View Full Version : Funny Photos

October 14th, 2011, 05:41 PM
So I was telling LaDawn that some of my first published artwork or writing was back in the 60s and she goes "Comon...you were still in high school". Well, so I was, but I was also the yearbook artist for the two years I was at that school. So I had to dig. Not only did I find the artwork, but found a shot of my ugly little 8th grade face decorating page 43 and another of one of the fun "Dress Reviews" we had in Florida, in 100 degree heat and 90% humidity, and in ******* West Point style WOOL uniforms..Obviously there was a real brain child in procurement...

I went to this fine establishment 2 years, going AWOL the 2nd year for 3 months cause of the rather insane BS (see West Point, etc and you'll get the drift). I finally talked to my folks after 3 months and made 'arrangements' with them to finish the year so I wouldn't have to repeat it. Busted from 'sargent' (wooHoo) to private and had to spend all my free time running in a circle holding a 50 pound M1 either over my head or held in front on me...Good, but crappy exercise, BTW...

Bottom line, no more military school for this problem child. Basically I told my folks that if they ever wanted to see or hear from me again, we needed to shitcan the military school program. I was working with a false ID in Orlando and had a place to stay and a car...I just didn't want to repeat 9th grade...

Personally, I think this kind of 'solution' to a "problem child" is some of the most brain dead thinking parents can come up with. I went there with an attitude (gee...Imagine that!) and came out with a worse one. 3.9gpa, honor roll, honor society, etc, but a **** attitude....

At any rate, there is my shiny face 2nd from the left at the bottom of the page.

October 14th, 2011, 06:10 PM
Good stuff Pete, I couldn't find anything about me on my old HS website - http://www.nddons.org/s/1034/start.aspx

I suspect the fact that I returned the alumni mailing marked DECEASED might have something to do with that! :lmao:

October 14th, 2011, 07:37 PM
I'm always funny lookin'. :D

October 14th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I Googled the high school yearbook and then the year. That was where I had the yearbook art, then started paging through it...I don't think the school is even in existence anymore as the last yearbook date was 1971 or so. Maybe they changed their name...

October 14th, 2011, 09:11 PM
That's awesome that you have all that stuff! Great photos!

October 15th, 2011, 05:20 AM
That's awesome that you have all that stuff! Great photos!

I actually don't. I had to gGoogle the school to find the yearbook. My folks had the yearbooks for awhile, then they both died and my sister ended up with a lot of their stuff. Maybe she got it. Don't know.Besides my climbing gear and skiing/boarding junk, I really haven't kept too much junk...

October 15th, 2011, 05:30 AM
Thanks for sharing Pete, military school, my mom threatened me with that a couple times.....I still have my yearbook, diploma, cap and gown....good grief and yikes.

Newb Tourist
October 16th, 2011, 04:18 AM
I hear ya Pete, I went to Navy boot in Orlando, Feb - Mar, and that was horrible. I can only imagine how it would have been later in the year!

October 17th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Dress uniforms(and yes I do know about that) in the summer...weeding out the 'weak' through heat stroke?

I watched a performance by the Marines in VA one August. Those poor guys. I can't imagine being a kid who had to suck that up. Plain wrong.

October 17th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Many years ago, I was an event coordinator for a theme park in FL. We had lots of visiting high-school bands that would perform in their wool uniforms in the middle of July. Marching through a Florida theme park while blowing on a horn can get the best of you real fast!!! I always carried water and a radio to contact security as I followed behind the bands (waiting to catch the falling kids). You could see it coming...

October 18th, 2011, 07:33 AM
Wow, military school... that explains some stuff! :lmao:

October 18th, 2011, 08:11 AM
HAHA.....And all because I was getting into so much trouble fighting and stuff in the Catholic school I was in....Oh, yeah...and the combustible weed incident when I was 13...and the forest fire thing...almost forgot..the .22 caliber round in the foot deal when I was 12-when I was supposed to be home and asleep in bed...and there there was getting kicked out of the Cub Scouts for kicking the **** out of the den mother's son (who happened to be a lot bigger than me and was a bit of a bully, but that never came up...)

No wonder I never had kids. I figured that they would end up like me and I would have had to bag and bridge 'em...

And all this was before military school and getting stuck with a lot of other problem children for 2 years...

October 19th, 2011, 07:50 AM
I went to the opposite HS in NYC, we had cops stationed at my school long before Columbine. There were over 2000 kids in my class, about 8000 in the school, about 1/2 of us graduated, some of my friends went on to "finishing school" (that's NY code for prison). This is me (middle) with two guys I'm still friends with at Wolfs Pond Park, almost everyday there was a party there during school hours with a few hundred delinquents like us. The road that lead to it was nicknamed "reefer road" and there were food trucks that would park along it and sell pizza, icecream, tacos, etc... it was much more appealing than class. Oddly enough I loved college just as much as I hated HS, took 24 credits past my degree requirements. I'm scared to have kids because of the deposits I've made in the Karma Bank, I don't want to end up parenting one of me... but it was all fun!

