View Full Version : Bank of America anti-gun?

April 20th, 2012, 06:16 PM

Guess I'll be closing my accounts at BOA, I won't support a company that doesn't support the 2nd Amendment. Ironically, it's my Bass Pro Shops CC that is at BOA.

Red Rhino
April 20th, 2012, 10:44 PM

They will never get my guns or V8 motors!

April 20th, 2012, 11:01 PM
With all the screw-ups of BoA this is simply to decrease liability. I don't know why anyone would even deal with them in the first place.

April 21st, 2012, 12:10 AM
I moved my loan out of BOA 5 years ago to a local credit union, best thing I ever did.

April 21st, 2012, 06:00 AM
Sadly they bought our mortgage two months after we bought the house. It sucks that mortgages do not stay with one lender until you refi with a different lender.

April 21st, 2012, 07:05 AM
I switched from them to westerracu.com earlier this year and saved a ton of money, my interest rate was almost cut in half.

April 21st, 2012, 10:47 AM
Sadly they bought our mortgage two months after we bought the house. It sucks that mortgages do not stay with one lender until you refi with a different lender.

Not always. Depends on the bank. Our bank still holds our mortgage from a refi 10 years ago. In fact, that's the main reason we went with that bank when we refinanced.

April 22nd, 2012, 02:26 AM
Rob that is what I want to do too but just with a different bank than BOA.

April 22nd, 2012, 07:20 AM
This sums things:


April 23rd, 2012, 06:26 AM
I am glad to see BOA do this, im not a gun supporter and wouldnt mind seeing guns removed from the streets. All guns have done is kill and maim. I get nervous around them as well. But this is my opinion.Josh remember it is not the gun it is the person using the gun!

April 23rd, 2012, 06:42 AM
Josh remember it is not the gun it is the person using the gun!

Thanks Sean!

JeepWheeler; Not to step on your toes, and you certainly have your own view point, but I grew up around guns and have owned and used guns for 55 years. I think I got my first gun at 7 years old.

My viewpoint: guns don't kill people, people kill people. When pretty much anything around can be used as a weapon (pen, pencil, magazine, newspaper, CD disc, credit card, and on and on), the "guns kill people" becomes a moot point. Someone wants someone dead bad enough, and wants to use a weapon to do it, they are going to make do with what is on hand and do the deed, gun or not. An armed society is a polite society....

That said, I don't appreciate guns being pulled out on trail runs if they aren't a specific 'shooting run', and you won't find this happening here on this forum. The people who own guns or carry guns on this forum tend to be discrete...

April 23rd, 2012, 07:04 AM
I am glad to see BOA do this, im not a gun supporter and wouldnt mind seeing guns removed from the streets. All guns have done is kill and maim. I get nervous around them as well. But this is my opinion.

Josh, even though I disagree with you, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thanks for posting.

My intent was not to start an argument on gun control, it was just to inform my fellow 2nd Amendment supporters of what it happening. So with that in mind, I'll leave all the arguments in the bag and be a little more discrete.

April 23rd, 2012, 08:04 AM
So with that in mind, I'll leave all the arguments in the bag and be a little more discrete.

I should do the same.......haven't been able to keep my mouth shut or my opinions to myself since I was two years old, which was almost 60 years ago, so I doubt that will happen...:lmao::lmao:

April 23rd, 2012, 02:35 PM
So with that in mind, I'll leave all the arguments in the bag and be a little more discrete.

I should do the same.......haven't been able to keep my mouth shut or my opinions to myself since I was two years old, which was almost 60 years ago, so I doubt that will happen...:lmao::lmao:

Old habits are hard to break aren't they Pete. I know I have a few of my own, which will either stay the same or kill me one or the other.

April 23rd, 2012, 02:42 PM
All guns have done is kill and maimDont really believe its the guns fault!!!!its the whack jobs that have guns and shouldnt.

April 25th, 2012, 07:42 AM
I am glad to see BOA do this, im not a gun supporter and wouldnt mind seeing guns removed from the streets. All guns have done is kill and maim. I get nervous around them as well. But this is my opinion.

