View Full Version : Venting about a vendor

April 10th, 2012, 09:29 PM
So today I sent out for some quotes from reputable vendors on a major Subaru forum for some struts and lowering springs. I ended up finding them for $475 shipped, paypalled etc. I just received a quote from one of the largest vendors on the forum for $725. I do my research before buying anything new and can't find the struts for above $600 anywhere. The norm is $540 or so shipped, I just happened to find a deal.

How would you guys respond to his offer? I'm pretty pissed because I think his quote was high because of my low post count and he assumed I didn't know any better. My response so far was asking if that price was installed, knowing full well it isn't because we are on different sides of the country and I asked for a shipped price.

Anyone ever dealt with something like this before?

April 10th, 2012, 09:32 PM
Yep, happened to me almost exactly on another jeep forum. Not getting into detail but long story short went with another company.

April 10th, 2012, 09:34 PM
I already ordered elsewhere but I'm pissed they did this, I'm thinking about posting it publicly and walking away from the forum. If they let members get treated like this ill take all of my business elsewhere.

April 10th, 2012, 09:41 PM
I don't go to the place that did this to me much. I have to agree with you, I would and kinda have done it... The additude I got when I posted was, so.... And I care why? So I don't go back much.

April 10th, 2012, 09:48 PM
Can't say as I blame you for this one. Remember though, mark-up is mark-up. Was he getting the parts from the same place as you or from a distributor or what.

April 10th, 2012, 09:55 PM
It doesn't matter where he's getting them, I can't find them anywhere for the prices he quoted. He is one of the top 3 vendors on the forum, he isn't overpaying for parts. Like I said, the highest pricing on these parts I can find is $600 shipped and I'm a customer, not a vendor getting wholesale prices. I'm eagerly awaiting his response before I decide what to do next.

An example would be buying a glock. They have pretty standard pricing. We will assume $550 per pistol, you can find them on sale for $500 though. If a well respected and very large Internet gun vendor quoted you $750 for it what would you say. Does it matter where he is getting the pistol? It isn't sitting in a store or warehouse that costs $200 more than the next guy.

I'm not trying to direct my anger at you jon, just trying to explain that there is no justifiable reason other than he assumed I was an idiot and he could make a quick buck.

April 10th, 2012, 10:03 PM
I'm thinking about posting it publicly and walking away from the forum.
dont leave the forum, pm chris and go from there., we didnt do it!!!!!

April 10th, 2012, 10:04 PM
It's not this forum, it's a Subaru forum.

April 10th, 2012, 10:17 PM
it's a Subaru forum.

April 10th, 2012, 10:25 PM
I'm not saying that the company was right or wrong, but being a business owner myself I have certain distibutors that if you by large quantities of certain parts you can get a better discount and pass that on to the customers. In some cases buying one at a time can be the same as buying bulk or it can be two times more than bulk. Also, I have found that certain companys will give you one price over the phone and a different price in person because of price comping from other businesses. When buying parts over the internet, drop shipping companys can undercut the store front businesses because they have no overhead. Just a little something to think about before you do something to hurt a company's reputation over something you didn't purchase from them anyways.

April 10th, 2012, 10:38 PM

April 10th, 2012, 10:40 PM
Just a little something to think about before you do something to hurt a company's reputation over something you didn't purchase from them anyways.

Its called a free market, if other people pay that price to him that is there issue, just because he charges more doesn't mean he is cheating anyone there is nothing wrong with making money. If you don't like the price them simply shop some where else. If he is high on all of his parts more people will do the same and he will have to lower his price or go under.

April 10th, 2012, 11:41 PM
Here is another tidbit. For giggles I jumped on his website and added the parts to my cart, and then entered my shipping info. Total??? $682. So I'm paying a $40 premium for sending him a pm?? Free market, yes, fair to his customers, no. This is the first time I've run across a situation like this. He can charge $1000 for the parts, I don't care, i wont ever do business with him. Can someone explain the additional markup??

April 11th, 2012, 12:14 AM
He want to make some cash and thinks this is a good way to do it, fairness has nothing to do with it, but if he want to stay in business this is not a way to do it. When company's make decision like this they may make money off of uniformed consumers but smart consumers like you appear to be always exposed them. As more people begin to see how he operates his sales will drop and the market will remove unless he changes.

April 11th, 2012, 12:37 AM
Oh well, I justed wanted to vent. This is the age of the Internet and email and pms are an accepted form of communication and a mainstay of any growing business, especially on larger forums. I shouldn't have to spend time on hold waiting to talk to someone to earn their respect and get proper pricing. If it was a genuine mistake I'll apologize, but I've got a crisp $100 sitting here that says it wasn't.

April 11th, 2012, 12:37 AM
I think everyone else explained what I was trying to, but a whole lot better.

April 11th, 2012, 12:44 AM
No bets on that one Loren! I can understand where you are coming from.

Serious Offroad
April 11th, 2012, 07:24 AM
I'm not saying that the company was right or wrong, but being a business owner myself I have certain distibutors that if you by large quantities of certain parts you can get a better discount and pass that on to the customers. In some cases buying one at a time can be the same as buying bulk or it can be two times more than bulk. Also, I have found that certain companys will give you one price over the phone and a different price in person because of price comping from other businesses. When buying parts over the internet, drop shipping companys can undercut the store front businesses because they have no overhead. Just a little something to think about before you do something to hurt a company's reputation over something you didn't purchase from them anyways.

Not every one gets the same pricing and trying to compete with the "Big Boys" can be damn near impossible. Am there...doing that.
There are a ton of products I'd love to carry on my site but I pay more for them than you can buy them for on other sites.

I've gotten rude and some downright nasty emails from people when I've told them that I won't price match.

To the OP, perhaps a phone call to the higher priced shop/vendor might have been the way to resolve the issue, or at least you could have made sure you and he were on the same page with regards to the parts you were after.

April 11th, 2012, 07:33 AM
What was said. Better to have a face to face or phone conversation as too much gets lost in email communications. Also, a lot of the "small guys" simply cannot compete with volume sales/purchasing and the pricing.

If you can have an actual conversation with the person, most of the time it is like dealing with Discount Tire and they will try to match the prices on the competitor's pricing. If they can't, they will tell you. Most people/companies want the business and will try.