View Full Version : WooHoo, I actually got to use my truck this weekend!

August 4th, 2014, 01:20 AM
Ok, so not to do any wheeling. Used the winch to aid in some tree trimming. Worked great to help the falling limbs navigate between power lines, buildings, fences, and of course me, as I was the one in the air doing the cutting.

The neighbor to the north doesn't maintain their property or any of their trees and as a result, they have become extremely overgrown and have spilled onto my property. After having a scare during a recent storm (huge limb fell from the tree onto my property and landed around, yes around, a client's 37 Chevy) I decided it was time to take care of what I legally could. Being as the tree is well over 60ft in height, I needed some assistance to reach the branches and limbs since I can not legally climb their tree as it is on their property, so I got my wife to hoist me up using my forklift and a platform I have made for such endeavors. And I rigged each limb with the winch from the truck and put tension on the line in the direction I needed it to fall safely. Then carefully cut each limb, one by one, flush with the fence line, up as high as the forklift would take me.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10525695_828756497134738_1954169560160972992_n.jpg ?oh=6401e425c11a51e30691e40de4a02412&oe=544D2AE1&__gda__=1414499211_28d01f66fdb92f0d04beddb06c34923 6



When it was all said and done, we ended up with a pile a little over 6 ft tall, 12ft wide and 25ft long. There were 4 different limbs with diameters of over 12".

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10399452_828756463801408_8922380183290847589_n.jpg ?oh=e2aa257e5352f5177404beb91158287b&oe=543E172D&__gda__=1413650340_2c86ee835b2983ac2cffd9821e49931 4

Was quite the workout. But all the hard work was worth it. And it was awesome to have my wife out there helping me and working all the equipment like a pro. Ok, there were a few times when I was about 20ft in the air where i thought she was going to kill me but I am still alive! And she had me cracking up when she got tired and had made a point to remind me that I have several different tree service companies as clients, and that a few still owe me a favor or two. Just wish she would have reminded me earlier as I should have probably just called a professional...

August 4th, 2014, 09:47 AM
Nice. A tree limb, fallen around a client's property, must have been a heart stopper / eye opener!

The StRanger
August 4th, 2014, 10:07 AM
Very Nice...
Geting a pro to do it is nice but
Weres the self gratification in that ??

August 4th, 2014, 02:33 PM
Nice. A tree limb, fallen around a client's property, must have been a heart stopper / eye opener!

Scared the crap outta me, I gotta be honest.

August 4th, 2014, 02:35 PM
Very Nice...
Geting a pro to do it is nice but
Weres the self gratification in that ??

The gratification would have come in the form of me spending time in the hills and not once again working at the shop. But you are right, I will take peace of mind over a short wheeling trip anytime.

August 4th, 2014, 02:41 PM
!!!!!!Short notice!!!!!

Anyone need a little bit of firewood? A neighbor already took the majority of the big limbs but these were left behind. There are 4 pieces ranging in 4-12" in diameter with the longest limb being around 8-10' long. If you'd like them and can come pick them up asap, they could be yours!

Call me if you are interested at 720-235-9485. Must be picked up asap, will NOT hold. They will be going onto the trailer tomorrow early AM and taken to the shredder if not picked up before then.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10487365_829100740433647_5259197819231255040_n.jpg ?oh=1d72b1a9029e3bf6fb1793e4a5578174&oe=544DC57C&__gda__=1413972420_7845da2b9c6f79b3a9bee532a9082c2 2


August 4th, 2014, 03:11 PM
Strap that wood and your little blue truck to the trailer, then head up to Redfeather. We can run bald Mountain and I can use the firewood. Problem solved.

August 4th, 2014, 05:13 PM
Strap that wood and your little blue truck to the trailer, then head up to Redfeather. We can run bald Mountain and I can use the firewood. Problem solved.

That sounds like a bunch of fun, but sadly, I won't have time this week.