View Full Version : new job

March 1st, 2015, 04:43 PM
well I start a new job on monday morning.
I am going to be working for Interstate Highway Construction.
I will be a feild mechanic for them at a nice wage with great benifits.
They will be buying me a service truck that will ultimatly become mine.
So after a bit of time I will become a mobile fabrication shop.....
I will by a trailer again at some point thus I will be able to haul the jeep to where ever and be able to fix it just about any place I could take it.

something like these!

March 1st, 2015, 05:08 PM
Congrats! :thumb:

March 1st, 2015, 05:20 PM
Thank you.
I am making a forward step for sure.

March 1st, 2015, 05:44 PM
Forward is good, congratulations!

March 1st, 2015, 08:21 PM

The StRanger
March 1st, 2015, 10:08 PM
Very nice..
Congrats !!

March 2nd, 2015, 12:28 AM

I do mobile repairs in another industry. My love for the outdoors has allowed me to persevere for over a decade. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :thumb:

March 2nd, 2015, 09:30 AM
Awesome!! :thumb:

March 2nd, 2015, 07:59 PM
I am pleased with the pirks at this job, the truck will ultimatly be mine.
the company rents my tools and will later rent the truck as well.
the work is not hard or out of control.
my former employer was just a mess....26,000 hrs on a wheel loader is 3x what it should have....warn out to say the least!

March 2nd, 2015, 09:09 PM
good to hear the Good news Brandon........:thumb:

March 3rd, 2015, 06:03 AM
Thank you all very much.
seems its a good thing I changed jobs when I did.
The place I was just layed off a few people.

March 3rd, 2015, 08:50 AM
best wishes

March 3rd, 2015, 05:21 PM
Congrats! Best of luck!