View Full Version : 5th annual Aussie Run - Sunday, August 12

July 29th, 2012, 09:26 PM
Just to be clear, this run is cross posted from Colorado4x4.org (with permission) and will not be on the calendar, only in this thread. I am a bit new to this site but it seems to be just the crowd I love to wheel with and have hit a trail or two with members here and had a great time. I am copying and pasting below what I posted on CO4x4 - I have been on that board for years and I know quite a few people are active on both boards. I just didn't want anyone to be confused because it is in both places! If you are interested in driving, please email me (or PM if you want) and I'll get you more info and answer any questions you might have. I'll also add you to the list of drivers at the bottom of this post.

OK, let's go wheeling!! The fifth annual Aussie Run is set for Sunday, August 12. We moved it to Sunday to avoid a couple other events on Saturday (like the surprise Georgetown half marathon from last year!). I just ran Bill Moore Lake again (haven't done that in years) and I think that will be a great trail to take people on - not overly difficult, great scenery, nice lunch spot at the lake, fairly close to Denver, etc. I was thinking of doing the Mill Creek loop too, but not sure what to add to that to stretch it out a bit. I am hoping to get up there again to scout some of the other spur trails and map out a good route. Let's meet at 9:00 in Empire, I have a spot in mind that I'll email you if you sign up for this run.

A brief history of this event: I'm an elementary school teacher, and in 2006 I participated in a teacher exchange to Australia. While I was there, I was consistently amazed by the people who went out of their way to show me their favorite part of the world. I vowed I would do the same for others upon my return, and this event was born. In a nutshell, here's how it works: I line up a bunch of awesome people with empty seats in their rigs (you guys and gals http://www.colorado4x4.org/vbb/images/smilies/biggrin.png ) and we take the teachers who are here on exchange up into the high country to show them why we love this state. I call it the Aussie Run, but in reality many of the exchange teachers are from other places too, and I also open it up to Colorado teachers who have been on exchange in the past (like myself) as long as we have spare seats. Many of the exchange teachers have told me that this event was the highlight of their year here, and I owe that to all of the wonderful people (you) who have made this event possible, so I want to offer a sincere thank you in advance. I couldn't do this event without you!

If you'd like to drive, please send me an email at jeepmankyle@gmail.com and let me know your name, a contact phone number, what you drive, and how many empty seats you have. I'll get you more info via email.

Thanks again,


Me http://www.colorado4x4.org/vbb/images/smilies/biggrin.png
XJ Dave (CO4x4)