front of the "vehical"???

That thar 'thing', as you call it, is a very special 'zombie eviscerator', also in camo color.

August 31st, 2011, 05:07 PM
Here's a truck for all of you fearing NWO or zombie attack. :erm:

eBay Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-4-Runner-Survival-Vehical-Armored-car-Survival-/330606861840?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4cf9b45e10#v4-40) :lmao:

Ha ha ha, current bid is $305.00!!!

September 1st, 2011, 12:54 AM
If you look into NWO you will see that all the concentration camps used in WW2 are actually fully operational, armed gaurds around them full up to date cameras, and railroads going out to them. And the one in Alaska can hold up to 2 million people. why make them operational? They should destroy them. One will be turned into a prison. But there are thousands aroudn the United States.

September 1st, 2011, 08:14 AM
Theyre called rex 84 camps. A contingency plan, which many governments have, has been in place since the 80s in relation to "martial law" in the us. I was obsessed with NWO, and every other conspiracy theory for about 6 years of my life. I read everything I could scoured the internet. And then I cam to two conclusions.
1. If this **** was going down it obviously did not matter if I worried or not.
2. This **** was absolute rubbish.
almost every NWO based conspiracy I have seen is propagated by some religious wing nut. The base concept of NWO is a godless single world wide culture, under one rule(a key concept in Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia). I came to the conclusion that this idea of a dominant power set out to subjugate the church has fueled most of the conspiracy theorists. Every sight in relation to the NWO places emphasis on the "godless" aspect of the NWO..
The church has and will continue to fight reduction of it's numbers. It's happening today, and only shows signs of getting worse. As information spreads and cultures begin to merge , more and more people move away from the "normal " modes of social assimilation.
The NWO may exist in some extent, it's not that hard to believe in a group of rich people who want to get richer. But i dont buy all the conspiracy **** any more. I read just about every book I could get my head on, witnessed some ccrazy **** 1st hand in the military, and yet I still have come top the conclusion that it is not quite as freaky-deaky as some conspiracy nuts would have you believe.
Besides, the idea of a singular society sounds pretty damn good to me. Ive never been one to buy into nationalism and all that jazz.
I love my country, but I am a a father first, a husband second, a friend third, then a human being, and somewhere down on that list I would consider myself an american
Although it could just be that I am a reptilian shape-shifter. or have been brain washed by our government via the radio chip they placed in my molar while i had my wisdom teeth removed by a military doc...

Here's a good thought, maybe all the hype in gold is a ploy of the reptilians to get all of the gold in to a central location for retrieval.
I'm ot sure where the grays are, they might be held up by the local governments creating diversionary technologies.
either way, I put down the foil hat a long time ago. Because living life in that state of mind was just a drain.
Besides, like i said earlier, if they are real, I want a job app. They seem to be the only organization in this world capable of organization to achieve a goal...

September 1st, 2011, 09:30 AM

Did you happen to see the videos of the expose' of those camps? The guards are actually reptilian aliens dressed up in US military uniforms.

Of course, you have to have the special sunglasses to actually see what they are exactly, but there are videos on You Tube that are filmed through the glasses. It is downright scary stuff. This site has all of the information you need to know:


Go ahead, expand your mental horizons....read The Enquirer, look at David's stuff. Realize that we ARE actually being controlled by aliens in the guise as humans and who run our country. David has PROOF. Obama is actually an alien, etc.

Like I said, expand your mental horizons. Visit his website. There are many more, too. Learn WHAT IS REAL! Oh....and be sure to share your findings with the rest of us. Enquiring (mispelled on purpose...) minds want to KNOW. I am learning more every time I visit this thread.

September 1st, 2011, 01:42 PM
Lizard People, New World Order, REX84, Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, Yale's Skull and Bones Society, did I miss anything?

Talk about a thread hijack! :lmao:

September 1st, 2011, 01:51 PM
why didn't I think of the Lizard People bullshit???

I gather one must own a tinfoil hat and have it on a little too tight to come up with stuff like that! :thumb:

September 1st, 2011, 01:54 PM
the "tinfoil hat" concept is actually a conspiracy against the conspiracy. the tinfoil actually amplifies mind control waves...

