View Full Version : First build Thread 93 ZJ

October 6th, 2013, 06:30 PM
I haven't fully come up with a name for the ZJ yet the only thing that comes to mind is tranny killer. Since I have owned it I have put maybe 7k on it and have gone through two transmissions and a whole interior. I was looking for a project and my daily just elected her self with another transmission going. What I have done so far is rebuilt the motor had the tranny rebuilt and put some new dents. I am planning a full build up of it and am starting with the suspension. I am going to be fabricating a 4 link front and rear full hydro steering. full exo cage and some smaller engine mods I have a pro comp cam waiting to go in and some new valves and srings to match. planning headers and msd ignition to give the 5.2 a boost. all the mods will be for the body and suspension and axles I want to keep the rest of the drivetrain intackt. I will keep everyone posted as well as add some photos as they come

October 6th, 2013, 11:16 PM
Sounds fun !

October 13th, 2013, 02:07 PM
we are in the tear down phase and this week we got the tank out and put the last start on the girl for a while. She growled. No muffler, one car garage. I will throw a link up later today. We have even more to pull out, and more pics to show later

October 13th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Nice. Get'em up... I love build threds.

October 16th, 2013, 06:19 PM
So just a little update. (No photos yet) I stoped at the local 4x4 shop and the guys there helped a lot with my planning process. I found a slightly easier way to get a 4 link without having to fab a whole crazy set up. Genright has a 4Link kit for the JKs and the frame width is close to the same as mine I just have to beef up the frame wher I want it and weld it in. Simplifies that portion and will save a bit of a headache. It's still a good amount of fab but I think it will give me a good amount of satisfaction