View Full Version : Starting the build of the Bronco
January 1st, 2014, 10:11 AM
This is going to be the building of the Bronco from the start of where it is since I purchased it a couple of weeks ago.
First thing is trying to decide on a name for it, thinking either Piss Willy or Redneck Leprechaun.
We checked it out pretty thoroughly yesterday and made a list of things that need some attention in two categories, immediately and over time. Of course you can probably guess which list was longer for a 35 year old Bronco, the immediate list. Thankfully the body is solid with no rust!
This ride's story starts out that it came from Arkansas and was wheeled down there in the mud and trees. At some point in its life the owner made up grades like 3" body lift, 4" suspension lift, 2x6x1/8" tube front bumper w/winch mount, 4 off road lights,35x12.50-r15s on Amreincan Racing aluminum wheels, Warn locking hubs, Sony Xplode cd player. They added headers and full dual exhaust, Edelbrock intake and 650 cfm carb to the 400M motor to include upgrading the electronic ignition.
On the downside they weren't automotive electrically suave, splicing into all kinds of wires and cutting wires and leaving them hang. Some splices include home electrical wire nuts! So this is where the first major work will start, rather than repair the rats nest I will just do a full on harness replacement.
Also yesterday repaired a couple of small leaking hose clamps tightened up important bolts that were loose like the front drive shafts u joints. Will post pics as soon as I get them transferred from my tablet.
January 1st, 2014, 11:21 AM
Sounds good so far.
January 1st, 2014, 12:10 PM
Redneck Leprechaun.
January 1st, 2014, 09:48 PM
as hack as MOST people see it to be, properly installed wire nuts are a far better solution than typical cheap butt connections. and depending on who does the work, better than solder as well.
but i get to be the first to say this thread is worthless without pics!
January 2nd, 2014, 10:45 AM
Ok here are the starter pics, 3/4 shot from the rear, Front bumper, under dash wiring mess, front fender dent, 9" with sway bar and rear wiring mess.
January 2nd, 2014, 10:50 AM
High pinion D44, 400M painted ugly green w/ under hood wiring mess, low hanging exhaust due to no room to raise it, grime of the transfer case, and prior floor board rust repair.
January 2nd, 2014, 10:53 AM
Oil leak running down to tranny and back, front u joint bolts loose, front sway bar extension welded on also fron C bushings will need to be replaced.
January 2nd, 2014, 10:57 AM
Will keep this going as we progress with it.
January 2nd, 2014, 08:37 PM
I don't envy you with the wiring mess. I don't want to trade ya anymore. Still a nice looking Bronco.
January 2nd, 2014, 09:36 PM
When do we start?????????
The StRanger
January 2nd, 2014, 11:26 PM
I think your right with the replacement Harness. Its just not worth tryin to fix a 35 year old harness.
That front bumper really need a redesign, And what was he thinkin with that exhaust pipe ???
January 3rd, 2014, 06:34 AM
C bushings will need to be replaced.I'll have to go look in that box of bushings you gave to me...
January 3rd, 2014, 08:35 AM
I don't envy you with the wiring mess. I don't want to trade ya anymore. Still a nice looking Bronco.
Hahaha Jarrold that is funny at least now I know I am safe with keeping it!
When do we start?????????
Jon when ever you are ready, I started yesterday buying stuff so I can get her registered and emissions done, Thankfully it gets the ol tailpipe test and not the rolling test!
January 3rd, 2014, 08:38 AM
I think your right with the replacement Harness. Its just not worth tryin to fix a 35 year old harness.
That front bumper really need a redesign, And what was he thinkin with that exhaust pipe ???
Sam you're right on the bumper that'll come later on, as for the exhaust I am going to cut that pipe out and see if I can't flip it around and upside to fit in between the transfer case and frame rail.
I'll have to go look in that box of bushings you gave to me...
Thanks Mike that would be a good help.
January 3rd, 2014, 08:47 AM
Hahaha Jarrold that is funny at least now I know I am safe with keeping it!
At least until you have it finished. LOL. If you start having problems finding parts, you can try Jeff's Bronco Graveyard. Their website is
January 3rd, 2014, 08:49 AM
Until I get it registered and emissions done its going to be on hold til we get the Mercedes fixed!:eek:
January 3rd, 2014, 08:53 AM
Until I get it registered and emissions done its going to be on hold til we get the Mercedes fixed!
I have an extra catalog if you want it.
January 3rd, 2014, 09:01 AM
You definitely have your work cut out for you. It'll be a nice rig when you're done.
January 3rd, 2014, 05:52 PM
That is quite the rats nest there! Good luck with the build! I swear I'll check on my door panels for you sooner than later!
January 3rd, 2014, 05:58 PM
Good luck with this!
January 3rd, 2014, 06:04 PM
They both appear to be in fairly good shape. No cracks or real damage, just look like they are coming out of a old vehicle. Granted me being able to get them off with out damaging them may be another story.
January 3rd, 2014, 06:24 PM
I think your right with the replacement Harness. Its just not worth tryin to fix a 35 year old harness.
Very smart move on buying a whole new harness. Will save you a TON of headaches down the road. And will probably end up being faster in the long run as well.
Good luck with the build!
January 5th, 2014, 09:46 AM
Christopher what would you want for both door panels, I am gathering a whole list of parts for you to see what we can work out.
January 5th, 2014, 11:25 AM
Looks like its a decent truck to start with. Nice find.
January 5th, 2014, 12:54 PM
Just ordered new complete harness and some other parts now let the waiting begin and pray for warmer days to install the new stuff!
January 5th, 2014, 04:00 PM
Christopher what would you want for both door panels, I am gathering a whole list of parts for you to see what we can work out.
To be honest Sean, I have no idea. Once you have your list made up, we can go over it all and see what I can help you out with and then work out the rest later.
Just ordered new complete harness and some other parts now let the waiting begin and pray for warmer days to install the new stuff!
Thats awesome! I am needing to do this with the Chevy I inherited not to long ago, but am a little bit nervous about under going such a huge task. I would love to help out, if you need any, and also look forward to seeing the progress!
January 5th, 2014, 09:59 PM
I would love to help out, if you need any, and also look forward to seeing the progress!Woo-Hoo! Wrenchin' party at Sean's house! :wrench::wrench::wrench:
January 5th, 2014, 10:03 PM
Woo-Hoo! Wrenchin' party at Sean's house!
Count me in. :woot:
January 6th, 2014, 01:32 AM
I'll let you guys know when the parts arrive then and make sure we have plenty of food and drinks(tea,sodas,water)
January 6th, 2014, 10:54 AM
I'll let you guys know when the parts arrive then and make sure we have plenty of food and drinks(tea,sodas,water)
January 6th, 2014, 01:43 PM
I'm in for the wrench party!
January 6th, 2014, 10:01 PM
I am needing to do this with the Chevy I inherited not to long ago
What kind of Cheby, Chris?????????
January 6th, 2014, 10:02 PM
Woo-Hoo! Wrenchin' party at Sean's house!
Set the date, I'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 7th, 2014, 07:15 PM
What kind of Cheby, Chris?????????
1970 C20 long bed. Bare bones 350 4spd. However it does have 3 20g gas tanks. It was kateys grandfathers, and somehow it ended up getting passed down to me.