September 1st, 2011, 02:17 PM

September 1st, 2011, 02:49 PM
must own a tinfoil hat
Waaaaiiiiiit a second. I have seen Pete (AND LaDawn!) in this hat-like strange blue contraption with antennae...Pete, is that the updated version of the tinfoil hat? It's all making sense now...

Wind Dancer
September 1st, 2011, 04:53 PM
the "tinfoil hat" concept is actually a conspiracy against the conspiracy. the tinfoil actually amplifies mind control waves...

I am sure glad I stopped with researching NWO more indepth; every waking hour it is all I could think about, concern for my children, grandchildren, and myself of surviving. I am not into the idea of one singular soceity-it means control to me.

Tinfoil hat? Lizard people? Sounds to me like someone took a lot of LSD and created fantasy; conspiracy against the ??? (I wish I could have your belief, it is not real) I do like your logic though, makes sense and someone who has studied NWO to a greater depth, I truly respect your thoughts.

September 1st, 2011, 05:53 PM
The "hat" that LaDawn and I were sharing served two purposes: It allowed the hat wearer to get better radio reception (I was actually listening to Radio X which was a pirate radio station back in the late 60s and early 70s) and allows the wearer to glimpse lizard people, although not quite as well as the special sunglasses..

September 1st, 2011, 06:12 PM
I saw this REAALLLY cool show on discovery there were a few linguists, a psychologist, and a sociologist talking about this new evolutionary means of communication.
They say it has evolved to high levels in some, while others are hard pressed to detect it in the slightest. It was pretty interesting, I thought it would be a good weapon
to fight the powers that be... here is a link to a wiki article about it.


September 1st, 2011, 06:58 PM
Seriously, I respect anyone's right to believe in this NWO even though I don't. It's no different in my mind than those that believe in some kind of magical being in the sky that is worshipped by so many. ;)

September 1st, 2011, 07:27 PM
his name is The Flying Spaghetti Monster and you doubt his holiness for you have failed to be touched by his noodly appendage.

September 1st, 2011, 07:32 PM
I have come to the conclusion that we have actually been invaded by an alien species who can make themselves look like human beings. They have been studying us for years, and, because they have managed to **** their planet up to the point where they can no longer live on it, much the way we are in the process of doing, they have invaded Earth. They assume the guise of world leaders after first eating them, and then proceed with their agenda, unbeknownst to the masses. They use subliminal programming on TVs, movies, billboard advertisements, sports stadiums-any visual or audible media- to make us weak and confused. The aliens have invaded the churches, too, and have assumed the guise of preachers. They have no morals and use subliminal programming in the gospel that they preach on Sundays. It is also worked into the organ music.

They have taken over the food and medical industries and are putting mind numbing drugs in food and mind altering chemicals in medicine, all designed to destroy our reason and will power. They have taken over the world's military and government, and have instituted programs so that when the few remaining people that can actually think on this planet get pissed off, they can legally make them vanish..The abundance of street people is due to the use of experimental mind control drugs they have used on us, as are things like AIDS and cancer. The influx of stupid people that seem to be increasing every year is also the result of drugs that they have put into our water supplies world wide, which is why everything in the media is geared towards a 5 year old's attention span.

They are all around us and in some places outnumber the real humans. You can see through their disguise if you have the 'special sunglasses'.

I just looked outside and it seems that those pesky aliens ate my goddamn Buick, too! What's next?

No shitski.... I saw the movie, read the books and use the internet.

Pete is actually Rowdy Roddy Piper?


September 1st, 2011, 07:37 PM
This movie is simply the Illuminattis way of desensitizing the masses to their true plan..

September 1st, 2011, 07:37 PM
I don't vote either.


September 1st, 2011, 07:37 PM
cory hart was in on it too...

September 1st, 2011, 07:57 PM
and allows the wearer to glimpse lizard people, although not quite as well as the special sunglasses..
See!! I told you!!! (I DO have pictures!)

his name is The Flying Spaghetti Monster and you doubt his holiness for you have failed to be touched by his noodly appendage.
I was once touched. That's all it takes... Just sayin'.

September 1st, 2011, 08:23 PM
Pete is actually Rowdy Roddy Piper?

Naw....I am taller, but have the same disposition....Oh...lighter, too....****....less hair. What else.....Oh...I don't like plaid shirts..

