View Full Version : RRF & Stay The Trail Need Board Members

Stay The Trail
March 14th, 2013, 02:50 PM
Responsible Recreation Foundation
Board of Directors
Solicitation of Interest – March, 2013

The Responsible Recreation Foundation (RRF) is seeking applicants to serve on its volunteer Board of Directors. We are currently seeking three members from the motorized recreation community to serve on the Board with the responsibility of overseeing the Responsible Recreation Campaign and its flagship Stay The Trail educational program, as well as other projects. The RRF is looking for individuals who can contribute unique skills and experience that will promote personal accountability and stewardship of roads and trails open to motorized recreation on the public lands of Colorado..
If you have the desire, the vision, the skills and the time to devote to the Responsible Recreation Foundation, we ask that you submit a resume outlining your experience, your vision for the future, and your understanding of the issues facing motorized recreation nationally, with emphasis on Colorado. Please send your expression of interest to Josh McMahon at Josh@StayTheTrail.org.

The Board of Directors will evaluate candidates and select individuals to interview. I hope you will consider the opportunity and accept the challenge to lead exciting and award winning programs unique to Colorado! Please visit the staythetrail.org website for additional information.

Desired Qualifications

The RRF’smission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. Our goal is to create a statewide culture of responsible OHV use which will continue beyond the life of the project, effectively creating a stewardship ethic among all Colorado OHV recreationists., Directors need to exhibit a diverse and unique range of skills, qualities, and qualifications. These include:
• An active and personal appreciation for public lands.
• Experience serving on a non-profit board.
• A personal and professional network of community leaders in business, government, outdoor recreation and/or environmental stewardship.
• The proven ability to work collaboratively and productively with a diverse range of people and groups.
• A desire to be an evangelist for the organization and a proponent of responsible recreation on roads and trails open to motorized recreation with the goal of protecting natural resources.
• Important and relevant skills that can expand the organization’s capabilities.
• The time to commit to leading a non-profit organization through the challenges of growth.
Responsible Recreation Foundation:
Board of Directors – Position Description

Position Title: Member, Board of Directors

Function: Provide governance to the organization, represent it to the community and accept the ultimate legal authority for it.

The RRF Board of Directors will be instrumental in developing essential decisions that shape the organization. The Board will be very involved and shape the tone and direction of the organization in subsequent years.

Duties: Service as a member of the Board of Directors comes with duties and responsibilities.

Duty of Care: Exercise reasonable caution in making decisions by using your best judgment, actively participating, and asking the right questions.

Duty of Loyalty: Put aside personal and professional interests for the good of the organization.

Duty of Obedience: Stay true to the organization’s mission, so that activities and use of funds are consistent with stated purpose.


• Develop, review and approve the organization’s philosophy and review management’s performance in achieving it.
• Annually assess the environment and approve the organization’s plans for funding its strategy.
• Develop, review and approve the organization’s five-year financial goals.
• Annually review and approve the organization’s budget.
• Develop and approve major policies.
• Hire, monitor, appraise, advise, support, reward, and, when necessary, change staff.
• Be assured that management succession is properly being provided.
• Be assured that the status of the organizational strength and manpower planning is
equal to the requirements of the long-range goals.
• Approve appropriate compensation and benefit policies and practices for staff.
• Recruit candidates for the Board and fill vacancies as needed.
• Annually approve the performance review of the staff and establish his/her compensation.
• Lead, participate in and oversee board and working committees.
• Annually review the performance of the board and take steps to improve its performance.
• Network and conduct outreach in the community to achieve organization’s goals.
• Conduct fundraising and revenue generating activities to support the operations of the organization.
• Oversee and participate in media relations and communications for the organization.
• Conduct volunteer outreach and oversight.
• Review the results achieved by the staff as compared with the organization’s philosophy, annual and long-range goals, and the performance of similar organizations.
• Be certain that the financial structure of the institution is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy.
• Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice, and comments.
• Approve major actions of the organization, such as capital expenditures and major program and service changes.
• Be assured that the board and its committees are adequately and currently informed, through reports and other methods, of the condition of the organization and its operations.
• Be assured that published reports properly reflect the operating results and financial condition of the organization.
• Ascertain that management has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of interest throughout the organization, and is diligently administering and enforcing those policies.
• Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.
• Review compliance with relevant material laws affecting the organization.

The Board of Directors will hold a regular monthly meeting around the Denver metro area to conduct important business. Phone and video conferencing are possible options for the right candidates. Additional meetings with the Board of Directors may be required to address specific projects or issues. Outside meetings with the community and other organizations will frequently be part of Board Member’s responsibilities.

March 14th, 2013, 06:23 PM
I would love to do this, but am afraid I am short on a couple qualifications.

March 15th, 2013, 07:27 AM
my entire professional life was spent between two non-profits and I might be interested. 3 questions- expected hours? any pay? and I don't understand the accepting ulitmate legal authority part:

Function: Provide governance to the organization, represent it to the community and accept the ultimate legal authority for it.

thanks forposting this!

March 15th, 2013, 08:34 AM
I have all the qualifications, except the most important one, the time to commit! I will always try my hardest to get and be involved, but as of now, I still have not become an Ambassador :(.
Edit: I served 10 years on my local Water & Sanitation Board, a quasi-governmental entity, so that was not a non-profit situation. But honestly, everything boils down to $$$, folks should have to have some knowledge of those ins and outs as well.

Stay The Trail
March 17th, 2013, 09:24 PM
This is a volunteer position, so no pay. Sorry! The needed hours range depending on the level of involvement you are willing to put in. The monthly meetings are normalizing about 1.5 hours on 2 nights. Other than that, most business is conducted through email or brief phone conversations. I will get a clarification on the legal authority bit and post back up. Thanks!

March 17th, 2013, 09:57 PM
Wow. That's an extensive laundry list of responsibilities for an un-payed position.

Stay The Trail
March 18th, 2013, 02:55 PM
The RRF board takes their roles very seriously and they do it out of love for our Colorado trails. We any potential candidates to know all that does into Stay The Trail and our other endeavors. We have gotten to work so closely with the USFS and BLM through our board members dedication to the cause....

March 18th, 2013, 03:01 PM
This is a volunteer position, so no pay. Sorry! The needed hours range depending on the level of involvement you are willing to put in. The monthly meetings are normalizing about 1.5 hours on 2 nights. Other than that, most business is conducted through email or brief phone conversations. I will get a clarification on the legal authority bit and post back up. Thanks!

Was not looking for pay, only time :). My 10 years I served as an elected official up here was un-paid. I wish I had the extra time to help with this endeavor.