View Full Version : xaza's 94 XJ Build

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June 17th, 2015, 08:42 AM
Wow thats a lot of work, looks great! What will your wheel base be?

June 17th, 2015, 08:49 AM
Took spring packs apart to remove shims.

Was there a shim under the spring pack or are you referring to the shims within the leaves?

June 17th, 2015, 09:25 AM
Lloks good Cliff. Good work on the rusty's fenders.

2x' on the whats the wheel base going to be?

June 17th, 2015, 12:08 PM
The shims were placed into springs to get my pinion angle where I wanted it. Aaron removed them and adjusted perches to accommodate. Wheel base should end up being 105-107 inches based on what setting is used. Thanks for the compliments, I am very pleased with how this is turning out.

June 24th, 2015, 06:35 PM
I like pictures :D





June 25th, 2015, 08:37 AM
Nice welding!! :thumb: I'd have made swiss cheese if I'd tried that. even the grinder prep looks artsy. :bowdown:

July 4th, 2015, 08:28 AM
Work is continuing along. Looks like he is starting on the cage now.

July 10th, 2015, 04:15 PM
Overflowing with excitement as the tube bending process is beginning.

July 12th, 2015, 05:55 PM
Overflowing with excitement as the tube bending process is beginning.

That makes me happy. :D

I gotta say, I like to pride myself on my custom tube bending abilities, but this one tube took some extra time and planning to execute properly...

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1506675_1014037521939967_8148986842218745816_n.jpg ?oh=99c065486cdb6656616b3ef155f428b8&oe=56142527

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11742771_1014037541939965_775858992329922487_n.jpg ?oh=a51fb2712f73f44ef6911ed2808110b0&oe=560FE33D

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11206033_1014037548606631_4306213636332215531_n.jp g?oh=05bc484d5023cc8cac5f0b2498cf266a&oe=561DFB19

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11402943_1014037545273298_7326126387357203333_n.jp g?oh=83a5f7fdd015220a3113f8bb232d4350&oe=56596514

One continuous tube, just over 16' in length, with 11 different bends, and of course they are all in different planes. But I think it turned out well, and should be exactly what the client asked for. Now I just have to match it for the other side...

But if you think that was a brain teaser, just wait to see what is planned for the rest of the exo :smokin:

July 12th, 2015, 06:19 PM
Nice Aaron! Let me know when you want to sell it after he's done Cliff! :D

July 12th, 2015, 07:27 PM
But if you think that was a brain teaser, just wait to see what is planned for the rest of the exo


July 12th, 2015, 07:31 PM
Let me know when you want to sell it after he's done Cliff!

I am pretty certain this thing will forever be mine. There is no way to capture the value of the blood and tears we have shed over the years on it, let alone the money spent on mods.

July 16th, 2015, 07:00 AM
Work continues

July 16th, 2015, 08:54 PM
looking good.

July 18th, 2015, 10:38 PM
Latest pics fresh from Aaron.

July 19th, 2015, 02:48 AM
Nice work!

How much do you charge?! I'd love to have an exo on my samurai.

July 19th, 2015, 08:42 AM
Your best bet will be to contact Aaron. You can PM him here
Or you can call him, his number is on the bottom of the page here

July 21st, 2015, 08:32 PM
Looking like a cage now!



July 22nd, 2015, 07:49 AM
Looking great Cliff/Aaron, I really like how clean and tight the tubing is with the body line. There is no mistaking your XJ now !!

July 23rd, 2015, 12:38 AM
Looking great Cliff/Aaron, I really like how clean and tight the tubing is with the body line. There is no mistaking your XJ now !!

Thanks. Cliff showed me a couple different XJ's that had exo's already and pointed out what he liked and disliked about each one. So he basically came up with the design or at least the basic principles for the tube work. And I am just trying to execute his desires in the real world, plus add my own little touches to it here and there. I am just happy that Cliff seems happy thus far.

July 24th, 2015, 06:44 AM
A little update. Aaron is feeling bad about the length of time my cage is taking him. I am fully understanding and am more concerned about his back then him I think sometimes. He picked me up a gift to say thanks for being patient and managed to get it put on truck. Should help next time we head for a rescue operation.

