View Full Version : Trail conditions 4/26

April 27th, 2014, 01:06 PM
Hey guys - I went out on a few easy trails yesterday (4/26), and thought I'd report back with some of the conditions...

Switzerland Trail - clear and dry.

Pennsylvania Gulch - First 250 yards or so are clear and dry. I didn't head up this trail as I had never been all the way to the end of the Switzerland trail and wanted to do that, but I walked up a ways and it was dry.

Apex Road - snow on the Rollinsville side. First snow bump had tire tracks, but looked to need 12" of clearance or so to go past. Looked like more snow shortly beyond the trailhead.

Nevadaville Loop - clear and dry. Saw a guy on a Harley riding up it - lol.

Russell Gulch - the first 80% (from Idaho Springs side) clear and dry. Beyond that, I think I somehow got off the main trail. Ran into snow and mud on two different routes - not super deep, and passable, but I didn't continue as I didn't know if it was going to get better or worse after these spots (and I didn't know if I'd have to turn around again from being on the wrong route).

April 27th, 2014, 01:08 PM
Only got a little dirty. ;-)


April 27th, 2014, 03:23 PM
Thanks. This info is always good.