View Full Version : Need some electrical help.

June 8th, 2012, 04:48 PM
So I posted this on my Nissan forums and they may know a bit better specifics, but I'll post here for ideas as well:

I've been having a battery drain and have finally gotten around to tracking down the culprit.

Well, I found something out about where the problem is, but not sure what all to check now.

There is a fuse in the driver side fuse box labeled "ELEC B" - if I remove this fuse, the drain goes away. Truck seems to run fine without this - however I noticed that two things do not work with it removed - one is the overhead lights, and the other is the beeper which sounds when you have your keys in the ignition and the door open.

So I'm needing a wiring diagram or something which can help me track down what is all connected to this. Also - how would I be able to figure out the actual wire run which is causing the problem?

At first I thought that it was some of the aftermarket lights and such but I don't think so now as I tapped into ignition power to run relays for them. This particular fuse indicates it is connected straight to batter and not switched with ignition - which makes sense as the battery will drain with the truck just sitting.

I can just pull the fuse for now while the truck sits but would like to track this down more.

Any help appreciated.

June 8th, 2012, 05:34 PM
I would bet it to be the buzzer, if those are the only 2 options. A light bulb such as the dome light will light up with very little voltage. Found a good link on the Nissan forums, first reply.

Diagnosing Electrical Drain- Elec b Circuit (Fuse # 24) - Nissan Forums: Nissan Forum (http://www.nissanforums.com/pathfinder/124895-diagnosing-electrical-drain-elec-b-circuit.html)

June 8th, 2012, 05:42 PM
Best thing is to methodically trace down each consumer of fuse Elec B. years of being a tech have taught me to focus on the circuit, but remember who controls it. Using basic automotive logic your dome lights and warning buzzer are going to be on a comfort/convenience system. Are you able to interrogate the modules for possible faults?

June 8th, 2012, 05:44 PM
No I just have basic multimeter and that's pretty much the extent of my diagnostic stuff.

What I really need is some sort of wiring diagram for each thing that is run off of that fuse so that I can systematically check them in some way. But I'm not sure how test the wire run itself. I basically had the multimeter between the ground post and the ground connector for the battery to check the drain. It was about 1.3-1.6A with that fuse in and dropped down to .03A with it removed.

June 8th, 2012, 05:46 PM
I would bet it to be the buzzer, if those are the only 2 options. A light bulb such as the dome light will light up with very little voltage. Found a good link on the Nissan forums, first reply.

Diagnosing Electrical Drain- Elec b Circuit (Fuse # 24) - Nissan Forums: Nissan Forum (http://www.nissanforums.com/pathfinder/124895-diagnosing-electrical-drain-elec-b-circuit.html)

That's the thing - I doubt those are the only two things run off of it and the buzzer doesn't make any sound without the key in. If the original security system is run off of it, that could be something. I have aftermarket remote start/alarm which works fine with that fuse out though.

June 8th, 2012, 05:55 PM
So the old security/key fob thing is run through that circuit.

Anyway, the other thing that I tried is pulling the fuse and measuring there for the amps drawn and it's 1.25A by jumping the fuse there. Also, I can hear a relay click when I put the fuse in/out. That may be normal but I don't know.

June 8th, 2012, 05:57 PM
Do you have a Hayes manual for your truck? Ammeter? Knowing what is on the circuit is going to be a must unless you want to trace wires.

June 8th, 2012, 05:59 PM
I do have a Haynes somewhere. My multimeter will measure amps. So yeah I need to know what is on the circuit before I can do anything. But I don't know that. If I find that out, I'm not sure what to do at that point though - find the things and unplug them and see if the draw goes away?

June 8th, 2012, 06:02 PM
I have been searching for a wiring diagram download and am coming up empty. Rare for me. I will keep looking.

June 8th, 2012, 06:10 PM
I have an FSM, but it's only got harness layouts and stuff, it doesn't show that specific circuit and what runs off of it.

I should say that it does show one thing that I know is run off of it - the harness for the interior lamps. But I only know that because they don't work without the fuse. That harness also runs a side airbag unit. It connects back into one of the main harnesses in the cabin, but a ton of stuff goes off of that and obviously not everything is off of that one circuit there.

June 9th, 2012, 05:26 AM
Nothing specific, but these may help. You will just have to do some digging:

Nissan Xterra wiring diagrams - Google Search (https://www.google.com/search?q=Nissan+Xterra+wiring+diagrams&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=ED0&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvnsfd&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CzHTT76xA4Os9ASK1YzzAw&ved=0CJ4BELAE&biw=1138&bih=497)

These are for slightly newer Nissans, but also may help:

Here are the Directechs wiring diagrams for each year of the 2nd gen Xterra. They are in Google Docs.

