View Full Version : Goodell

September 8th, 2014, 08:28 PM
This turd needs to be gone. I am no longer watching, or buying NFL stuff until he is gone.

September 8th, 2014, 10:39 PM
Interesting. And just what has Roger Goodell done that has you wanting to boycott the league? Because he waited to video taped evidence before he threw Rice outta the league?

September 8th, 2014, 10:45 PM
That is part of it. I suppose you felt that it was just a coincidence that he had to drag his girl out of the elevator? Maybe she just got the 'vapors'? If you or roge, need a video of her taking a punch to decide that there was abuse, then you are as bad as the cop who wrote her up for fighting with him. I think that good ole Roge does everything to look like the good guy, and cover his mistakes.

September 8th, 2014, 11:12 PM
That is part of it. I suppose you felt that it was just a coincidence that he had to drag his girl out of the elevator? Maybe she just got the 'vapors'? If you or roge, need a video of her taking a punch to decide that there was abuse, then you are as bad as the cop who wrote her up for fighting with him. I think that good ole Roge does everything to look like the good guy, and cover his mistakes.

Wow, worked up a little? Thanks for trying to throw me under the bus when I had nothing to do with it. Asked a simple question is all. Was curious as to why you were upset with Goodell since I have been hearing all sorts of different reasons from people lately.

I think this whole thing is interesting. So much mishandling of this situation from EVERY party involved. So much so that I don't think the blow back is even close to over. I could even see a potential lawsuit from Rice toward the NFL and the Ravens on how they mishandled everything.

September 9th, 2014, 06:27 AM
Keep in mind, she still married him. At the time, she was his fiancé. Now they are married.

Yeah what he did was wrong, but she still married him.

Maybe she's a money grubbing, gold digging whore, but she still married him and didn't get out of the situation.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for her because she married him. She stuck around. She's an idiot (and/or a gold diggin whore).

In other news, Chris is suffering from a severe case of First World Problems. He's all caught up and stirred up about someone else's business.

September 9th, 2014, 06:46 AM

The StRanger
September 9th, 2014, 08:15 AM
Keep in mind, she still married his money. At the time, she was his fiancé. Now they are married.

Yeah what he did was wrong, but she still married his money.

Maybe she's a money grubbing, gold digging whore, but she still married his money and didn't get out of the situation.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for her because she married his money. She stuck around. She's an idiot (and/or a gold diggin whore).


September 9th, 2014, 09:15 AM
Wow, worked up a little? Thanks for trying to throw me under the bus when I had nothing to do with it.

Rather my thought when I read it too.

This and wording in a following post have me give this gentle nudge: Let's keep this family oriented - we do have children reading our posts. I don't see me editing, though if folks wish on their posts...

The StRanger
September 9th, 2014, 02:10 PM
But I give it a year and someone will pick him up !!
They have do it every other time. Why not this time !!

September 9th, 2014, 02:33 PM
:rolleyes: over Football????/Really???

September 9th, 2014, 05:24 PM
People make mistakes and there is also the chance Ray is a good guy that let emotion overtake him. She might still be with him because she truly believes it won't happen again and he may feel bad enough that he will make sure it never happens again. None of us really know or ever will know the whole story. The legal system does prevent a person from being charged twice for the same crime, would think the NFL would too. They had handed down his punishment and that should have been the end of the leagues involvement. With that said I have been upset with the NFL for a few years now since they are slowly evolving into flag football. They pay some of these athletes more money in a year than I will make in my lifetime and provide them with the best medical treatment available. They get paid the money they do due to the risk they take and the athletes know this as well going in. I was a very physical full back/linebacker in high school and the reason I loved it so much was the contact. Didn't matter if I was on O or D I looked to make the big hit, which to me is what makes football so fun. The restrictions on defense is making it rare to see a good hit. If the amount of good action I am getting in a game is going down then the ticket prices and wages of the players should too. I think it is the responsibility of the league to continue to upgrade safety equipment on the players but not to change the game as the original visionaries saw it. Let me leave of with a little video.


Make that 2 since my favorite hit of all time wasn't in there.


September 11th, 2014, 10:20 AM

http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09/ray-rice-being-removed-from-madden-nfl-15-as-well/ (http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09/ray-rice-being-removed-from-madden-nfl-15-as-well/)

September 13th, 2014, 08:31 PM
You is a pronoun (http://www.yourdictionary.com/you) used to describe someone that is being spoken to, or to describe a hypothetical person or group of people.
Did not mean to imply that YOU, were to blame. I was using the second part of the above usage. Reading my second post again, I could have worded it better. English can be ambiguous. Sorry, did not mean to offend.
As for her, I do not feel sorry either, especially after here statement to the public.
And yes, I do get a bit worked up when a group like the NFL acts like hitting women is ok, or at least not that big of a deal. Call me a mommas boy, but it pisses me off.
With the recent revelations about the NFL having not tried to get the video, or at least not trying hard and someone at the NFL having apparently seen it, this is pretty sad.
But how bout that AP, lost a kid to abuse last year, yet still somehow thinks it is ok to 'whoop' his kid with a switch. One report on NPR said at one point the switch wrapped around his thigh.
All around class in that league. Smoke weed, gone for a year. Drink at home, 4 games. Sad.
I stick by my boycott, football is great, but I will not support the NFL if Goodell is left in charge. I know that makes no difference to the league, lots of money there, but they are my principals.

September 13th, 2014, 08:33 PM
And I disagree that Rice could still be a good guy. Seriously? It does not matter what the whole story is. He laid her out. Yes she apparently spit on him and tried or did slap him, but get a F#&#*(g hold of your self, you are an adult, a role model and a man. Not ok for ANY reason.