View Full Version : Please Help

September 21st, 2011, 08:13 AM
Hi my name is Val, Sean's wife and recently he had his surgery and he needs some help with his truck rear shackles fabrication and welding, if anyone can help him out will be appreciated.
Thank You Val 303-289-5787

September 21st, 2011, 11:12 AM
when do you need it done? i might have some time to play this weekend. your welcome to call or text anytime. let me know.


September 21st, 2011, 02:10 PM
Best wishes on your recovery, Sean!!! Hope your surgery went perfectly!!

September 21st, 2011, 06:24 PM
I may be able to help, but it won't be before next week sometime. Let me know with an email if that works and I'll see what I can do.

Here is hoping for a fast recovery from both of us!

September 21st, 2011, 07:28 PM
i might have some time to play this weekend.

Joe, I might be able to help you with Sean's shackles on Sunday. What day were you thinking about going over there? Probably working on Saturday.

September 21st, 2011, 07:31 PM
im thinking sunday is best. not quite sure on a time yet.

September 21st, 2011, 07:48 PM
im thinking sunday is best

Let me know. Jon 303-968-7156

September 21st, 2011, 09:22 PM
I'll give a hollar when I'm on break tomorrow.


Wind Dancer
September 22nd, 2011, 04:07 AM
I will help-by not getting in the way, but only to learn!

September 22nd, 2011, 05:10 AM
Please give our best to Sean, Val! Props to all who help him out!! What an AWESOME group of folks here!!!

September 22nd, 2011, 07:25 PM
Thanks everyone, Val told me she posted this up and that a few of you are offering to lend a hand, I really do appreciate it. What was needing to be done (fabbed) is the mounts for the rear shackles. I have it pictured in my mind and Val says I need to draw it up to make it easier for anyone helping will have a clear picture of what it is that is needing to be done, since I cannot be out there too long (helping). If Sunday works for you guys that is great and Val will serve lunch for you too! I do have a good wife since she took this upon herself to ask for help for me since I am so stubborn also as of today she ordered the parts needed to complete this task and made sure the Ballistic Fab will have them here by Saturday.

As for the surgery it went well from what I had heard of course I don't remember it LOL. I am doing ok just bruised, swollen and pretty sore. Trying to stay away from the pain killers as much as possible at least as long as the pain is below a 5. Look forward to meeting a few of you too and a big thank you for the help.:thumb:

September 22nd, 2011, 07:46 PM
Wow, Val! You rock.:thumb:

Sean - I hope you feel good-as-new real soon.:)

September 22nd, 2011, 09:22 PM
Was a hernia op, correct? Have had all three done. Left ing, right ing, and navel.The first two when I was 15, the last when I was 21. The first two were cake, the last one sucked. Peeing fire wasn't on my list of things to experience. PM me with your address. Jon 303-968-7156

September 24th, 2011, 12:54 AM
unfortunately, i have to bail on this weekend. next is booked as well. the following, essentially, is wide open. so if there is still work to do, im in. keep this updated as things are accomplished, and maybe even add to the original post-everything that needs done. and we will keep chipping away at it.


September 24th, 2011, 07:24 AM
This is for the trail rig/project rig that Sean's been working on for a couple of years now and not a daily driver/get groceries/get to work rig? Just curious as to what the rush was....

September 24th, 2011, 09:14 AM
Wow, Val! You rock.

Sean - I hope you feel good-as-new real soon.

Thank you Jackie from both of us and Yeah Val does a purdy darn good job taking care of me!!!!

Was a hernia op, correct? Have had all three done. Left ing, right ing, and navel.The first two when I was 15, the last when I was 21. The first two were cake, the last one sucked. Peeing fire wasn't on my list of things to experience. PM me with your address. Jon 303-968-7156

Yeppers Jon, this was for the Hernia on the left side, it originated from getting my Vasectomy 22 years ago and has not caused too many problems until a month or so ago when it finally popped out. I too had one on the right side done 16 years ago that had me out of work for 6 weeks, THANKFULLY this one has been no where near as bad as that one.

unfortunately, i have to bail on this weekend. next is booked as well. the following, essentially, is wide open. so if there is still work to do, im in. keep this updated as things are accomplished, and maybe even add to the original post-everything that needs done. and we will keep chipping away at it.