January 7th, 2014, 07:17 PM
Set the date, I'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 7th, 2014, 07:19 PM
Set the date, I'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 10th, 2014, 06:52 PM
Okay parts are coming in today my favorite delivery lady brought the harness, yesterday the inner and outer door handles arrived only to see they sent the wrong inner handles. They sent ones for 83-88 Rangers, but since we decided to make interior panels out of anodized aluminum so I can make the handles work. Door and window seals should be here by mid week next week, so how does everyone's schedule look for the following Saturday?
January 10th, 2014, 07:38 PM
Should work for me. I'll work on sourcing the diamond plate and hope it can be here next week. Should know more Monday.
January 10th, 2014, 08:20 PM
I may not be available in the morning. I'll have to see how things shape up before making any other commitments.
January 10th, 2014, 10:33 PM
Damn, wife has to work that day and I get to have the kiddo all to myself. I'm not about to bring a 3 yr old to a build party. Sorry dude. I really want to be there.
January 11th, 2014, 11:04 AM
Heck Jarrold he could ride on our miniature horse Titan! LOL
January 11th, 2014, 11:59 AM
Looks like a "fun" project, other then wiring issues looks like standard stuff on an older vehicle.
January 11th, 2014, 10:40 PM
Heck Jarrold he could ride on our miniature horse Titan! LOL
I put out there to the wife and she said "No Way".
January 12th, 2014, 01:01 AM
Don't you have a cage to keep him in?
January 12th, 2014, 10:00 AM
Ok here is the wiring kit I ordered, very nice and complete kit, all the wires are labeled as to where they go and 11 pages of good wiring schematics! Also got my new Cherry Bomb mufflers yesterday. Going to do change all the filters today and oil, coolant. Hopefully I can get the temp tag tomorrow and mufflers welded on so then I can do the emissions test before next Saturday.
January 12th, 2014, 10:02 AM
January 13th, 2014, 10:27 PM
Today the postal person delivered the new door and window seal kit woohoo life is GOOD!
The StRanger
January 14th, 2014, 12:15 AM
Ok here is the wiring kit I ordered, very nice and complete kit, all the wires are labeled as to where they go and 11 pages of good wiring schematics! Also got my new Cherry Bomb mufflers yesterday. Going to do change all the filters today and oil, coolant. Hopefully I can get the temp tag tomorrow and mufflers welded on so then I can do the emissions test before next Saturday.
Now thats how ya do it !
January 14th, 2014, 09:39 AM
Like the new avatar Sean!
January 14th, 2014, 06:40 PM
Just ordered new glove box insert and tempted to order my twin stick kit. Friday need to see what a windshield will cost.
January 14th, 2014, 07:57 PM
Friday need to see what a windshield will cost.
I'll shoot John a text. He should be able to beat most prices and install costs.
Text sent.
January 15th, 2014, 06:39 PM
here is the name that we are doing in this color since the truck is black
January 17th, 2014, 10:14 AM
Yesterday I got the new glass packs welded on and couldn't modify the low hanging exhaust pipe like I wanted but I did manage to reconfigure it so it tucks up nice and tight, also did the seals on the drivers door glass what a time consuming job that is. Bronco sounds great now like it has some balls!
January 17th, 2014, 07:19 PM
Sean, gotta work tomorrow and Sunday, so I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. 10 hours tomorrow and 8 on Sunday. The diamond plate is ordered and should be here next week though.
January 17th, 2014, 08:45 PM
Sean, gotta work tomorrow and Sunday, so I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. 10 hours tomorrow and 8 on Sunday. The diamond plate is ordered and should be here next week though.
Okay thanks for the update. I didn't make it to get the E test done today but did pick up the Mercedes.
The StRanger
January 17th, 2014, 09:51 PM
did pick up the Mercedes.
Thats a good thing !
January 17th, 2014, 09:55 PM
I still wish I could be there tomorrow, But with the 3 yr old it still isn't a good idea. Besides, I now have an oil leak that decided to make a grand comeback so I have to get that buttoned up.
January 18th, 2014, 02:58 PM
I tried to find your place today and check out the 78, but I couldn't find it.
January 19th, 2014, 11:18 AM
I tried to find your place today and check out the 78, but I couldn't find it.
Darn, what time was that? Give me a call next time.
Only person that showed up yesterday was Funrunner (Aaron) cause he was delivering my other big project I need to get done before this summer! Plans are for a suspension lift and 31s to get more than the now 10 inches of ground clearance. Here's a picture of it.
January 19th, 2014, 11:22 AM
Give me a call next time.
I don't have your number. I thought about screaming out at the top of my lungs, but I would have scared the kid.
January 19th, 2014, 11:24 AM
I'll send it to you again haha!
January 20th, 2014, 03:09 AM
Bronco looks sweet in person, hope the "new" project is a blast for you all!
January 20th, 2014, 06:12 AM
Sweet Bronco Sean!! The name is awesome too!
January 20th, 2014, 11:39 AM
here is the name that we are doing in this color since the truck is black
January 22nd, 2014, 01:11 AM
Well we got the oil leaks fixed from the VCs and the oil changed, WOW the oil that came out was pure black like crude oil and just as thick. Today it started having two issues since doing all this work, it is smoking light blue-gray when stepping on the accelerator and now there is a slight knock in the bootom end plus wat sounds like a spun bearing! Maybe I shouldn't have changed the oil LOL. One thing I have figured out with this build is that some people should not be allowed anywhere near gasket sealers of any kind gees.
January 22nd, 2014, 01:36 AM
Sounds like the guy who sold it to you used additives in the oil to hide some problems. Since I'm putting a 460 in my '79 I'm going to be selling a 400 .040 over, 22,000 miles, with new uninstalled Edelbrock cam, lifters, timing set, & intake. Also: Holley 600 carb, NP435, NP205, front & rear axles, new clutch kit, can't remember off hand what else, been collecting parts for a long time.
January 22nd, 2014, 10:03 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have changed the oil LOL.
Maybe not. That sucks.
January 22nd, 2014, 10:19 PM
Thinking of switching the carb out with the one on the 57 and see how it runs plus that would give me a manual choke which would help with the cold starts. Plus I already have it setup for this altitude. Since it's supposed to be cold tomorrow I'm thinking of trying to get the E test done since the air will be denser which will help it to burn cleaner.
The StRanger
January 22nd, 2014, 10:21 PM
Sounds like a plan !!
January 24th, 2014, 06:38 AM
Hoping today I can get the door seals finished and a few other small things taken care of. Want to get all the small stuff out of the way before I jump into the wiring.
January 25th, 2014, 10:18 AM
So when is the next build party?
January 25th, 2014, 11:43 AM
So when is the next build party?
Not sure no one was able to make it last saturday, I will be out there today getting the passenger window seals replaced. Yesterday I did finish the door seals and replaced the glove box plus got the front bumper laid out how I want to modify it. Doing the door seals was a messy job, glue goes everywhere no matter how careful you try to be haha. I got caught up on some pics to and will upload them next.
January 25th, 2014, 11:45 AM
Door seals and cleaning the jamb with a brass wire wheel in the cordless drill.The first 3 pics are after pulling the wrought-ed seal off and the last two are after cleaning the jamb.
January 25th, 2014, 11:50 AM
The first is the low hanging exhaust the second is same after cutting and modifying it so its up tighter to the cross member since there is not room to go over it. Next is the new glas packs welded in and tucked up above thebottom of the frame rails.
January 25th, 2014, 11:51 AM
Then came pulling out the make shift sign/glove box and replacing it with a new one.