July 24th, 2015, 06:57 PM
Cage is almost completely tacked together. Still a lot of burning left to do but the main pieces are in.



July 25th, 2015, 05:58 PM
He picked me up a gift to say thanks

Was hoping it would brighten your day :D

July 25th, 2015, 06:05 PM
Wow Cliff, I posted a couple photos of the completed roof line on the Facebook page last night. And they already have a combination of over 4000 likes and comments on my page and from all the other shares within other groups. Guess people are liking it a little. Lots of talk about copying it already. They say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?

July 28th, 2015, 12:40 AM

Got a little number happy there sorry. Should read 400. Not 4000.

July 28th, 2015, 08:17 AM
Nice work Aaron, the top is so clean and well put together its sad that most will not even know how much work & thought was put into to it :bowdown:

July 28th, 2015, 11:07 AM
Really is looking amazing, nice work! :bowdown:

July 28th, 2015, 01:05 PM
Great work Aaron! :thumb:

July 30th, 2015, 08:34 PM

Nice touch, Aaron!

August 9th, 2015, 12:46 PM
Got a few more pictures from Aaron


August 13th, 2015, 05:43 PM
Latest update, been slacking a little but we have a lot going on around here right now.








August 15th, 2015, 01:04 PM
Very nice! I like how it's bolted to the bumper instead of welded. Most of the time I see people weld the cage right on to the bumper and I always wonder how they'll get there fender off if need be.

August 15th, 2015, 01:31 PM
The fender will not be coming off again but the bumper may end up needing replaced or removed to pull the motor.

August 15th, 2015, 01:34 PM
I've seen the work that's been done on your exterior OK I really like it he's done a hell of a good job I've been actually talking to him about doing a couple on the jeep that I have so it's turning out really really well

August 19th, 2015, 09:06 PM
Work continues on the truck. He took a moment to get shock mounts moved while waiting for some more metal. If all goes well we should be hitting the trails soon. Expect I have 1-2 weekends of maintenance when we get it back and he expects to be complete soon.

August 28th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Today is such a glorious day that marks the start of a bunch of work on my part. Truck is home and ready to get painted, thanks Aaron for bringing it home. I have shown quite a few pictures of the build process that Aaron provided me along the way, but not all of them! For the full 700+ pictures check out this link.
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMr_NfqoeN5YGOITQc3ZuTSHpK31pdvQikbhLQpE9sOEc 6m3OPYnV8V2X6AY2rSsQ?key=RFZZRUg1S3BWYzBscVhJQkJBY VJJcDhEM2U2MkZ3

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11898598_1022197387814233_4257946003957563686_n.jp g?oh=5717062f6ea2f7aca7aee7248b14996f&oe=567798A2

August 28th, 2015, 02:34 PM
Paint?! I liked your color scheme!!!!!

August 28th, 2015, 03:01 PM

August 28th, 2015, 04:21 PM
color scheme is staying the same, just making tubes and such black and few spots of white to repair from the welding process.

August 29th, 2015, 12:49 AM
I look forward to seeing it in person! How much does all that tubing weigh?

August 29th, 2015, 07:43 AM
Aaron estimates tubing to be about 400-500 lbs.
Put together my list last night of issues needing addressed before we take it out.
1 - Paint tubing, body panels and axles.
2 - Wire in and install light bar
3 - Replace worn u-joints and bushings
4 - Replenish spare parts tote
5 - Slip yoke eliminator and rear drive shaft
6 - Top off axles after applying teflon tape to plugs
7 - Move axle to 2" back, 3" cuts it close to rubbing on the back with no load, while loaded I expect potential issues
8 - Bed liner cargo area and reinstall interior that is being used
9 - Grease all zircs
10 - replace relay and reinstall switch for aux fan
11 - Diagnose and repair CB issue
12 - Repair hood latch again
13 - Check and tighten bolts ; can't forget to tighten meh junk; missing sway bar bolt (or take off swaybar) :p
Going to get started today on painting, with any luck we can complete that. Going to be very difficult to get some areas of the cage, so I am contemplating a roll on bed liner for it also. Thanks again to Aaron for the fantastic work.

