View Full Version : Sonomanclature's S-Truck

July 5th, 2014, 12:32 AM
Even though is already "done" ill post a summary thread, and continue to dump stuff as it happens in here.

Back story with some Info about myself as well.

I moved to Colorado from Michigan about 5 years ago to be with my Fiancé. Prior to moving here I worked for a catering company that ran river cruises.

I purchased my truck a year after living here, still without a job, so I would have a way to get out further from this small town. Risky but it worked out in the end, Ironically I work 3 blocks from where I live.....

It was stock and I paid way too much for it, but it was what I wanted, with hind sight I would have chose something slightly different. It was all stock and in really good condition for its age.. On to the pics.

This is how I bought it less the driving lights. It was what i was looking for, Manual trans, Manual Transfer case, Manual windows, and Manual locks.

After a few months of a new job, I alocated some money to put towards the truck, I found a body lift off of Craigslist and got it for a song, and bought my first set of brand new tires ever.

Got some steel from work for free and started a bumper, it was a first time deal as well and i had to get reacquainted with oxy-acetylene to cut the pieces out.

Bought some wheels a little later, helped the look I think.

Her mother has a trailer that she bought new in 04, used it for one week, and has never used it since. I have a solution to move it comming this year hopefully, but for now its too heavy for me to transport.

Swapped in some electric fans, it helped a little,but the 4.3L is still anemic. 3

I picked up a topper for dirt, ran with it for a while and sold it to a college kid later, seen it on craigslist attatched to his truck yesterday.

put a 2.5" rough country lift on, really it wasn't worth the money but I got it cheap, and sold it for what I had into it.

Took it up to leadville to do some camping, and drove on my first trail in Colorado, Hagerman pass.

Overheated it Christmas day 2012 bringing my mother in law to work when her Xterra wouldn't start. Spent the next month walking to work, and comming home to work on this in 30 degree weather

Put ZR2 flares on to aid in coverage, I will never do it this way again, but they are on there.

July 5th, 2014, 12:43 AM
I subconsciously park next to same make/modle vehicles, as was pointed out to me by the future wifey.

Drove it Across the country to my parents house in Upper Michigan, it did great the whole time, with no hiccups along the way. Also did some trail riding to the tip of the Keweenaw.

Picked up a new topper from a friend along the way I like it better than the old one as its not as tall.

It soon came to the time, She had been a good truck but I knew it wasn't going to do what i wanted the way it was. So i began collecting parts for my axle conversion.

Original plan was to keep the 10bolt rear and use a dana 30 for the front. So i went out and collected a Dana 30 from the salvage yard. took it to the shop at work and cut all the brackets off of it

As i was looking around craigslist for new gears for the 30, I stumbled across a matched dana 44/60 combo for cheap. with out a thought I drove over and bought them from the guy. They weighed a few lbs

I went through and rebuilt the 44 and gave it a coat of paint (pardon the messy garage thats a whole nother project of misery)

then turned to the 60 and converted it from drum brakes to Disk.

Spent months collecting parts and working on the axles going over them and making sure they were ready to go. When all was said and done, I kicked my boss's dually out of the shop friday night, rolled the noma in and got to work.

I drove it home sunday night arround 6pm

Monday the day after the swap at work

July 5th, 2014, 01:03 AM
Had a friend in California bend me up some tube before his return to Afghanistan.


I daily drove it like this since the swap in January 2014

With nothing to do to the truck and all of my avaliable funds going towards my Moab trip. I picked up a utility bed and made a trailer for under $100.

June 23rd We woke up at 4am to be on the road by 5 and arrived in Moab UT by 11:20 AM. This trip had been planed by a few guys on S10forum as a get together and wheeling trip for familys.
I purchased a set of H2 wheels of a fellow member for dirt, needed a little modification to cleear the high steer arm.

Quick snap or the rarity.

Unfortunately I arrived to late to do hells revenge. but I did get part of cliff hanger ( before blowing my front Dshaft apart), part of Fins and things ( before loosing my clutch hydraulics) and most of 7 mile rim, before getting sidetracked on Wipeout hill with the other guy I was with.

Day1 maiden voyage, and poped the Dshaft

Fins and things


A required Poseur shot.

A fellow member inspecting another's Transfer case after a trail failure.

And this is where it sits today, So far I am happy, it has done better than I thought. Moab was the first time wheeling after the swap, and the first trail was cliff hanger. I have found some weaknesses that I plan to address, but as of right now I need to recover from my fund depleting trip.

Although a V8 is planned for this year.

July 5th, 2014, 09:56 AM
Great work on a unique rig!

July 5th, 2014, 10:58 AM
Nice axle swap! Thumbs up for getting parts on the cheap.

July 5th, 2014, 12:27 PM
Great work on a unique rig!