January 25th, 2014, 11:57 AM
Bumper mods idea, the front tube will be cut off and pulled back 6" and then cut again to raise the lower section to 3" at the end while doing the same to the sides ending up at 2" in height.
January 25th, 2014, 12:00 PM
And yes Val is getting into helping too, She changed out the fuel and air filters and other small thing under the hood, she is so short legged we had to get the small ladder out for her to get up on the bumper LOL. Bad thing is I fell off the bumper tore up my forearm, hand and rotated my left knee again.
The StRanger
January 25th, 2014, 12:04 PM
That will work .
The StRanger
January 25th, 2014, 12:07 PM
Bad thing is I fell off the bumper tore up my forearm, hand and rotated my left knee again.
Well that SUX !
January 26th, 2014, 09:04 PM
Good to see Val helping out, that's awesome! The cut on that bumper would be great. When my back heals up I will be back your way and can help.
January 26th, 2014, 10:11 PM
Sounds like the guy who sold it to you used additives in the oil to hide some problems. Since I'm putting a 460 in my '79 I'm going to be selling a 400 .040 over, 22,000 miles, with new uninstalled Edelbrock cam, lifters, timing set, & intake. Also: Holley 600 carb, NP435, NP205, front & rear axles, new clutch kit, can't remember off hand what else, been collecting parts for a long time.
Charles what are thinking for a price on that motor?
Good to see Val helping out, that's awesome! The cut on that bumper would be great. When my back heals up I will be back your way and can help.
Heal up good before doing anything else!
January 26th, 2014, 10:12 PM
If the weather is good next Saturday 1 Feb. going to shoot for doing the wiring harness for whom ever wants to come by
January 26th, 2014, 10:23 PM
If I'm not working I might be able to make it.
January 26th, 2014, 10:29 PM
Oh man, you're killing me. I have a child birthday party to go to at the Children's Museum on Saturday. I just can't catch a break. :bang:
January 26th, 2014, 10:49 PM
:2thumbup:I was just informed I do not have to go to the birthday party if I don't want to. The wife said I would probably be bored anyway. I'm in.:2thumbup:
January 27th, 2014, 12:15 AM
Charles what are thinking for a price on that motor?!
Sean, I'll let it go for what I have in it if I don't have to hassle with Craigslist. You want the extra parts? (cam, intake, carb, etc) I will have to look up some receipts & notes. I can't remember all the parts I have bought over the past 4 years, but not going to need them for a 460.
January 31st, 2014, 09:22 PM
So, how about those wiring harnesses. Going to be doing them Saturday?
February 1st, 2014, 05:10 PM
So, how about those wiring harnesses. Going to be doing them Saturday?
You're a funny man there Jarrold! Actually looking at the 10 day forecast its not going to happen anytime soon with highs in the low teens and single digits.
February 1st, 2014, 05:46 PM
What is a little cold? Just set up a blower heater and you'll be fine. LOL
February 1st, 2014, 06:13 PM
that would be fine if I was able to put it in the garage but 1)it won't fit in the door, 2) I have no propane for my heater
February 1st, 2014, 06:20 PM
Get propane and a bigger door.
February 11th, 2014, 07:50 AM
Sunday I pulled the 1405 Edelbrock off the Bronco and switched it out with the 1406 Edelbrock off the 57. Right off the bat it flooded, but once I got that issue taken care of it ran like it has a radical cam in it. After installing the manual choke cable it helped some but not enough to run as smooth as it did prior to switching carbs. On the plus side it did not smoke any longer but you could really smell it was burning rich. Going to make some calibrations to it and see where it ends up and if not enough to pass the E test I will put the 1405 back on and make adjustments on it to lean it out. Had to order a calibration kit for the 1405, fuel pressure regulator, fuel gauge so I can make sure that the pressure is not above 5psi ( Edelbrock's recommended limit), which should all be here today.
Also removed some of the wiring that went nowhere, little by little it is coming out of the vehicle which will make it easier when I do the new harness.
The StRanger
February 11th, 2014, 08:31 AM
JRs Bronco had a wire that ran out of the underside of the HVac box
Spliced to 2 wires that splised to another two wires.
Non of them hooked to anything. Even under the dash...
February 11th, 2014, 08:36 AM
Sam it just makes you love what people do doesn't it?
The StRanger
February 11th, 2014, 08:55 AM
We should have people take an IQ test to buy tools !!!
The StRanger
February 11th, 2014, 08:57 AM
Youd never be-leave what some folks will do to a car or truck before they trade it in !!!
Its flat azz scary !!!
February 11th, 2014, 09:12 AM
Like using barbed wire for a fuse, and burning the whole wiring harness to the ground? Yea, that was fun. lol
February 11th, 2014, 01:17 PM
Glad to hear little by little it's getting fixed and clean up.
Like using barbed wire for a fuse, and burning the whole wiring harness to the ground? Yea, that was fun. lol
I know there is a story with this one.
February 12th, 2014, 10:48 AM
Well all the parts ordered Sunday came in yesterday so i know what I am doing here shortly, also got the new seals ordered yesterday for the tailgate and rear window. Only one more set to order and the is the ones that lay on top of the bed rails for the top then the passenger compartment will be all sealed up from the elements and any unwanted things.
Also found this pic of another 78 Bronco that is a pretty Bitchin machine.
The frame pics are of the inner structure he made to hold everything together for the tilt front end.
Also included is a pic of the type storage compartment I want to build for the back of the Bronco with a padded top for the dogs to lay on.
The StRanger
February 12th, 2014, 02:21 PM
That seems like a lot of frame on the hood for an easy system.
I used 2 fence hinges, drilled out the pins & replaced them with receiver pins.
Welded one side to the frame and bolted the other to the front core body mounts.
Also used two more smaller pins on the upper rear mounts, off the fire wall.
With some modified trailer fender & one weatherpack plug.
Still had an operable hood, open the hood, pull the rear pins & tip the fenders forward.
Pull the plug & the two front pins and set the front clip off to the side in about 5 mnts...
Wished I had pics !!
The StRanger
February 12th, 2014, 02:24 PM
Im gona brake out the old Lappy and see what pics I have on it !!
February 12th, 2014, 02:27 PM
Now that is what I've been thinking of doing to my Bronco. Would make it a little easier to work on. Those pictures make a good reference on how to do it.
February 12th, 2014, 08:22 PM
That's what I should do to my 79, sure make the 460 easier to get to, especially if I put the 37s on it. Sam, how hard is it to lift a tilt like you had? How many strong backs would I have to corral?
February 12th, 2014, 08:48 PM
I love having the tilt on the 57, sure makes it easy to get to the engine and everything. I am going to consider doing it on the bronco, its hard on the back bending over the grille and fenders to work on it.
On a good note I got the 1406 tore down and cleaned up (there was a black film everywhere inside the carb), also re-jetted and new metering rods and manual choke installed its now running at 650 RPMs idle, 15" vacuum, and a nice cool exhaust that doesn't smell like raw fuel and it idles pretty good. Took it out for a test drive and it has some power now, just need a kick down cable and it will make a good bit of difference, but it will get up and move now. That in turn is making me think about disc brakes for the rear! I'll post the video once I get it uploaded. Now hopefully it will pass the infamous E test now.