I'm not anti-gun, but I grew up in NYC where we don't have them, and I'm still surprised that people carry them here where there is so little crime. I grew up thinking all hunters were rednecked morons, but since moving to Colorado I've realized that that is not the case. At all. It's just a culture that I did not grow up around, and I've changed my opinion about hunters and CCP folks. Except for Dick Cheney. I was robbed once at shotgun-point on Staten Island as a teenager, they made us empty our pants pockets, take off our jackets, drop them and run away without looking back. If I had been carrying a gun they'd have that too, I'd never have been able to draw it. That's the downside to CC, things happen in an instant and usually the bad guy has been planning it, it's not a high-noon deal it's an ambush. In a perfect world the bad guys wouldn't have guns, but I think that at this point we are like Mickey Mouse and the brooms, removing them from "the streets" would be ideal but would also take a wizard to actually make it happen. Even if you took every gun off the street today, there are manufacturers all over the world making and selling them every day, they just keep coming. If I could, I'd make handguns only available to Police and Military, but anyone who passed a background check could have all the hunting rifles they want. Problem is that is a checkers answer to a chess question.

I also think the "guns don't kill" arguement is pointless rhetoric and semantics, they are our only publicly available killing machine and they don't care what you call them. Technically it's the front of the bullet that kills. It depends on how you want to look at it, but a gun is a single purpose tool designed exlusively to kill, that's what they were made for. Regardless of how you want to define a gun, using it comes back down to personal responsibility and judgement. "God made men, Sam Colt made them equal." I'd add equally responsible.

April 25th, 2012, 08:21 AM
For us in Colorado, this organization might be of interest:

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
www.RMGO.org (http://www.rmgo.org/)

April 25th, 2012, 08:48 AM
Honestly I wish that gun control worked, if we could say hey no one can have guns on the streets and it worked that would be great, but other countries have tried and the only thing that happens is to take the guns out of the hands of the innocent but the criminals are just that and don't care about the gun laws and can still get them and now they know that the normal citizen don't have guns to protect themselves.

Look at every college campus shooting, there has never been a shooting on a college campus in the US were the students were able to legally carry their weapons. This is because the shooters are little babies who just want everyone's attention and they know that they will be the only person on campus with a gun and the other students can't defend themselves.

It was my experience growing up around and for awhile hanging out with some rough people in Washington that most criminals are cowards and if they know that normal citizens can defend themselves they won't do anything.

One of demographics in the US with the lowest Violent and felony crime rate are CC holders

April 25th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Support Gun Control..... Use both hands, and know where you are shooting!

April 25th, 2012, 10:35 AM
This shouldn't have anything to do with the gun control issue. If your business is doing well, abiding by the laws, and contributing to society in a law abiding, safe manner, and your bank has a problem with that, then GOOD-BYE to that bank. Jeepwheeler, you are entitled to your opinion, that's what makes this country what it is, and thank you for not cramming your opinion down everyone's throat (everyone should do the same to you).

April 25th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Support Gun Control..... Use both hands, and know where you are shooting!


April 25th, 2012, 03:19 PM
Quote Originally Posted by ColoJeeper View Post
Support Gun Control..... Use both hands, and know where you are shooting!

Ditto....Gun control is all about being able to hit what you aim at.....

God....we are going to sound like a bunch of armed to the teeth rednecks to JeepWheeler...Don't mean to come across like that, at all, but many of us grew up with guns, myself included. Most of us plan on keeping them...Most of us are pretty discrete, too...

April 25th, 2012, 03:32 PM
I support the right to own a gun, but I am also disturbed by them at the same time. We have a shot gun in the house, but I would need a ladder to get it down. Then I would need to move the ladder to another location to get some bullets, so it really isn't my plan for self defense in the home.

I was held up and robbed at gun-point while a student in college. Not fun.

My dad was approached by an armed man at the end of an alley one evening while taking a walk as part of his recovery routine following open heart surgery. My dad drew his fist at the man and said "to hell with you" and the man fled.

Dad was later shot in a robbery that cost him his left arm and later, his life. And he also was wounded in WW2. So I have issues with how easy it is to get a gun just like I have a problem with how easy it is to have a kid. If you can't use it and take care of it appropriately then you have no business with it in the first place.

I recently was having breakfast in the Moab Diner with Annika when she noticed that the man in the booth across from us had a gun holstered on his hip. She got very scared and asked if he was dangerous.....

How the hell do you know? He looked harmless to me, but should have taken care to conceal it better.

April 25th, 2012, 03:50 PM
Isn't Colorado an open carry state? I'm not well-versed in the gun laws but thought that was the case.

April 25th, 2012, 03:52 PM
I recently was having breakfast in the Moab Diner with Annika when she noticed that the man in the booth across from us had a gun holstered on his hip. She got very scared and asked if he was dangerous.....

How the hell do you know? He looked harmless to me, but should have taken care to conceal it better.