September 1st, 2011, 08:55 PM
I notice there is no mention of your aversion to skirts...

September 1st, 2011, 09:24 PM

Go ahead, expand your mental horizons....read The Enquirer, look at David's stuff. Realize that we ARE actually being controlled by aliens in the guise as humans and who run our country. David has PROOF. Obama is actually an alien, etc.

I love this piece from his Wikipedia page: "At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie."

Boxcar Willie is a reptilian humanoid? That claim right there kills the whole Babylonian Brotherhood theory, at least for me.

September 1st, 2011, 11:04 PM
I notice there is no mention of your aversion to skirts...

It's not a skirt, it's called a kilt and yeah he completely bypassed it. :D

September 1st, 2011, 11:54 PM
his name is The Flying Spaghetti Monster and you doubt his holiness for you have failed to be touched by his noodly appendage.

Ahhhh, one of the faithful. Bless you Brother. See you at one of the next meetings we don't have.

Wind Dancer
September 2nd, 2011, 05:06 AM
Kevin Nash can bring his NWO upon my world any day, I would surrender and conform!

Wind Dancer
September 2nd, 2011, 05:17 AM
I hate Politics, Politicians, and just about anything and everything relating to them! If you don't vote though, you can't ***** about what's going on! At this point, you just have to vote for "the lesser of the evils". In my opinion, we need to say **** politics and let everyone take care of themselves. I dont need some suit wearing, oxygen tank dragging, wrinkle infested **** decideing what's best for me. Why can't we wage a war on them like we do everyone else that we have a problem with?

You can take your politics and stick them up your politicians ass!

I think Five Finger Death Punch sums all up well-just my opinion, and we know opinions come dime a dozen. Does mine matter-No.

September 2nd, 2011, 07:06 AM
I notice there is no mention of your aversion to skirts...

Unlike some people, I have no aversion to skirts or the women that wear them.... Kinda attracted to them, actually. Been that way since I was 12 or 13...and that has been awhile....:lmao:

Most have missed something here as we just saw this movie not too long ago and I can't make the connection between Rowdy Roddy, kilts and skirts. Short term memory loss, I guess.

September 2nd, 2011, 08:17 AM
I think Five Finger Death Punch sums all up well-just my opinion, and we know opinions come dime a dozen. Does mine matter-No.
Nice! I prerfer War is the Answer (on behalf of my husband): http://youtu.be/zgOBw5dMrn0

September 2nd, 2011, 09:03 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Wind Dancer View Post
I think Five Finger Death Punch sums all up well-just my opinion, and we know opinions come dime a dozen. Does mine matter-No.

Nice! I prerfer War is the Answer (on behalf of my husband): http://youtu.be/zgOBw5dMrn0

Both are good songs and that is my :2c: :D

September 2nd, 2011, 02:41 PM
It's not a skirt, it's called a kilt and yeah he completely bypassed it. :D

That reminds me of the Breakfast Club...

Brian Johnson: You wear tights?
Andrew Clark: No I don't wear tights. I wear the required uniform.
Brian Johnson: Tights.
Andrew Clark: Shut up.


September 2nd, 2011, 03:14 PM

September 3rd, 2011, 12:07 AM

September 3rd, 2011, 12:24 AM
Bender was the best...

September 3rd, 2011, 12:52 PM
OMG - one of the best movies of that time...I think I'll pop that in tonight :thumb:

True! I wish I could too, I have it on VHS in some closet somewhere and no VHS player.... I'm ashamed I haven't replaced it with DVD yet! :D

John Hughes was awesome! Ducky! :lmao:


September 3rd, 2011, 05:32 PM
Thread title has been changed, needed something more appropriate, hijack away! :D

September 3rd, 2011, 05:43 PM

It had a large brain, a sign that it was probably highly intelligent

Although not intelligent enough to keep it's hand out of the trap! :lmao:

September 3rd, 2011, 08:15 PM
Thread title has been changed, needed something more appropriate, hijack away! :D

That takes the fun out of it Jock! I'm done with this thread! :D

September 4th, 2011, 06:38 AM
Red Dawn was the best movie from that time frame, go Wolverines!!

thanks, scrubicon, for the WWF NWO play out!

and I am all out of bubble gum too!