February 12th, 2014, 09:05 PM
I have a 1405 on my old motorhome, got to figure some way to hook up the manual choke from the dash & not the doghouse. It's an E350, have to take the doghouse off every once in a while so can't run a choke cable from anyplace easy.
The StRanger
February 12th, 2014, 10:40 PM
That's what I should do to my 79, sure make the 460 easier to get to, especially if I put the 37s on it. Sam, how hard is it to lift a tilt like you had? How many strong backs would I have to corral?
I could lift it with one hand. With the hood open and tilted I used to set up lawn chairs and use it for shade !!
February 13th, 2014, 04:00 PM
Well it passed the emissions test and it would have passed the first time if they would have entered the correct engine into the system to begin with. They also put the VIN in the system wrong the first time as well as on the VIN verification form. Floors me how some of the people can get a job! So tomorrow its get the plates and then start replacing the wiring harness since we are supposed to have good weather thru next week.
February 13th, 2014, 04:21 PM
Well it passed the emissions test and it would have passed the first time if they would have entered the correct engine into the system to begin with. They also put the VIN in the system wrong the first time as well as on the VIN verification form. Floors me how some of the people can get a job! So tomorrow its get the plates and then start replacing the wiring harness since we are supposed to have good weather thru next week.
WOO HOO!!!!!!! I have heard more bad things from emissions places, crazy. I am glad the Redneck Leprechaun is officially road allowed!
February 13th, 2014, 07:16 PM
I could lift it with one hand. I meant to lift it off/on the truck, sorry. Opening/closing shouldn't be a problem with reasonable balance.
The StRanger
February 13th, 2014, 10:59 PM
I meant to lift it off/on the truck, sorry. Opening/closing shouldn't be a problem with reasonable balance.
Two person job, About the heaviest part was the rad core support.
I welded the Radiator support from some old bed frame..
February 15th, 2014, 06:18 PM
Big visual improvement just a can of shake n shoot can make. Now to find a good grille and the lower turn signal for the driver's side. Also decided going to remove all the emblems and fill the holes before we spray the rest of the bronco.
The StRanger
February 16th, 2014, 08:53 PM
Not the best pics but, You get the idea .
February 16th, 2014, 08:54 PM
Did you do that, Sam?
The StRanger
February 16th, 2014, 08:57 PM
Next batch.
It was under construction.
So for the BodyWork.
The StRanger
February 16th, 2014, 08:59 PM
Did you do that, Sam?
Ya. That was before the inner fenders.
February 16th, 2014, 09:04 PM
I love having the tilt on the 57, sure makes it easy to get to the engine and everything. I am going to consider doing it on the bronco, its hard on the back bending over the grille and fenders to work on it.
On a good note I got the 1406 tore down and cleaned up (there was a black film everywhere inside the carb), also re-jetted and new metering rods and manual choke installed its now running at 650 RPMs idle, 15" vacuum, and a nice cool exhaust that doesn't smell like raw fuel and it idles pretty good. Took it out for a test drive and it has some power now, just need a kick down cable and it will make a good bit of difference, but it will get up and move now. That in turn is making me think about disc brakes for the rear! I'll post the video once I get it uploaded. Now hopefully it will pass the infamous E test now.
How hard was it to rebuild the 1406? i am needing to do that on mine as well for the 77. I bought the rebuild kit, just haven't gotten to tearing into it yet.
February 16th, 2014, 09:38 PM
Ya. That was before the inner fenders.
I really want to know how to do that. I would love to do that to my Bronco.
February 16th, 2014, 11:27 PM
I really want to know how to do that. I would love to do that to my Bronco.
C'mon down, I have a couple sawzalls. We can have it cut off pretty quick, then put the pieces in back & take 'em home & put the puzzle together. But seriously, lets do some research on this. I like the way Sam did it, being able to open the hood to check oil etc without having to open the whole tilt. At first I was thinking maybe leave the hood hinged at the cowl & just tilt the fenders, the 79 hood is heavy. Mine will be heavier than stock because I want to make it raised & open at the cowl for extra cooling. And don't ya love them off-road tires he had on there.
The StRanger
February 17th, 2014, 12:16 AM
And don't ya love them off-road tires he had on there.
Hey. He was a 2WD built for 1/8th mile blast !!
The StRanger
February 17th, 2014, 12:19 AM
I really want to know how to do that. I would love to do that to my Bronco.
The hardest part in finding places for all the stuff Ford puts on the fenders !!!
As in, Batt, solenoids, Modules, Wiring !!!!
Ya run outa room rear quick !!
February 17th, 2014, 01:45 AM
Hey. He was a 2WD built for 1/8th mile blast !!
A 2WD Bronco?????? OH, Sacreligious!!!!!! Just kidding Sam, bet it was fun!
February 17th, 2014, 09:40 AM
Well things are moving along, Brandon came over to work on the '57 and we decided until I get more welding done on that he started the bodywork and shake can painting on the Bronco. Anyone ever see a can of Bondo get a hard foam on top like the one in this picture?
On a side not Val shocked me when she said she thought I wanted to leave the BL on it and go with bigger tires, I asked her if that's what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to go to the next size up which would be 37s and she said 39s would be good enough! OH BOY, I didn't want to go any bigger than the 35's that's on it! Suppose I need to make these tires last long enough for her to change her mind HAHAHAHA!
The StRanger
February 17th, 2014, 10:06 AM
A 2WD Bronco?????? OH, Sacreligious!!!!!! Just kidding Sam, bet it was fun!
It was an F100 reg cab with 4 inch drop in the front and 6 inch in the rear.
February 21st, 2014, 05:47 PM
Okay here is the new gauge panel I made up, using the new Dolphin Gauges I had waiting to be used in the 57. Also included 2 small green lights for turn signal indicators. Was successful in getting my collector plates yesterday as well as title and plates for our new to us pop up trailer, all in all we was in and out in exactly 20 minutes at the Commerce City office. Tomorrow going to start taking the old wiring harness outif this head cold will let me! I
February 21st, 2014, 07:14 PM
Nice! I should have the diamond plate for you sometime next week.
February 21st, 2014, 11:02 PM
Nice gauge panel Sean! Got to be better than the originals.
The StRanger
February 21st, 2014, 11:10 PM
Very nice !
February 21st, 2014, 11:43 PM
I like it. Very cool.
February 22nd, 2014, 03:24 AM
Nice cluster!
February 22nd, 2014, 06:25 AM
Looks good!
A) What material?
B) What did you use to make the long bend?
C) Did you make any adjustments to the factory angles?
February 22nd, 2014, 10:35 AM
Looks good!
A) What material?
B) What did you use to make the long bend?
C) Did you make any adjustments to the factory angles?
A) 20 ga.steel
B) my bender
C) Nope followed the factory angle
February 22nd, 2014, 10:41 PM
Well we got started on the wiring removal and sure enuff there was more that needs done like heater ducts both rigid and flexible need replaced. As we were moving along we realized it would be much easier to just remove the dash to have better access to most of the wiring, This also gave us room to pull out the massive heat/AC unit and block off the gaping hole in the firewall. Now to try and find a heat only unit to install or make my own unit from the parts off this one. Did find out why the heater was not working the wiring was melted and not even connected to the fan switch. Anyhoots on to the pictures.
February 22nd, 2014, 10:44 PM
The new/used gauge bezel gets modified for the new gauge panel. and a small amount of the junk pulled from under/behind the dash.
