View Full Version : 4WD Light Fix.

May 1st, 2012, 10:24 PM
Wrote this up a while ago, thought it would be nice to post here and give you guys a taste of Rodeo life.

Alright guys so when I got my Rodeo I noticed that when I shifted it into 4wd. The indicator light would not come on indicating that I was in 4wd. (duh)

Well when the zuu is turned to 'on' but not running the 4wd light is on showing that the bulb is working. Which lead me to some searching and this is what I found.


uh oh...looks like something busted the wires off the switch.

Took a 24mm box-end (huge) to get the switch off but this is what I was dealing with


hmmmm think think, how can I attach some new wires to this thing... and save myself the hassle of ordering it online for $35+ or the hassle of trying to find one in a junkyard/part out vehicle.

Well I noticed that there were terminals in the acrylic and decided to drill down to them.


Then I took some extra wire i had laying around and made circles at the end of them and put them down in the holes.


My issues at this point was how to get them to stay. I originally thought about soldering them down there but realized that I couldn't get my solder iron down in there enough to make a difference. So i took some extra wire I had laying around and packed it down in there. (My Wife's idea actually, 2 minds are better than 1) I figured wire be the best because it would fill out the holes.


Now I would use the same idea they engineer that designed the switch had and used epoxy to fill it all out.


All dry and time for testing!



May 1st, 2012, 10:25 PM
I soldered and heat shrunk the connector back on then wrapped the whole thing in electrical tape for good measure.


DONE!...almost, still have to test it in vehicle.

All installed and hooked back up.


The moment of TRUTH! *HOLDS BREATH!*


Well there ya go guys, I saved myself a few bucks that can be spent else where (sliders ;);) )

May 2nd, 2012, 06:07 AM
I am sure squishee will love this post!! Great job Winston!! Ingenuity rules!

May 2nd, 2012, 06:12 AM
I do love this post, I am having the same problem! LOL! But i think mine are still connected. i am going to have to check that out.

May 2nd, 2012, 06:15 AM
Good job!! :thumb: I didn't know they had the vacuum thing on Isuzus.

May 2nd, 2012, 06:22 AM
I am having the same issue with my e-lock in my front. Wire got cut and fixed it , than ran carnage and now not working again ..

May 2nd, 2012, 07:44 AM
Nice job and write up, good to see you using some ingenuity to conquer the issue!:thumb:

May 2nd, 2012, 08:28 AM
There is actually a small stock skid plate protecting the whole vac setup under there. Not really sure how the wires broke off in the first place. I guess they just got old and brittle. But its all good to go now.

Good job!! :thumb: I didn't know they had the vacuum thing on Isuzus.

Oh yeah man, SOTF is nice to have. I have considered converting the Rodeo to manual hubs but haven't felt the need for it. They actually use flanges and work in reverse too, unlike auto-locking hubs which disconnect when you go in reverse.

I am having the same issue with my e-lock in my front. Wire got cut and fixed it , than ran carnage and now not working again ..

Double check your wiring (i know, prolly a 'duh' thing) but I've had wires come loose even in shrink tubing and I couldn't tell till I took it apart again. Maybe extend the wire and ziptie it to places so its not dangling?

I do love this post, I am having the same problem! LOL! But i think mine are still connected. i am going to have to check that out.

Squish, I've actually gotten to know this vehicle VERY well. You need some help troubleshooting 1st Gen Rodeo's I'm there man!

May 2nd, 2012, 04:21 PM
My rodeo is the same way, i know it mostly inside and out. i will take a look at my wiring this weekend.

May 2nd, 2012, 04:24 PM
Good write up, very imformitive