View Full Version : On TOP of the World

January 6th, 2012, 08:44 AM
My plans for yesterday was to take down the remaining Christmas lights and decorations, then take the truck out for another test drive after making some adjustments to the PS gear box, then wash the car and finally go to bed after that. Well it all started yesterday morning upon arriving home from work at 7:20am to find the two neighbors dogs in the back yard again OH BOY! Well I did not let it bother me. I figured the hell with it since I am going to be taking the truck out they will run out the gate and its not my problem anyhow, but alas Val called the AC again so that nixed my thoughts in the butt. Well I did get the Christmas stuff done with the noisy boogers wanting attention and to see what all I was doing and just as I was finishing that the Ac officer showed up. I helped him harness both dogs so he could get them into his truck, problem starts with him returning the dogs to the neighbor and telling the roommate they have to be kept indoors (YEAH RIGHT) well that did not happen of course he tied them up outside. By this time I was so tired mentally and physically I decided to wait on the rest of my list.

Well as life would have it Val needed me to get something out of the shed so happily I trot to the back door and wham, WHATS ALL THIS WATER ON THE FLOOR? Water heater went out and is leaking, and shoot wouldn't you know it I just ran out of gas for my torch last weekend and payday is not until Friday what am I going to do? I proceed to call a handy man that is local and sets a time to come take a look at it and give me a price, so in the mean time I cut the water lines and remove the leaking tank. The handy man shows up and we talk it over and shoot he cannot do it until Friday so I decide to wait and take care of it myself. Now keep in mind I did not get upset at all over any of this but just laughed it off as one of life's little joys.

Friday is here and behold I figure out the bills and take care of them and Here is the best part of it all I paid off the truck This morning life is great and I am now on top of the world. Cheers everyone and have a GREAT DAY today!:thumb:

January 6th, 2012, 10:04 AM
I think you also might just be in shock. :lmao: glad it all worked out!!

January 6th, 2012, 10:07 AM
YAY!! Paying off a vehicle is definitely one of the finer moments in life! Congrats!

January 6th, 2012, 11:57 AM
I think you also might just be in shock. glad it all worked out!!

Nope It is my new out look on things, Just going to try and be as positive as possible with things that pop up.

YAY!! Paying off a vehicle is definitely one of the finer moments in life! Congrats!

YES it is actually both vehicles were paid off with in the last year now so all I have is the house payment and planning on doubling up on it to pay it off so I can retire in 9 years.

January 6th, 2012, 12:09 PM
Nope It is my new out look on things, Just going to try and be as positive as possible with things that pop up.

I need this. I've been so pessimistic lately, and it really wears on you. I'm going to try it too!

Congrats on paying off the car. Way to remain positive through the annoyances of life! (and home-ownership...) :thumb:

January 6th, 2012, 08:13 PM
Nope It is my new out look on things, Just going to try and be as positive as possible with things that pop up.

I feel ya, Sean! The gentleman I install frames and glass for (and I use gentleman loosely) basically told me today that if my attitude doesn't change he's going to find somebody to replace me. I didn't get angry, just told him that was fine. He asked me why I was being so cavalier about it. (I guess he doesn't realize that you can only take so much before nothing makes you angry anymore!) I just told him I was maintaining my zen 'cause I didn't need the stress anymore and I'd think about where our business relationship should go now that we're into the new year.

January 7th, 2012, 01:15 AM
I hear ya Jon, it was Val telling me a couple weeks ago that I was getting a negitive attitude about everything which got me to look at it all and make some adjustments, like why get upset over most things that you can actually laugh at and come out ahead of the game.

January 7th, 2012, 05:34 AM
Sean, if the water heater is plumbed correctly, you should need no torch. If not set it up this way, flexible copper connectors and a union fitting on the T&P valve if needed. The next time it goes out(which these days is 6-10 years) it is a simple swap out, refill and the new heaters have push button ignition (BBQ style), no need for a torch. The family and I are still fighting off a cold or I would come help you man.

SUPER CONGRATS on paying your truck off!!!!!! I know the feeling!!