February 26th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Let me start by saying: What is going on with this insane world!?
My generation is so blindly stupid it's unbelievable! Generation Y is soconcerned with the "me" factor that they are blindly entering a worldchanging the fabric of its foundation. They want works to accommodate them,which is actually happening, but that doesn't matter because we don't believein holding down a career for 30 years, we have new interest and change jobsfrequently. We always want everything for ourselves. We wan the latesttechnology, the latest fashion, the latest everything. We don't care about theold because we want the new. It's a sad realism! Generation Y is becoming an"I don't care about having a husband, I don't care about having wife, Idon't care about having a marriage, I don't care about anyone else but myself.Marriage rates have been declining. Women don't want to marry men who have alower education then themselves or a lower paying job. They don't care what theman is like in personality, they just want him to be on par. I tried lookingfor scholarships for my next semester, and I could only find two; yes two. Formy GPA, and my place of employment. Then I realized something. (To no offense,because I’m sure there may be some since I'm a white male talking about thisand I'm the bad person in society’s views.) If I was a woman, and in a minoritygroup I would have all the scholarships in the world. If I was just a woman Iwould have more scholarships! I'm all for empowering woman, and dowholeheartedly believe that they should have a rightful place in the workenvironment and have a chance at a successful life, but at what cost for men?White males are now the bad guys, with lack of support! Most elementary schoolteachers are all women, boys have no one to relate to. Women can relate tolittle girls easier then little boys. All you’re doing is putting boys down forwhat? Being boys? Why can't we have equality in our society? I have gotten alot of bad looks from people around because of the way I talk. I don't talklike how I'm "supposed" to as a white male. I'm so tired of anythingwe say being bad. We are the villains in almost everything now. T.V. shows portraymen as idiots, commercials show men as idiots, anything a male says that is notfor the women is idiotic. I understand the concept of women shouldn't bedependent on men and am an individual themselves, but really how many T.V.shows currently on T.V. portray women as idiots? All this society is doing isputting men down just for being men! There was an article once that said"Are men obsolete?" I read that article which describes what I beentalking about, and to the end point of this. I'm tired of seeing articles likethis. Here, for the ladies, let's go back down right before the 1920's. Womendid not have jobs, did not have a good chance at education, and the men were thehousehold. Yes, this is not a very good way of seeing it, correct? I have threestatements. First, did you see newspapers saying "Are women obsoletebecause all they do is clean and look pretty?" NO!! Second, if were supposedto learn from our past, then why are we trying to reverse rolls? Third, why dopeople have to fight a battle that's not even theirs? I don't go around bashingwomen all day for the hell of it!
People are lacking a great deal of commitment! All we care about anymore isourselves. You know, to all those people out there who are very much in loveand have a very successful marriage I commend you!! That is true advancement! Ihave my girlfriend right now of 4 years! Soon to be engaged to her. I have 3more years of college then her, and she wants to drop out to pursue a newfield, and I'm going to complete my bachelor's. (Funny thing about bachelor's.)If I get a bachelor's, because I'm not a woman, I become a statistic.) Anyways,I do not condone her or call her stupid, or think she is stupid because shedoesn't want to get a bachelor's and whatever she wants to do I'll support her,as she does for me. Why that is all these empowered women can't seem to takethat to heart? All they want is the next successful man, and anyone lower isjust an imbecile. We should be moving for advancement! We need equality! I donot care if you’re a man, woman, or in-between (Don't comment to that). I wantus to all be equal and love each other all equally. That is too much to askfor. We gotten to the point where the next release of the"I-something" is more important. In such a hugely connected worldthat we live in it's a sad way of living that people cannot seem to livetogether. I ask a very serious question? To women, what are you trying toachieve? To men, why do you not want to achieve more?
