View Full Version : Nasty encounter

November 4th, 2011, 11:28 AM
Well I sure as h*ll wound not want this encounter!

November 4th, 2011, 11:40 AM
Tis only a snake. Don't bother it and it won't bother you. We used to catch the southern version, along with water moccasins and coral snakes, in Florida when I was a kid and sell them to Ross Allen Snake Institute. I have seen these climbing on North Table mountain and Shelf Road down near Pueblo. You just avoid them....and they do rattle if you get too close. I would rather come across a rattler any day than a bear with cubs or a mountain lion..

November 4th, 2011, 11:55 AM
It is amazing how it blends in so well with the sand is mostly all I was meaning. As for the bear I have already done that one Momma Black Bear and two cubs, luckily they were below us on the rock out cropping we walked out on and she could not climb up to us!

November 4th, 2011, 08:11 PM
My friend in Florida took me to catch baby gators once. We didn't get down out of the tree for over an hour. Never new a alligator could run that damn fast. Never did that again. My buddy was laughin' the whole time. It's a memory that'll last a lifetime.

November 5th, 2011, 06:30 AM
Tis only a snake. Don't bother it and it won't bother you. We used to catch the southern version, along with water moccasins and coral snakes, in Florida when I was a kid and sell them to Ross Allen Snake Institute. I have seen these climbing on North Table mountain and Shelf Road down near Pueblo. You just avoid them....and they do rattle if you get too close. I would rather come across a rattler any day than a bear with cubs or a mountain lion..

How about a momma moose with calf? Have them in our sub-division, will see if I can get their pic this weekend, and not get trampled;)

November 5th, 2011, 08:06 AM
Oh yeah....moose. Those little guys/gals the size of a house with a bad attitude. Had a close run in with one bull moose in Cody Wyoming on the way in to do some ice climbing. Thing looked the size of an elephant. We ended up WAY too close and were very lucky...Give me a rattler any day. Nasty bite, you get sick and some necrosis of the skin around the bite, but usually don't end up dying...and if you do, your friends can at least recognize you. You don't end up looking like you have been worked over with a one ton+ meat tenderizer...

November 5th, 2011, 11:30 AM
While fishing at lake Estes in my float tube I was being chased out towards deeper water by a Bull Elk, I could not paddle my feet fast enough as the current was pushing me towards him as he was coming at me! He finally stopped when the water was upto his chin. I'll tell ya when those racks get to swinging around you want nothing to do with it, he was slinging water a good 15-20'.

November 5th, 2011, 11:35 AM
One of the Marines I was in charge of had a rattle snake wonder into his sleeping bag and bit him while he was sleeping on a range on camp Pendleton

November 5th, 2011, 11:37 AM
while he was sleeping on a range on camp Pendleton

I have heard several of these occurrences happening there by marines I know.

November 5th, 2011, 05:16 PM
One of the Marines I was in charge of had a rattle snake wonder into his sleeping bag and bit him while he was sleeping on a range on camp Pendleton

Growing up camping in Florida, whenever something crawled into your sleeping bag and you became aware of it, you spent a long time trying to figure out what it was before moving a muscle, completely going against what your first inclination was. What a way to wake up. I never had one crawl into a bag with me, thankfully, but other strange critters and insects have. I had one crawl into the tent once, but it crawled out again. It's not like they advertised their presence either and make a lot of racket.

Last time I was woken up by anything at all like that was when I was camping in the South Platte just under a tarp and a damn pack rack (big, too) jumped onto my feet. I didn't move my feet at all, but got my flashlight out and shined it down towards my feet to try to see just WTF 'thing' was now sitting on them. Got my attention. I don't think it had ever seen people before as later on my buddy and I got it to eat out of our hands. That didn't happen overnight, but we were camped in the same spot for awhile working on some new rock climbs. It would come around by the fire and just sorta hang out, Eventually we started tossing food to it and it came closer and closer until we actually were hand feeding it.

November 6th, 2011, 09:34 AM
they are all over camp pendleton. see several on trails in the back yard of 62 area

November 12th, 2011, 11:16 PM
Creepy... This August we found what may be a seasonal rattlesnake birthing den in the cutslope of our new trail on NTM. Hiking into the site one day we see a small pile of 10-12 baby rattlers all piled up and just a few days old. 4 days later they shed their skin and took off for the surrounding area to get their own homes away from momma snake.

I learned a lot about snakes this summer.... Dry bites, hibernaculum (snake residence from Nov. 10-springish, commonly referred to as snake f*ck den by the guys at work), when they birth, when they move out, that they shed before leaving their den. And how long a milk snake will live after being run over by our dozer - also what a milk snake looks like.

November 13th, 2011, 11:26 AM
very cool!