August 29th, 2015, 01:32 PM
You are very welcome Cliff! Happy to be of service. It was wonderful working with you and your awesome family. Hope to get the chance to spend some time wheeling with you all in the future. Thank you so much for supporting a small local shop!

EDIT: don't forget to replace the missing swaybar bolt!!! I didn't see that on your list. And bedliner may be hard to use around the tubing. A decent trim spray gun works well, as well as regular rattle cans. Did you find the prep stuff you were looking for on the cheap?

August 29th, 2015, 06:13 PM
Wow! Incredible work Aaron. :thumb:

August 29th, 2015, 09:54 PM
Decided to coat cage and fender armor in bed liner. It added texture and tied into the bumpers very nicely. Truck bed liner went on smooth. Scuffed, prepped and laid down. First time using so it isn't show quality perfect but we mixed with mixer regularly and kept texture fairly even. Had way too much bed liner mixed so did rear cargo hatch also.Will have to get some better pictures tomorrow.

August 29th, 2015, 09:59 PM
Aaron I did find the prep stuff cheap, at Walmart. Prep pads were $1 a piece so I used a couple of them as well as rags and Mineral Spirits as recommended by instructions for bed liner application. Mineral spirits were like $5 and I had the lint free rags. Thanks for catching that sway bar bolt, it is on my list in my notebook but I missed typing it in. Editing it into original post.

August 30th, 2015, 12:21 AM
Looking good Cliff! Any chance I could talk you into shooting a photo or two of the top of the exo now that it is coated? And do you mind if I steal some of your photos to add into the rest of the photos I took?

September 5th, 2015, 06:44 PM
Been busy getting truck ready to go. Got SYE installed with another drive shaft from Bill. Took truck to car wash and it drove good. Had some noise from rear brake but got it resolved.

While setting past several months truck had grown some surface rust. It wasn't washed after last trip out in February. Wire brushed it clean and touched up rubberized undercoating and paint. Truck looks much better now.

September 5th, 2015, 06:58 PM
Damn Cliff (and Aaron) that's looking great! :bowdown:

September 6th, 2015, 08:53 PM
My list is getting shorter!
1 -
2 - Wire in and install light bar
3 -
4 -
5 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 - replace relay and reinstall switch for aux fan
11 - Diagnose and repair CB issue
12 -

Got second coat of bed liner done today with a new hood release cable. Looks like I will have some dirt underneath truck next weekend!

September 14th, 2015, 06:42 PM
Got truck out yesterday for a quick run.Had a great trip out and truck did very well. As usual there is a new list now to take things to the next level. Primary issue needing resolved is a cracked exhaust manifold, will likely replace with a JY one until I can get a header. Radius arm still hitting factory lower control arm mount, will need to clean it up more. Coil springs are crushed at the top, will be looking to replace them with a more solid spring. Need to replace e brake cables and lower radiator hose. With steering working so much better since Currie upgrade, going to change pitman arm back and see how it drives with things properly aligned again. Still getting noises from y-link, going to pull apart all bushings clean/inspect/grease and replace as needed. Had a last minute oops on Saturday that almost prevented us making it out, had to grind off some bolts for the axle end bolts. New t-bolts should be here this week to get those right. Some movement in leaf spring mount, going to box it in and reinforce it. Thinking about using the Rusty's but welding in instead of bolting and completing it out to fully box it in.
Rear doors do not open enough to access back seat anymore, working on something unique to resolve this issue. If we can pull it off it will be extremely sweet. This will take months and some JY doors to pull off so don't expect this to unveil soon.

Here is my favorite shot from yesterday, shows driver side bump stop not doing it's job. Wheel was all up in the wheel well, drive shaft hit radius arm and coil spring over compressed

September 19th, 2015, 10:29 PM
Got a good start done today. Got radius arms dropped and inspected, greased and reinstalled. Found a bent bolt causing radius arms to hit each other on one side and repaired. Got factory control arm mounts cut away better, should prevent another noise. Popped out and pressed in new upper axle bushing. Most important repair of the day was cracked exhaust manifold got replaced with a Banks revolver header. Tried the JY but they were all cracked and didn't want to waste more time driving around trying. Got a couple welds to take care of, emergency brake cables and a few odds and ends to finish up tomorrow.

