View Full Version : Remember acetylene goes BOOM!

December 3rd, 2011, 10:46 AM
I saw this last night at work thanks to Crawlorado (on facebook).


crazy stuff. be careful

December 3rd, 2011, 11:06 AM
i had an acetylene bottle in my truck, the valve was bumped so slightly and over night the truck filled with the gas. i noticed the smell, and opened the doors to air out the truck. i drove the truck out of the garage to get some more air movement. i went to roll the pass side window down and as soon as i touched the power windows. BAM. with me in the truck. i lost all hearing out of my right ear and got a scratch on the back of my head. all things considering, im alive.

Me, being the gentle sort of person I am, feel really bad....from a totally Darwin point of view. If this stupid **** was so damn dumb that he cannot equate the smell of an extremely flammable gas with an electrical spark generated from turning on a power window (or starting the car for that matter), he has absolutely no business whatsoever handling explosive gases to begin with.

"All things considering, I'm still alive"

Too goddamn bad for the rest of us. Chances are he is going to reproduce with someone equally stupid, thus making more stupid people for our enjoyment. Too bad he didn't have the tank between his legs, thus eliminating that possibility...

He is probably one of those people you see at the gas pumps...and get far away from...who gets out of his car with a lit cigarette and talking on his cell phone. No sympathy from me, obviously. Hell, I wouldn't have sympathy for myself if I did something that stupid.... I am just sad that Darwin seemed to be taking a day off....

No apologies if this happens to be someone I happen to know, either.

December 3rd, 2011, 11:18 AM
i saw that last night and he wasnt very smart starting his car or even putting windows down.

December 3rd, 2011, 11:40 AM
holy ****! What kind of moron transports a tank in an enclosed vehicle? second what kind of shop loads it into an enclosed vehicle? third why would you store it over-night in your car? I'm not buying his story I think he did something else even more stupid. And I'm with pete on this one, next time make sure you light up, ride the tank and have a couple dog tags on for body verification afterwards.

this story made me think of a couple other famous pics on the web...




December 3rd, 2011, 01:10 PM
Never, ever transport any kind of gas filled tanks inside of an enclosed vehicle.

December 3rd, 2011, 01:50 PM
Especially without the cap on it!!!!!!

December 3rd, 2011, 06:06 PM
I'd love to hear the story he gave his insurance agent...:lmao:

December 3rd, 2011, 06:10 PM
No kidding, I'd like to hear that story, too!!!!! The guy's an IDIOT!!

December 3rd, 2011, 06:26 PM
Anyone that wants to breed should be required to pass some sort of test showing they are not dumber than a stump.

December 3rd, 2011, 06:27 PM
Just showed it to Barb, she said "What an idiot, even I know better than that!"

I have a small oxy/acetele setup, maybe I'll toss it in the back for trail fixes. :erm:

December 4th, 2011, 05:34 AM
CDOT regs prohibit the carrying or storage of gas cylinders inside a vehicle, look at the saftey labels on the bottles(service vans?!?!?!). Luckily, he lived, but has he learned from this?
Back in the early 90's a plumber I knew had his brand new auto lighting torch in a bucket in the van. Bump caused the torch to ignite, cause he left the valve on, bucket caught in fire in the van driving down the road, luckily he had a fire extinguisher too. I learned from his mistake, always disconnect the torch from the bottle, and make sure if the bottle has a valve that you double check it to be off(because any gas goes BOOM).

December 4th, 2011, 08:20 PM
CDOT regs prohibit the carrying ... of gas cylinders inside a vehicle

So how are you supposed to transport it?

scout man
December 4th, 2011, 08:21 PM
Duct tape it to your front bumper, then tailgate people the whole way home...

December 4th, 2011, 08:26 PM
Pick up truck, flat bed, open bed of some kind, and with the cap in place (not having the cap on is a $1,000 fine in itself) and strapped in place. Pretty much like you see the container transport trucks carry them.

Like Jon said, I am surprised that a welding company either loaded it or let him load it in his vehicle. They are usually real goddamn picky about stuff like that because of liability issues (as you can see). There is a lot more to this story than fucktard told in his little tale....

