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June 10th, 2014, 10:17 AM
Figured this fit this thread. There is a video on the page in the link, the text is below the link.


Near death, man found and rescued on mesa

By Cole MillerPublished: June 9, 2014, 9:51 am
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – A wrong turn turned into two days lost in the desert.

Alone and without water, his family feared the worst then, by some miracle, Raymond Herrera was found nearly lifeless.
The sun beating down on the west mesa makes for a wild place, “He was just going to go out there for a little bit and come home,” said Mayra Herrera, Raymond’s wife.
Herrera says on Wednesday her husband Raymond decided to go four-wheeling to a spot in the desert he had been before, “He was very familiar, felt confident, been out there before,” Herrera said. But that night, he didn’t come home.
“He apparently took a wrong turn, got lost and wasn’t sure where he was,” Herrera said. “It got really dark.”
He got stuck – big time.
“He attempted to climb it twice and it fell over to the side and it didn’t want to start anymore,” Herrera said of her husband’s Jeep.
She says Raymond wondered around all day Thursday, thinking he was close to home. He had no food, no water and no cell service.
“I just worried,” Herrera said. “I was just praying.”
She called some of their friends, but they hadn’t heard from him either and couldn’t find him.
By now, he was dehydrated, cramping up and hallucinating.
Then Friday, by some random chance, two hikers came across him. Herrera says they thought he was dead, “They pulled him under a bush to get him out of the sun.”
They hid him under a flat sheet of metal while one went for help, the other stayed back with Raymond.
“We’re lucky,” Herrera said. “My kids feel blessed. We’re blessed.”
His Jeep, hidden in a massive arroyo, wasn’t found until Saturday.
“It wasn’t until I actually drove out yesterday to the area where they found his Jeep that it really hit reality on how bad the situation could have been,” Herrera said.
He was far from home but now, with his family by his side, he’s recovering, “On behalf of Raymond and my family, I want to thank (the hikers).”

The StRanger
June 10th, 2014, 01:29 PM
Glad he is gona be OK..
That is why I alway have my "Oh Crap Bag" in the truck
Basic food, Water, Meds & Glasses...

June 10th, 2014, 02:28 PM
even if you were driving car across the desert on paved roads common sense says to bring food and water.

June 10th, 2014, 02:38 PM
Don't go out alone!

June 10th, 2014, 02:56 PM
Thanks for posting this,being prepair is something we all think is a giveme and all try to practice but theres a lesson to learn here. Seating here at my desk it too easy for me to say burn your jeep! but at the time alone and lost he thought he was making good choices. It scary how quickly things can go wrong in the wild.
Hell it was just 4 weeks ago I was in Baja with a group of friends riding dirt bikes across the desert from Puerto Penasco to El Golfo and found my self stuck and lost in the desert for 8 hrs. Thats no joke I'm glad he made it out ok

June 10th, 2014, 05:07 PM
I also have to say a physical map and a compass are 2 other live saving tools.

As for not going out alone. I think going prepared is far more important, even in a large group, than not going alone. Also having the proper tools and equipment doesn't do you any good if you don't know how to use them.

June 10th, 2014, 05:15 PM
I also have to say a physical map and a compass are 2 other live saving tools.

As for not going out alone. I think going prepared is far more important, even in a large group, than not going alone. Also having the proper tools and equipment doesn't do you any good if you don't know how to use them.Agree. I've done tons of remote backcountry treks solo: summer and winter. I always go out prepared to survive at least one night and tell people exactly where I'm going, which is just as important. IMO this guy was not very experienced. If experienced not knowledgeable

June 11th, 2014, 11:02 PM
ALWAYS have food and water in the rig, wow. Glad he is ok, but wow.

June 14th, 2014, 06:24 AM
I go out alone a lot, I just go prepared! But, I live in the mountains so it is a way of life for me. I am glad the guy is ok too!

June 22nd, 2014, 10:01 PM
Yikes, glad he was found alive. Unfortunately there are lots of stories like this where people go on a casual hike, or even just step out of the vehicle and walk off to see a pretty view, then get disoriented, or break a leg or whatever and are in deep do do since they didn't take any precautions. Lots of this happens in the nat'l parks.