October 3rd, 2015, 06:34 AM
Managed to get last weeks list done and get truck out to the trails for a wonderful family day. Truck did good, but brake calipers were not releasing making a bit of brake noise. Got the brakes pulled apart and found drivers side caliper wobbling around. Bolts were snugged all the way down. Determined steering knuckle needed to be replaced along with calipers and pads. Ordered steering knuckles to do both sides. Picked up brake rotors and calipers and ordered in my pads, should arrive today and be back together. While looking at passenger side wheel bearing assembly was leaking so went ahead and replaced it with a Moog (3 year warranty). Wylie managed to get it all done after work yesterday, I am truly blessed to have such a great brother. When pads arrive just have to load/mount calipers and bleed the brakes.

October 4th, 2015, 09:30 AM
Wiley is a great brother, I can remember a few posts like this over the years. Don't forget how great a brother you are for giving him the opportunity! :lmao: I still use your "pushing his potential" line every now and then. :thumb:

October 4th, 2015, 11:11 AM
So did you go high steer?
You got new knuckles its a good time to get the highsteer.

October 4th, 2015, 11:19 AM
Nice upgrades Cliff!
Love the build the XJ is looking awesome.

October 4th, 2015, 11:32 AM
So did you go high steer?
You got new knuckles its a good time to get the highsteer.

They are just new OE knuckles because of the wear on the old ones allowing caliper to move around. I have considered tapping out and running OTK steering but just recently installed the Currie Currectlync steering and it is driving better than ever, as is. I have to get some trails in and am trying to just get it 100% trail worthy to get some windshield time. This has been a very slow start to my wheeling, normally would have 15-20 trails run this late in the year. I am rumbling the idea of going to 7.5 inches lift and if I do I will likely need to raise it then. Upper tie rod end is about at it's end even with longer drop from pitman arm.

Wiley is a great brother, I can remember a few posts like this over the years. Don't forget how great a brother you are for giving him the opportunity! I still use your "pushing his potential" line every now and then.

He is truly one of a kind and the best tool I have in my arsenal. He has spent many hours working on my truck while I am at work or on emergency service calls (like yesterday) or even when I am just whooped from a hard week and crash on the couch when I get home. He is always go go go, where as I am always slow slow slow (except driving on highway, we switch then) He is not big on group settings and socializing where as I am a bit of a socialite. We compliment each other and both push each other to achieve that next level within ourselves. He is truly my best friend.

October 4th, 2015, 11:49 AM
well get'r donne so you can wheel man!

very nice uild you will get tons of play time with it. the build always takes time.

mine will take forever with the funds as they are!

October 5th, 2015, 06:24 AM
Had to straighten driver side upper bump stop mount after detonating bump stop from axle not hitting flat. Adjusted axle to sit properly and replaced bump stop bushing yesterday. Pads installed and brakes bled. Might be changing pitman arm length for more ideal steering geometry but truck is an alignment away from another test trip...I think

no more stacking blocks to make jack tall enough to lift truck

October 5th, 2015, 06:57 AM
Nice jack and spreader bar.

Looks like you got lots done.
Now you got to go play this weekend.

September 19th, 2016, 08:50 AM
After installing the cage the factory mirrors went from too small to worthless. You either see a bunch of cage or they are turned out too far to be much help. Found the solution to this with 94 Ford F250 mirrors. Not sure if the sheet metal would hold up to a nut/washer and didn't want to have to fumble around inside these tiny doors. Decided to make some backing plates with some nuts and strip metal. To cover the corner of door where factory mirror was removed I picked up extra covers for the inside of the doors at JY. I trimmed them and attached using weatherstripping glue. I will go back and make a solid bead on the outside with clear silicone to make sure there are no spots for water to sneak inside the door. I have not driven it yet but the mirrors look great. They moved out far enough to see around the cage with a good angle yet in tight for trails. They have maintained their ability to fold in and tuck nicely into the line of protection the cage offers. The glass is much larger and does not taper down at the outer edge like the factory mirrors. Line of sight looks good for pulling trailer now also.