We routinely put up new rock climbs in remote or semi remote areas where there are bears and mountain lions. I wear the 44 S&W in a shoulder holster when I am hiking to and from these areas for that reason. Camping in remote or backwoods places, the gun(s) are also very ready to hand, both for people and critters. Guns are also ready to hand around the house, loaded, and ready to rock with the safety off on the shotgun. Do I flash them? No. If I am going to show someone who is interested that I know, they get handed a unloaded gun (now a club) with the chamber(s) visible. When the gun goes back to it's home, it gets reloaded. If LaDawn and I are camped somewhere, she not only knows exactly where the gun(s) are located and knows how to use them, but also knows key words that mean the s**t is going to hit the fan and what to do.

I go on the premise that is is better to have a gun/weapon when you need one than wish that you had one. If I see someone carrying a gun, I merely take note of the fact that the person is carrying a gun. The people to be concerned with are the dangerous people who carry guns that you cannot see, but there are a lot of 'tells' that show whether a person is carrying, too.

I have had guns pointed at me, been threatened with guns, and been shot at. I enjoyed none of that, but that doesn't mean I am paranoid or carry a gun with me all the time, either. I have also routinely carried guns when I have been working, especially if it is in a very bad neighborhood, and even more so at night. The gun goes run onto the construction tool pouch, and is readily available. Does this mean I am a 'dangerous man'? Only when provoked, have weapons waved or pointed in my direction, when my friends, family or loved ones are threatened, or when someone uninvited is in my house or trying to mess with my stuff.

That said, 90% of the people I personally know who own or carry guns are responsible, have a knowledge of gun safety and weapons, and have a very common sense approach to guns and weapons in general. The remaining 10% should even be allowed around a water pistol or dart gun.

April 25th, 2012, 03:58 PM
I don't have a problem with anybody that wants nothing to do with guns and feels uncomfortable around them. I fully support their right not to buy them, own them or even chose to be around them.

I will respect them and carry mine discretely so as not to make them uncomfortable (concealed means you don't know it's there) and will not try to force my opinions on them. However, I expect the same courtesy in that they too respect my right to own and carry my firearms. The problem I have is when they try to take away my ability to own and carry firearms, whether it be for personal protection or just to spend an hour or two shooting at targets.

Education is the key to responsible gun ownership, just like it is to responsible four wheeling. And just like it is with fourwheeling the minority of idiots, are what everybody sees and what gets the attention of everybody. Put an idiot behind a gun and somebody gets injured or killed. Put an idiot behind the wheel of a vehicle and somebody gets injured or killed. Outlawing vehicles or guns isn't the answer to either problem, the problem in both cases is stupid people doing stupid things. It doesn't work to blame the object when it is the stupid person that is to blame.

April 25th, 2012, 04:03 PM
Isn't Colorado an open carry state? I'm not well-versed in the gun laws but thought that was the case.

Most of Colorado is considered to be "open carry", however that changes when you get into places that are considered "Home Rule" such as the city and county of Denver. In most places however, if a concerned citizen calls because they see you carrying a gun openly, the police will not be sympathetic to your right to "open carry". Rural areas then to be much more tolerant and less bothered by somebody open carrying a gun. I wouldn't recommend it anywhere in the metro area, even though it may be technically legal.

April 25th, 2012, 04:28 PM
Thanks Don, from what I understand you can't carry in Denver at all which is obviously a gang related law but also means you can't legally carry to a Denver shooting range. My brother lived in rural New Mexico and everybody carried open.

April 25th, 2012, 04:34 PM
If you are going to carry in the city and county of Denver, I would strongly recommend that you have a concealed carry permit. Concealed carry is legal in Denver for anyplace that you can legally carry. To go to a shooting range or something similar you are good with carrying your firearm unloaded in a duffel bag of some type. Where the rules in Denver get weird is when you have assault type weapons. If you live or carry a firearm in Denver, do your homework well and be familiar with the local laws.

April 25th, 2012, 04:37 PM
Thanks again. Typically I only carry when going on a road trip or camping and being the law abiding citizen I am I don't worry about the details. :rolleyes:

April 25th, 2012, 04:49 PM
being the law abiding citizen I am I don't worry about the details.

Pretty much where I am coming from, too.

April 25th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Wouldn't it be better though, if you had to take a class of some sort before you could own and carry a gun? Just like before you can drive a car or motorcycle. You need to be able to prove that you have at least a little knowledge and skill.

I'm not against guns, but I think just like driving... "It's a privilege, not a right".
It would be tricky to re-write that ammendment!!!

Piece out!!!

April 25th, 2012, 07:08 PM
but should have taken care to conceal it better. Illegal w/o the permit

April 25th, 2012, 07:19 PM
Wouldn't it be better though, if you had to take a class of some sort before you could own and carry a gun? Just like before you can drive a car or motorcycle. You need to be able to prove that you have at least a little knowledge and skill.