2005: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CKLXvq0D (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUZGYyNzBmZjUtN2EzYy00MDk1LWJkYzUtNTJjYjk4 NmZlMGVl&hl=en&authkey=CKLXvq0D)

2006: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CM-b44ED (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUYWM3YjMwNDQtZWI1Ni00YTYyLWIwN2EtZjJiZWJl YWY3NmJm&hl=en&authkey=CM-b44ED)

2007: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CJqFt84B (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUNjIxMmYyY2QtY2UyMi00ZTBkLWE5MTktMWM3NTNi MmE2OGQ0&hl=en&authkey=CJqFt84B)

2008: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CPy3l_QM (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUYjJhMmQzYmEtZmQ3ZS00Nzk5LTg3NGEtMTI4OWEz N2UyNDc2&hl=en&authkey=CPy3l_QM)

2009: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CIju08ED (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUYjliNmFjMDAtOGI0OC00MDQ3LWJmM2MtOTM0NmI2 NTcyMDQw&hl=en&authkey=CIju08ED)

2010: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&p...thkey=CPXXhoQO (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-4mdTuBnWsUZGI1ZGRmYmYtMWIwNy00OGEyLThlMjgtYzA4MTNi OWYyNWYz&hl=en&authkey=CPXXhoQO)


12volts green (40A) + ignition harness
Starter black/yellow + ignition harness
Second Starter green/yellow + ignition harness
Ignition black/white + ignition harness
Second Ignition N/A
Third Ignition N/A
Accessory red/yellow + ignition harness
Second Accessory white/blue + ignition harness
Keysense white/green + ignition harness
Power Lock lt. green/red - SECU to right of column, pin 5
Power Unlock brown - SECU to right of column, pin 4
Lock Motor blue 5wi SECU to right of column, pin 54
Unlock Motor green/white 5wi SECU to right of column, pin 55
Parking Lights+ blue/red + headlight switch
Parking Lights- N/A
Hazards same as turn signal wires
Turn Signal(L) green/yellow + steering column
Turn Signal(R) green/red + steering column
Reverse Light yellow/red + passenger kick, harness to rear
Door Trigger see notes - SECU to right of column
Notes: Vehicles without power door locks, the door trigger/dome light is red/black in the driver kick, harness to rear.

Vehicles with power door locks, the driver door is green/red at the SECU, pin 1, the front passenger door is green/black at the SECU, pin 2, and the rear doors are red/black at the SECU, pin 3. Use all three wires and diode isolate each.
Dome Supervision red/black - SECU to right of column, pin 31
Trunk/Hatch Pin common with rear door trigger
Hood Pin black/pink - SECU to right of column, pin 6
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm yellow - SECU to right of column, pin 11
Factory Alarm Disarm yellow/red - SECU to right of column, pin 10
Disarm No Unlock see factory alarm disarm
Tachometer pink/blue ac instrument cluster or ECM, pin 3
Notes: The ECM is located below the heater box to the right of the accelerator pedal, behind trim panel. The tach is in the top row, 2nd pin left of center of the plug.
Wait to start N/A
Brake Wire brown/red + brake pedal switch
Parking Brake yellow - parking brake switch
Horn Trigger lt. green/red - steering column
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Interface Module: Category:
Immobilizer Bypass Required:
No Type:
Part #: N/A

This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.


12volts green (40A) + ignition harness
Ignition black/white + ignition harness
Parking Lights+ blue/red + headlight switch
Parking Lights- N/A
Headlight red (L), red/black (R) + headlight switch
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Speed Sense green/black instrument cluster or ECM, pin 29
Notes: The ECM is located below the heater box to the right of the accelerator pedal, behind trim panel. The VSS is in the 2nd row from the top, 4th pin right of center of the plug.
Wipers white/red (L), blue/white (H) - steering column
LF Window up/dn blue - blue/black A driver window switch in door
RF Window up/dn blue/yellow - blue/white A driver kick, door harness
LR Window up/dn green/yellow - green/red A driver kick, door harness
RR Window up/dn green/black - green/white A driver kick, door harness
Sun Roof open/close N/A
Sun Roof Limit/close N/A
Memory Seat 1 N/A
Memory Seat 2 N/A
Memory Seat 3 N/A
Interface Module: Category:
Immobilizer Bypass Required:
No Type:
Part #: N/A

This wiring information is being provided free of charge on an "as is" basis, without any representation or warranty. It is your responsibility to verify any circuit before interfacing with it using a digital multimeter.
Directed electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility with regards to the accuracy or currency of this information. Proper installation in every case is and remains the responsibility of the installer. DEI assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from improper installation, even in reliance upon this information.



June 9th, 2012, 06:32 AM
I too have been coming up with nada for a wiring schematic that helps. Another possible option, go to dealership and ask a mechanic. For me with my Jeep it has been hit or miss to whether they will let you talk to the mechanic. Dealership mechanics tend to be very helpful.

June 9th, 2012, 08:06 AM
Yeah I might take it by the dealership. We just bought a new car from them not long ago so maybe they will be more accommodating.

June 9th, 2012, 10:11 AM
If you're willing to pay the dealership fees then that would work, otherwise you can ask the mechanic and he may be able to tell you what is on the circuit.