September 19th, 2016, 09:37 AM
I see what you did there Cliff 94 to 94 lol. Good fix on getting around the cage and keeping the folding feature. Nice Work !

September 19th, 2016, 03:01 PM
Looking good!

September 26th, 2016, 06:07 PM
For the trip to Twin Cone and then a couple weeks ago when we ran Hackett Gulch my brake booster has not been working. Replaced that with a dual diaphragm booster and high pressure master cylinder. Firewall needed to be massaged to fit. At the same time we also eliminated the rest of the ABS to make room for an air compressor. Picked up a proportioning valve off a Cherokee without ABS which gives us 3 outlet ports instead of 2. The T for the front brakes was previously done at ABS unit, which is being eliminated. Replaced the spring in prop valve with a 4 wheel disk ZJ spring. There is definitely an increase in braking but it seems under heavy braking the pads and calipers are doing what they can. At 10 mph in dirt, front tires lock up and rears almost do.

September 26th, 2016, 06:16 PM
Nice upgrade!

September 26th, 2016, 09:44 PM
Keep us updated if you get the brake problem figured out. I have one of the dual diaphragm boosters sitting in my garage I haven't gotten around to putting in.

October 18th, 2016, 07:03 AM
Keep us updated if you get the brake problem figured out. I have one of the dual diaphragm boosters sitting in my garage I haven't gotten around to putting in.

At first there was not much improvement. Adjusting the pedal took a few attempts to get the full stroke from master cylinder. There is an improvement now. Still more upgrades needed but pedal pressure is easy and truck stops safely. Next step is dual piston calipers and a pad/rotor upgrade(or maybe full width 1 ton axles) Everything is brand new so I will wait until I wear them down.

March 5th, 2017, 04:53 PM
Finally got back to working on brakes. Tested and found my vacuum at 13 hg, needs 18 for booster to work correctly. In the future I will need to try and get vacuum back up but for now I repaired what leaks I could find. Not much change so I went to the JY. I pulled a vacuum pump out of an Audi A6 and installed it to brake booster. Can maintain 20 hg at booster now. I am ordering a vacuum pressure switch that will be able to maintain booster at proper vacuum and cycle off pump when not needed. I will be tidying up the wiring and heat shrinking it when I get switch installed but wired it in for testing through a toggle switch and relay. Also going to move vacuum canister and use it for booster to further reduce pump cycling. Running pump I was able to lock up front tires at 35 mph on dry pavement.

Vacuum switch

March 6th, 2017, 09:50 AM
What vehicle is the booster normally used on?

March 6th, 2017, 10:09 AM
The booster is made for a Jeep upgrade for Cherokees and MJs. It comes with a high pressure master cylinder also. Over priced for what it is. It is essentially a dual diaphragm booster from newer Cherokee that has the rod modified to work with older Cherokees brake pedal. This is the most expensive place I found but has best information.
http://www.morris4x4center.com/hd-brake-booster-conversion-kit-with-1-1-8-bore-master-cylinder-ddbxj1.html?gclid=CjwKEAiArvTFBRCLq5-7-MSJ0jMSJABHBvp0M42QggoW5Gv2gzOR1cOY4rQnrrMDoXjL6Jl sIO5i1BoCaRbw_wcB

March 6th, 2017, 07:23 PM
WOW! At our elevation, 17-inches manifold vacuum at idle, is nothing to cry about!

I did find these instructions online: http://www.quadratec.com/Assets/Installation/173079.pdf

Later tonight, I'll be looking up MC piston diameters...

February 7th, 2018, 07:51 AM
Decided to try a set of powerstop pads and rotors. Found the battery dead when trying to move it over to do brakes. Had a lot of corrosion that I cleaned up while cussing myself out for the way things are wired up. Still didn't start. Put it on a charger and left it to return and find it still no good. Time to replace the battery, in my fashion. Over the years adding accessories to the truck I had a horrible stack of connectors on the battery and also had been putting off an electrical upgrade to the stock wiring in the truck, more about that later when I get it done. Replaced battery and only reconnected essentials to move over and complete brakes. Smooth enough and straight forward, I am looking forward to seeing the results. Now the fun stuff, we pulled out all the extra wiring I have installed in the truck. There was 40 ft of 2g wire, 25 ft of 4g and a ridiculous amount of 14 and 16g. Still a little left under dash which will be reused. Found a metal bracket that will work for a junction block at battery terminal. I need to drill and thread a few holes and it will be ready. Unfortunately schedules and weather are making progress slow, hope to be done in next couple weeks. Going to rerun my wire more efficiently and actually add back in a few things I had removed. I have a new switch panel to locate a mounting spot for as well as a new fuse block. Not much to show except this little sneak peak.