Statistically, men are getting less opportunities then women now. If you Googlearound between the work force of women and men you will see things like."Men losing more jobs to women." "Men, lagging behind women in jobs."Men, lagging behind in education." Though, you will never find anything of"Men in this area have made a comeback to jobs available." But, youwill see articles like "Women gaining higher paying jobs in the workforce." Followed by articles like, "Women have gotten higher payingjobs, but in this particular location women still haven't gotten that!"then followed by how this is unfair and they need to change it. I guess whenone type of people dominates something in the past; it's today's people to fighta battle already years behind? So just because I was born a white-male intoday's time I have to endure this stupid criticism? Why do women always getthe kids by default? Why can't I have a scholarship for (men-only) Oh wait, Ican't because that would make me to special, everyone else needs their ownscholarships. See how many times we can put the white-male down before everyoneelse can get more. This is a rant, and may be bias, though I do try to keep itunbiased in very key portions of what I'm talking about; the overall point I'mtrying to make: why can't men, women, race, ethnicity, and everything else allbe equal? If women are getting more degrees then men, then so be it!! Educationisn't always everything especially when you’re so delusional blind by your own-self-worththat you care little about your fellow people. Feminists are also trying to getword to become gender-neutral. This is fine by me. I just find it ironic thatthey are trying to change HISTORY to HESTORY which turns it to a feminine baseword. That's so gender-neutral!? Maybe I should start a group for"malism" which combat idiot advertisement's that put men down, andcourts always deciding women get the kids by default(in most cases). To adownright point for my own opinion: Why the hell do I have to live in a societythat is so idiotic! Things like "Women who now have higher degrees re notmarrying men who have lower education." Now I can truly see theirself-worth is viewed. It's all about girl-power!! Until two girls get in a cat fightand all hell breaks loose. (I bet some people after reading that will discreditwhat I'm saying because I just put women down in a derogatory sense, but thatjust proves my point of me stating earlier than men are idiotic in T.V. showsand commercials will not be viewed as diabolical cuss were men. Here, to makethe score even. "Why do men have to play video games like little boys allday until they are in their 20's, can't you man up?"
There are so many views on this that I would love to hear from anyoneinterested in posting! To be fair, in all that I've said about women I havestill seen women put down women for just being woman. One day at work a womanasked another woman a football question to which that woman answered correctly.The woman who asked turned back to that woman and said. "How do you know, you’rejust a women!" I was very shocked. For men, I have seen men rise to theoccasion in the ever looming society we face to become a single non-marriedleader in the work force even after an uneven support.
In my personal opinion, save the most advanced jobs for the educationseekers and give them good pay, and let everything else work for anybody thatcan handle the job. Working in the retail business in an automotive shop atwal*mart you meet interesting people. I had a lady come in once who had amaster's degree in sociology. This was very cool! The sad part is, she didn'tknow what a spark plug was, or where oil went in her car.... Equally, I had aman come in who had a bachelor's in business and he didn't know what a sparkplug was, but he did know where oil went, yay... to my point is, your vehiclegets you from point a to point b for a lot of people. You could be the mostdamned educated person in this world, doesn't mean you know how to change youroil!! That's the pitiful fact were basing society on. Work should be based onexperience and being able to learn quickly and do your job not because you havea piece of paper. I like living my ordinary life as a technician. You know why?I like to have money to have a little fun, and at least live on my own. I don'tcare about being a doctor and trying to become a neurosurgeon. Chance are I'mahave to work on your car because you don't know how...If women are basingeducational advancement's on living alone, trying to raise a child much less aboy alone, and care only about money your going to reach your prime and wonderwhy your life is so lonely. Way to go! People are mammals. We are here to loveand support each other and survive together, not to selflessly live thinkingyour perfect. You know, if men become obsolete so will women in a matter oftime. Go ahead and replicate sperm. I mean, I'm sure we have the technology todo it by now! Then one day that technology will fail and then how will you reproduce?You can't thus you kill yourselves off and poof no more people! Same goes to ifwomen become obsolete. In technology they are actually getting to the pointwhere they can incubate and grow a child without the use of a woman! W00t, notso special now anymore right? Wrong, because same scenario. Technologycollapses. No one can reproduce, poof humans gone! I think we will get to thatpoint, and in a selfish manner I hope I have lived a thorough and long life anddied before this happens. Sometimes I wonder if I should have a kid...because Iwould want to raise that kid to meet his/her top potential! Sadly, I do notwant that child to grow up in a society so ignorant that we have to continue toput each other down!