Thanks Joe, it is no problem about it and will keep you posted of anything else I need help with.

This is for the trail rig/project rig that Sean's been working on for a couple of years now and not a daily driver/get groceries/get to work rig? Just curious as to what the rush was....

Pete, its not that it is a rush, its just that I was back to working on it with being on a roll and wanting to get it done so I will be driving this to work in the snow so it does need to get done before we get hit with a good storm and also clear out the garage before winter. This project has taken waaaay too long so far. Plus I need it to pull the trailer with building materials for some "before winter projects" that I will be hiring someone to build for us as I have no other way to pull the trailer or be building things.

September 24th, 2011, 09:47 AM
I somehow missed this thread, but i am supposed to be in the springs on sunday, but could probably manage to swing by and lend a hand. What time is this all going down on sunday?

September 24th, 2011, 10:00 AM
What time is this all going down on sunday?

Val, please let me know what time you guys want to start on Sunday. I, myself, think the earlier the better, so PM or call.

September 24th, 2011, 10:16 AM
Sean, if it doesnt get done soon enough, i can help you pull whatever you need. what kind of projects? what materials? we can get you squared away!

September 24th, 2011, 11:03 AM
We can start as early as you like, sometime around 8 or 9am work?

Chris it would be good to see you again if you can swing by.

I have the 1/4" plate to cut for the backing plates and the 4" channel to cut, Just waiting on the Ballistic Joints and mounts to arrive (sometime today). These will make up the mounts for the rear shackle once its all welded together then the other thing is need to cut off the remnants of the old mounts and one full mount to bolt these up.
The next one is to fab up a mounting bracket for the steering gear box and get it bolted in I have the plate and it needs cut. I should have enough cutoff wheels and welding gas to finish these off but I can get more if needed. The bad side is that I cannot be bending over to do this work. I am ok at standing for a while and sitting just makes it the incision area really sore.

Joe what I have is my back half Toyota bed trailer that we was going to be getting some of the materials to build a pergola on the side patio I will be hiring someone to build it once I have all the materials which was going to be bought over a couple paydays then it is on to the fencing for the back yard and the concrete for the front patio. So overall it is several trips and I did not want to have to take up anyone's schedules to do this over the next two months that is why I am trying to get the truck done somewhat quickly. What year was you at Westy Joe?

September 24th, 2011, 11:34 AM
Sean, I'll bring my welder, plasma cutter, grinder and some cutoff wheels. Let me know if there's anything else needed.

September 24th, 2011, 12:07 PM
2001 grad. well, I'm game to help. If you are interested, my dad is the best framer/carpenter you'll ever meet. I can bring him by one day, and you can run the plan by him.

Like I said, I'm game to help with what ever.

September 24th, 2011, 04:05 PM
Jon that is cool I have my welder and 2 grinders but no plasma cutter yet.

Joe that is cool, let me know when a good time is for both of you to take a look at the projects and we'll arrange a time. I graduated Westy in '83.

September 24th, 2011, 06:01 PM
See you in the morning.

September 25th, 2011, 07:49 PM
Jon came by today and did quite a bit especially since the parts from Ballistic Fab did not show up Saturday like they was paid to do, but anyhoots Jon is a great guy first and fore most! We all enjoyed your company today and many many thanks for your help today on the ranger. Now for the pics;

1) Cutting the 1/4" plate for the back of the shackle mounts
2&3) Bolt holes laid out for adjustments up or down
4) Checking to see best location for channel
5) Jon driving out the last rusted shackle bolt
6) Channel welded up & Shackles in and mounts temporary mounted to check new height WOW the back is growing upwards now by 9"s @ least. The rear will now be adjustable with up to at least 5" adjustment.

September 25th, 2011, 08:01 PM
good to see. sorry i couldnt make it today. ballistic has a rep for not delivering!

good work Jon. hope to see ya on the 8th/9th.

September 25th, 2011, 09:15 PM
Was a really fun day and the meatball sub's rocked, Val. Had a great time with great people. Sean, that thing's going to be a Monster!!! We'll see ya when the Ballistic stuff comes in. Thanks for letting me come and be part of the fun.

September 26th, 2011, 05:09 AM
Glad to see that a little bit more could be done to it.

I had heard the same about Ballistic being laggardly on shipping junk. Didn't used to be that way...