February 7th, 2018, 10:33 AM
Nice panel. `have any close-up of the icons on the switches?

February 7th, 2018, 05:06 PM
I lit it up and took a picture showing icons better. It was a kit that came with 10 to choose from for the 6 switches. I think I am going to have to change out one because I don't like the way it looks lit up. Link to panel
I also took a picture of the bracket I am preparing for my terminal connector.

April 18th, 2018, 01:57 PM
Been busy with life and electrical has been slow to get done. Made some progress but have a lot of tidying up to do. Made some improvements to factory wiring and set up a secondary system for all add ons. The ground wire from battery to chassis was way undersized and was replaced. The power wire from battery to under hood fuse panel was undersized and was replaced. The wiring for the alternator runs through fuse in under hood panel. This wire was left in place as is and a duplicate wire was run through a fuse in parallel for more flow between alternator and battery. This will all aid in high load conditions such as winching. Power was run through a fuse to new fuse panel in kick panel of driver side. There it junctions and runs back to power inverter where it junctions to run to stereo amp. I have made drawings of this and will post later. I have tested power inverter with pole saw. It handles amps easily without dipping voltage. Should be able to easily run electric chainsaw if needed for trail cleaning as well as my electric impact.

April 29th, 2018, 07:03 AM
I received my new gauge this week and managed to take some readings yesterday. I found 500 psi at all 4 tires under moderate braking. Under heavy breaking the front will climb to 1,000 psi but the rear doesn't go up. We put the gauge on Wylies truck and found he has same output to the rear as me. He shouldn't because of the high pressure master cylinder we put in mine. Going to reconnect vacuum pump today and see how much change we get boosting vacuum. We still have to check pressure at master cylinder but wanted to wait until last since that will require a full brake bleed after. Any brake gurus that might have an idea of what I have going on please speak up. This is new territory for me and I am tired of fighting this.

April 29th, 2018, 09:18 AM
Not a guru but.....

Is there a proportion valve in there some place. Some of the older systems used a high adjusted/ load sending proportioning valve. Just a though

April 29th, 2018, 10:10 AM
There is. I pulled the proportioning/combination valve from a non ABS Cherokee and replaced the spring with one from a Grand Cherokee valve for the rear disk brakes. I am still hoping the valve is my issue, will have pressures from master cylinder and prop valve today. Yesterday was a short day because of getting out on the bike and welding on Wylie's project.

May 5th, 2018, 12:44 AM
Well last week we could not get pressure directly from master cylinder. We jacked the back end up to level master and bench bleed it. Using slow strokes like we normally would resulted in no air. Slightly faster pumping and a few taps with a wrench freed some trapped air. Decided to replace prop valve with one intended for disk brake conversions, new one is heavy. Replaced lines from master to prop valve with new line. Here is where we found our issue I believe. The factory lines had additional fittings to fit outlet of prop valve that I am not sure where we got them but they should not have been used. The port is too small for a paperclip. Got to snug stuff down tight and bleed system. Afterward I will check with gauge to see difference. I believe my issue was volume more than pressure but we shall see. Hopefully will wrap it up in the morning. here are some dark phone pics.

May 5th, 2018, 05:43 AM
When we put Marks 8.8 in all we did was get the guts from a grand Cherokee with rear disk brakes and swapped them out. (worked like a charm. I hope your able to get it all figured out.

May 5th, 2018, 08:38 AM
One picture from last night needed resized before I could post. Here is one of the bad fittings we found sitting next to a piece of 3/16" line. Goes to show you need to pay attention to more than just the threads.