December 4th, 2011, 09:04 PM
Yes, there is. Made me nervous as hell to get my little bottles exchanged and bring them home in the bed of the truck up against the tailgate. The bottles I bought from DKDunn did not come with caps or provisions to install caps. Maybe because they were a one gallon oxygen and 1/2 gallon acetylene bottles. Ratcheted those bad boys down and drove pretty slow. For me, anyway. Still watched them all the way home. If you transport them regularly you should really build a rack to put them in with a flip down lid of some sort to cover the valves and a cage surround, to be on the safe side.

December 4th, 2011, 09:57 PM
So how are you supposed to transport it?
Same as the propane bottle for your grill, in a ventilated area, secured well enough to prevent damage to the bottles or the valves.

Like Jonathan said, the small bottles don't have provisions to protect the valves. It seems odd to me: Acetylene is a highly explosive gas, but the small bottles have no provision to protect the valves. My employer switched to propylene, which is inherently safer, and has built in guards to protect the valve, just like the propane bottle on your grill.

Transporting an explosive gas is one problem. Storing it without adequate ventilation is another problem waiting to happen. By that standard, if you have a can of gasoline stored out in your garage, you may soon graduate to the rank Pete so eloquently labled "fucktard."


My only comment or rebuttal to this news story is, "gasoline."

December 5th, 2011, 01:11 AM
There is a lot more to this story than fucktard told in his little tale....

Insurance fraud comes to mind. As in, "I can't pay for it, so I will dispose of it before it gets towed away by the repo man. The insurance company can eat it." Probably let it sit over night to fill up then hit the door lock/unlock on the remote key fob. Sounds kind of fishy how he, "drove the truck out of the garage" without blowing it up. I'd think tumbling the ignition switch would make a sufficient enough electrical spark to do the job. And deaf in one ear with a scratch to the back of the head? Come on dude... I'd think sitting inside a bomb like that would do more damage to the human body. :rolleyes:

December 5th, 2011, 04:32 AM
So how are you supposed to transport it?
Others have elaborated my point. When we used acetylene torches our vans had a cage for the bottle and a wheeled rack for the job site. My point should have been more clear about "inside the cab/passenger area" of non service vehicles. Then we switched to the MAPP gas and turbo torches, infinitely easier and faster. I used a screw lid bucket for my torch and stuff, always detached the bottle from torch, capped bottle, and ignited torch until reserve fuel burns up, no chance of ignition. Then the bucket had a cage in the van for securing while in transport, so it was not a projectile.
I would use ratchet straps to hold loose bottles up right, in a bundle, and against the cab or tailgate if in a non service transport.
I agree this scenario is questionable, one of the injuries they did not mention was flash burns in eyes and on face and hands, I'm talking no more facial hair, and at least 1st to 2nd degree burns. And I have to think, looking at the FJ, that both his eardrums would be ruptured rendering him deaf. He is lucky it was acetylene and not propane!!!!!!!

December 5th, 2011, 05:04 AM
Insurance fraud comes to mind. As in, "I can't pay for it, so I will dispose of it before it gets towed away by the repo man. The insurance company can eat it."

What I said to LaDawn....Are we tracking on the same astral plane or something??...I was showing her that and said" That sounds like something my ex partner would do." He was recently busted on a huge insurance scam case and charged with something 24 felony counts.

December 5th, 2011, 08:45 AM
I don't think that was "accidental" either, there is way too much damage to the dashboard for him to have walked away with nothing more than a scrape, not to mention the driver side air bag deployed, which would have smacked the sh!t out of him. My guess is he intentionally opened the tank in the FJ, allowing it to sit over night and fill in every possible nook and cranny, opened the driver door which is pretty much the only piece still intact and threw a match in there, which may have caused the scrape he claims.

Sitting inside of that when it went would have caused both of his ear drums to pop and hair to singe at the very least. He's full of sh!t if you ask me, that was intentional and I bet if you dig a bit he was probably behind on the payments.

