View Full Version : Home Brew Fluid Filter

December 2nd, 2011, 01:58 PM
While working on my brakes and bleeding them rather than just dump fluid back into the master cylinder. I figured it was best to filter it and rather than run it threw a rag I wanted something finer to catch the small particles, The only thing I had on hand was coffee filters, well they keep small grounds from going into the pot so why not.

Best way to do this is stick one of your index fingers in the middle of the filter and wrap the filter around your finger and then place the filter into the master cylinder and pour your brake fluid in slowly so the filter can drain. You will be surprised at the stuff that it catches. Once done just throw the filter in the trash.

1) rust and debris in the bleeder cup
2) placing filter into master cylinder
3) ready to filter brake fluid

December 2nd, 2011, 02:41 PM
Home "Brew" indeeed :thumb:

December 2nd, 2011, 09:06 PM
Not a bad idea! Especially with how much brake fluid you've gone thru lately.