View Full Version : Darwin Awards:Explosive gas...Oh Yeah...

December 5th, 2011, 07:48 PM
Decided I would Google this to see if Dimbulb FJC dude had gotten mentioned yet. Couldn't find him, but found other entertaining reading:

(December 2008, Florida) The District Chief of the Jacksonville Fire Rescue Department reports, "An engine company sent a request for us to extinguish a routine trash fire. The Lieutenant said, 'You gotta see this.' An intoxicated group of men had decided that throwing paint cans into their 55-gallon drum fire was fun, but not fun enough. They escalated the excitement by tossing in not one, but three 20-pound propane cylinders. Partially-empty cylinders are actually more dangerous than full ones because they cannot absorb as much heat prior to venting or exploding. The fun went south when one cylinder violently vented toward an unfortunate reveler. I cannot reveal the patient's name due to HIPPA laws, but he was transported to a burn unit for attention to his 'party favors.' I understand that the gene pool is still at risk from these rocket scientists, as the close call was not fatal.

Deleware, 28 February 2000

A Dover man drove to the gas station to fill up his propane bottle. Having filled the bottle, he settled it on the passenger floor and proceeded to drive home. On the way home, he decided to have a cigarette, little realizing that the propane bottle had never sealed properly. He lit the match, blew the windows and sunroof out of his car and was air lifted to to the hospital for burn treatment.


A man presents himself at a hospital ER covered with burns, slightly deaf and missing most of his hair. When questioned, he said that he had been trying to blow up a propane container by shooting holes in it with a .22. When this didn't succeed in blowing the container up, he decided to let the gas leak out and try something else. He let the gas leak for a bit and to see when the propane gas would actually explode, sparked off his lighter and with lit lighter in hand, walked towards the propane canister. He found the answer: 15'

Things that go BOOM in the night
Worst story? A Falmouth family qualified en masse for a Darwin Award. They lost power, put a propane stove on top of their regular stove to cook, then evacuated when the water got too close. You probably already know that they had left the real stove on after the power came out, and that they didn't move the propane stove before fleeing.
Power comes on, stove comes on, propane tank heats up.... BOOM! Time to relocate the Stupid family.

(14 March 2000, Denmark) Three teenage girls were hiding out in the public restroom sniffing gas on Tuesday, when one of them casually lit a cigarette. The explosion ignited the fumes filling the small enclosure, and the girls rushed from the toilets ... straight into the arms of police, since the restroom they had chosen was in the same building as the police station. Inspector Leif H�y said, "We heard a bang from the toilets, and a moment later the girls ran screaming out." The officers gave them first aid by dousing them with cold water, and sent them to the hospital for further treatment.
None of the gas-sniffing girls is in danger of losing her life, but unless they learn their lessons from this experience, we expect to hear from them again soon.
Lesson One: When sniffing lighter fluid, avoid doing so next to a police station, unless you foresee the need for first aid.

And it even hits close to home. This may very well be a family member of the FJC guy:

A man from Sheridan is facing explosives charges after he accidentally blew up his own car with a gas-filled balloon he was taking to a Super Bowl party.

The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office found a suspicious-looking car Sunday afternoon behind the old Duggan's gas station in the 4500 block of South Santa Fe Drive frontage road. Passersby had called in to report some type of explosion or car accident.When a deputy arrived to check it out, he found a white car that showed obvious signs of an explosion. All the windows were blown out, the vehicle doors were bent towards the outside and the roof was pushed about a foot higher than normal.

December 5th, 2011, 09:28 PM
I missed something...Dimbulb FJC guy? What thread was that?

December 5th, 2011, 09:35 PM
the gas (insert name) go boom! thread

dont have a link to that but this:


was what it was talking about

December 6th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Gas: a natural form of population control, sometimes.

December 6th, 2011, 06:42 AM
Here is the link to the original forum thread:


And for those of you who liked the 'shooting at the propane to make it go bang' and wondered why it didn't, you don't get enough of a spark. The bullet simply punches through the metal container. You actually need some sort of tracer round to make this happen, something a little bit hard to buy over the counter, although Cabela's has some. You can also make your own and there are websites describing a couple of different methods. Takes some messing around to make some decent ones.

Yes, you run the risk of exploding the barrel. Yes, they can be considered dangerous. Yes, they are fun and really work. Yes, sparking off even a one pound propane container is dangerous. Yes, when the go off, they will travel at a high speed for a short distance (dependent on the amount of left over gas). Yes, they will tend to go very random directions. They also eliminate the overwhelming need some people may feel to walk towards a leaking propane container to see when it is going to go off.

Hey...you are all old enough to make your own choices...:lmao::lmao:

December 6th, 2011, 01:33 PM
And for those of you who liked the 'shooting at the propane to make it go bang' and wondered why it didn't, you don't get enough of a spark. The bullet simply punches through the metal container. You actually need some sort of tracer round to make this happen, something a little bit hard to buy over the counter, although Cabela's has some. You can also make your own and there are websites describing a couple of different methods. Takes some messing around to make some decent ones.

Hey...you are all old enough to make your own choices...:lmao::lmao:

If you're ok with a tiny delayed reaction and maybe don't mind making the list you can always put a lit up road flare in front of the propane bottle. :D

December 6th, 2011, 09:35 PM
shooting at the propane to make it go bang

They did this on Myth Busters. It ended up taking a minigun to get it to go "boom". Can't kill stupid.