I'm not against guns, but I think just like driving.

Piece out!!!

I totally agree but like any law people will break them. I have a friend in Washington who has been driving for over three years without a license. That is the basic problem with laws like gun control etc. Criminals don't care about laws. When I was running around with the wrong people I knew at least 4 guys that could have gotten me pretty much any gun I wanted if I had the cash, include full auto stuff. Wasn't best friends with this guys or nothing and I never got involved but I knew the guys who were, there is no law that can control the black market. But yes there are a lot of people who do legally carry that make me nervous.

April 27th, 2012, 08:06 AM
The gun doesn't always win...


April 27th, 2012, 11:18 AM
Need we say anymore?

scout man
April 27th, 2012, 11:55 AM
and I'm still surprised that people carry them here where there is so little crime.

There is a lot more implication to that sentence than you realized. Statistically when states have approved concealed carry laws, their crime rates have dropped. Its easy to rob someone when only the criminals are armed, its a lot harder when the criminals know there is a decent chance that the target is armed.

April 27th, 2012, 12:43 PM

By the way, BofA denies this exchange ever happened and points out other firearms companies it deals with.

April 27th, 2012, 12:59 PM
No surprise there Rob you spoilsport! :D

April 27th, 2012, 07:32 PM
No surprise there Rob you spoilsport! :D

Hey, I'm a member of the liberal lamestream media, remember?

April 28th, 2012, 08:03 AM
There is a lot more implication to that sentence than you realized. Statistically when states have approved concealed carry laws, their crime rates have dropped. Its easy to rob someone when only the criminals are armed, its a lot harder when the criminals know there is a decent chance that the target is armed.

Possibly putting the cart before the horse... I only claim to be surprised, not enlightened. I've lived in 3 cities- NY, Miami and Denver, and just from my limited perspective there is very little crime here, Denver is also incredibly clean compared to both. Again, I'm not anti-gun. I don't have strong feelings about it either, it's not part of my life. I just think that like illegal immigration and many other issues, gun control is a much smaller issue than it has been blown up to be. I think organizations like the NRA or SEMA are self-serving and have nothing to do with morals, rights or the public good, just selling products and trying to keep those markets open and growing. I feel that politicians that fuel these fires are self-serving as well, just trying to sell themselves by playing on emotions. A gun, to me, is just another tool that needs to be handled responsibly, and stupidity is it's own reward in any arena.

This has been a cool posting, good ideas and good respect for each other. :thumb:

April 28th, 2012, 08:13 AM
This has been a cool posting, good ideas and good respect for each other. :thumb:

Its nice to have a place where you can have intelligent conversation with people with different opinions then yours. I hate to say it but on campus it is rare, if someone ever tries to talk to me about controversial topics such as immigration or anything to do with politics (which they run you down and force you to have a conversation with them) I am accused of being an arrogant 1% supporting racist simply because I don't agree 100% with what the government is doing at the moment. I like hear the other sides of the story, it either reinforces my beliefs or I can learn something new and possibly change how I feel about a topic, but if all I get is someone yelling at me for what I think then all that does is make their opinion void and meaningless.

April 28th, 2012, 08:48 AM
I think organizations like the NRA or SEMA are self-serving and have nothing to do with morals, rights or the public good, just selling products and trying to keep those markets open and growing. I feel that politicians that fuel these fires are self-serving as well, just trying to sell themselves by playing on emotions. A gun, to me, is just another tool that needs to be handled responsibly, and stupidity is it's own reward in any arena.

Don't know about SEMA (the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association?) but wholeheartedly agreed on NRA. When we took our CCW permit class, we had a chance to sign up to the NRA for $10 each (which of course we did). No wonder. Once they get you, they want money constantly. I think (as someone posted earlier in this thread) that there's a lot better, grassroots-type organizations out there to support.

This has been a cool posting, good ideas and good respect for each other.


April 28th, 2012, 08:57 AM
Sorry, I meant the SEMA Action Network, they are all over the magazines pushing for offroad access to everywhere and presenting themselves as being for wheeler's rights, but it's really all about selling stuff. They rabblerouse like the NRA.

April 28th, 2012, 10:16 AM
Good example! Just like the "preservation" groups that would be out of a job, if they ever get all those public lands closed.

I get the NRA newsletter, it keeps me abreast of legal issues the mainstream media won't cover. The NRA store will have to carry on without me.

P.S. I avoid BOA because they are crooks.

April 28th, 2012, 10:36 AM
P.S. I avoid BOA because they are crooks.

x2 Mike

April 28th, 2012, 02:20 PM
P.S. I avoid BOA because they are crooks.
