View Full Version : Question - Sling Shots and BB guns

October 23rd, 2014, 10:29 AM
I'm trying to figure out a good place to take my boys to go shoot their BB guns without getting hassled by the man. I'm in South Parker and am trying to figure out the best/closest place that I can take them out that we won't have a hassle. Does anyone have any ideas? Also thinking about getting the boy a sling shot/wrist rocket for Christmas, I've not found anywhere that says you can't have them in CO, just want to make ure.


October 23rd, 2014, 03:32 PM
How old are your boys? We let our 9 yr. old practice her BB gun on pop cans in the back yard.

October 23rd, 2014, 04:56 PM
We let our 9 yr. old practice her BB gun on pop cans in the back yard.yep....also made a box to shoot into in our basement....call me crazy but no ones got hurt in 14 yrs of doin it.....

October 24th, 2014, 10:58 AM
I remember getting in trouble with a sling shot when I was a kid :rolleyes:

October 24th, 2014, 11:38 AM
I got into more trouble with eggs than I did with my sling shot! :p:oops:

October 24th, 2014, 12:07 PM
Yeah, we did the same thing in the basement, also had a box we used to throw knives at. Unfortunately our neighbor is a retired cop and fairy doucherific. Frankly the DoCo Sheriffs and Parker cops I've run across for the most part are power tripping jackboots who love nothing more than to power trip o soccer moms. The sheriffs deputy that lived down the street from us (has since moved) used to haul ass through the neighborhood easily doing 45. I find it best to limit any interactions with the law, nothing good has ever come of it.

October 24th, 2014, 05:20 PM
I've been told that having a BB gun or air-soft gun is same as a firearm to CSPD. I'm not going to try to find out the hard way either. Probably a local law. Can you target practice in a State Park? Probably can't do that either. Thinking of that Park south of Parker.

October 25th, 2014, 12:59 AM
Not with in Parker city limits

Firearm means any pistol, revolver, self- loading pistol, rifle, shotgun or any other device
designed to shoot, project, throw or hurl a projectile or projectiles by means of the explosion of
gun powder or other explosive substance.

Firearm also includes any BB gun, mechanical gun,
pellet gun, air gun, paint pellet gun or other device designed to shoot
, project, throw or hurl a projectile or projectiles made of steel, lead or other hard substances by means of compressed gas
or air or other mechanical means.

(a)Except as provided in Subsection (b) below, it is unlawful for any person other than a peace
officer or a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Colorado National Guard, acting
in lawful discharge of his or her duties, to discharge or cause to be discharged any firearm within or
into the limits of the Town; provided that this Section shall not apply to persons discharging firearms
in shooting galleries or at shooting ranges, where such firearms may be discharged so as not to
endanger persons or property and the projectile or projectiles from such firearms are prevented from
traversing any grounds or space outside the limits of such gallery or range; or to the discharge of a
firearm in lawful defense of persons or property.

October 25th, 2014, 01:57 AM
If the kids end up with general citizenry, you/they should be aware of what an un-cased rifle can escalate to (the target box in the basement is looking good*):

www.BearingArms.com/dayton-walmart-shooting-innocent-man-swatted-death/ (http://bearingarms.com/dayton-walmart-shooting-innocent-man-swatted-death/)

www.BearingArms.com/walmart-airgun-death-looks-worse-every-passing-day/ (http://bearingarms.com/walmart-airgun-death-looks-worse-every-passing-day/)

(http://http://bearingarms.com/officers-will-face-charges-swating-shooting-death-john-crawford-iii/)www.BearingArms.com/officers-will-face-charges-swating-shooting-death-john-crawford-iii/ (http://www.BearingArms.com/officers-will-face-charges-swating-shooting-death-john-crawford-iii/)

* This recently caught my eye:
Champion 22 Rimfire Bullet Trap

October 25th, 2014, 05:43 AM
Jim, I've been following that one too. That is absolutely insane. That trap is pretty snappy, I might look into that. When I was checking out places on the internet I also found another story. Granted, this kid wasn't being to smart but 2 errant bb's should not bring felony charges on 7 year old. Douglas County also passed an ordinance a few years ago that classifies bb guns as a firearm so it's not worth the risk.


I'm thinking we might head to Dakan Road and try to find somewhere suitable there. We'll bring some trash bags along too and clean up some shells and casings, teach the boys a little bit about being good stewards too.

October 25th, 2014, 09:37 AM
A surprising item seeing felony class charges (but what the kid [and the teaching of his parents] did was quite significant).

I looked to see what happened: Charges were dropped.


October 25th, 2014, 12:13 PM
Sending some bookmarks to a friend I came across this article and thought I'd list it here:

Parenting - kids and guns