May 6th, 2018, 07:37 AM
Got the air out of the lines and checked caliper pressure again. Front calipers did not change a lot in pressure as expected. Under heavy braking I am getting about 1250 psi now. Prop valve did help the rear brakes a lot though, am now getting 900 psi at heavy braking. To sum it up I went from a total 3,000 psi at all 4 wheels to 4,300 between eliminating restriction and changing valve. Took for a test drive and I successfully have brakes I am comfortable driving with. Won't lock up any tires but will stop safely. I feel confident in saying that changing the spring from a ZJ in the prop valve does not work properly. The distribution was the same as stock at 50% reduction to rear. I would recommend anyone doing a disk brake upgrade to purchase the new prop valve, it is only $50 and produces real results.

May 6th, 2018, 10:39 AM
How did you get PSI measurements?

May 6th, 2018, 01:33 PM
Good stuff!

May 6th, 2018, 09:47 PM
Ordered a brake pressure gauge. Fits most calipers but fittings will not fit into any adapters I found which is why I couldn't get readings from master cylinder. Gauge just threads in place of bleeder screw.
https://www.jegs.com/i/Stainless-Steel-Brakes/884/A1704/10002/-1?CAWELAID=1710713165&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=44693592161&CATCI=pla-224363292551&CATARGETID=230006180039218439&cadevice=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz7rXBRD9ARIsABfBl830EF1WRh_NWSMaRd7H bevsNC0wjNFRB82UDQD_qSkJagN3i8kMSEEaAvCSEALw_wcB

May 26th, 2018, 07:29 AM
My hand got tired before finishing bleeding the first line. I noticed when pumping it up it was pulling into about 20 inches of vacuum before opening bleeder. Hmmm I thought, that is what my Audi vacuum pump I installed for booster vacuum pulls. Hooked pump up with 20 ft nylon hose to provide constant vacuum. Flushed the brakes in no time.

May 17th, 2020, 09:34 AM
Good enough only works for so long with me. Found in 4 low coming down obstacles brakes were still not up to the challenge. Ordered the Black Magic super 16 brake kit. This did require me to go to a 16" rim so I needed new tires also. Went to an aluminum rim to drop some some weight. Also dropped down tire size to about a 34x11.5 to additionally shed some weight. Overall about 12 lbs per corner. Truck appreciates this weight drop on the highway heading up to the hills. We ran Metberry Gulch last weekend and the brakes were great. Ran Slaughterhouse yesterday and again they performed, perhaps even better as they are getting broke in. Kit requires new steering knuckles, included in kit, with newer model TJ unit bearings. Only issue we ran into on install was threads for steering stop did not go all the way through the knuckle to the side where it goes. Simply ran thread tap through and swapped stops from old knuckles in.

May 17th, 2020, 10:27 AM
that is what my Audi vacuum pump I installed for booster vacuum pulls. Hooked pump up with 20 ft nylon hose to provide constant vacuum. Flushed the brakes in no time.

I missed that post - great idea!

I wonder if about any vehicles' manifold vacuum at idle could be used?

July 14th, 2020, 08:19 PM
I bet it would Jim.

I finally got around to mounting my switch panel. It did not fit in the location I had planned so I cut it in half and split it into 2 places. Got it wired up and added a few lights. I have the 4 underside lights installed but still have 4 RGB lights for the wheel wells to install. Added 2 lights atop the cage in back to use for reverse lights and 2 of the same on the bull bar up front.
Moved rear license plate to intended location on tire carrier and changed out lights for it. The old light got moved to inside rear bumper to light up back side of rear axle. Finally got front license plate mounted. Used a couple bolts/nuts, washers and a rubber hose to mount it to winch fairlead. The hose just fits in and then the bolts and washers pinch the hose to wedge it in place. It has stayed in place for last 2 trips out so I think it is good but I used zip ties as a leash to prevent losing it should it fall out.
Current project is a transmission override knob. It will allow me to lock transmission in 1st, 2nd or operate normally. Got switch mounted and wiring routed but still have to splice into transmission wiring harness at the PCM. I have complained for years about not being able to hold 2nd going downhill. It either downshifts harshly into 1st if I slow down too much in "1-2" or quickly shifts up if in "3" or "D". By far this is the most exciting part of this round of upgrades.