View Full Version : Sick Humor and a Reminder About Guns WARNING:GRIM!

January 1st, 2012, 08:16 AM
If you like guns and things that go bang and don't possess the common sense necessary to own or handle guns, then you either should stay away from those things to begin with or just deal with the consequences...

Oh yeah....guns are always 'loaded'. Too bad this brain child wasn't looking down the barrel to see if it was blocked....Lucky idiot too because it looks like he was standing on a wood rather than cement floor. A concrete floor would have done a lot more damage.

OUCH!!!! BET IT "SMARTS !!!!" ..... IDIOT OF COURSE !!!!!

Subject: Fwd: The.45 Caliber Round Makes a Pretty Big Hole.......

The .45 caliber round makes a pretty big hole,
I can just imagine how the conversation went:

"Hey honey.....
Check out my new .45, it has a really great trigger pull"

nice squeeze ....Bang!!!!..
Oh CRAP.....

Honey......... I need another Budweiser
Man that hurts........ "

Off to Wal-Mart for some new shoes...
and a book called.....

"Handguns For Dummies

January 1st, 2012, 08:40 AM
Those pics are linked to a google mail account, no worky.

My brother told me about one of his co-workers, who was showing off his new glock in the parking lot, shot himself in the leg.

My brother shouldn't laugh too hard. He was cleaning a rifle that he thought was unloaded, left a nice .22 caliber hole in the garage ceiling. BTW, we grew up with firearms and hunting. That was his one mistake of a lifetime.

January 1st, 2012, 09:21 AM
That should clear up the pictures.

I grew up around guns and shooting, too. I still check a gun that someone hands me even if I just watched them drop the magazine and shell...and "KNOW" that it is unloaded...If I clear my revolver of shells, I still visually check even though I "KNOW" that I have just ejected all the rounds. I shoot myself, it is going to be because I WANT to, ditto with shooting someone else, and not because I was dicking around with an "UNLOADED" firearm....

January 1st, 2012, 10:50 AM

Yep, my pops used to say "Some people put swimming pools in the backyard, I put a 50 ft range under my garage." It was a pretty simple set up. He put a concrete box under the garage that doubled as a grease pit. He put a concrete box under the driveway to trap bullets. The two were connected with 36" concrete pipe, with a 6" vent towards the shooter's end.

When he thought I displayed the sense of responsibility, and presence of mind to handle a pistol, he started the training. I was standing in front of the tube, ready to fire, I turned my head to ask a question; "WATCH THAT MUZZLE!" he barked. I looked forward to see the pistol pointed at the concrete wall in front of me. When I turned my head, my shoulders and hand followed. He pointed out the fact that a shorter barrel on a pistol makes it inherently more dangerous, as I just illustrated. That was my one mistake for a lifetime.

January 1st, 2012, 11:15 AM
HAHA...Yeah, no kidding. I have handled guns to the point where if I have anything with a pistol grip in my hand (like a drill or nail gun), I will index my finger and point it at either the floor or ceiling without thinking about it....I hate taking someone out shooting for the first time for those simple reasons. They will turn toward you with the gun following the movement of their head and shoulders and many times with their finger still on the trigger....

Maybe a little silly with the drill, but I have shot pigeons, mice, rats, and crows with a 16p nail gun from a pretty good distance away....and know of more than one person who is either running around with a nailk buried in their brain pan or has one surgically removed. None of those people expressed any real interest in repeating the process....

January 1st, 2012, 12:38 PM
Not to damn bright, he ain't. Gonna walk with a limp for a while!!!

January 1st, 2012, 02:44 PM
I worked with a guy who shot his own damn finger off while "cleaning" his gun. Don't get me wrong he was a nice guy, but a dumb sumbitch. I say was because he got himself ventilated while chasing some punk after a bar fight.

January 1st, 2012, 03:01 PM
I worked with a guy that blew most of his palm off while "cleaning" a 9mm. Same goes with the 'stupid'.

Like I said, someone hands me a gun, I don't care if I just watched him drop the clip and empty the chamber, I do it all over again so that I know it is empty. All the same, I still treat it like a loaded weapon. Bren, the guy I just did the cabinet job with, watched me do this when he handed me a nice 1911 to look at. Chris(Scrat) also watched me do the same thing. Gun "safety" tends to sort itself out in a pretty quick way....I hand someone my S&W 329, the cylinder is open, not closed. EVERYONE knows that it is empty. I simply do not hand off a 'loaded' gun to anyone unless I know them well, have been shooting with them before, and EVERYONE knows that the gun is "hot".

I know of another guy who managed to drop a 44 revolver on the hammer with a round in the chamber. It sailed a bullet under his armpit and blew out a big chunk of lat muscle. He tried to sue S&W (which I thought was a real laugh...)and their lawyer said that out of the XXXXXXXX number of times they have been taken to court, they have never lost a case, but to go right ahead and sue them if it made him feel better....:lmao::lmao: He now knows that dropping a gun may be bad for his health....:D

LaDawn and I go camping, I show her where the gun is and make a point to tell her it is "hot". Screw safetys, too. One of the reasons I have a revolver with 6 rounds in it. Point and bang. Done deal.And with the 329, that means a very slight breath on it....

And, personally, **** people who get shot through their own stupidity.....and that would include myself should I ever manage to do that....

January 1st, 2012, 06:44 PM
im glad i only have air soft guns, i would have shot my leg, arm, finger, ear, and knee cap.
i really know how to use guns, my dad taught me all of the gun safety stuff.
Airsoft wars are fun and all, but i make everyone wear eye protection, and make sure all of the safeties work!
All of those were because my safety likes to malfunction.

January 1st, 2012, 08:22 PM
Gross. And dumb. I have a 16 round magazine S&W, but really want a revolver, too. For the simplicity.

January 1st, 2012, 08:38 PM
I'll buy you your revolver if I can get my AR15!
Deal, but only if I get to shoot yours, too.

January 1st, 2012, 10:55 PM
We bought Annika a BB gun for Christmas. She only gets to use it with extreme supervision from her dad. In fact...I don't even know where he is hiding it, and our house is pretty small...

January 1st, 2012, 11:00 PM
i had a daisy bb gun R.I.P
It would shoot though licence plates, coffee cans, the side of my dads brand new truck!
Ask my brother about the truck! :lmao:
It was awesome, i think i want to get a .22 and a 9 mm so when i go up camping i will have something a little more fun to shoot!

January 2nd, 2012, 06:11 AM
Gun safety classes should be part of the education process to kids, IMO. Hell, you have to have a license to cut hair.
This guy is lucky to have his toes, let alone his foot, but as Pete said, wood floor = half a toe, concrete = no toe, possibly no foot.

January 2nd, 2012, 06:46 AM
Reminds me of this video


Never can be to careful. My boss has a hole in the passenger side floorboard of his truck from a shot gun.

January 3rd, 2012, 08:36 PM
Hmmm. Looks like work. Pretty clean wound but that is gross.

Both my kids had gun/hunter safety classes. Heather, me too. A revolver is in my future, just not sure when.