February 22nd, 2014, 11:50 PM
Looks good! That hole for the heater is massive lol
The StRanger
February 23rd, 2014, 12:43 AM
Yes they are !!
February 23rd, 2014, 11:14 AM
Looks good! That hole for the heater is massive lol
Yeah for some reason Ford thought bigger is better. It's been plated over now, so now I need to find a non A/C heater unit to put in or just build my own.
February 24th, 2014, 12:15 AM
I've been thinking of going to an under-dash aftermarket heater, then maybe I want to keep AC, but want on-board air with a York compressor too. Not sure if it's even possible to put a York on an EFI 460 tho. May have to run 2 Sandens if I have AC & air.
February 25th, 2014, 04:21 PM
Man I wish you would get to work and quit slacking!! LOL As always thanks for the progress pics!
February 26th, 2014, 09:56 AM
Man I wish you would get to work and quit slacking!! LOL As always thanks for the progress pics!
Well if mountain folk would keep all this white sparkly stuff up in the hills things would go a lot quicker! :thumb:
February 26th, 2014, 11:55 AM
Well if mountain folk would keep all this white sparkly stuff up in the hills things would go a lot quicker! :thumb:
About that.... I keep doing the snow dance, I am not ready to give up on winter yet!
The StRanger
February 26th, 2014, 03:30 PM
About that.... I keep doing the snow dance, I am not ready to give up on winter yet!
Not a problem. Thinkin the city has like 3 good snows left ...
February 26th, 2014, 06:21 PM
Well if mountain folk would keep all this white sparkly stuff up in the hills things would go a lot quicker! :thumb:That white sparkly stuff brings me some OT! MORE!!!
February 26th, 2014, 09:55 PM
So, when is the next Bronco build party?
February 27th, 2014, 02:40 AM
So, when is the next Bronco build party?
I have posted them a couple times and no results so it is when ever someone drops by the house sort of deal anymore.
February 27th, 2014, 12:06 PM
Excellent! I need to get out there again for no reason!
March 1st, 2014, 02:26 PM
Excellent! I need to get out there again for no reason!
You know you're always welcome!
March 1st, 2014, 02:30 PM
Val sanded the inside of the drivers door and we got it painted, also dug out what was left of the body seam caulking and redid all the seams on the drivers side.
March 1st, 2014, 02:31 PM
A few more parts that was ordered came in new Energy Suspension bushings for the front axle, new Grille and mounting hardware, New washer bottle and pump. Val sanded the grille down so now we can get it painted flat black. A;so figured out what it would take me to fabricate a new heater assembly and decided to break down and order a new heater it should be here this coming week as well as duct work.
March 1st, 2014, 02:47 PM
Took the gauge bezel after cutting out the vertical bars and filled in the gaps left afterwards, I used the cutouts peices to fill the gaps and glued them in using ABS plastic glue. Left them overnight to dry good and then sanded them down this morning. Looks almost original for one big opening. Also took the dash pad and ran my belt sander across all the cracked area to smooth them out so we can prep it for a new layer of foam padding and marine grade vinyl.
March 1st, 2014, 02:50 PM
So, about how long before it will be out on the trails?
March 1st, 2014, 02:53 PM
This spring!
March 1st, 2014, 02:54 PM
Most excellent.
March 1st, 2014, 02:55 PM
When are you coming by to check it out Jarold?
March 1st, 2014, 02:57 PM
Soon, I hope. Was thinking of doing that this weekend, but I came down with a sore throat and the sniffles so decided to stay indoors today.
March 1st, 2014, 03:02 PM
Maybe I'll come by tomorrow depending on how I'm feeling. I really want to check it out.
March 1st, 2014, 03:14 PM
That dash bezel looks good! I almost want to dig mine out. :D
March 3rd, 2014, 10:30 AM
The parts list is getting shorter, this week the new heater, arm rests, diamond plate aluminum, and air ducts will be here so hopefully I can get the it all installed plus the harness and the lower seals for the rear top, then it will be finish up the body work which means getting a rear passenger quarter panel since I don't feel like grinding all the old bondo (that's cracked) out and then beating it back into shape, good thing my son is a body man.
March 3rd, 2014, 08:11 PM
Had some good progress today, Grille painted and installed, 1 set of lights removed, Driver side and tailgate all painted, rear wiring harness removed, Drivers side door jamb painted, heating ducts all cleaned up and ready for install, head liner and trim pulled, started sanding interior for painting, gauge bezel all sanded and primed. Found a birds nest in the rear cross member, also didn't know you could use a racquet ball for a grommet:eek:!
March 5th, 2014, 10:01 AM
Yesterday the heater arrived while I was in training for my new job, so today it will get installed and the duct work and if time allows start putting the new harness in.
March 6th, 2014, 01:17 PM
March 7th, 2014, 10:50 AM
So I got the new heater installed and now to figure out how I want to set up the ducting, CLUE it won't be in the stock location due to this being an after market heater and there is no longer a good way to hook it up to the stock ducting. Firewall is all painted and inner fender wells also got the toe boards re-caulked to seal up the seams where the factory seam sealer was cracked and letting water inside the passenger compartment.
March 7th, 2014, 10:53 AM
March 7th, 2014, 08:19 PM
Sweet, I may do something like this on the Dodge when I get going on that. Thanks for the thoughts!
March 8th, 2014, 09:20 AM
Hey Aaron there is a Dodge like yours up the street from us that is pretty sweet you need to check it out next time your down here.
March 8th, 2014, 09:47 AM
So, what is on the agenda today?
March 8th, 2014, 12:40 PM
Today I am relaxing and going to see my parents, then back at it tomorrow if you want to stop by Jarold.
March 8th, 2014, 03:58 PM
Hey Aaron there is a Dodge like yours up the street from us that is pretty sweet you need to check it out next time your down here.
There are times I think you are trying to get me in trouble! LOL
March 8th, 2014, 07:09 PM
then back at it tomorrow if you want to stop by
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to. My Grandson has a birthday party tomorrow. He is a whole 3 years old now. The party isn't until 2:00pm, so I may be able to stop by in the am. I will have to check with the wife and see if she has any last minute things she wants me to get done for the party. I will let you know.
March 9th, 2014, 01:08 PM
Well tell the little guy Happy Birthday from Val and I. We hope he has a great time at his party.
March 11th, 2014, 03:15 PM
well while waiting for the rest of my heater parts I figured I should be somewhat productive so I started making the new door panels. Also got the dash cleaned up and welded the PO holes as well as the ashtray and lighter holes since we are working on quitting smoking.
March 11th, 2014, 03:46 PM
Diamond Plate and snow, so beautiful!
March 14th, 2014, 10:32 AM
Yesterday i got 3 out of the four heater ducts routed and the door panel for the drivers door before I lost my motivation. The one with the "Y" will be for the floor ducts once I get the console built. Today it will be a late start getting out there to work on it due to having to take Titan in to get his bandages changed, He had his tail amputated on Tuesday because of his "Happy tail' busting it open and spraying blood everywhere floor to ceiling.
March 14th, 2014, 08:13 PM
Looking good! All your hard work is going to pay off big time!
March 15th, 2014, 08:41 AM
Yesterday made a run to the junk yard and found several Broncos & F100-250s for parts, brought home a window regulator and inner door latch release(all that would fit in the benz), going back today to get 4 wheels&tires to use on both trailers, tailgate, bucket seats, Fords version of the York compressor, and a bumper for Brandon's Mustang. Need to look for a windshield too. Did find a almost complete 460 with C6 that are good and about 6 or 8 9" rear ends plus several rear ends out of F250s that are full floaters. Even found a couple pairs of the infamous Chevy leaf springs everyone wants.