September 4th, 2011, 03:17 PM
Where did you get your sunglasses?
are you quoting mr Buckaroo Bonzai?????:eek::thumb: (the 3d looking glasses in order to see the aliens)

September 18th, 2011, 07:56 AM
OK...so this thread has been idle for a bit, but adding to the reptile aliens, secret concentration camps and other very stupid BS, is the great cover up of the trolls in Norway! Yes, indeed, it turns out the Norwegian government has been covering up the existence of trolls for years.

At any rate, we got the Troll Hunter movie thinking it was just going to be a fun horror movie. Little did we know that it was a DOCUMENTARY on the GREAT TROLL COVERUP. Yeah, no ****. Anyway, I stuck this link here figuring that anyone who believes in the coverup of USA concentration camps and reptile aliens running our government is CERTAINLY going to believe that the Norwegian government is covering up the existence of 30' high trolls...


Oh....and it does also mention aliens invading Mexico...and not the illegal ones...and the subsequent cover ups of all of that.

Gotta figure that if aliens have invaded Earth, then they are about as ****** up as the human race because they certainly don't seem to be doing a very good job unfucking what we have managed to **** up....

BTW, the movie 'Troll Hunter' really blows. We didn't even finish watching it and the camera crew, two men and one woman, were so stupid and 'Boulderite', that you ended up wishing something very evil would happen to them before 5 minutes of the movie were up...

September 18th, 2011, 06:09 PM
HAHA...........best define REAL WELL what is or isn't considered a Troll. My definition is probably a bit too all encompassing...

And I just got Aaron talked into removing all my badges, so don't start.....It was suggested that I be 'simply ******* Brody', but that got nixxed as being too un PC, so I shall remain "Brody"....

September 18th, 2011, 06:45 PM
YOU sir...are a Non-Christian Mountain Troll Hunter! bbwwwwhhhhaaaahhhhaaaa!

Have to be to hunt Trolls. Since I take it seriously, I will have to add that Troll hunting crosses all religious, color and nationality boundaries. I have found signs of Trolls everywhere and even went searching for the secret Troll camps in the Pacific Northwest where Trolls are breed and turned into vicious war machines through mind control and alien anal probes. I believe that these are former concentration camps because they are manned by armed reptilians dressed up as US soldiers and have railroad tracks leading into them.

September 18th, 2011, 07:07 PM
Only Bigfoot track and scat. Did see a couple of REAL Bigfoot videos, though. Scary stuff. Kinda like "Watcher" with Corey Haim and Michael Ironsides....

September 18th, 2011, 09:31 PM
Great post Pete, very enlightening. Now I understand why Norway tries to keep a low profile. They don't want the word to get out that they are a hotbed of troll activity. That whole "we just ski and play hockey and live peacefully...really...that's all"....what a crock.

September 20th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Norway produces some of the best metal bands, and Vikings, had no idea about skiing, hockey and living peacfully, that is a crock:)

September 20th, 2011, 06:59 AM
had no idea about skiing, hockey and living peacefully, that is a crock

You bet! You get a 30' Troll in your yard that starts marking it's territory and see how peaceful your neighborhood becomes....:lmao:

Sweden is probably the most peaceful (even though their moral integrity is very suspect), but that is probably due to the fact that every household has automatic weapons. :D

And to add fuel to everyone's basic paranoia, here is another fine site that I found looking for a movie. This one is good. Moon cities DO EXIST:


Fits right in with the concentration camps, Trolls, aliens, etc. No wonder drugs like Prozac, Xanax, etc sales are so high....The more of these internet sites that turn up, the more I feel that the human race has some very serious brain damage going on, as a race, not individuals...and there is really nothing happening that disproves that....

This is just a taste and from an obviously brain dead cretin whose screen name is 'deathforall':

Pages: << (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg1) 1 2 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg2) 3 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg3) 4 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg4) >> (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg8)
ATS Members have flagged this thread 28 times
Topic started on 20-9-2011 @ 12:40 AM by deathforall I'm not sure what this is, my friend sent me the pictures (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg1#) of it. It looks like some sort of ufo or meteor being transported somewhere by a bunch of cops your guess is as good as mine. Earlier today my friend (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg1#) had told my he saw a meteor/ufo in the sky and then later around 6 pm a different friend sent me these pictures. It looks as if it is covered by a tarp and if they are heading north on the I-15 in Las Vegas which is the direction where area 51 is towards. Once again these are all just speculations your guess is as good as mine
EDIT: A lot of people are taking this as a joke i would of liked some more serious answers as to what it could be.
It was also leaving las vegas.

