View Full Version : Holy road rage!

March 28th, 2012, 12:36 AM
<object width="600" height="338" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="SFID1332916653988"><param name="movie" value="http://www.streetfire.net/flash/SPlayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="FlashVars" value="&video=83b2b9b3-ccba-429a-945f-a020000ded2b&servicecfg=386" /><embed src="http://www.streetfire.net/flash/SPlayer.swf" flashvars="video=83b2b9b3-ccba-429a-945f-a020000ded2b&servicecfg=386" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="600" height="338" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br/><a href="http://www.streetfire.net/video/bike-vs-angry-woman_2380552.htm">Bike vs Angry Woman</a></object>


March 28th, 2012, 12:59 AM
I guess he thought because he was riding a Ninja, he was one!

Fiat 1, Ninja 0 :lmao:

He probably didn't deserve to get run over twice, even though his dumbass was riding between the lanes and kicked her car, but sometimes you f**k with the wrong person, on the wrong day and this happens!

March 28th, 2012, 06:21 AM
What Jock said, with the exception of not deserving...Lucky he didn't get his dumbass perforated..

March 28th, 2012, 07:01 AM
I'm guessing it was the girl in the white t-shirt at the end? She looks harmless, but boy did he pick the wrong car to kick. Idiot. It's funny how a motorcycle makes some guys instant bad asses, and funnier to see a girl in a fiat shut him down. She totally over reacted, but he was getting all tough-guy with her... if it was in CO she probably would have pulled her CC piece and shot him when he put his head in the car. I know a dumb guy (were not friends, I just know him) who waved a gun at a woman in a car during a road rage incident and ended up in Boulder County Jail, probably still on probation. Gotta be nice to the ladies!!!

March 28th, 2012, 09:06 AM
OMG. What a crazy b!tch.

March 28th, 2012, 09:13 AM
The idiot on the bike got what he deserved, Guys that think they can just ride where ever they want need to lose their bikes and licenses! To bad she did not have a gun and when he stuck his moronic head in car she could have shot his dumb ass! Ok I am done ranting on this one.

March 28th, 2012, 09:14 AM
OMG. What a crazy b!tch.

Heather you are talking about the bike rider right? LOL

March 28th, 2012, 10:18 AM
even though his dumbass was riding between the lanes and kicked her car,

This looks like it was in Italy, where at every red light all the motorcycles and scooters filter to the front.

They both are equally stupid. But something tells me there is more to this story.

March 28th, 2012, 10:50 AM
All kinds of stupidity on that video on both sides....

March 28th, 2012, 11:22 AM
I have a feeling there is a lot of backstory.

March 28th, 2012, 11:46 AM
Heather you are talking about the bike rider right? LOL
I was referring to her driving (in the car). Crossing all the lanes and taking out a light pole and another car, trying to get the guy? I'd've just run his ass over immediately and left it at that. (Not really, not fond of the thought of spending time in the pokey or having insurance rate hikes, but still).

March 28th, 2012, 01:06 PM
I'd guess Thailand (road speed limit signs, license plate letters). Language makes me think India. If Thailand (I spend a month riding a bike there), white line & filtering are the norm.

My guess, from seeing the vehicle's left tires angled and close to the white line is that the vehicle tried to block the bike (perhaps there was some prior issue). Bike kicking vehicle - wrong but not terrible. Vehicle going after / hitting the bike - in the U.S. that could likely be taken as deadly assault. Moto rider on the hood could be taken as "survival" after being assaulted by a vehicle. Moto rider reaching into the vehicle might be viewed as assault to the vehicle's occupants even if the moto rider was going only for the ignition key (his body [arm] entered the vehicle's interior space). I wonder if, under U.S. laws, that could be taken as justifiable action to kill the moto rider (while moto rider body was inside the vehicle).

Can't we all play nice and get along...

edit: after re-view - the moto rider went back to the vehicle after the first vehicle hit to the bike - he should have stayed away.

March 28th, 2012, 01:44 PM
This looks like it was in Italy

Actually after I watched this, I got on Youtube and searched for "road rage" for more laughs and this video was on the top of the list. The description says Brazil (the language sounds like Portuguese), I am sure they too are accustomed to riding between lanes and filtering up front.


March 29th, 2012, 10:22 AM
IMO, that guy is a lucky sumbitch. Lucky he didn't take two in the chest when he leaned into the car...

