View Full Version : MVUM's

June 10th, 2012, 01:14 PM
The FS provides free MVUM's to help everyone know what's a legal trail and what isn't here' a link to them - Stay The Trail Colorado - Where To Go - Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Maps (http://staythetrail.org/mvum/)

There is question as to their accuracy and whether or not they are as current as they should be but they're the best we have to rely on right now. :thumb:

If you're not familiar with trail ettitquette which includes more than common courtesy you should also read this page and links on the page: Stay The Trail Colorado - Trail Etiquette (http://staythetrail.org/etiquette/index.php)

There are always gray areas and while we would like to be able to be clear on what we do as within the rules and regulations it's also important to use common sense. For example; if you come upon someone stuck that needs recovery it may require you to go off the trail to do so. IMHO it's always better to provide help in a situation like this than to adhere to the letter of the law.

Summary - Be smart, be safe, be respectful.

June 10th, 2012, 05:04 PM
I've found that it's helpful to find the trail you're planning to run on the MVUM of the ranger district it's in, print just the trail area and bring it with you on the run.

Here's how:

1) Open MVUM pdf.
2) Orient the map.
3) Zoom into the trail or area you want.
4) Under "Edit," choose "Take a snapshot"
5) Use the + cursor to highlight the area you want to print (it'll show up as a blue box)
6) Click the "print" icon
7) When the "print" box comes up, "selected graphic" under "pages to print" should already be highlighted. If it's not, click on it.
8) Print.

Stay The Trail
June 19th, 2012, 06:08 PM
So that you all know, Stay The Trail does update the maps we house on our websites every year as soon as each Ranger District uploads the new one to their system. This means we do have the most accurate information. Thanks for posting this up Chris!

June 20th, 2012, 06:12 AM
Now all we need to do is get the USFS to put in the carbonite/fiberglass brown signs, at some of the areas, i.e. Pickle Gulch. :)

June 20th, 2012, 07:41 PM
i.e. Pickle Gulch.

Yep, and Gordon Gulch and a few others.

June 20th, 2012, 08:19 PM
I love being in a group that is on top doing everything the right way. being new to wheeling I can't think of a better group to get introduced to how to wheel properly.

February 27th, 2013, 05:39 AM
This is great stuff, thanks for sharing That said, I know a lot of folks, myself included, go to traildamage to get trail info and dl GPS coords. Seeing as a lot of those are outdated maybe somewhere in Trail Forums we can have a dedicated section for folks to upload their GPS breadcrumbs. With as many members as we have and trails being done, that'd be a pretty good resource to help make sure people don't stray off since so many of the FS signs are down. Just a thought.

Stay The Trail
March 29th, 2013, 03:49 PM
In addition to hosting MVUMs on our website, there now is a mobile mapping option. We have detailed the system in another post HERE (http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?18695-New-Smart-MVUM-Maps-for-Colorado).

December 2nd, 2013, 08:05 PM
App available for android and iphone
Will import stay the trail mvums or download via the app.

I'm using this on my Kindle. While it's not available from Amazon and Kindles can't download apps from Google without rooting, I got it and many other apps from 1-Mobile.


September 12th, 2014, 06:57 PM
Okay - here's the dumb question for the day: Are hardcopy versions of the MVUMs available? I would assume at the ranger stations? Anywhere else? Although I am happy to have digital access at home, I would just assume have the entire map as opposed to trying to print little sections everytime I need it on 8.5x11.

September 12th, 2014, 07:01 PM
Yes. Hard copies exist at the ranger stations.

I picked up three regions a couple hours ago at the Fort Collins station (though I received the last Boulder district map they had).

They are paid for by our tax dollars / no charge to pick one up.

September 12th, 2014, 07:04 PM
They will even mail em no charge. I find the pdf versions on my tablet easier to use though.

September 13th, 2014, 06:32 AM
I just picked up a refurb'd 1st gen iPad to dedicate to the Heep since I'm now using the iPhone for GoPro controls. I'm now going to have the iPad with a bad elf and anti-glare screen on one of those sticky green mounts (as seen on TV, thank you Walgreen's) and I'm pretty excited to get out and run it. All in, I'm about $225 for a dedicated MVUM GPS setup. That's the I'm really excited, bragging part of the post.

Now the question part. I'm pretty sure you can drop pins and attach pictures Is it possible to "breadcrumb" on the MVUM maps the same way you can with a Garmin? I'd like to start putting together trail maps on the MVUM's and share those with my trail reports. Between everyone on here running it, within a season I'd bet we can have a pretty impressive library on FR4x4.

September 13th, 2014, 06:40 AM
/\ Found the answer /\

In tools there's a "record tracks" feature, they can then be exported. I have 10 days off and open to wheel end of Sept and beginning of October. I'll run a few trails and give her a shot. I'm not a super-techy guy but I have been known to record my own VCR as well as play multiple records back to back on my turntable without issue....so wish me luck.

September 13th, 2014, 07:14 AM
How about I just leave my posts above so I can be ridiculed...now that I feel like Vince Vaughn in The Internship, enjoy the clip:


On a side note, I have this idea for a cool way to cook food and warm your family. What you do is take 2 rocks and a stack of dry twigs and leaves....

September 13th, 2014, 11:31 AM
I took advantage of a slow morning at work. I converted all the Clear Creek trails and imported them into PDF Maps to overlay the MVUM's. On to Boulder County!