View Full Version : Wood Mill

Bunyon & Babe
December 13th, 2011, 02:02 PM
Nothing to do with 4 wheeling or wrenching but I do have a small lumber business. I don't bother with any common dimensional lumber . I DO mill custom beams and tree board ( slabs ) out of Ponderosa ,Lodgepole ,Limber ,and Bristlecone . All dead wood ,we don't cut on live trees . So if you are looking for a custom cut beam ( up to 28 feet long) or a big slab for table tops , bar or counter top,I can cut up to 28" wide on the bandsaw mill and 48" wide on the chainsaw mill.

December 13th, 2011, 02:41 PM
I DO mill custom beams and tree board ( slabs ) out of Ponderosa ,Lodgepole ,Limber ,and Bristlecone

Interesting, what's the grain on the limber look like? Do you run into anything with a twist?

I am thinking about doing some lodge style furniture for one of the bedrooms and the slabs would be nice for benches and dresser tops too.

What about hardwoods? Maple, Walnut, etc.

scout man
December 13th, 2011, 06:57 PM
this intrigues me too. do you by any chance have any pics of the sort of wood we are talking? I think I know what your making, but just want to verify. Also, any rough hint as to cost of this sort of thing? I too have thought of making a few furniture pieces.

December 13th, 2011, 07:20 PM
Sweet!! where are you located? website?

December 13th, 2011, 08:30 PM
X4! Pics?

December 14th, 2011, 07:04 AM
Jim definitely post up some more info and pics. I myself will be interested in getting some materials from you this coming summer when I can get back in the garage to use my wood working tools.

December 14th, 2011, 12:15 PM
x whatever on the pics. I'm in the process of finishing my basement and my 6' wetbar will need a top!

Bunyon & Babe
December 14th, 2011, 08:20 PM
After tossing the idea around for a few years we are now in the process of getting a web site, but its still a little ways off. Here's a few pics, I'll get more soon. Price varies between species of tree and the grade of the individual piece of wood. We use the same general specs for grading all species .
GRADE 1 Exceptional color, unique edges, solid wood throughout .
GRADE 2 Good color, interesting edges, may have some patches of checking or soft wood .
GRADE 3 Some color , plain looking edges , some patches of soft wood or checking .
Ponderosa ( 18" to 36" or more wide ) #1 $7.00 per board foot ( pbf ) -- #2 $4.00 pbf -- #3 $2.00 pbf .

Bristlecone and Limber #1 $10.00 pbf -- #2 $6.00 pbf -- #3 $3.00 pbf .

Aspen #1 $5.00 pbf -- #2 $3.00 pbf -- #3 $1.50 pbf .

All of our tree board ( slab wood ) is cut with an emphasis on color , swirling grain patterns , unique edges , bends and twists etc. Board foot prices are used as a general guideline when figuring out the price of an individual piece of wood. We also do wood carving (totem poles), beams and support posts, and counter tops. If you're iterested in a brochure, call me at 970-389-0361 and I'll send one to you.

scout man
December 14th, 2011, 09:39 PM
thats awesome. Ill have to keep this in mind and get in touch with you down the road

December 14th, 2011, 09:49 PM
I want one of those STIHL, yes i know those are expensive, but damn one would be nice

December 14th, 2011, 09:57 PM
Nice. Now I know who to call when my wife gives me a go-ahead to build a Viking ship in the backyard, my long-planned retirement project.

December 14th, 2011, 10:50 PM
Sweet!!! Will hit you up one of these days.

Bunyon & Babe
December 15th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Hey , First off I want to say thank you for all the interest in our wood . We appreciate it very much. I'll get some pictures up soon of finnished counter tops ,tables . bar tops, etc. The natural colors come out much more when clear laquer or acrylic resins are aplied. Makes the reds and golds really stand out. Jack asked about hardwoods like maple and walnut. We don't harvest any hardwoods ourselves but if you have access to some we can mill it for you . We charge a $30 blade fee and then $45 per hour for milling customer supplied logs.
We slab most of our wood at 3" thick but can accomodate any thickness you want.
We'll also give a 15% discount to any member on here. Thanks again to all of you , Merry Christmas , and we hope to meet you out on the trails soon. Jim

Bunyon & Babe
December 15th, 2011, 09:24 AM
Hey ,Southpaws 3 NICE looking Burban .