December 5th, 2011, 08:49 AM
Sitting inside of that when it went would have caused both of his ear drums to pop and hair to singe at the very least. He's full of sh!t if you ask me

I hope his insurance company investigator feels the same way....I sure do.

Only way the right ear would've popped and not the left (weird physics aside) is if the driver's window was open. Nice call on the driver's door. Like I mentioned, too bad fucks like this can't just simply die....for any one of a number of reasons....

December 5th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Fuel + oxidizer → BOOM
That the first thing they teach in chem class and this is why you pay attention in school.

December 5th, 2011, 02:15 PM
That the first thing they teach in chem class and this is why you pay attention in school.

They also teach Darwin's Theory of Evolution...another subject that some people didn't pay too much attention to...:lmao:

December 5th, 2011, 02:39 PM
He got in the truck, started it, drove it out, hit the passenger window button and it exploded?

Why didn't it explode when he opened the door? Why not when he started it?

Yeah, red flags are there.

December 5th, 2011, 03:04 PM
He got in the truck, started it, drove it out, hit the passenger window button and it exploded?

Yeah...red flags....And we aren't even the insurance investigators.

December 5th, 2011, 03:39 PM
[I]Are we tracking on the same astral plane or something??...

That depends. Break anything today? (and ponder, "W.T.F. was I thinking?"

December 5th, 2011, 06:13 PM
Nope that was yesterday...

December 6th, 2011, 07:56 PM
My only comment or rebuttal to this news story is, "gasoline."

That the guy we were talking about at the junkyard, Mike?

December 7th, 2011, 05:18 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Hypoid View Post
My only comment or rebuttal to this news story is, "gasoline."

That the guy we were talking about at the junkyard, Mike?


December 7th, 2011, 06:17 AM
That the guy we were talking about at the junkyard, Mike?
Yup! Nothing went boom until he opened the door and let fresh air into the "warm room." When the first responders got to the scene, the Diesel powered welder was still running. The case around the generator assembly is now bowed out. The bottles and regulators were intact and holding pressure.

December 7th, 2011, 10:04 PM
You'll have to ask Mike.

December 8th, 2011, 09:21 AM
I bet the drive line is still good. LOL:wrench:

December 8th, 2011, 08:45 PM
I bet the drive line is still good. LOL
They already bought the replacement box. I don't know how they plan on getting the cab straightened out. The back used to be straight, now it's sorta concave. :eek:

December 8th, 2011, 09:38 PM
Fuel + oxidizer → BOOM Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!

Remember the ol' fire triangle? Take any side out of the combination, no boom.


The incident at work illustrates the same principle. Gasoline fumes had accumulated in an area with no ventilation. When the helper heard the welder engine "knocking," he opened the door to the area. He saw the gas can venting (spewing) gasoline and took it off the unit. As he was returning to shut off the welder, the fumes ignited, ejecting him from the back of the unit.

The report from the fire department said that "cold air entering the area lowered the flash point of the gasoline vapors."

I had to think that one through before I could understood why the fumes didn't ignite sooner. The same principle applies here. I know all you conspiracy theorists can't accept dumb luck. I suggest you send this to Mythbusters, they need a break from things that fly through the air. :D

December 9th, 2011, 06:59 AM
I know all you conspiracy theorists can't accept dumb luck.

Hey...I know who you are aiming that comment at, Mike! I'll have you know that I am not a conspiracy theorist and am simply a manic depressive paranoid!:lmao::lmao:

How can one be called a paranoid if everyone is really out to get you?

The best thing about being a manic depressive is that you know that you aren't going to be down too long...

December 9th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I suggest you send this to Mythbusters, they need a break from things that fly through the air.

December 24th, 2011, 02:18 PM
Hilarious, that's what I was thinking too! My guess, though, was that since the acetylene was in the truck all night, the concentration of gas was above the ignition threshold (too much gas, not enough oxygen). When he opened it up, it lowered it to the point it could ignite...

Regardless, it was just dumb.

December 24th, 2011, 03:40 PM
Regardless, it was just dumb.

X2....That pretty much sums that up, doesn't it?