View Full Version : More Ambassadors Needed

Stay The Trail Ambassadors
December 10th, 2012, 03:07 PM
This past season was a great start for our program (http://staythetrailambassadors.org). Our volunteers have donated the equivalent of over $65k of volunteer time, $16k of that was from the on-trail improvement projects we organized! We are going to be holding several training sessions over the winter and planning many more Stewardship Projects for next season. Ya'll have support Stay The Trail for years now, but we need more individuals to get involved in the process.

Some great volunteers have come from FR4x4, but we can never have enough volunteers. The Ambassador program (http://staythetrailambassadors.org) is focused on teaching anyone what they can do to help educate other trail users, maintain trails, and monitor conditions. A minute of time on the trail could make a huge difference in the long run.

Upcoming Training Session times:
Wed. December 12th - 6:30pm (http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF88874731)
Thurs December 20th - 6:30pm (http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF88874639)
Sat January 12th - 10am (http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF8887463F)
Tues January 22th - 6:30pm (http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF88884F3E)

These are all online, so all you have to do is go to the website and join the conversation.

December 10th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Hey all this is easy to do. I did it a couple of months ago. Takes about 1.5 hours online. It doesn't commit you to anything other then the online training but does provide a lot of information and a way to help if you so choose aftwerward. Simply going wheelin and reporting trail conditions your encountered helps. Takes only a moment to report the trail condtions. Consider it...

December 10th, 2012, 05:18 PM
and ya get stickers!!!:D

December 10th, 2012, 05:44 PM
I have only done one trail maintenance run but it went very well! Matt and all the other ambassadors are great, the more the merrier! :thumb:

Stay The Trail Ambassadors
December 17th, 2012, 02:36 PM
Friendly reminder that the next training session is on Thursday, the 20th, at 6:30. Register here: www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF88874639 (http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=E951DF88874639)

January 6th, 2013, 08:00 AM
I've been meaning to do this; won't be home on the 12th, going to try for the 22nd. Do you have any new dates past the 22nd? Thanks!!