View Full Version : CodeXJs thread

Robert B
February 26th, 2012, 03:15 PM
hot dam you admins do just get rid of anything slightly controversial .....wtf peeps.....its all true yes some of the responses were not great but i have done the same thing with school and things like that.........i got passed over on a job cause they hired a guy that knew nothing about cars and spoke about 5 words of english cause he was mexican and they needed EOE points or some crap...... this was at a parts store.........

February 26th, 2012, 03:18 PM
Blame me Robert. I was the one to close it....and you know just how sensitive a dude I really am...:D

Robert B
February 26th, 2012, 03:23 PM
ehhh ya i weas just anoyed at it lol

Robert B
February 26th, 2012, 03:24 PM
oh hey you should make a "BIG KIDS" area for this stuff that is no holds bar place that anything goes and maybe is not seeable by the general public?????? just a thought

Robert B
February 26th, 2012, 03:26 PM
then just stuff all these threads in that part ......cause some of these do get good info or ideas but some do get screwed up things that are just arguments lol

February 26th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Robert- just to chime in a bit, not surprised Pete nixed it, fact I was figuring he would. And the reason primarily being there are plenty of sites that allow heated topics, we've just tried to stay away from that here putting the primary focus on wheeling. And to go with this, trying to keep misunderstandings and feuds to a min. And part of that is keeping these sorts of topics under wraps, easy to say something unintended or misunderstood when it's only words on a screen.

see signature.

Robert B
February 26th, 2012, 03:42 PM
Politics and Religion are two things best discussed over a long cigar and a tall drink
i like that hehe ......ya i do se the idea behind that now but i think things like that will keep being put up lol so if the site technician (aaron? someone else??) could make a non public part for this it might work and allow those that log in to see it but not others...... ehh just an idea lol ..............ya if that one goes down take this with it too lol or it will stand out all weird by itself........

thanks for being the government pete!!!! (I REALLY NEED A SARCASM FONT!!!!!!!)

February 26th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Please do not use the words 'Pete' and 'government' in the same sentence. It makes me retch...

February 26th, 2012, 04:42 PM
Since this has come up once again, let me be the first to reinstate some basic Front Range 4x4 "stuff":

We are a friendly 4 wheeling forum. If you feel that you simply must vent about politics, racial or sexual inequalities, religion, sexual preferences, or make racial slurs, it will be deleted off of this forum, whether by myself or another moderator. Read the 'rules' on the FR main page again if that will help. Read them if you haven't read them, it goes into a bit more detail.

If you simply cannot restrain yourself, there are many different forums out there for you to rant on to your heart's content....and many other people who you can rant with.

Do it there, not here.