March 15th, 2014, 02:21 PM
Here is the parts I scored, the best one is a fairly new windshield with no scratches or chips, other stuff is the 4 wheels with 33" BF Goodrich tires, factory captain chairs.
March 15th, 2014, 02:23 PM
Where did you go?
March 15th, 2014, 02:27 PM
Good progress! I miss driving with captains chairs, they are so comfortable :)
March 15th, 2014, 02:36 PM
Where did you go?
Went to JKQ (UPULL&PAY) on Federal.
March 15th, 2014, 02:41 PM
How hard is it to swap a windshield? I need a few. '00 F150, '95 Bronco, '86 Bronco, '97 XJ.
March 15th, 2014, 02:43 PM
Went to JKQ (UPULL&PAY) on Federal.
How was the inventory?
March 15th, 2014, 02:50 PM
All the Broncos they had are 3rd series and newer. There was 4 or 5.
March 15th, 2014, 02:52 PM
I got my tailgate from them. The best one I could find and it still had rust/cancer on the bottom. Was better than the original one that was bashed in.
March 15th, 2014, 02:52 PM
How hard is it to swap a windshield? I need a few. '00 F150, '95 Bronco, '86 Bronco, '97 XJ.
Charles they aren't too bad as long as the rubber is in good condition and soft. It definitely helps having 2 people tho.
March 24th, 2014, 06:41 AM
Well I am on day shift for the next month started yesterday. So I got busy after work and put a coat of bondo on the dash, new foam padding on the dash pad and got the marine grade vinyl cut for the same, also started putting the wiring harness in.
March 24th, 2014, 03:37 PM
That wiring just looks like too much fun. Must be 10 times easier with the dash out, always laid upside down on the floor to fix things. Can't do that anymore, too old & stiff. I'm gonna look into doing windshields when it gets warmer, the rubber should be easier to work with.
The StRanger
March 24th, 2014, 06:12 PM
Must be 10 times easier with the dash out, always laid upside down on the floor to fix things.
My old Effy, I pulled a engine harness connector from a newer ranger and installed it right under the left side footwell.
One 10 mil bolt and the whole dash unpluged. Pull the 6 bolts to mount the dash and do wiring work right on the bench !!
March 25th, 2014, 06:09 AM
That wiring just looks like too much fun. Must be 10 times easier with the dash out, always laid upside down on the floor to fix things. Can't do that anymore, too old & stiff. I'm gonna look into doing windshields when it gets warmer, the rubber should be easier to work with.
Yeah it has made it a lot easier to do, I knew there was at least one wire that was melted so I figured do it the easiest way possible. Plus having to recover the dash pad it was easier to get to the bolts for that with the dash out too.
March 25th, 2014, 06:09 AM
My old Effy, I pulled a engine harness connector from a newer ranger and installed it right under the left side footwell.
One 10 mil bolt and the whole dash unpluged. Pull the 6 bolts to mount the dash and do wiring work right on the bench !!
That's a great idea!
April 5th, 2014, 10:56 AM
Made some good progress yesterday, finished up all the wiring under the hood to include putting the electric fan on a relay, most of the behind the dash wiring except turn signals and gauges, finished the new heater connections, painted inside the front of the cab, started the running the rear wiring harness and finished up the neutral safety switch. The dash will be going in today and gauges and if it doesn't rain hopefully make some progress getting the rear harness finished. Here are more pics; dash and pad finished ready to install under hood wiring completed and new bracket I had to make for the new isolation valve for the heater water control. Also need to install 2 relays for the 4 offroad lights.
April 5th, 2014, 10:19 PM
Right on man!
The StRanger
April 5th, 2014, 10:51 PM
Gawd there's a lot of room once you get the A/C box out of the way !!!
April 5th, 2014, 11:51 PM
Gawd there's a lot of room once you get the A/C box out of the way !!!
Yeah there's groups of room in there now, if only there was some way to get that much room on the driver's side.
April 7th, 2014, 10:50 PM
Made some progress this evening, got the new panel/stereo mount made and painted up plus started making the new diamond plate covers for parts of the dash. It was too dark out to get a decent pick of the diamond plate panel on the dash so here is the others.
April 11th, 2014, 09:31 AM
So I picked up a couple of LED indicator lights, double relays, LED lighted switch and misc. parts over at a great lil shop called Golden Rotronics, GREAT people to do business with. Set up an appointment with Laura the owners wife cause she is only there part time while her husband is in the hospital 7 weeks now. He is improving from all that he has gone thru after just going for some chest pains it all went south from there. If anyone needs electrical stuff for your rigs look them up!
Today I am planning on tackling wiring up the gauges and finish off the dash plus rear harness and if time allows I will get the CB and stereo mounted.
April 11th, 2014, 04:06 PM
Man this is gonna be sweet!
April 11th, 2014, 10:17 PM
Well it took a lot longer to wire the gauges than I thought it would, mostly cause I kept getting distracted and losing where I was on the instruction sheets. But they are now done and installed but I am trying to find a turn signal switch and man are they expensive, on average of $80.
April 12th, 2014, 01:17 AM
Upull is an easy source for TS switches. I click em & if they feel good pop the wheel off & look. I usually find one that looks fairly new & they last a long time.
April 12th, 2014, 09:10 AM
Looks like your making some good progress. I cant wait to see what you do with this bronco (after seeing your work on the ranger) It should be something special.
Going back on and earlier post that I posted, I purchased an 86 f150. It was a pretty cool truck, but 10 minutes after purchasing the truck i started to notice it was smoking from the inside. So i pulled over but I couldn't figure out where the smoke was coming from. So i started the truck, and drove it home, but as soon as turned on into our block the whole stuck started to fill with smoke, so once i got in the driveway i shut it off and noticed that the previous owner have used barb wire instead of a fuse. So my first thought was, if your having an issue with blown fuses dont use thick wire, because it will (obviously) melt your wires, if not catch them all on fire.
There was a short in the tail light lighting. So he used a piece of barbed wire instead of a fuse, because it work for short trips. So once i drove it for more than 10 mins there was an issue. So after getting it home and tearing it apart, the wire have melted bout 10 wires together. So i went to the junk yard, bought a new fuse box, and fixed the previous issue with the lighting, and the new issues with about 20 foot of burnt wire. I still made money on the truck once I sold it, so that was a plus.
April 13th, 2014, 10:03 AM
Charles that is what I did, went to LKQ yesterday morning and found one from a newer(mid 80s) bronco looks almost new and works great only mod to it was removing the Black wire that is for the ignition buzzer and all is good.
Got the whole dash finised and buttoned up only to realize I forgot to hook up 2 wires (4x4 indicator light) so now to take it all apart again whooops! Got the CB mounted and hooked up made a antenna mounting plate from some of the polished aluminum diamond plate that was left over. Picked up two slider windows also while at the junk yard yesterday so I'll put them in on one of the nicer days, this way the dogs have their own windows to stick their heads out of.
On a different note one major headache I've learned about using these wiring kits is that most of the color codes they use is primarily factory on just one side of a factory disconnect so you have to at least have a factory wiring schematic so as not to get the wires installed in the wrong places ie; turn signal switch the connector has two different color combinations a different one on each side of the connector so you have a white/blue wire mating to a yellow, blue to purple wire and so on.
