View Full Version : Fall River Road, Rock Mountain National Park

September 6th, 2013, 09:42 AM
Over labor day weekend, we went up Fall River Road in Rocky Mountain National Park. Fall River Road is the dirt road that goes up from the Alluvial fan area near the Endo Valley picnic area up to the Alpine Visitor Center (11796 ft). It's a one way trail, traveling up and I think it follows the old stage coach route. It's well maintained, cars can drive the road. There are sharp switchbacks where I saw several long, full size pickups do three point turns. Travel time is ~60 minutes. It's 9 miles with a speed limit of 15.

The whole trail is about 1.5 lanes wide and there are a couple of spots to pull over and get out and look around. For the most part, no passing so bring your patience if you get behind someone freaked out at the lack of guard rails, tight switchbacks, etc.

The way back is down Trail Ridge Road and is a paved 25-45 mph route depending on the section.

It's a lot of fun, but not a 4x4 challenge. Heck, it's not a 4x2 challenge.

We had planned to drive the trail without roof and thought our plans were foiled when we got to the north park entrance visitor center. Enough hail to cover my roof white.

It quickly cleared up for the duration of our drive and we made it up with no roof. When we got to the Alpine Visitor Center, the clouds burst open again.

The flat valley in the picture here is the area in front of the Alluvial Fan.

Typical trail:



Nearing tree line:

Here they've carved the trail into the side of the hill.

When I turned this corner, my jaw dropped. The picture doesn't quite capture how awesome this was and how sudden.

Alpine Visitor Center as seen from Fall River Road:

The pending rain storm. This is from the trail that goes up from the parking lot. There is nothing like hiking at 12,000 feet.

On the way down we were treated to one of the most vibrant rainbows we've seen. Easily distinct colors.


September 6th, 2013, 09:44 AM
Funny license plate I saw at the top:

Fall River Road Status: http://www.nps.gov/romo/planyourvisit/road_status.htm

And some other info: http://www.nps.gov/romo/planyourvisit/old_fall_river_road.htm

September 6th, 2013, 09:50 AM
Nice that the weather turned out well. Great photos!

September 6th, 2013, 02:16 PM
I actually drove that about a month ago. I was in Estes for a Family reunion and took a drive into the park, didn't realize that we were going to do this so I was in my Miata and my uncle was in his 91 BMW 318, it was fun lol.

September 6th, 2013, 02:27 PM
The wife and I went to my dad's cabin in Grand Lake last Friday morning through the park in hopes of traveling Old Fall River Rd but it was closed because of damage from hail and rain earlier in the week. Called the Park Rangers on Saturday and they said the road was open. So on Sunday morning my Dad and I drove over TRR to the Estes side and took Old Fall River Rd back to the top and then back down to his cabin in Grand Lake. It was a fun trip. I'll try to post some pictures when I get home.

September 7th, 2013, 04:23 PM
Did you stop at the waterfalls?

September 7th, 2013, 10:33 PM
Such a beautiful area, thank you!

September 16th, 2013, 12:34 PM
Did you stop at the waterfalls?

No, we didn't make any stops along the way up. Just enjoyed the drive. :) Next summer.

Have any pics of the waterfalls along the way?

September 19th, 2013, 09:24 PM
Good thing you went when you did. Alluvial fan bridge is no more.


September 23rd, 2013, 09:42 AM
Good thing you went when you did. Alluvial fan bridge is no more.


Holy moly... Glad on so many counts.

I'm sure fall river road is going to need some rebuilding.