My generation is so blindly stupid it's unbelievable! Generation Y is soconcerned with the "me" factor that they are blindly entering a worldchanging the fabric of its foundation. They want works to accommodate them,which is actually happening, but that doesn't matter because we don't believein holding down a career for 30 years, we have new interest and change jobsfrequently. We always want everything for ourselves. We wan the latesttechnology, the latest fashion, the latest everything. We don't care about theold because we want the new. It's a sad realism! Generation Y is becoming an"I don't care about having a husband, I don't care about having wife, Idon't care about having a marriage, I don't care about anyone else but myself.Marriage rates have been declining. Women don't want to marry men who have alower education then themselves or a lower paying job. They don't care what theman is like in personality, they just want him to be on par. I tried lookingfor scholarships for my next semester, and I could only find two; yes two. Formy GPA, and my place of employment. Then I realized something. (To no offense,because I’m sure there may be some since I'm a white male talking about thisand I'm the bad person in society’s views.) If I was a woman, and in a minoritygroup I would have all the scholarships in the world. If I was just a woman Iwould have more scholarships! I'm all for empowering woman, and dowholeheartedly believe that they should have a rightful place in the workenvironment and have a chance at a successful life, but at what cost for men?White males are now the bad guys, with lack of support! Most elementary schoolteachers are all women, boys have no one to relate to. Women can relate tolittle girls easier then little boys. All you’re doing is putting boys down forwhat? Being boys? Why can't we have equality in our society? I have gotten alot of bad looks from people around because of the way I talk. I don't talklike how I'm "supposed" to as a white male. I'm so tired of anythingwe say being bad. We are the villains in almost everything now. T.V. shows portraymen as idiots, commercials show men as idiots, anything a male says that is notfor the women is idiotic. I understand the concept of women shouldn't bedependent on men and am an individual themselves, but really how many T.V.shows currently on T.V. portray women as idiots? All this society is doing isputting men down just for being men! There was an article once that said"Are men obsolete?" I read that article which describes what I beentalking about, and to the end point of this. I'm tired of seeing articles likethis. Here, for the ladies, let's go back down right before the 1920's. Womendid not have jobs, did not have a good chance at education, and the men were thehousehold. Yes, this is not a very good way of seeing it, correct? I have threestatements. First, did you see newspapers saying "Are women obsoletebecause all they do is clean and look pretty?" NO!! Second, if were supposedto learn from our past, then why are we trying to reverse rolls? Third, why dopeople have to fight a battle that's not even theirs? I don't go around bashingwomen all day for the hell of it!
People are lacking a great deal of commitment! All we care about anymore isourselves. You know, to all those people out there who are very much in loveand have a very successful marriage I commend you!! That is true advancement! Ihave my girlfriend right now of 4 years! Soon to be engaged to her. I have 3more years of college then her, and she wants to drop out to pursue a newfield, and I'm going to complete my bachelor's. (Funny thing about bachelor's.)If I get a bachelor's, because I'm not a woman, I become a statistic.) Anyways,I do not condone her or call her stupid, or think she is stupid because shedoesn't want to get a bachelor's and whatever she wants to do I'll support her,as she does for me. Why that is all these empowered women can't seem to takethat to heart? All they want is the next successful man, and anyone lower isjust an imbecile. We should be moving for advancement! We need equality! I donot care if you’re a man, woman, or in-between (Don't comment to that). I wantus to all be equal and love each other all equally. That is too much to askfor. We gotten to the point where the next release of the"I-something" is more important. In such a hugely connected worldthat we live in it's a sad way of living that people cannot seem to livetogether. I ask a very serious question? To women, what are you trying toachieve? To men, why do you not want to achieve more?
