View Full Version : No more Fat Tires for me.

June 8th, 2015, 11:45 PM
Love there beers, but I can no longer buy it.

June 9th, 2015, 09:15 AM
Added to the list! :thumb:

June 9th, 2015, 09:35 AM
They are also anti OHV.

And anti-fracing.

Havent had had a New Belgium in quite awhile.

Switch to Odell's. Better beer and they don't seem to be on the wrong side of any issue that I'm aware of.

The StRanger
June 9th, 2015, 09:35 AM
I dont drink but I do support them being pulled...

June 9th, 2015, 09:56 AM
I don't drink either but I disagree with any company taking any stance on any issue, IMO they should just provide a good or service that is unencumbered by politics and be political as individuals. I guess the "keeping companies out of politics" ship sailed a long long time ago, but it's bad for business when you alienate people that "vote" for your product with their dollars.

June 9th, 2015, 12:53 PM
I looked through their sponsor list and there are many Denver areas sponsors including: Benihana, Cherry Creek Shopping Center, Christy's Sports, Colorado Ballet, Comedy Works, Denver Botanic Gardens, & Denver Museum of Nature and Science just to name a few.

Gonna have to give up Colorado micro brews:
Avery Brewing
Breckenridge Brewing
Great Divide Brewing
New Belgium Brewing
Phantom Canyon Brewing
Prost Brewing
Ska Brewing
Telluride Brewing
& Twisted Pine Brewing are all on their support list.

Link to cached supporters page: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kcviKFFuf0EJ:www.wildearthguardians .org/site/PageServer%3Fpagename%3Dsupport_businesses+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#.VXczlEaYS7R

June 9th, 2015, 01:12 PM
There's always Oskar Blues ;)

June 9th, 2015, 04:42 PM
I don't drink either but I disagree with any company taking any stance on any issue, IMO they should just provide a good or service that is unencumbered by politics and be political as individuals. I guess the "keeping companies out of politics" ship sailed a long long time ago, but it's bad for business when you alienate people that "vote" for your product with their dollars.

I think there's sense in what you're saying. If you read the company's response to being pulled, it's a reasonable response. They were supporting restoration projects, and their grant money didn't exceed that particular mandate. Seems pretty straight forward.

June 9th, 2015, 05:39 PM
All I can say is the tree huggers can kick rocks.
I have more than one example of tree hugers failing to support clean ups and restoration projects.

The Utah4x4 club put on a clean in saint george that recived tv air time.
we had 7 clubs be it a hiking club atv or equestrian club and 4x4 clubs from 3 states show up.
Did tre huger group 1 show not a single one.....
We fill 7 full sized roll off dumpsters that were donated by waste management.
They had to bring 3 additional a week later. Burned out cars....12 of them.
700 pounds of brass casings.
The local BLM was pooking to close a buge area we played in when living there.
After all the clubs stepped up no closing happened.
KSL in salt lake city did a story before (by 2 weeks) and then a fallow up after.....
not a single tree hugging fool showed up.
So they scream close this close that they say its us 4wheelers that are tearing up the land....

So I have zero support for companies that want to close mines or stop fracking or close trails.
If they want to step up and pay the folks they will put out of work, pay the cost difference of fuel
or to support an entire city.....then sure close that ****. But be prepared to put people to work.

Our hobbie/sport has some extream poeple trying to make it so we cant play....
The fact is we support a huge part of our countries economy.
Let alone a local like Moab.

So I have to support the pullong of the products.
I will no longer buy them myself.
I will no longer support the museum or any of the others.....
My taxes pay to keep public lands open I support our efforts to become oil independent and coal is still a viable fuel source. Yes it needs be cleaner but it is still a viable product.
I know families that use coal to heat there homes and water.....
the cost for propane or natural gas would bankrupt them.
rural areas still use coal for power, heat and to employ thousands of families.

As a diesel mechanic I see this as a direct attack on my ablity to put food on the table.....

June 9th, 2015, 06:34 PM
There's a very large coal fired power plant north of Fort Collins that powers Denver. So pretty much everyone here uses coal to heat/cool and light their homes. It just happens so far away that they don't realize magical unicorns aren't farting into the turbines.

June 9th, 2015, 07:50 PM
we live in a coal dependant country.
tell we are able to creat cold fussion or control nuclear power reliably
coal it is.