July 5th, 2014, 08:53 PM
V8 huh ! 2000 suburban thats been rolled with a 5.3 ls sitting at u pull n pay denver.

July 5th, 2014, 09:04 PM
I have thought about an LS swap, but really don't want to deal with the headache of wiring. I'm justgoing to swap in a TBI 350, using a L31 long block and buying a TBI intake to fit. It will allow me to use all my accessory brackets Throttle body,trans and what not.

July 5th, 2014, 09:07 PM
You can allways drain you wallet and get a custom harness haha. Good point. What trans to you plan on using ?

July 5th, 2014, 09:12 PM
its just the stock Wide ratio NV3500, unless something happens to it Ill reuse it. if it dies, I'll be looking for an NV4500.

July 5th, 2014, 10:24 PM
Oh that right unless im mistakeing bell housing pattern is the same as the 4.3.
Is it a different oil pan to fit it in the Sonoma ?

July 5th, 2014, 10:27 PM
The nv4500 would be good for that junk yard look out list. Is that out a chevy only ?

July 5th, 2014, 10:33 PM
IIRC the 4500 came in 1 tons mostly behind 454's but can be behind a 350 as well.

If i was still IFS then a modified oil pan would have to be bought or made, but i cut most of the IFS parts out so clearance isn't an issue any more.

July 16th, 2014, 06:12 PM
Nice rig!

July 16th, 2014, 09:10 PM
nice looking rig always wanted to put one on rockwells

July 17th, 2014, 09:59 AM
Very cool. I always like the s-trucks

July 17th, 2014, 10:16 AM
Sweet, Nice Build So Far!

July 19th, 2014, 10:42 PM
Awesome! Great Build!

September 10th, 2014, 01:51 PM
Just some random bits.

Bought some parking brake calipers, it will be nice to have one again.

ditched the stock s10 Master in favor of the 1ton Master. the big brakes work better now.

Drove down to canyon city for a wedding, camped out after the reception, and drove over to royal gorge the next morning. Followed by the climb to Pikes peak summit.

drunken base camp short walk from the reception.

Still alot of work going on after the fires


October 4th, 2014, 11:07 PM
Another piece of the OBA puzzle arrived today

now to get the rest of the parts eventually.

January 5th, 2015, 01:53 PM
I hope everyone had a good a good Holiday season, and made it safely through the new year.

New year, last big project for the truck before the wedding. GM goodwrench crate 350 with 10k miles I scored for a song. running 88-91 TBI injection setup.

Donor harness



almost done

It should be a simple install, I'm retaining the stock VCM for the cruise, and speedometer functionality. and piggy backing off the main power feeds, Oil PSI, and some other sensors. First time doing a swap like this so it should be a good experience.

January 5th, 2015, 04:39 PM
First time doing a swap like this so it should be a good experience.

Sounds good right there!

January 5th, 2015, 08:37 PM
nice!!! lookin forward to progress updates

January 11th, 2015, 01:32 AM
Had the old engine out Friday night, and the new in Saturday afternoon, Still have to sort out the Exhuast, Electrical, and cooling. I was going to reuse the stock Radiator, but the guy letting me use his shop has an all aluminum Rad from an 80's fullsize truck, Its going to be tight but will fit, should alleviate any cooling issues in the future.

Out with the old

In with the new

And just to grins, rolled on of the 38's over. I'll never go that big, but it was worth a look.

He is also letting me drive his Land cruizer while my truck is down. Its for sale if any one is looking for one.

January 12th, 2015, 01:18 AM
Its taken longer than expected, but it runs, and can move under its own power.

January 12th, 2015, 09:43 PM
cool beans!

The StRanger
January 12th, 2015, 10:42 PM

January 15th, 2015, 11:09 PM
put a little over 100 miles on it now, so far so good, aside from a cracked exhuast manifold there are no major issues. I wanted a stock appearance, and I think that was achieved. need to finnish looming wires, hook up the AC stuff and it will be just like factory...... sort of.

January 15th, 2015, 11:20 PM
Extra misc pics.





January 17th, 2015, 11:32 AM
And just to grins, rolled on of the 38's over. I'll never go that big, but it was worth a look.

I'll play the odds on this....any takers?
I love this truck and its almost stock outer appearance. Very nice!

January 18th, 2015, 01:09 AM
lol. That tire/wheel combo, and its 5 companions are for a 6x6 Power wagon project that the guy who owns the shop is working on. they are nice, but too big.

maybe after its not a daily driver.......

January 18th, 2015, 01:11 AM
I tried to make it as stock looking as possible, Its nice to make people question somethings.
worked on the loom some more, need to buy 2ft of 1" and that should get it all covered. measuring now to see I'f i can fit a full size air cleaner under there, or if I'm stuck with the S-series. Also got the A/C stuff in, but the pump is toast so this is more or less to keep the restof the system from getting garb in it.