April 13th, 2014, 10:54 AM
turn signal switch the connector has two different color combinations a different one on each side of the connector so you have a white/blue wire mating to a yellow, blue to purple wire and so on.
I think the later TS switch uses a different color code than the 78/79 & 80/86. Not sure but could be different with each generation. I've run across two variations, also the tilt & non-tilt columns use different part numbers, possibly different colors.
April 13th, 2014, 02:52 PM
Nice work on the electrical and thanks for the tip on GR. It's too bad that some of the best work is hidden and never seen. I guess proper ops and reliability is the reward.
April 16th, 2014, 07:25 AM
Well here are some pics of the dash reassembled, after taking it back apart yesterday to connect the two wires I missed it turns out I didn't miss them haha I forgot to install the LED for it whoops.
April 16th, 2014, 12:38 PM
Coming along quite well there sir!
The StRanger
April 16th, 2014, 03:17 PM
On my 79, I always wanted to install another glove box door on the drivers side.
Install a selaniod so when I start the truck the glove box door opened to expose the cluster behind...
Turn off the key and the door closes, Hiding the cluster !!!
April 16th, 2014, 05:40 PM
I like the way that turned out!
April 16th, 2014, 10:46 PM
Really looks good! I like the look of the new gauges & diamond plate with the old style dash.
April 16th, 2014, 10:47 PM
Really looks good! I like the look of the new gauges & diamond plate with the old style dash.
April 17th, 2014, 10:05 AM
Well I spent 2hrs last night separating the original harness to pull out the wires for the rear window so I can reuse it since a new kit just for that is$60 +S&H.
Going to try and finish things up today and start it up for the first time since doing the wiring. If all goes well with it then out for a drive and back to doing the body work on the passenger side. After that it's reconfigure the front bumper, install the winch, fab rear bumper, and lastly build the slide out storage compartment in the back. Hopefully sometime over the summer I can buy the interior roll cage and install it.
April 17th, 2014, 05:45 PM
Does it have rocker protection & a real gas tank skid? After cracking two gas tanks I don't trust the factory skid to help much.
April 17th, 2014, 06:17 PM
Well I spent 2hrs last night separating the original harness to pull out the wires for the rear window so I can reuse it since a new kit just for that is$60 +S&H.
Going to try and finish things up today and start it up for the first time since doing the wiring. If all goes well with it then out for a drive and back to doing the body work on the passenger side. After that it's reconfigure the front bumper, install the winch, fab rear bumper, and lastly build the slide out storage compartment in the back. Hopefully sometime over the summer I can buy the interior roll cage and install it.
Fingers crossed man, I wanna see this thing on the road/trails. I need someone to camp with!
April 19th, 2014, 09:00 AM
Does it have rocker protection & a real gas tank skid? After cracking two gas tanks I don't trust the factory skid to help much.
it does have I guess you could call them sliders but they are lacking in the dependability without more bracing to add to the stiffness. The PO just made a loop with 2 mounting points to the frame w/o any gussets. Just a factory skid plate on the gas tank which will be redone at some point out of 1/4" plate.
April 19th, 2014, 09:07 AM
As usual with any thing I am attempting to do with this build so far its taking longer than planned. With the tail light wiring I cannot figure out why the manufacturer is wasting so much wire with doing double looping(not the correct term) from one side to the other of the vehicle. So of course after hours of studying the drawings and directions I redesigned the way it should be run and going with that. Each wire will tee at the frame and branch out to each side of the vehicle rather than go up to the driver side lights and then back down and over to the passenger lights.
I am glad this part of the build is coming to a close cause I really am getting bored with it and ready to move on to more interesting fabrication things.
April 22nd, 2014, 09:24 AM
While out and about yesterday picking up some supplies to finish some of the projects around the house my loving wife talked me not only into getting a new stereo for the bronco but also front speakers so this along with my Bose rear speakers it should sound pretty decent.
April 22nd, 2014, 03:14 PM
I am glad this part of the build is coming to a close cause I really am getting bored with it and ready to move on to more interesting fabrication things.
Heck yeah, I bet!
While out and about yesterday picking up some supplies to finish some of the projects around the house my loving wife talked me not only into getting a new stereo for the bronco but also front speakers so this along with my Bose rear speakers it should sound pretty decent.
Go Val!
May 7th, 2014, 03:38 PM
I spent the better part of last weekend fabbing up the rear interior panels and Yesterday swapping out the stock distributor for a new HEI that only took 4 hours to get it to slide onto the oil pump shaft with small amount of persuasion. It didn't fire so I'm thinking its a tooth off or 180 out. The new stereo sounds awesome and I'm really liking the new Bose speakers.
May 7th, 2014, 09:32 PM
Mmmmmm, diamond plate looks good!
The StRanger
May 7th, 2014, 11:41 PM
Wow. That a lot of shinny !!
May 8th, 2014, 10:26 AM
read through this thread this morning, it's awesome. I love the attention to detail, can't wait to see it done! The first 4x4 I ever drove was a 78 just like it. :thumb:
May 8th, 2014, 05:47 PM
She is looking good!!
May 9th, 2014, 11:43 AM
Was hoping to work on it the last two days but my helper has had the flu and I've been so wiped out after getting home in the mornings that I've been passing out on the couch an hour after being home. Oh well maybe next week it will be on the road again!
May 9th, 2014, 03:58 PM
Hope you heal up fast over at the house!
May 11th, 2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks Aaron I am good just being back on nights is taking some getting used to again.
Brandon came over yesterday and installed the windshield, took about an hour to do mostly cause the hard rubber retaining strips were a booger to put back in.
May 11th, 2014, 09:38 AM
You do very good work, Sean! You were commenting on my bumper build but this is on a whole different level. I am excited to see how this project unfolds.
May 11th, 2014, 10:48 AM
Thanks Aaron I am good just being back on nights is taking some getting used to again.
Brandon came over yesterday and installed the windshield, took about an hour to do mostly cause the hard rubber retaining strips were a booger to put back in.
Glad you are back to your regular scheduled program. I need to do a windshield and window seals in the Benz. You are making me think...
May 11th, 2014, 11:40 PM
Just looking at the diamond plate gives me chills. Are you going to do any insulating and/or sealing?
May 12th, 2014, 04:07 AM
Just looking at the diamond plate gives me chills. Are you going to do any insulating and/or sealing?
It was already insulated behind the rear panels. I just need to get a piece for the roof on the passenger side before I put a new headliner in it.
May 15th, 2014, 03:59 AM
I was thankfully only one tooth off on the distributor but as my luck would have it once it fired up there was a loud screetching noise and then it quit. At this point the lifters and rockers were talking a lot so that led me to the oil pump. Today I am pulling it and seeing how badly it is damaged, thinking that since there was ZERO psi on the gauge that when I put that distributor in and tightened the retaining bolt to assist in dropping it the last 3/4" to the mounting surface on the block that this caused the shaft to go thru the sheet metal base plate on the pump causing no pressure and flow.
May 17th, 2014, 08:04 PM
I really like what you are doing with it. Makes me think what I could do with my bronco. You do excellent work, dude.
The StRanger
May 18th, 2014, 12:36 AM
I put that distributor in and tightened the retaining bolt to assist in dropping it the last 3/4" to the mounting surface on the block that this caused the shaft to go thru the sheet metal base plate on the pump causing no pressure and flow.