June 10th, 2015, 12:15 AM
They are also anti OHV.

And anti-fracing.

Havent had had a New Belgium in quite awhile.

Switch to Odell's. Better beer and they don't seem to be on the wrong side of any issue that I'm aware of.
thats why I quit drinking their beer a while ago. Didn't know about the anti fracing though. Thank you for spelling fracing right too.

I looked through their sponsor list and there are many Denver areas sponsors including: Benihana, Cherry Creek Shopping Center, Christy's Sports, Colorado Ballet, Comedy Works, Denver Botanic Gardens, & Denver Museum of Nature and Science just to name a few.

Gonna have to give up Colorado micro brews:
Avery Brewing
Breckenridge Brewing
Great Divide Brewing
New Belgium Brewing
Phantom Canyon Brewing
Prost Brewing
Ska Brewing
Telluride Brewing
& Twisted Pine Brewing are all on their support list.

Link to cached supporters page: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kcviKFFuf0EJ:www.wildearthguardians .org/site/PageServer%3Fpagename%3Dsupport_businesses+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#.VXczlEaYS7R
Ska is the only one on that list I actually drank. Not anymore now.

June 10th, 2015, 09:14 AM
I fully support voting with your money and your purchasing power, but if that voting isn't supported by a little follow up action such as writing at letter to the company or making the opinion visible on social media that the offending companies are likely to see, it really has no value at all. Not one of us drinks enough or buys enough to affect the bottom line on any of these companies, and the only way that it will make a difference is if they are getting notified of the reason why you are choosing not to support them with your purchase.

June 10th, 2015, 01:25 PM
There's a very large coal fired power plant north of Fort Collins that powers Denver. So pretty much everyone here uses coal to heat/cool and light their homes. It just happens so far away that they don't realize magical unicorns aren't farting into the turbines.

Actually that plant powers northern Colorado. Several of the plants right in the Denver area used to be coal fired but they are being converted to natural gas or shut down.

June 10th, 2015, 07:05 PM

Re: Coal plant

North of Fort Collins is the Rawhide coal generation facility. They give free tours (and not some pansy look through the glass over-there type of tour - you walk up and touch the turbine / generator / walk through the cleaning buildings). I went several years back.

That plant powers Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont and Estes Park. On the winter day I was there, the plant itself was consuming more power than the city of Estes Park (mainly due to the motors to run the pumps for cooling water). They purchase "clean" coal (low sulfur IIRC) and are consistently rated in the top five cleanest of the nation. The facility is large enough for two boilers / turbines / generators but they feel an approval for a second will NEVER happen - due to them being so close to Rocky Mountain National Park / air quality issues. The smoke going out the smokestack does not come directly from the boiler. It goes through two [large building] cleaning processes (to remove particulates / CO2) first and has to be blown up the smokestack. They change power output once an hour (at most). They do not wish to change power as each change in temp of the boiler expands / contracts the pipes which can cause a pipe to burst which leads to downtime. They're installing one or two (should be in by now) natural gas turbines. Those units can come online within 20 minutes and are used for peak demand issues. The local power company obtains power from Rawhide as well as fractional ownership of the coal gen plant in Craig CO (Denver also gets power from Craig CO - you see the high tension lines running along I-70 on the mountainside from Georgetown to the front range) as well as wind turbine near the CO/WY border. `twas a good tour.


June 10th, 2015, 07:14 PM
Jim- thanks for the good info.

June 10th, 2015, 11:00 PM
That is a mighty impressive list of donors. That makes me wonder how they got all these entities to chip in to "the cause," whatever it is.

June 11th, 2015, 06:50 AM
I quit drinkin Fat Tire cause it gives me heartburn!!!

June 11th, 2015, 11:56 AM
From the response by Fat tire it sounds like they signed up for certain preservation efforts but did not realize the money can be used how they see fit. Companies should just stay out of politics. I just found out the are on my linked in acct. deleting!

June 15th, 2015, 09:44 AM
This thread is hilarious. You all sound like you better get bigger tin foil hats. I don't think their intention was to support what happened here, but either way doesn't really matter if you ask me. If I didn't support companies that used money to support other things, I'd live in a van by the river. Blame capitalism.

June 15th, 2015, 10:09 AM

I'd live in a van DOWN by the river.

