View Full Version : Lower Gold Camp Road

July 4th, 2012, 01:41 PM
This road which leads up to Eagle Rock and other trail spurs near Colorado Springs is closed to recreational traffic until further notice.

July 6th, 2012, 02:06 PM
Well crap. I bet it is fire related but that is a real bummer. Thanks for the update

July 7th, 2012, 10:33 AM
well shoot, I was planning on going camping up there mid July. hopefully it will open back up. is this the old gold camp road with the tunnels or the gold camp road that goes up by the Broadmoor stables?

July 7th, 2012, 07:24 PM
It's the one that goes by the stables from my understanding. We've had a lil more moisture lately so I hope it translates to an earlier opening.

July 12th, 2012, 09:45 PM
Can't 100% confirm, but I have heard it's reopened.