That would do it !!
May 19th, 2014, 05:12 AM
Pulled the pan an all be the pump was ok, when I pulled the dizzy out the shaft lifted and fell back in but missed the hole on the pump. It still was a good thing to pull the pan as I discovered all the bolts were only hand tight! no wonder it was leaking oil down the front of the tranny. Got things squared away and drove it yesterday keeping an eye on the oil pressure it started out @25psi and went up to 45psi when accelorating, but after it warmed up the pressuree went down to about 5-10psi and almost 0 while idling. It ran great for the first 8 miles then it developed a miss at around 10 miles.
I found out that one of the new relays I've sitting on the shelf for about 10 years was bad, I had set it up for the electric fan and replaced it but now I have no switch control like I first did after replacing the relay. So I am going to just remove the relay and put a fuse in the system.
Won't get to work on it most likely in the next two days cause our solar system is being installed today and Tuesday I have to sit for 3 hours after working all night for a sexual assualt class "OH YAY".
May 24th, 2014, 10:21 AM
I have been working on that ugly front bumper changing it's configuration to suit my needs and likes. First was to remove the center top plate which is 3/8" plate and relocate to the bottom side of the bumper so my 10XRC winch will sit behind the bumper rather than on top. Next had to cut an opening for the fair lead to sit in, which I boxed the opening to reinforce the center of the bumper. Then I started modifying the outer ends to taper back to the body as well as taper upwards for more clearance.
May 31st, 2014, 10:08 PM
This past week has been a busy one with finishing up the front bumper, rotating the tires, installing the new E- Brake cables, installing a new bearing retainer I fabbed up for the driver side of the 9" after cutting the stock one off the axle, and today I got more of the underside painted while Brandon did quit a bit of bodywork on the passenger side, those 2 yrs at Wyo tech is paying off! While driving it one day this week I kept hearing a hard metallic slapping sound when I hit bumps, found the U bolts loose on the drivers side of the rear end. Got them torqued to 140 ft/lbs and when I drove it this morning on issues and it launches nice and smooth now.
May 31st, 2014, 10:25 PM
I'm still willing to trade you Broncos. Just saying. LOL.
May 31st, 2014, 10:30 PM
I'm still willing to trade you Broncos. Just saying. LOL.
Sorry Jarold but I like the box style of mine and think I'll keep it awhile!:thumb:
May 31st, 2014, 10:31 PM
You do such good work that I really want to trade. LOL:lmao:
June 6th, 2014, 08:56 PM
After doing a shake down run today, it came to light that there are a few bugs to work out like doing away with the stock fuel pump and going to an electric one. Going up one of the hills it was acting like it was vapor locking, opened the hood and it wasn't .pumping hardly any fuel upto the filter. Going to be replacing the radiator with a 3 core for better cooling cause of the low speeds even the electric fan couldn't keep up.
Before we even left for the day found out that the new wiring harness has the connector wired backwards for the fuel gauge and it is a directional plug, so I have to cut the wires and swap them around. Or just leave it redneck style where when the gauge reads empty it's actually full and vice versa. I did find out it has the 33 gallon fuel tank when it came to $98.80 to fill it up and that's for 27 gallons of mid grade.
It definitely needs more power at one point I had the skinny pedal on the floor and we was moving maybe 5mph. Not too sure about running an automatic, seems like constantly on the brakes, guess I am just used to the stick in the ranger holding it back on the down slopes.
June 6th, 2014, 09:00 PM
I gotta do the electric pump in both my J-20 trucks this summer, for the same issue of vapor locking going up Fall River Rd. damn ethanol too.
June 6th, 2014, 09:01 PM
Man, I'm glad I have fuel injection.
June 6th, 2014, 09:10 PM
Man, I'm glad I have fuel injection.
Yeah fuel Injection maybe in the works soon, along with a big block!
June 6th, 2014, 10:42 PM
[QUOTE=1freaky1;265297 Not too sure about running an automatic, seems like constantly on the brakes, guess I am just used to the stick in the ranger holding it back on the down slopes.[/QUOTE]
That's why I'm going with a stick. If you go for high idle, especially with tall gears the brakes aren't enough, the auto drives right thru them.
June 7th, 2014, 07:46 AM
Once gears are dropped automatics are great IMO. I put it in low and drop it into first and it works great for me. Just have to wire in some switches so I can use 2nd. I get 1st and 3rd while in 4 low. 1st I make a ton of noise trying to keep up with others, 3rd I'm on the brake all the time. The gears don't push through the brakes for me now that I did brake conversion. Wheelin with a carb is a pain. Does that truck have a second fuel filter in the tank or in line up to the front? You possibly could install an in line fuel booster pump also. Having an adjustable fuel regulator helps with making adjustments for steep hills, although I don't have personal experience with what to set it for.
June 7th, 2014, 08:42 AM
Once gears are dropped automatics are great IMO. I put it in low and drop it into first and it works great for me.x2
June 7th, 2014, 02:34 PM
So with checking things out I found that I have gas in my oil so that means the pump is shot which also explains the low oil pressure as well as the low fuel flow. Hopefully this hasn't caused any internal dammage. Glad it didn't detonate the engine while driving it yesterday.
June 7th, 2014, 03:24 PM
I'm glad too! Sorry to hear but I'm sure you will have it all fixed up and running better than ever before too long.
June 7th, 2014, 07:17 PM
You'll get her all done and figured soon!
June 7th, 2014, 09:13 PM
So with checking things out I found that I have gas in my oil so that means the pump is shot which also explains the low oil pressure as well as the low fuel flow. Hopefully this hasn't caused any internal dammage. Glad it didn't detonate the engine while driving it yesterday.
June 8th, 2014, 09:57 AM
If you end up taking more drastic measures for power I do have a spare 351M that was rebuilt but the rings never seated. Or if you wanted to go through I have a spare 400 crank so you can some more ponies. I also have a 460 you can have if you just want to pic it up.
For or what it's worth I sank $2800(had the machine shop assemble mylong block since I was out of town) into my 400 and it should be In the mid to high 300s for hp and low 500s/high400s for ft lbs.
June 8th, 2014, 10:22 PM
If you end up taking more drastic measures for power I do have a spare 351M that was rebuilt but the rings never seated. Or if you wanted to go through I have a spare 400 crank so you can some more ponies. I also have a 460 you can have if you just want to pic it up.
For or what it's worth I sank $2800(had the machine shop assemble mylong block since I was out of town) into my 400 and it should be In the mid to high 300s for hp and low 500s/high400s for ft lbs.
Christpher when be a good time to check out the 460 and pick it up?
June 9th, 2014, 10:03 AM
The 460 I have is just a builder really. It is out of a 76 ltd and is currently set up as a front sump. Aside from that all I really know is that she spins freely by hand. I was originally going to use it in my 77 but decided to build my 400 instead. Heres a link to my CL Ad, ignore the price as it doesn't apply to you.
June 10th, 2014, 07:22 AM
The 460 I have is just a builder really. It is out of a 76 ltd and is currently set up as a front sump. Aside from that all I really know is that she spins freely by hand. I was originally going to use it in my 77 but decided to build my 400 instead. Heres a link to my CL Ad, ignore the price as it doesn't apply to you.
Christopher I will definitely take the 460. Do you know if the 351M bell housing for a C6 will bolt upto it?
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