4runner freak
March 29th, 2012, 11:34 AM
Yes, he was a dumb*** for kicking her car, but the initial (from the video and I bet there is a back story) move of her trying to cut him off(especially if filtering is legal wherever this occurred) was the problem.
He committed vandalism to her POS, but she committed attempted vehicular manslaughter.
A car can be a MUCH more deadly weapon then a gun, in the control of an idiot.

Now I wouldn't have kicked out her headlight and would have tried to DE-escalated the situation, but I sure would have drawn on her the instant she started coming for me.

March 29th, 2012, 01:54 PM
move of her trying to cut him off

See and that's where the riding between the lanes thing is wrong in my opinion, she wouldn't have tried to or been able to cut him off in this situation if his ass had been behind someone and not trying to cut between cars. I am not saying her reaction was right or wrong, but come on, regardless of what riders are accustomed to, there are dotted lines (lanes) for a reason. If people aren't going to abide by them, then why pay someone in city to put them there to begin with, make it a free for all. I suppose bike riders would come up with a shorter end of the stick then, but you reap what you sow. Two wheels or four keep your ass in the lane, not between them and yes I have a bike and do ride.

April 1st, 2012, 03:07 PM
I guess he thought because he was riding a Ninja, he was one!

Fiat 1, Ninja 0 :lmao:

He probably didn't deserve to get run over twice, even though his dumbass was riding between the lanes and kicked her car, but sometimes you f**k with the wrong person, on the wrong day and this happens!

No winners in this one - she crashed into another car trying to kill him.

April 1st, 2012, 04:38 PM
she crashed into another car trying to kill him.

I was joking, hence the use of ---> :lmao:

But...was she trying to kill him or was he trying to kill himself? Let's see he's going to ride between cars on a busy street, then kick out a head light of an irrational driver who is irritated with his disregard for anyone else. After the driver runs him over, he gets up to pick a fight with her, while she's still in the car that only seconds ago threw him around like a rag doll. Instead of stepping aside, he stands in front of it while it's speeding towards him, in hopes that his "ninja skills" which worked so well for him when he kicked out the head light will prevail this time, as he holds on to the hood while she jumps a curb and smacks into a parked car. Only then to get back up and give his ninja "abilities" another try.

Yeah, I kind of think he was trying to kill himself, whether he realizes it or not!

After thinking about this now, he kind of had bump she gave him the first time coming, if she really wanted to kill him then she would have kept on the gas instead of throwing it in reverse! It's not the civilized thing to do, but sometimes a little street justice goes a long way into changing a person's perception of what is acceptable. I bet he doesn't do that sh!t again, in other words.

April 1st, 2012, 08:13 PM
I was joking, hence the use of ---> :lmao:

But...was she trying to kill him or was he trying to kill himself? Let's see he's going to ride between cars on a busy street, then kick out a head light of an irrational driver who is irritated with his disregard for anyone else. After the driver runs him over, he gets up to pick a fight with her, while she's still in the car that only seconds ago threw him around like a rag doll. Instead of stepping aside, he stands in front of it while it's speeding towards him, in hopes that his "ninja skills" which worked so well for him when he kicked out the head light will prevail this time, as he holds on to the hood while she jumps a curb and smacks into a parked car. Only then to get back up and give his ninja "abilities" another try.

Yeah, I kind of think he was trying to kill himself, whether he realizes it or not!

After thinking about this now, he kind of had bump she gave him the first time coming, if she really wanted to kill him then she would have kept on the gas instead of throwing it in reverse! It's not the civilized thing to do, but sometimes a little street justice goes a long way into changing a person's perception of what is acceptable. I bet he doesn't do that sh!t again, in other words.

I agree he definitely deserved it (probably more than he got)...but she did more damage to her own car than she did to him or his bike. The whole thing was pretty funny...I laughed my *** off!

April 2nd, 2012, 06:53 AM
Riding a Ninja makes you a Ninja....Yup...there is where the good marketing shows up. kinda like all the guppies who buy a new Harley, get the $500 or more worth of leather and boots....oh...and the "I am a Badass" head band...and they are now the "Badass biker from hell". I get a laugh out of that every time I see it......

April 2nd, 2012, 08:39 AM
C'mon....I just wanna ride..................

April 2nd, 2012, 02:28 PM
In my opinion they are both wrong. The woman driver took it way too far. She endangered the lives of others, and hit two other cars and almost killed the biker for a dent in her car. To me a dent in my car is not worth messing it up even more and possibly going to jail for vehicular manslaughter. From the comments I read on the video he got in the car to try to get the keys out cause she was trying to take off. Weather true or not, both are stupid for the whole situation, but the driver should not have tried to kill the man.