These are the only pictures i have and they were taken from a cellphone. I also can't find any information on it.
here are the links I dont know how to post pictures (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread754689/pg1#)
i82.photobucket.com... (http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j242/vomitpunk702/1316493141.jpg)
i82.photobucket.com... (http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j242/vomitpunk702/1316491807.png)

Yup...you bet. I mean if you have some seriously vacant spaces between your ears, why not advertise the fact on a forum like abovetopsecret.com?

And another tidbit from the same site from another member whose IQ obviously rivals the temperature of a hemorrhoid on a dead body. This from a thread titled :Whats with these arrogant people who think aliens are demons?

And i do acknowledge that there could be aliens who are not benevolent and want to destroy. but that doesnt make them demons it just makes them malevolent.

Nice. I bet homey there has had some bad alien probing experiences, too.

September 20th, 2011, 09:58 PM
Kinda like "Watcher" with Corey Haim and Michael Ironsides....

Great book though.

September 21st, 2011, 06:14 AM
Great book though.

Pretty decent movie, too.

September 21st, 2011, 10:42 PM
Norway produces some of the best metal bands, and Vikings, had no idea about skiing, hockey and living peacfully, that is a crock:)

Damn straight Paul.

December 23rd, 2011, 07:23 AM
They are all around us and in some places outnumber the real humans. You can see through their disguise if you have the 'special sunglasses'.

I just looked outside and it seems that those pesky aliens ate my goddamn Buick, too! What's next?

No shitski.... I saw the movie, read the books and use the internet.

So yesterday when it was snowing, I experienced an alien mind probe. LaDawn didn't notice anything amiss, probably because she has a nice head of hair. Alas, I don't anymore, so am probably more susceptible. I quickly ran to the storage area where I had stashed my BFD anti alien garb and put it on, soon emerging with the full monty:

Anti alien mind probe head protection (the "ears" allow for fine tuning)
Special sunglasses that allow me to see aliens disguised as humans
Ear protection that protects me from subliminal messages broadcast in Christmas carols, especially in WalMart
The special staff that converts into a light sword

LaDawn, of course, looked at me a bit strangely and immediately started mocking me. I simply ignored it, and knowing that I was now protected as well as possible from aliens, just went about my business. My neighbors also looked at me somewhat askance, but what do they know, anyway? With the special sunglasses, I noticed that some of them were aliens....

And before anyone asks, there were at least three black helicopters in the area....probably scooping people up to take them the many special camps that are scattered in hidden areas around the USA.....Right?:D

December 23rd, 2011, 07:29 AM
So yesterday when it was snowing, I experienced an alien mind probe.

I don't get it Pete...You hide the weird sh!t going on in your noggin from "them" but you share it with us! :confused:

You know some of us could be alien lizards too! :eek:

December 23rd, 2011, 07:42 AM
I don't get it Pete...You hide the weird sh!t going on in your noggin from "them" but you share it with us!

You know some of us could be alien lizards too!

You are supposed to be my friends! .....and who is saying that I have any weird **** going on in my brain pan, anyway? I mean besides LaDawn..... I feel perfectly normal...:D

You are right though, so maybe I should start wearing my special sunglasses on trial runs or when people from the forum come by. You never know. Come to think of it, I have noticed that Chris(the elder), Chris (the younger) and Robyn are all starting to show signs of somewhat aberrant behavior....Yes, indeed....there might be something to that.....It's that NWO, conspiracy theory, alien invasion thing....even your friends may be reptilian aliens....What a thought!:lmao::lmao:

And this, of course! No goddamn wonder I got tweaked after seeing the black choppers:

If you look into NWO you will see that all the concentration camps used in WW2 are actually fully operational, armed gaurds around them full up to date cameras, and railroads going out to them. And the one in Alaska can hold up to 2 million people. why make them operational? They should destroy them. One will be turned into a prison. But there are thousands aroudn the United States.

At least with my BFD anti alien protective garb, I was invisible to these as well and was in little danger of getting incarcerated....