Statistically, men are getting less opportunities then women now. If you Googlearound between the work force of women and men you will see things like."Men losing more jobs to women." "Men, lagging behind women in jobs."Men, lagging behind in education." Though, you will never find anything of"Men in this area have made a comeback to jobs available." But, youwill see articles like "Women gaining higher paying jobs in the workforce." Followed by articles like, "Women have gotten higher payingjobs, but in this particular location women still haven't gotten that!"then followed by how this is unfair and they need to change it. I guess whenone type of people dominates something in the past; it's today's people to fighta battle already years behind? So just because I was born a white-male intoday's time I have to endure this stupid criticism? Why do women always getthe kids by default? Why can't I have a scholarship for (men-only) Oh wait, Ican't because that would make me to special, everyone else needs their ownscholarships. See how many times we can put the white-male down before everyoneelse can get more. This is a rant, and may be bias, though I do try to keep itunbiased in very key portions of what I'm talking about; the overall point I'mtrying to make: why can't men, women, race, ethnicity, and everything else allbe equal? If women are getting more degrees then men, then so be it!! Educationisn't always everything especially when you’re so delusional blind by your own-self-worththat you care little about your fellow people. Feminists are also trying to getword to become gender-neutral. This is fine by me. I just find it ironic thatthey are trying to change HISTORY to HESTORY which turns it to a feminine baseword. That's so gender-neutral!? Maybe I should start a group for"malism" which combat idiot advertisement's that put men down, andcourts always deciding women get the kids by default(in most cases). To adownright point for my own opinion: Why the hell do I have to live in a societythat is so idiotic! Things like "Women who now have higher degrees re notmarrying men who have lower education." Now I can truly see theirself-worth is viewed. It's all about girl-power!! Until two girls get in a cat fightand all hell breaks loose. (I bet some people after reading that will discreditwhat I'm saying because I just put women down in a derogatory sense, but thatjust proves my point of me stating earlier than men are idiotic in T.V. showsand commercials will not be viewed as diabolical cuss were men. Here, to makethe score even. "Why do men have to play video games like little boys allday until they are in their 20's, can't you man up?"
There are so many views on this that I would love to hear from anyoneinterested in posting! To be fair, in all that I've said about women I havestill seen women put down women for just being woman. One day at work a womanasked another woman a football question to which that woman answered correctly.The woman who asked turned back to that woman and said. "How do you know, you’rejust a women!" I was very shocked. For men, I have seen men rise to theoccasion in the ever looming society we face to become a single non-marriedleader in the work force even after an uneven support.
In my personal opinion, save the most advanced jobs for the educationseekers and give them good pay, and let everything else work for anybody thatcan handle the job. Working in the retail business in an automotive shop atwal*mart you meet interesting people. I had a lady come in once who had amaster's degree in sociology. This was very cool! The sad part is, she didn'tknow what a spark plug was, or where oil went in her car.... Equally, I had aman come in who had a bachelor's in business and he didn't know what a sparkplug was, but he did know where oil went, yay... to my point is, your vehiclegets you from point a to point b for a lot of people. You could be the mostdamned educated person in this world, doesn't mean you know how to change youroil!! That's the pitiful fact were basing society on. Work should be based onexperience and being able to learn quickly and do your job not because you havea piece of paper. I like living my ordinary life as a technician. You know why?I like to have money to have a little fun, and at least live on my own. I don'tcare about being a doctor and trying to become a neurosurgeon. Chance are I'mahave to work on your car because you don't know how...If women are basingeducational advancement's on living alone, trying to raise a child much less aboy alone, and care only about money your going to reach your prime and wonderwhy your life is so lonely. Way to go! People are mammals. We are here to loveand support each other and survive together, not to selflessly live thinkingyour perfect. You know, if men become obsolete so will women in a matter oftime. Go ahead and replicate sperm. I mean, I'm sure we have the technology todo it by now! Then one day that technology will fail and then how will you reproduce?You can't thus you kill yourselves off and poof no more people! Same goes to ifwomen become obsolete. In technology they are actually getting to the pointwhere they can incubate and grow a child without the use of a woman! W00t, notso special now anymore right? Wrong, because same scenario. Technologycollapses. No one can reproduce, poof humans gone! I think we will get to thatpoint, and in a selfish manner I hope I have lived a thorough and long life anddied before this happens. Sometimes I wonder if I should have a kid...because Iwould want to raise that kid to meet his/her top potential! Sadly, I do notwant that child to grow up in a society so ignorant that we have to continue toput each other down!