View Full Version : Free 2.5GB storage, sharing, backup, etc

February 18th, 2013, 05:37 PM
If you don't know about Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) it's a great way to backup files, share photos/files, etc.

Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) website.

Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) also makes it super easy to share with others, whether you're a student or professional, parent or grandparent. Even if you accidentally spill on your laptop you can relax knowing that Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) always has you covered, and none of your stuff will ever be lost.

Click here -> Dropbox (http://db.tt/VzeukMV) to get started. I will get an additional 500 MB and you will as well if you sign up using the link. :thumb:

February 18th, 2013, 05:55 PM
:lmao: Sorry, wrong forum! Please move to Chat when you get a chance Jim!


February 18th, 2013, 06:57 PM
Dropbox is pretty handy- I used it to backup all of the pictures on my wifes Iphone before I wiped it clean to sell it when she got her new one. After that she just put the dropbox app on her new phone and had access to all of her old pictures.

February 18th, 2013, 07:34 PM
Yep, I use it a lot for getting photos to my kids in bulk which is why I posted it. I did it while waiting to load 300 Xmas for my daughter to download. Hell, we use it beyween computers when sitting in the same room! Nice and simple...

February 18th, 2013, 08:03 PM
1) Moved to chat

2) Please, when selecting a "backup" process, choose one that is fully in your physical control (i.e., a backup hard drive at your house/office). Online backup services are great "in-addition-to" the process that remains under your control. Reason being: When/If the online service is unable to spit back your precious files you should have another plan in effect that's fully in your control. When MegaUpload was closed down by our Government, people (Kyle Goodwin was the "representative law case" (https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Kyle+Goodwin%22+megaupload+court&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)) who wanted/needed their files back could not get them back as their files were tied up in court (ugh).

3) DropBox, certainly, is handy to use and gets good marks for working well.

edit: Comment in #2 isn't aimed at Chris or anyone in particular but is my general concern/rant when folks/we/us consider giving prized data (family photos for one) to "someone else" for safe keeping. Take responsibility and ownership of prized info. :2c: rant-off

February 18th, 2013, 09:38 PM
#2 can be aimed at me! I am prettygood about backing up but backups can fail. I lost a years worth of photos when an external backup failed. I recommend a backup of your backup...

February 22nd, 2013, 08:12 PM
I'm backup obsessed... I have a apple Time Capsule for files, a plug-in hard drive for files and software (when possible), once a month I clone my hard drive on the laptop to a reserve so I don't lose important software, operating systems, etc.

Once I can, I'm going to get Dropbox set up as an additional file backup for photos and stuff. I read a few articles in a photography magazine a while back about backing up for the sake of clients... that got me thinking I really ought to do that more often.

February 22nd, 2013, 09:37 PM
2.5 gb is way too small to be of any use to me. I've almost 3 Tb of data.

February 28th, 2013, 09:36 AM
Dropbox is also a great way to transfer .exe files to someone - files that won't go through email.

scout man
February 28th, 2013, 11:43 AM
I use dropbox to automatically backup my phone pictures to my computer. Best part about it is I can take a picture, walk inside and it is already on my computer ready to be posted on here! No cables or pulling SD cards or anything.

February 28th, 2013, 12:25 PM
I'm backup obsessed... I have a apple Time Capsule for files, a plug-in hard drive for files and software (when possible), once a month I clone my hard drive on the laptop to a reserve so I don't lose important software, operating systems, etc.

A "next option" in the plan would be to have one or two "offsite rotation" hard drives. Once a month (or whenever you choose), image the drives to an external drive then rotate the external drive offsite (bank deposit box, locked office drawer, family member's home). If you had two drives ("A" & "B") one could be "onsite" while the other is "offsite".

IIRC a small bank deposit box is about $25/year with ample space for documents and one or two 3.5" bare hard drives or several 2.5" portable, external hard drives.