October 19th, 2011, 07:56 AM
Awesome Picture Paul!
Remember.. somethings skip a generation. You might get lucky! :D

October 19th, 2011, 08:10 AM
Damn....I used to have hair, too!

Interesting what people have gone through in their youth...I moved away from home the summer before my senior year. I was 16. When I started my senior year, I was 17 and was the only person in the whole school not living at home or with an adult. I was living with a couple of friends who were about a year older than I was. We had a big house and it was essentially 'party central'. I was the guy that girl's parents warned them about and there was more than one instance where we had to deal with hostile parents on the door step.

I ended up getting busted early that year for 'reefer madness', spent about 3 months in county before I got bonded out (much bigger deal back then, too, as mere possession was a felony 5 year), then tried to go back to finish my senior year. Well, no surprise, but the school wouldn't let me back....bad for their image, etc. I was one of 3 guys in the whole school with long hair, but not the only one with an attitude....I was also the only white guy in the whole school dating a black chick. Small southern town, in the sixties...hung around with mostly black kids...listened to motown and blues instead of the godawful **** on AM or country, got in too many fights(I was not your 'peace, love, dove, flower child type long hair dude) ...yeah, work that one out..I then realized that I only needed 2-3 credits to graduate, so I simply gave the appropriate finger salute, signed up for night school and finished.

I think I spent 90% of the time between 10 and 16 either in trouble, grounded, 'restricted', or all three

October 19th, 2011, 10:15 AM
I'm scared to have kids because of the deposits I've made in the Karma Bank, I don't want to end up parenting one of me... but it was all fun!

Without any details on my "childhood" I'll say Brad is right on the skipping a generation Paul. My bro's and I were all pretty crazy and all our kids are straight-arrows. I guess the job of rejecting parents values has something to do with it. In the 80's (my kids youth) I would tell my kids stuff like "Why not shave half your head and dye the other half purple?" :smokin:

October 19th, 2011, 01:57 PM
Ya Boot camp was no fun. so if anyone wants to see a good realistic video on Marine boot camp watch this video "Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click." one of my DI's are actually in the video. this was filmed 3 classes before I went on my lovely experiance through boot

October 19th, 2011, 08:33 PM
Pete, did you not get threatened with ass kicking or get your ass kicked if there were a lot of them, for being both hanging out with the black kids and dating one? I would think that would have made you a pariah and a target given the time and place. What was that like?

October 20th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Pete, did you not get threatened with ass kicking or get your ass kicked if there were a lot of them, for being both hanging out with the black kids and dating one? I would think that would have made you a pariah and a target given the time and place. What was that like?

You got your ass kicked and learned to kick ass. Sure, there were situations where you ended up going "Oh ****! I am going to get stomped!", but I was usually armed with some sort of equalizer, which managed to keep the former from happening too much...and it's nothing like the movies...

I wasn't the most popular kid in my little backwoods Florida town, but, then again, anyone with long hair wasn't too popular either, whether they were dating a black person or not. There were also problems due to the fact that I actually talked like a 'damn Yankee' instead of an ignorant cracker because both my folks were from up north. I wasn't too impressed with Phys Ed and read way too many books, both of which were looked at as not being 'normal'.

It was an interesting time and probably one of the reasons I am not too fond of anything south of the Mason Dixon Line...I have never been impressed with bigotry, racism, or narrow minded thinking. I have never regretted leaving.

October 20th, 2011, 07:01 AM
Awesome Picture Paul!
Remember.. somethings skip a generation.

I thought that was for Muggles... :lmao:

October 20th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Glad to see they had photos back then, and not heiroglyphics! :lmao:

I don't know man, when I googled him the other day one of his elementary school pictures came up. That's young Pete there (on the right) on the playground with one of his classmates...:D


Just kidding Pete ;)

October 20th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Cute, Steve.

Actually not pictographs as I am not that old, but many of my earlier pictures were daguerreotypes........

October 20th, 2011, 02:04 PM
That's young Pete there (on the right) on the playground with one of his classmates...
:lmao::lmao: Here I go again, laughing at the old references even though I oppose them...God that was funny. Sorry, Pete! I adore you!

October 20th, 2011, 04:14 PM
God that was funny. Sorry, Pete! I adore you!

I bet you thought that it was funny. Bet you like dancing on the backs of the bruised, too....Damn, when are people going to realize that I am a very sensitive kinda guy?:D

Great. LaDawn just saw this and thought it was pretty funny, too. I seem to be surrounded by comedians. She did say that it was better than saying I was older than dirt, which is a small (very small) consolation....

October 23rd, 2011, 09:48 AM
Damn, when are people going to realize that I am a very sensitive kinda guy?:D

I should have been more receptive to that vibe as I am sensitive too...:lmao: