View Full Version : 87 Suzuki Samurai
June 28th, 2015, 08:09 PM
I've been without a 4x4 for a few years now but finally came into possession of this Suzuki Samurai.
It had a few issues passing emissions but I finally got it on the third try.
Replaced the Carburetor because I botched the first one trying to rebuild it. I'm sure it still works but I have extremely limited time to work on this thing.
This was the carburetor when I first got it. The post that attaches the air intake was attached to the air intake and not the carburetor. It should have been in that hole in the middle. The gasket was trapped in the choke.
I'm pretty sure that this was a rebuilt carburetor that a previous owner had installed. It had the venturri nozzle installed which I've read wasn't done at the factory until later and one of the coolant hoses to the automatic choke control isn't the original.
One of the first things I did was to replace the factory Tape Player. I purchased a $13 two speaker amp on amazon and re-wired the speakers.
I soldered some wires onto the PCB on the inside so that I wouldn't have to deal with a barrel connector.
I've upgraded the set up with a cb-radio and a ram mount phablet holder.
I mounted the antenna on the rear tire carrier and used some cushioned straps to hold the cable.
June 28th, 2015, 08:09 PM
One of the things I hated about my Jeep was that it was white. So I decided with this rig I was going to go all black. I let my nephew strip the paint off of the old hood and painted it black with Duraliner bedliner.
I also painted the front and front fenders. going to work my way back with the doors and the back of the Samurai over the summer. I had a hell of a time getting the doors off. I bought an impact screwdriver from Harbor Freight and that has quickly become a favorite tool of mine.
This hole in the exhaust was patched with some foil (of all stuff) and some clamps. It looks like it ripped off of the bracket at some point.
No big deal. I used some exhaust patch tape and some strapping to fix it. I thought. I drove to Pueblo to visit my mom, a 100 mile trip.
On the way there the engine stalled out and I had to pull over. I got the engine to start back up and was able to get the remaining 30 miles to my moms house.
Once I got there I looked at what had happened.
The exhaust split in two on the way there.
I used my moms car to run to the auto parts store to get something to fix it. Luckily I hardly ever drive this thing around without my tools with me.
I've since added a couple more clamps on each end. It passed emissions like this so I'm going to keep it for a while.
I did pick up a complete exhaust system from Joe but the tailpipe comes straight out and I've heard that the exhaust fumes can roll back into the cab when they're routed that way. This exhaust, which I'm positive isn't the original has the tailpipe coming out to the side. I'll hold onto that exhaust just in case.
The negative terminal on the battery was loose when I got it. We put a screw into the terminal strap to hold it tight which I knew was a temporary fix. I know I'll want to run a winch and some other lighting accessories soon so I purchased some $5 Fastronix Military Spec Battery Terminals from Amazon.
They are quite beefier than the stock terminals.
I didn't have a crimper or the crimps to use to on the larger main wires coming off the battery but I recently learned a trick at work. I used some big ground lugs to attach the wires. I had to drill out the mounting holes on the ground lugs to 3/8" to fit on the fastronix battery terminals.
I've got some larger lugs saved for when I had a winch and some other electronic goodies I have planned.
So I've noticed recently that this beast is drinking oil. I checked the dip stick last weekend and noticed that it was DRY! I changed the oil again because I've blown a few engines this way. So when I went wheeling yesterday I noticed that the oil on the dipstick was between the marks on the dip stick, which I suppose means that it ate half the oil I put it into it because the reading was at the top mark on the stick when I changed the oil. I've also had to top off the coolant a couple of times now. The temperature on the dash stays pretty consistently in the middle mark so I haven't been too worried about overheating.
Anyway. I'll try to keep this thread updated it.
June 28th, 2015, 08:22 PM
the only kssue I had with my sami was the fuseable limk.
every time we had a good hard pull from thw winch it would blow the fuseable link.
we ended up using the big maxi fuses but still blew them.
the little sami alternator just cant handle the power draw.
thus why many folks change to a chevy unit
June 28th, 2015, 08:33 PM
I have to chuckle at your exhaust "issue". When I purchased the YJ (driver's side front driveshaft / driver's side exhaust routing) the front DS would rub the exhaust pipe and wore a hole through it. One of my first trips with the group was MSV / Coney Flats (a crazy big 16 rig group) and there were several comments about the obnoxiously loud jeep. What, the pop-can wrapped around the hole wasn't strong enough?!?! LOL
Your Fastronix battery terminals to ground lugs is a nice setup! I'll stash that away in my memory banks...
EDIT: Low long would you expect a car battery to last? It looks like yours has an "Jan 09" datestamp.
June 28th, 2015, 08:42 PM
the only kssue I had with my sami was the fuseable limk.
every time we had a good hard pull from thw winch it would blow the fuseable link.
we ended up using the big maxi fuses but still blew them.
the little sami alternator just cant handle the power draw.
thus why many folks change to a chevy unit
Yeah, I want to do the GM Alternator swap. I've seen everywhere selling brackets for it. Might need some big flyback diodes for the winch if that's the case. Shouldn't blow fuses on lines that do go to the device pulling the current.
I have to chuckle at your exhaust "issue". When I purchased the YJ (driver's side front driveshaft / driver's side exhaust routing) the front DS would rub the exhaust pipe and wore a hold through it. One of my first trips with the group was MSV / Coney Flats (a crazy big 16 rig group) and there were several comments about the obnoxiously loud jeep. What, the pop-can wrapped around the hole wasn't strong enough?!?! LOL
Your Fastronix battery terminals to ground lugs is a nice setup! I'll stash that away in my memory banks...
EDIT: Low long would you expect a car battery to last? It looks like yours has an "Jan 09" datestamp.
I hope it lasts long enough for me to afford a yellowtop or at least solve the other problems with the engine.
June 28th, 2015, 08:58 PM
'09 is kinda pushing it......4 years is about all you can expect.
after that its barrowed time.
June 28th, 2015, 09:02 PM
I like the exhaust fixes. My old car in college had a major exhaust malfunction as well. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with a campbells soup can and some hose clamps. Sometimes you use what you have!
June 28th, 2015, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. This is exhaust pipe that I fixed it with. So it at least appears to be legitimate in my mind. At least that's how I'm justifying it to myself.
Yeah. I do want an optima battery. I had a yellow top in my Jeep but sold it when I blew the engine.
I suppose my planned list of mods/repairs are:
Fix The Engine Drinking Oil/Coolant Issue - Whether this means a rebuild of the head or just a head gasket I don't know. I honestly have to DD this thing and can't really afford to be out of a vehicle at this point. But I feel like its coming...
My-Side Harley Carb Kit
Roof Rack - Packing Camping gear for two adults and a toddler now
Skid Plates - Diff Armor
Rear Tire Carrier
Rear Cage - Minimally since now I have a daughter to worry about keeping safe.
Full Cage - One can dream
The Transfercase Cradle from Zuks Off Road
Lift - I'm going to try to resist the urge to want to put this thing on 37s. I suppose I'd be happy if I could get it on 33s as I don't ever have the money to keep a rig purely as a toy. I have Daily Drive this.
June 28th, 2015, 11:50 PM
Looks like your giving it a real good going over. I have a 87 TinTop. The snatch is only really needed if you go with the deeper transfer case gears. I run the 6.5:1 in mine, 3:73's in the axles. The low range puts to much stress on the stock mounts. As far as tires anything over 30-31 will need a engine/T-case gear swap. I run 32's on mine and with the 1.6 16v it will move down the highway. The MY-Side is the way to go if you keep the 1.3. Myron puts out a great product and will stand behind them.
Keep up the good work. We need to save all the Samurai's we can.
June 29th, 2015, 12:28 AM
IMO, knowing where your coolant is going is top priority. So long as it's not into the chamber or lube oil will give some piece of mind.
My old car in college had a major exhaust malfunction as well. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with a campbells soup can and some hose clamps.
Man, I'm such a newbie as I used an thin walled pop can and not a thicker soup can (liv-n-learn!)...
June 29th, 2015, 02:01 AM
It appears to be drinking oil faster than coolant.
June 29th, 2015, 09:39 AM
Might try pulling plugs and having a look. Head gasket coolant leak will scour the plug clean sometimes... Or if REAL excessive leave white deposits but at that point your exhaust should be sweet smelling and steam coming out.
Also might find one plug with a lot of carbon. If so, probably head gasket. If all are bad then probably rings or valve seals.
OR, just thinking out loud here, maybe you hooked the PCV (positive crank case ventilation) to the wrong port of the carb and your sucking oil thru the PCV into the carb?
June 29th, 2015, 11:40 AM
Might try pulling plugs and having a look. Head gasket coolant leak will scour the plug clean sometimes... Or if REAL excessive leave white deposits but at that point your exhaust should be sweet smelling and steam coming out.
Also might find one plug with a lot of carbon. If so, probably head gasket. If all are bad then probably rings or valve seals.
OR, just thinking out loud here, maybe you hooked the PCV (positive crank case ventilation) to the wrong port of the carb and your sucking oil thru the PCV into the carb?
Fred let's do a pressure test on the cooling system and each cyl, we can inspect the plugs and take a look at the PCV roughting. I totally agree with Andy.
July 1st, 2015, 12:59 AM
I've been sniffing the exhaust for a couple of months now looking for that sweet smell. (that sentence just sounds so off in so many ways. haha).
Haven't looked at the plugs since I've replaced them.
July 1st, 2015, 01:43 AM
Any milkyness on the dipstick or on the underside of your radiator cap?
July 2nd, 2015, 01:30 AM
Nope. I haven't witnessed any of the typical blown head gasket symptoms.
July 6th, 2015, 02:50 AM
Well. This weekend I decided to take a chance and drive this beast 240 miles to Grand Junction to visit my girlfriends family for the the Fourth of July Weekend.
I got some advice from another Samurai group as to some spare parts to take and set out on the road. All in all I put about 600+ Miles on the Samurai and it got great gas mileage. Around 20+mpg! Way better then the 10mpg I got in my TJ.
Earlier in the week I swapped out every vacuum line I could find and added this check valve that was missing from the TCAC system.
It helps keep the air going into the engine at a constant temperature and for some reason it was missing from my Samurai.
So, as I've mentioned this thing has been drinking oil and I made sure to bring extra. I've seen this spot used for storage by other people and it fit the 5-quart jug just great.
It drank a quart or two of oil on the trip up to Grand Junction and I have yet to see how much it drank on the way back as I just got home about 3 hours ago.
July 9th, 2015, 01:25 AM
Well it ate about half as much oil on the trip back as it ate on the trip there.
FSM says that it could be valve stem seals in the head.
July 9th, 2015, 04:10 PM
valve stem seals will pass oil on high vacuum (like coasting downhill or to a stop light) then when you get back on the gas the exhaust will cloud blue for a few seconds.
Rings passing oil will do it under power.
Whats the history on this engine? I wonder if your rings are gunked up and sticking. Might explain the better oil consumption on the way home... Maybe they loosened up a bit. I'm always skeptical of snake oil fixes but in your case I might try a can of seafoam and put it in the crankcase (follow directions on can). I've heard of oil consumption problems being fixed by cleaning the ring lands on pistons with seafoam... Won't fix wore out cylinder bores but I'd give it a shot.
July 10th, 2015, 08:02 AM
Well. I've left black spots of soot on the ground outside of the tail pipe but was told that it's an a thing old engines do.
I passed emissions so I'm thinking I'm not burning oil through the exhaust but I honestly know extremely little about engines.
At this point I'm half tempted to just start putting in massive amounts of overtime to save for a new engine... I'd love to have some more horsepower under the hood anyway.
July 10th, 2015, 08:11 AM
My garage floor has black drops when I let mine idle and warm up...
July 10th, 2015, 08:17 AM
I think I've seen a little of that too.
I was seeing some white smoke in the exhaust when I was having carburetor problems but I haven't seen that since I had a working carburetor.
July 11th, 2015, 06:26 PM
Changed the Transmission and Transfercase oil today between corralling a bunch of kids.
Put in some nice synthetic 70w-90 gear oil per the FSM's recommendation.
July 11th, 2015, 06:40 PM
How bout that compression test?
July 11th, 2015, 06:41 PM
Not yet. Maybe a little later tonight.
July 11th, 2015, 08:25 PM
100psi on each cylinder.
Didn't bother doing a wet test.
July 11th, 2015, 08:30 PM
Wet test and leak down test next
July 11th, 2015, 09:35 PM
If I remember correctly those are low numbers on all cylinders. I would start thinking about a rebuild or even better a engine swap.
July 14th, 2015, 03:27 AM
I wish I had the facilities to do an engine swap.
Hell. I wish I had the facilities to rebuild the engine.
I've done a lot of work on my vehicles in the street but the engine swap/rebuild sounds a bit too extensive.
July 14th, 2015, 02:47 PM
I understand. I used to have room. I did my swap in my garage, but now we put the Challenger in there (my wife's car) and I put 2 Samurai's in there (its a 2 car), plus my motorcycle and all the crap that seems to accumulate, Im back to working outside again. One of these days I will get my buggy done (Samurai #2) and get it out of the garage and get some room back
July 15th, 2015, 01:12 AM
I'm going to recheck the compression with some oil in the cylinders here soon. Then I'll also do a leak down test soon.
July 18th, 2015, 01:10 AM
I picked up some seafoam and a leak down tester from harbor freight. Not sure if the tiny compressor I have here is adequate for the leak down test but I hope to yield some helpful results soon. I plan to do a wet compression test and add the seafoam to the oil here soon.
I came across another item that was inside the Samurai when I got it. It appears to be an old timing belt so I'm hoping that one of the previous owners replaced the timing belt and a nice new one is inside the cover.
July 26th, 2015, 09:53 AM
Spent some time this Saturday performing a less essential modification to the Samurai. I made the doors removable by modifying the hinge.
My nephew, Jason, helped me make some mirror relocation brackets as well.
In retrospect I should have been trying to diagnose the reason for my low compression but spending some time teaching my nephew some basic fabrication seemed funner.
I used a sawzall to cut the hinge off the door.
Using the removed hinge and some flat aluminum stock and the mirror I marked the holes for the hinge and for mounting the mirror. If anyone is curious, a 10-32 screw fits the stock mirror holes perfectl.
I drove around a bit on Saturday to drop my girlfriend off at work and the mirror relocation brackets worked well.
I painted the body mounted hinge brackets with duraliner bedliner.
I ran out of bedliner just when I needed it most. I wanted to paint the relocation brackets as well but I'll have to do that at a later time.
Hopefully today I'll do a leak down test on the engine and clean out the dead leaves in my vents.
July 26th, 2015, 10:09 AM
You low compression is just that should be in the 140-150 for a quality engine.
July 26th, 2015, 02:01 PM
Yeah. In mint condition this engine should be 200psi.
I need to determine where I'm losing compression though.
Factory Service Manual says that at 170psi the engine should be serviced.
July 26th, 2015, 05:39 PM
Did you hold the throttle WFO and crank many times?
Supposed to be done with engine warm too.
July 26th, 2015, 11:43 PM
Yes Sir.
I just didn't do a wet test.
August 11th, 2015, 01:04 AM
Quick update. Finally got around to that wet test. Showed about a 15psi increase on cylinders 2 and 4. Change on 1 and 3.
Using the leakdown tester I was able to verify that I was losing pressure by hearing it come out of the valve cover.
I suppose I'll plan on doing the cylinder rings and head gasket and the suggestion was made to do the rod bearings as well.
I suppose if I tear into it this much I'll replace the valve stem seals as well. I don't know.... Seems like a big project and I've never torn into an engine this much.
In the mean time I've replaced the starter and the wiring to the start as well as my own homebrew clicky starter fix using a relay and a fuse.
I'll post some pics soon.
August 11th, 2015, 05:16 PM
Ok sounds like an engine is due.....
Look into JDM engines.
A japanes demestic market engine can be had low miles and good cost.
I got a 1.8l for a trac/kick a few years back for all of $850 shipped.
They dont have the emissions we do so you have to swap the intake from the old engine.
August 12th, 2015, 10:08 AM
1st engine I totally rebuilt was my Sammy 1.6 liter after I dropped the piston rings into the pan snowbashing.
Gotta do what you feel comfortable with but rebuilding a sammy engine has to be one of the easiest out there. Take off the head, intake, exhaust and alternator, pump etc, remove the transmission (weighs about 40lbs, don't need a jack) and you can literally lift the engine out by hand, or get a buddy and two people to lift it out. I put my bare block up on my bridgeport to measure the bore roundness and I laughed when took it off the engine stand at how light it is, I bet the block weighs less than 20 lbs.
I got the block out and dropped it off at carquest in Loveland. They machined and assembled the shortblock and I got a reman head (my cam bearings got trashed when ring chunks spun in the journals) and slapped it on.
The whole thing was really simple, just a bit of work.
Plus there is a decent chance yours just needs new rings and the head redone.
August 22nd, 2015, 08:13 PM
Flashboiler. Well.... The FSM has been pretty handy to have on hand. I'm still considering it.
Seems very economical to do it myself.
Did a little bit more maintenance today. Whoever owned this Samurai before me swapped the oil switch out with a oil pressure gauge. I'll have to get another switch to replace it but in the meantime the oil pressure gauge install they did was not up to par.
The tubing is broke or the this fitting is leaking. I think I may have been losing a bit of oil through here because my Samurai never left wet spots anymore so I think it was just squirting out while I was driving.
They ran the line to the gauge right through the firewall without using a grommet or anything.
I had mentioned that I had needed to replace my starter. I was hoping this wasn't the case so I first tried my own clicky starter fix. Apparently the starter is powered straight through the ignition switch unlike most other vehicles who do this through a relay. A fix is to add a relay in place of the starter wiring so that the ignition is powering the relay and the relay is relaying power straight from the battery to the starter. This didn't solve my poor starting problem but I think it was a good addition none the less.
Installing the new starter was pretty easy. Just remove the air box to get better access.
At some point in the last few weeks I cleaned out all of the dead leaves sitting in the heater vent box. I used a conduit plug to plug up the hole. My vents still blow out some leaves every now and then but I can live with it for a while. I'm told to get great results I have to remove the entire dash and clean everything out with a pressure washer.
I was doing some cleaning last weekend and wanted to get underneath the rear seat just to see what was under there. I removed the drivers side bolt with no issues but as soon as I cranked on the passenger side bolt the head broke clean off. I attempted to drill out the broken thread and tried to use some extractors to remove it but didn't have any luck. It was rusted in there extremely bad I guess.
Unfortunately I broke the nut off the body while trying to free those threads. I had to drill through a crossmember on the bottom of the Samurai so that I could add a nut from the bottom. I used a holesaw for this.
On top of that I discovered that I did have a bit of rust to deal with after all. I'll have to repair this rusted hole before winter. It's behind the rear drivers side wheel well.
August 22nd, 2015, 08:42 PM
Been pretty busy, looking good
August 23rd, 2015, 03:01 PM
I made the hole in my plenum under the heater core (on the driver side). it was plugged up under it and was stopping the air flow. Also check the other side on the blend door. Sometimes they get to where they wont seal when in the open/closed, heat/defrost settings. I just tied mine into the defrost setting and left it.
August 23rd, 2015, 03:58 PM
I cut a similar hole and vacuumed out all kinds of stuff... Thought I did good, then it used the shop vac and at the same time blew below with an air nozzle and got way more out. Heater worked much better after that.
replace the transfer case in mine today...
September 20th, 2015, 10:07 AM
Well I've been doing a few things hereand there to the Samurai since the last post.
I had to replace my window cranks a fewmonths ago but the new cheap Amazon ones I bought broke after about amonth. The tabs on the knob broke off after regular use. I used a1/2-13 bolt to repair them. Nothing fancy. Just a button head boltand a jam nut with red loctite.
This has been working great and Iexpect it to be a permanent repair.
So I decided to take the Samurai and my2 year old daughter on their first camping trip. Me, Adam and Aarondecided to go run the Jenny Creek trail and camp at Jenny Lake thislast Saturday.
I've been wanting to keep a FireExtinguisher in the Samurai for a while. The seals on the front axleof my old TJ caught on fire once (I suppose that happens when youstrip all the teeth off the pinion gear and try driving it down thehigh at 55mph). and I was glad to have a fire extinguisher with methen to put out the flames. I optioned a bunch of spots for thischeapy $20 extinguisher from Home Depot before deciding on the targabar. It's actually not a bad spot and I don't hit my head on itunless I'm contorting myself weird to look back.
Also for this trip I didn't want tofight over the cigarette lighter USB charger with my girlfriend so Idecided to install another one. I've had a couple marine cigarettelighters sitting in an old junk box for about 10 years now so Idecided to put one to use. Space is cramped inside the Samurai but Ifound a good spot for it on the rear passenger side of the radio boxwhere my cheap amp and CB Radio are.
September 20th, 2015, 10:08 AM
I've been liking to keep a 5qt jug of oil with me under the hood with a funnel because this Samurai is drinking oil. Not as bad since I fixed the poorly installed oil pressure fittings but still. For the camping trip I stored some extra stuff under the hood as well. Some miscellaneous hardware and fittings as well as some gear oil.
I always like to have some tools with me in any vehicle I own but I've been shuttling my standard tool bag too and from work for working on the Samurai and it's rather large.
I picked up a tool roll from Amazon for the trip as well because I really wanted to save space inside the Samurai.
I strapped a multimeter to it in case I needed to diagnose an electrical issue.
My battery was giving me some trouble a couple of weeks ago and I finally had to replace it. I used a cheap Duralast battery from Autozone and finally got a universal battery hold down to keep it from bouncing up and into the hood. I had to drill an extra hole into the battery tray for one of the retaining rods.
The trip went extremely well and I ended up having enough room for everything. We picked up one of those fancy Yeti coolers last minute before the trip since every other cooler we had and could borrow did not fit on the seat next to my daughters car seat well enough. The Yeti roadie was PERFECT! and it kept ice extremely well and I expect to get years of use out of it. I would have preferred to save a bunch of money by going with the RTIC coolers but they're on pre-order and I have no idea where to source them locally.
We ended up strapping the sleeping bags and pads to the spare tire with some straps.
This worked out extremely well.
The trip was really fun and I have to say that the Samurai did well and it continues to impress me. I am a bit disappointed with the lack of crawl ratio though and I'm adding T-Case gears to my list of must-do up there with the engine rebuild. I had to floor the gas peddle in the 1st gear low range to make it up the rock gardens on Jenny Creek and my girlfriend did bump her head once or twice.....
I haven't done much to the Samurai since the last trip but I did attempt to fix my drooping passenger side mirror with a neoprene gasket between the ball and the mount.
Since the camping trip, which was only 1 night and by no means the epic trip I have been wanting to do by the way, I've been more or less set on having a roof rack and decided to make one. I picked up a bender and a couple of stick of 3/4" EMT conduit. I'm not done yet but I will definitely post when I am.
That's about it for now.
September 20th, 2015, 11:22 AM
Dang it, I have 3/4 emt you could of had.
Your welcome to use the hitch storage anytime I don't need it. In about 2 month We are teaching engine performance, let me know if you want to bring it in they can do commpersion, leak down test for you.
September 20th, 2015, 12:51 PM
Nice progress and it looks like the camping trip was a blast!
October 26th, 2015, 01:06 AM
I've gotten some things done here and there. The Samurai doesn't seem to be drinking oil since I fixed the pressure gauge lines.
I've been working on the roof rack every weekend. I think I've finally settled on some mounting methods for it.
I had Joe (Zukrider) do weld the main hoops for me since I had no experience welding myself at the time. These are the main part of the rack and I wanted these welds to be solidly done. Huge thanks to him for doing the welding.
I picked up a cheap tubing notcher from Harbor Freight. I picked up the holesaw from home depot.
I cut a couple of more pieces of conduit that will support the second hoop above the lower. I wanted a 4" gap between the hoops. In retrospect I should have done something shorter, like maybe 2".
I did a mockup to get a feel for what it would be like all welded together.
Did another sitting on top of the samurai.
I got the posts welded all by myself! Been playing around with a 115v welder that my brother in law has. No gas, but some of the welds look ok.
I got the slats cut and notched last week and got them welded up this Saturday.
(There's a recall on the iPhone camera's and mine has been going bad.)
I was checking out the space and my daughter decided to crawl into the cooler.
I still need to weld the top hoop to the posts but the base of the rack is more or less completed.
I've made some bracketry from aluminum to support the rack that doesn't interfere with the soft top and doesn't require me to drill into the body anywhere.
(I'll try to fix these squashed pics soon)
There was some black trim on the bottom portion of the targa that I replaced with some 1x1/4" aluminum to tie the roof rack support to. This will simply keep the bracket from swinging and chewing away the paint on the targa and isn't intended to support any weight. It's attached with stainless steel sheet metal screws.
I made the window frame brackets a couple of weeks ago. The pictures speak for themselves in how the bracket works. I plan on running a length of conduit from the window frame to the targa brackets.
Threw the rack on top of the Samurai again to get an idea of how it'll look.
I'll leave this post with a teaser of some other things I have planned.
October 26th, 2015, 07:55 AM
Nice Work looks like you'll have doubled the storage capacity of the Samurai !
The StRanger
October 26th, 2015, 09:49 AM
Nice !!
October 26th, 2015, 03:23 PM
Obviously well thought out. EMT is cheap and will be plenty strong if put together properly with enough support etc. Looks GREAT on there too. What size does that notcher go to on the pipe?
October 28th, 2015, 01:14 AM
I've been using a 7/8" holesaw. It's ok. The OD of the conduit is about 15/16".
Thanks for the replies everyone!
October 28th, 2015, 05:53 PM
Looks good! I like the ingenuity in building your own rack!
October 28th, 2015, 05:55 PM
:thumb: Well done!
November 2nd, 2015, 01:20 AM
I like this photo the best!
Seriously though, looking good!
A tip for making the HF notcher last a little longer is to weld end caps onto both ends of the upper tubing mount. May not help for long, but will help with accuracy and strength in the mean time.
November 2nd, 2015, 10:04 PM
I'm not sure if I understand you.
End caps on the notcher?
Thanks again for the replies. I'll post another update soon
November 2nd, 2015, 11:30 PM
Don't have much time to search, but there are a ton of different mods people have come up with to improve on the HF notcher. Here is a quick very basic video showing something like what I was referring to. First one I came across, so if it sucks, I apologize in advance.
November 5th, 2015, 02:08 AM
So I know a post got lost in the weirdness that happened yesterday morning. I did replace my copper tubing oil pressure line, I'm not sure why I neglected to mention that but I swapped it for a nylon line. Still not the best material but I am carrying spare copper line if I need to perform a trail repair.
That spacer for the harbor freight notcher would help and I may add it in the future. For now I can deal with the offset notches and I don't have any immediate plans to use it for more than a few more pieces I need to make for the roof rack.
November 5th, 2015, 03:33 AM
Just wanted to do a quick update tonight. I got some of the brackets made for the roof rack. I bent the two rear targa brackets to fit properly. I still need to bolt everything together.
We also just got our first snow here so I'm going to try to get this done quickly. I hope to have everything done on Saturday or Sunday.
I got the window frame supports done. They'll run back to the targa brackets and support the roof rack basket in the front.
Here is the rook racked mocked together.
November 10th, 2015, 01:42 AM
This is going to be another brief update.
I got the roof rack done!! I tried to use stainless steel hardware wherever possible. I'll upgrade the home depot u-bolts to stainless later. For now they're zinc.
The roof rack supported my weight, which is about 200lb's, with no issues. It doesn't vibrate or shake when driving down the highway either.
Final Mockup
Held me, so it must be good right?
Welding the window frame brackets.
The targa brackets I bent using a vise and hammer. Mounted them to the aluminum brackets with two 5/16-18 bolts on each side.
I hope to do some winter camping soon to test it out. I may want to add some additional slats to the rack since balancing stuff might be tricky.
This rack is in no way square and it does sit a tiny bit off center.
November 10th, 2015, 07:34 AM
Looks Good Nice Work !
November 10th, 2015, 07:55 AM
Good job Fred, it looks great ! Your Gona have to load up Ada's power wheels and come over and cruise around with Aden
November 10th, 2015, 07:57 AM
Good job Fred, it looks great ! Your Gona have to load up Ada's power wheels and come over and cruise around with Aden
Haha. Now I can!
Thanks EKXJ87!
November 11th, 2015, 12:36 PM
I got a few other things done yesterday.
I installed the vent tube (Venturi Nozzle) into my carburetor. My original carburetor had this already installed but the one I got from Joe didn't.
I have been experiencing some hesitation when the engine is cold driving around and this seems to have greatly alleviated it.
I installed some quick fist clamps onto the roof rack support at the recommendation of my nephew, which I thought was a brilliant idea!.
This should work out nicely for snow wheeling. Unfortunately the door just barely hits the shovel. I'll have to figure out a fix for it or just live with it. We'll see...
January 2nd, 2016, 06:49 PM
It's been a while since I last updated this thread. I haven't done much to the Samurai but I've settled on a few things.
I'm really considering the 1.6L swap. Right now I'm probably going to buy a re-manufactured engine from ZOR (Zuks Off Road) since Myron is so highly recommended. While I'm at it I'll probably get his Transfercase Cradle as well. Considering T-Case gears but I'd like to get the swap done in a weekend. Whether or not that's possible, I don't know.
One thing I've hated about my soft top is the zipper pulls on the rear window. I finally added some paracord pulls to the zippers to make unzipping it a lot easier. I'll swap out this soft top soon with a rampage top with removable side windows soon.
I've also replaced the door hinge screws with stainless socket cap screws because I think they loosen up over time and the doors droop.
I've really liked having my Ram Mount for my iPhone 6 plus but I broke my screen a few months ago and decided to get a fancy huge case for it. My new case did not fit in Ram Mount's Phablet holder, which was the holder for iPhone 6 plus phones with a case.
I decided to make my own. I purchased a cheap replacement belt clip and a new ball mount for the otterbox defender case and ripped off of the belt clip portion and used a utility knife blade to remove the molding.
I drilled four new holes and countersunk them and I had a new phone mount in minutes.
Adam lit a fire under my butt with his new tire carrier and gave me a few parts to get me started on my own. He gave me this hitch and a hub for a spindle.
I've gotten all the parts if I'm not mistaken. I got some 2" square tubing and some angle to make the brackets. I picked up this latch off Amazon.
I got some tail lights from harbor freight today but I'm not sure if they'll work so I may return them. I removed the rear bumper to see how things were attached and to get a feel for the wiring.
I cut the two brackets for the frame out of some 3/8 angle I picked up from the drop off scrap pile at Altitude Steel here in denver.
The simplicity of the mounting is what sold me on building my own tire carrier. The angle iron will bolt to the frame on two bolts on each side.
Next paycheck I may purchase a chop saw to make building this a little easier.
My samurai is just about to roll over 100,00 miles soon so I've changed the oil and the fuel filter again to start this year off right.
January 2nd, 2016, 07:39 PM
The 1.6l is a good place to start. The 2.2l is becoms a popular swap as well.
More power!
The t case swap is farly easy. There is one small neddle bearing to push into the case its a PITA.
Miron is a way cool dude to keep intouch with about your little sami.
As for engine look into JDM engines.
You get low low mileage engines from japan for $850.
All you need to do is swap the intake for the emmissions crap.
Over there they pull cars apart much sooner than we do.
They have safety standards that are nuts.....
Like retro fitting an older car to met new standards...
Thus they replace the car.
Hell most the JDM engines have just one or 2 oil changes on them as there oils are far cleaner and higher standars than ours.
January 2nd, 2016, 09:10 PM
Making great progress! If you think you won't be able to do the t-case upgrade in a weekend, consider getting a used t-case to build in advance. Then you can just swap it out.
January 3rd, 2016, 02:03 AM
The 1.6l is a good place to start. The 2.2l is becoms a popular swap as well.
More power!
The t case swap is farly easy. There is one small neddle bearing to push into the case its a PITA.
Miron is a way cool dude to keep intouch with about your little sami.
As for engine look into JDM engines.
You get low low mileage engines from japan for $850.
All you need to do is swap the intake for the emmissions crap.
Over there they pull cars apart much sooner than we do.
They have safety standards that are nuts.....
Like retro fitting an older car to met new standards...
Thus they replace the car.
Hell most the JDM engines have just one or 2 oil changes on them as there oils are far cleaner and higher standars than ours.
I'll look into it. My main reason for choosing ZOR is just that I want to get everything at one place. I don't want to hunt around for parts everywhere. I haven't found too many other kits for engines other than suzuki engines. I don't have the skills to fabricate motor mounts or transmission adapter plates.
Patrolman - If I come across a cheap one.
January 3rd, 2016, 06:20 PM
Here is a pic of my 1994, 1.6 MPFI I took out of a Sidekick, in my 87 Samurai....
I bought the whole car (sidekick) and took all the parts I needed (power steering box and pump, wiring harness/ECU and engine). I sent the harness to MYron at ZOR, and he cut it down to a three wire hook up to the stock Samurai harness (I had to add a VSS (from the sidekick) and it fired on the first try (I also had the 1.6 rebuilt before I put it in). The conversion kit I got from TrailTough (their motor mounts sits the engine low enough to shut the hood and no body lift required, but My's motor mounts will do the same). I also added a stage 3 clutch while I was in there.
Mine also has the 6.5:1 Transfer case.....
The black tubing is Myrons (ZOR) "Snatch" cradle. The low range is so severe in these cases, they will rip out your stock T-case arms (if you go this route, get one of the cradles that are out there, trust me). I still run the 3:73's in the axles, but with this case and 32's it runs pretty darn good and crawls great. I have a set of scout D44's, that Im thinking of running, if they dont go into my 86 (buggy). I did all these mods (including the 6" SPOA lift) in my garage.
Keep up the hard work, they are great little rigs and are simple to work on.....
January 3rd, 2016, 08:45 PM
I hear ya. the case you can get built as a drop in, the send your case for the core. 1300 if I remember right for the 6.5:1
the engine is just a sudjestion to save some coun.
January 3rd, 2016, 11:45 PM
Swapping the gears in the T-Case doesn't seem too daunting. I've rebuilt the np231 t-case in my old TJ before. (Granted Adam was helping me and did most of the work).
I don't have the space to store a complete other vehicle to do the swap. I feel like I could probably modify the engine harness myself if I had to. I certainly think I can add the vss switch to the cluster myself.
Does the 1.6 swap require a new radiator?
Great looking setup Bloodbane! I really need to get out wheeling with some other Samurai's.
January 4th, 2016, 09:12 AM
back when I was parting out a 57 willies pick up a guy can ad got the T case from me, I think I recall it being a dana 18 or 15( if there is such a thing as a 15).
he said he said h was going to use it on his Suzuki. I don't know what his whole se up was, considering it was all stock or mostly stock is this something to look in too??
January 4th, 2016, 09:17 AM
from the looks of it my truck I parted out would have had the better of the dana 18's
January 4th, 2016, 04:57 PM
Swapping the gears in the T-Case doesn't seem too daunting. I've rebuilt the np231 t-case in my old TJ before. (Granted Adam was helping me and did most of the work).
I don't have the space to store a complete other vehicle to do the swap. I feel like I could probably modify the engine harness myself if I had to. I certainly think I can add the vss switch to the cluster myself.
Does the 1.6 swap require a new radiator?
Great looking setup Bloodbane! I really need to get out wheeling with some other Samurai's.
Some guys get by with the stock Samurai radiator. I went with the genesis aluminum. 100.00 and bolt in stock location. I have never ran over the 190 (normal) mark. Even crawling around in the middle of summer.
as far as the T-case goes, for the 6.5:1 gears you have to clean the inner case up (grind some out). The gears will bind on the case otherwise. I went with a total rebuilt case from Low Range (LROR) in mine. Parts were almost as much (new bearings and seals, upgraded shafts and gears all together), and I got everything bolt in this way. I traded my stock case to Myron (ZOR) for the wire harness mods. If you deal with him, he will walk you through installing everything if you run into trouble.
January 6th, 2016, 08:20 PM
Finally talked to Myron about his prices for an engine and everything for the swap. Might be a little over my budget if I go that route.... Considering other options now.
January 20th, 2016, 01:52 AM
Have a tiny update this week. I purchased the snatch from ZOR and it should be arriving today!!
I've been trying to find time to work on the rear bumper/tire carrier but it's been hard, as anyone with a toddler can relate. I did get a little bit done. I got the upper brackets made.
I had to abandon the idea to reuse the hitch that Adam had given me. It's 5 inches too short for the spindle to clear the tailgate. I happened to find a nice 4x4x3/16 piece of square tubing at the local steel yard that'll be perfect.
I also abandoned the idea to use the axle hub as well. The shape of this particular hub was awkward and the spindle I picked up has an easier surface to weld to.
I also picked up a chop saw. That sure made cutting steel easier!
In addition to the other tools I've bought I also picked up an assortment of hole saws.
I realized that before I can get the new bumper installed I really need to get all my tail lights sorted out. I picked up some oval led tail/turn/stop lights from harbor freight and a trailer light adapter. I also picked up the LED relay for the turn signals so I don't have any issues with running LED tail lights.
This cardboard test I did made me realize I needed yet more hole saws.
Just need time to get things finished.
January 20th, 2016, 09:25 PM
I just happened to stumble on this Samurai rear bumper. Might give you some good ideas.
January 21st, 2016, 01:39 AM
Thanks. I've been looking at tons of other tire carrier designs as well. That one on craigslist looks pretty good an I may steal the dual swing idea from it.
I got my transfercase cradle (Snatch) from ZOR in today. Looks great. I'll probably end up getting that panty liner bracket from his as well. I'll try to get it painted soon.
Myron mentioned something to me about the 1.6L swap that stood out. He mentioned that the engine sits about an inch above the front axle. Thinking I should spend some money on a lift and transfercase gears first.. Any input?
January 21st, 2016, 07:06 PM
The 1.3 is only rated at 65hp and almost any increase in tire will really kill you on the highway, so figure the engine swap or gear your transfer case and then go with the lift/tires. I put my lift on first (6" SPOA) and 32's and arounds town it did alright, but I never traveled any distance outside of town. Then I geared the case (6.5:1) and it really woke the Samurai up. My 1.3 went downhill so instead of rebuilding it, I did the 1.6 MPFI swap (rebuilt the 1.6 while it was out). Mine will run 65mph all day long now and only the steep hills kill the 5th gear on the highway.
If I remember correct, you can take the oil pan off the 1.3 and use it on the 1.6 for some clearance (I remember reading something on this somewhere, but I could be way off)
January 21st, 2016, 07:46 PM
They just did the 6.5:1 gear change for T case on power block this last weekend.
March 5th, 2016, 01:09 AM
Thanks Xaza! Sorry for the really late response. I was sure I had responded sooner but I don't see that post.
March 5th, 2016, 02:18 AM
Just wanted to post an update because it's been a while since my last update.
I've got a couple projects going on right now so I've had trouble focusing on my Samurai.
I went to look at a rebuilt engine a couple of weeks ago. This was a really cool find and would have been perfect had it not been an Australian engine. It was the second engine put into a '91 Suzuki Sierra. The guy that owned it was in the military and stationed over there. I walked away because I thought it would have been a bigger project to swap all of my US emissions equipment off my engine on to his. But he had a cool Samurai, right hand drive model. Kind of regretting walking away from that engine but I would have had to get this engine swapped in a weekend and I thought swapping that stuff would take longer and then I'd have no idea if it would run well. I want it done in an afternoon if I'm just swapping 1.3 engines. I'd commit more time for the 1.6L.
Been having a hard time finding time to work on the tire carrier or maybe I'm just lazy.... I still need to figure out the trailer adapter for the tail lights or run individual lights for all the functions. I need to cut strips of flat stock to weld nuts to for mounting the bumper. Need to make the actual tire carrier portion. Basically I started this project with only the most basic plan. Haha.
Also been gearing up for what I hope will be an epic camping trip this summer. I purchased maps for the Colorado portion of the Shadow Of The Rockies Trail from
I may also purchase maps for the Trans America Trail too. In the process of getting stuff for a camp kitchen. Probably going to integrate fold down table into the tailgate for food prep/tools. Also realized my tent is too small for me, my girlfriend and my daughter so I'm looking for a good 3-person plus tent. Preferably a 4-season tent.
Going to pick up an older dual fuel coleman camp stove this weekend as well as I've been reading some stuff on expedition portal about them and I've been finding them really cheaply on craigslist.
I got a roll table from REI today as well. It only weighs 9lbs and it was on sale.
Also, been getting some Samurai parts too. I got new o-rings for the distributor as I think I may be losing oil from it as well.
Picked up a new oil-pressure sensor as I'm tired of the tubing to the gauge leaking too, I might tee it off and run the gauge and the sensor too but I think I'm just going swap in the sensor by itself.
Ordered the Panty liner from ZOR too. For some reason I was initially under the impression that his Snatch cradle eliminated all of the factory t-case mounts.
Have spare throttle and clutch cables coming in too. I've heard of these breaking and the worst possible times so I'd like to keep some spares on hand.
Going to change the fluid in the diffs soon too. Probably way over due.
I guess I'll end this post by saying that my initial plans to swap the engine have fizzled (might have one last ray of hope but we'll see) and that I'm going to put more attention into prolonging the life of this current engine.
March 5th, 2016, 01:51 PM
The distributor do leak on these engines a lot of the time (age). replacing the O ring is the correct step. Do a good tune up and PCV valve (a fuel pressure test might be beneficial as well). The 1.3 isnt a bad engine (just a little underpowered). If your planning a geared T-case, it will wake your Sami up real nice. Sometimes all you can do is one small step at a time. You seem to be on the right path though...
March 6th, 2016, 12:13 AM
I replaced the PCV valve a while ago. Not sure about the fuel pressure, I'd be interested in testing it.
Thanks Bloodbane.
Came across this today:
#9 - Suzuki Samurai!
March 21st, 2016, 02:32 AM
I got a few things done to the Samurai. My handy dandy cell phone holder broke so I had to make another one. The ball mount was ok but the clip broke so I purchased another cellphone belt clip holster and modified it. This time I only used two holes because I think using all four made the holster too stiff and it caused the clip to break.
I've been gearing up for an epic camping trip this summer so I've been upgrading my gear. Now that I feel like I can take my daughter camping with me and my
girlfriend I've decided to upgrade my camp kitchen. I picked up a couple of coleman stoves off of craigslist.
An old used and abused 413G and a nice 3 burner (but HUGE) 426b. The 413G doesn't work and needs a few seals replaced. I was hoping to pick up a duel fuel model but these are the only ones that panned out.
I also picked up a couple of things on sale and my favorite store, R.E.I.!
Roll Camp Table
My daughter helped me set up the new Alps Mountaineering Edge 4 tent.
Saturday evening I managed to talk my nephew Jason into doing the work on changing the fluid in the diffs.
At 103k, I'm not sure if this was ever done before.
This Sunday we got some good work done on the Samurai's rear bumper/tire carrier project.
The new dewalt chop saw finally got some use.
We got the nut plates cut and welded the nuts to them and they worked out nicely.
I tried and failed at getting the harbor freight led tail lights to work. I was using a trailer adapter and the EP34 relay but could not get the lights to function properly. I poured over samurai wiring diagrams and had no luck. I have quite a background in electronics if I don't say so myself. I think I need a different trailer adapter or I need to get different lights or some more lights for individual functions (Tail/Brake/Signal).
That's it for now. I'm considering heading down to Moab this coming weekend to catch the last few days of the Easter Jeep Safari but we'll see....
April 14th, 2016, 01:34 AM
Made a few changes to the Samurai this past week. Still no work on the rear bumper/tire carrier. Maybe this weekend.
I picked up a rampage top from Amazon only to discover that it was made incorrectly. They had sewn a zipper on upside down and it would not work. Joe (zukrider) sold me his old rampage top but it needed some work. The rear passenger tension strap had broken off. I used some climbing webbing and had my awesome girlfriend sew it on to replace the old strap. As soon as I went to install it, the drivers side strap tore off too.!!
I picked up some stainless steel webbing slides off mcmaster carr to attach some cam straps. I'm over complicating this setup I know but....
I think it gives the Samurai a nice look and I'm sure my daughter will appreciate the tinted windows. In fact the windows provide a lot more visibility than the stock top.
I also got the o-rings on the distributor replaced as well.
The o-ring on the housing had been coated in RTV or some other kind of sealant and the o-ring on the rotor seal was dry and cracking too.
I also adjusted the valves today and it seemed to make the engine quieter. I haven't noticed any other differences or improvements in performance either.
April 26th, 2016, 01:36 AM
Well. This was a pretty productive Weekend!
I committed to tackling the rust underneath the battery that has been bugging me lately.
My biggest fear was that I would have serious rust on the firewall behind the front passenger fender. It turned out not being so bad on the firewall but I decided that the battery tray had to go.
I had some corrosion to deal with on the battery terminals. Not sure whats causing this but I have read that it could be overcharging or poor ground.
I had only been seeing this much of the rusting out hole for a few months now.
I had asked some people on Samurai group on Facebook if it was possible to remove the fender and I felt like I could get it done. Everyone suggested that I just remove the entire front clip. After working on this for two days I have come to the conclusion that it is not possible to remove the fender without some modifications. Next time I'll just remove the entire front clip.
I didn't plan on removing the stock battery tray, just cleaning up the rust and coating it with some POR-15 but the Battery tray was in worse condition that I thought.
I used an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel to remove the old bracket and I used a wire wheel on the grinder to clean away as much of the rust as I could.
I cut out around the rusted out hole so that I could patch it.
I used some steel plate to make a patch.
This is where my lack of skill as a welder really showed. Welding the thin steel of the samurai fender to the slightly thicker steel of the patch was challenging but I think I made a good effort.
I purchased the POR-15 super starter kit a couple of weeks ago and set out using it. I cleaned and degreased the area as best as I could.
I sprayed the area with the prep chemical and got to work fabricating a new battery tray.
I took my inspiration for the tray from Low Range Off Road's Dual Battery kit. It utilizes two mounts for the front clip for support.
I didn't get too many pictures of it but I'll post some soon. I still need to paint the bracket.
At this point I coated the area on the fender with the POR-15 and finished the battery tray with the help of my Nephew.
The POR-15 went on well enough. I hope it stands up. I'll top coat it with something else shortly.
The new battery tray only requires me to drill 1 extra hole in the fender and uses one 1/4-20 nut as a spacer.
I messed up when measuring the width of the battery and I ended up being a little too narrow for the battery tie down straps. I'll probably weld some more flat stock and a make a fancier clasp like in some of the higher end battery boxes.
April 26th, 2016, 01:37 AM
That's it for now! I turned 30 today and my awesome girlfriend made me a Samurai Birthday Cake!
April 26th, 2016, 05:52 PM
Nice work so far. At least you are getting all the things addressed that could cause issues down the road. So many people go right to making "mods" and never bother to to the routine stuff.
April 26th, 2016, 06:51 PM
:wrench: nice work getting done on your sami.
so you really would like the 6.5 gears, they afford a 10% reduction in high range.
For your lights is it an issue with them not lighting up at all?? if you want to LED the turns wont flash with out use of a resistor as the flasher relay wont load up right.
any how keep plugging along.
check out lowrange off road they have great prices on a ton of sami parts.
April 27th, 2016, 01:28 AM
Thanks Patrolman. I would love to do some more performance mods and throw bigger tires on this Samurai but those sort of mods are just out of my budget.
Dieseldoc, I'm really considering regearing the t-case though I think 6.5:1 would be a bit much for me right now on slightly larger than stock tires.
I've got the LED relay for the lights to work I just suspect that I have a poor connection or corroded wire. I may try some resistors as a last resort but for whatever reason I can't seem to find time to work on the bumper project.
April 28th, 2016, 10:57 AM
I have the 6.5:1 T-Case gears and I run a 32" tire. They are deep gears, you might check out the 4:1 gears. It gives you a little better than stock, but not so much that you cant keep up with traffic.
As far as lifts go, I went with the rocky Road Outfitters bolt on 6" SPOA lift. Some folks have had problems with RRO in the past, but everything I did went easy. Not the most expensive kit out there, but it works for what I wanted. If I was to do it again I would do the YJ spring conversion (longer springs and gives you a way better ride) with the rears up front and revolver shackles. On my buggy I will go with 4 link front and 3 link rear (super flexy).
The little things you are doing now will pay off in the long run. Keep up the good work
May 4th, 2016, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the input Bloodbane. Still on the fence about the tcase gears. I've really been leaning towards the 4.9:1 kit. I feel like I could get those installed in a weekend.
I've been hearing good things about the old man emu leaf spring lift for the samurai and I may go that route. Unfortunately I've heard enough bad things about rocky road outfitters that I'll just stay away from them. I've honestly never heard so many bad things about a company before.
I don't have enough in the budget for an extreme lift AND tires. If I went big I'm sure I'd have to get new rims too and I wouldn't have enough. I want some gearing and articulation. Maybe a locker in the rear.
May 4th, 2016, 12:17 PM
With any lift spring be ready for a more severe ride until the springs are broken in. Being that the Samurai is such a short wheel base and leaf sprung all around. You can do the YJ conversion on the cheap is why I suggested it. you can get the springs from almost any pick-n-pull and companies like TrailTough, ZOR, LROR sell all the brackets you need to bolt them on. Gives you a lift and also a better ride (i just accept the ride for what it is).
When my dad was alive and would ride with me in my Samurai, he said he always felt violated after riding in it.....
May 4th, 2016, 08:23 PM
LROR (lowrange off road) is your go to, other than ZOR ( zuks off road).
they have new yj springs at $200 an axle, this is the way to go as they act far better and are the 2" wide set up.
the 4:1 gear are not a bad set up but as you will grow I would step into the 6.5 as they will let you grow far past 32" tires.
the 10% reduction in high range is wonderfull on the freeway and hill climbs. youe would be able to get into a 32/33 with the YJ swap with little work.
wheels are easy to come by.
I have some sami parts for you if you want them.
I have two good T-case shifters.
A power steering conversion crank pulley, this is for the Trac/kick pump, you will love power steering on you little sami.
the 2 shifters were going to be done for a twin stick set up. its some fab work but can be done and works well.
June 25th, 2016, 02:31 AM
Thanks DieselDoc. I think I am ok for now, I'll let you know.
Really considering my lift options right now. I might purchase some toyota axles so I'd want to get the YJ springs if I could. Just having trouble finding time for the research.
I have gotten a lot done!
I decided it was time to replace my door panels with something else. I had seen some ABS door panels sold but figured I could save some money by making them myself.
I chose to go with 1/8" black ABS sheets from the local plastic company.
I removed the factory door panels and removed the fabric from them to use them as a template for my new ones. I traced onto the shiny side with a gold sharpie. The textured side is the side I wanted facing out. I used a jig saw to cut off the curved part.
I removed the plastic inserts from the doors and replaced them with some rubber insulated rivet nuts.
I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. I used some 10-32 Stainless steel button head screws.
I picked up a new larger cooler from Amazon since our Yeti Roadie wont cut it on longer trips. I went with the Pelican Elite 45qt cooler.
It takes up a sizable area on the roof rack.
All the gear packs around it well enough. Or so I thought during the test load.
We took an overnight trip to Mount Herman a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to see how the roof rack and our camping kit worked out.
My girlfriends family has a long history of river camping on rafts and her mom gave us some old dry bags to pack our gear in in case it rained and the stuff on the roof rack got wet. I finally got a Hi-Lift as well and removed my spare tire since it wasn't holding air and mounted the hi-lift.
I still want to get some gear that packs better. I took advantage of the Memorial day sale going on at REI and got the Thermarest Quadra camp chairs for us. These pack up really nicely and the legs become the case. The next piece of gear I want to downsize are my old REI 3.5 Camp Beds. I had originally purchased them for winter camping 8 years ago and they have been used every since but they are big and bulky. I took the Coleman 426b on this trip because of the two camp stoves I had acquired it was the newest. It didn't perform as I expected and I'm not sure if it was just my unfamiliarity with this type of stove or if there was a problem with the Stove. I'm going to give the 413G stove a try next since I have replaced the plunger and tank cap on it already. The trip was pretty fun despite our late start. The inside of the Samurai didn't seem at all as cramped as it had last summer on the few trips we took it on and it was extremely nice to have all the stuff up on the roof rack and out of the way. The new tent had a buckle break and I had to use a zip tie to hold the rainfly down on that corner of the tent.
Fathers Day Weekend I was determined to make some progress on the new rear bumper and I committed to figuring out what was going on with the LED tail lights and the trailer adapter. Some fiddling around confirmed that I had a poor connection through the parasite connectors that someone had used to wire up a trailer plug.
The tail lights worked! I began removing the old bumper and permanently wiring in the trailer adapter. I removed all the hardware and brackets for the bumper and the license plate brackets.
I made some wire labels at work using our shrink tubing label printer so that I could accurately identify the wires in the future should I choose to rewire them again. I used some adhesive filled shrink tubing and soldered the wires to the trailer adapter to make sure that I had good solid connections that wouldn't corrode over time.
June 25th, 2016, 02:32 AM
Since I had already made all the brackets for the new bumper I simply had to clean them up with a sanding disk on a grinder and tack everything in place. I used some clamps and got the new bumper tacked to the brackets so that I could take the whole thing to a more qualified welder.
I asked one of the professional welders at work to weld the brackets on for me and he did a great job!
When I installed the bumper the next day everything lined up perfectly! I did have the bend the top brackets up a little more as they warped just a tiny bit from the welding but everything looked great!
Now I just need to get the tire carrier portion done so that I can mount a spare tire, the hi-lift jack, jerry can, license plate.
That's it for now.
June 25th, 2016, 06:40 AM
Good work - the door panel looks great!
June 26th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Thanks Jim!
June 30th, 2016, 02:13 AM
Wanted to do another quick update tonight.
When I owned my Jeep I was lucky enough to start wheeling close to town and with people who had OBA setups. A good mentor of mine had a nice relatively stock TJ with a YORK compressor and I was jealous of that thing. Eventually I purchased a Co2 tank from someone on the message board and I ran a 20lb Co2 tank for several years before destroying my jeeps drivetrain and eventually selling my jeep and all of my four wheeling stuff, Co2 tank included.
I've honestly only taken my Samurai out a handful of times and I would have loved to air down but I did not have a convenient way to air back up. After reading a few reviews I decided to bite the bullet and get the CKMA12 ARB On Board Air Compressor. I'm hoping to use it on July 4th weekend here in a day or so.
In all honesty, I'm a horrible planner and most of my trips end up with me leaving around noon and not setting up camp until it's already dark.
I had already thought about using the Samurai's jack mount under the hood as the base for something and when I got the idea to order the compressor I knew it would be the perfect location. I had to cut off the top loop that the jack used to hold itself in place. The compressor came with a mounting bracket and a baseplate which I used to mark and drill the mounting holes. 3 of the holes went through some material but the 4th hole really just needed to notch out the round hole in the middle of the jack mount. The baseplate would sandwich the jack mount with the mounting bracket.
The wiring harness left a bit to be desired. I've been doing electrical work for the past 12 years and I'll say that it was nice to have a well made harness come with this compressor. It was pretty well labeled and made but the layout under the hood of the Samurai .... it kind of sucks. So I wasn't happy with the location of the control relay I chose.
I actually unmounted it from here and ziptied this to some other bits of the harness.
There was an unpunched grommet in the firewall for the samurai that allowed me to run the switch wires to the left of the steering column to a hole that me and my nephew carved out with a dremel and utility knife. The compressor came with the fancy carling switches that ARB is known for. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of that switch.
I had to run to Home Depot to pick up some plumbing for the compressor. It came with a cut off switch which will shut the compressor off when the pressure in the tank and lines reaches 100psi. The compressor has two ports for the Locker solenoids but only 1 port for a standard 1/4" NPT fitting. So I had to use a brass Tee with a nipple to connect the Shutoff Switch and quick connect fitting for an air hose.
I tested the compressor out a bit but I did not fill any tires. Though I'm pretty confident that this compressor will suit my needs just fine.
July 20th, 2016, 03:08 AM
Made some progress on the tire carrier.
Got the swing welded to the spindle and the spindle welded to the bumper.
I had the spindle extended about 1/2" with a piece of steel the same diameter.
I came across Trail Gears Polyurethane tire mount and immediately decided to use it. I love simplicity in mounting. I picked up a 1' 1"-8 bolt from fastenal and some washers and lock washers.
Still need to add a diagonal support but I'm liking the tire carrier so far.
I had picked up the latch off of Amazon a long time ago. I was disappointed that I couldn't bolt it to the swing so I had to weld it.
The other side of the latch wend on easily enough.
So far I'm really liking the setup. Going to add supports for the hi-lift, water can and gas can.
I picked up some HDPE, the same stuff cutting boards are made out of. Going to use it to make the prep tables on both the tailgate and the swing.
That's it for now.
Still need to pack the bearings and get the prep tables welded on.
July 27th, 2016, 01:27 AM
I've got the tire carrier finished! More or less.
I got a diagonal support welded. I had a slight issue with warpage while welding. I tacked another diagonal to the opposite side of the main tire support and strapped it down while it cooled.
Once that was done I welded a bolt to the swing and made a bracket to secure the top of the hi-lift.
Now that would complete any standard tire carrier well enough but I wanted to mount a jerry can or a water can so I made an additional support for one. I'll likely add another in the future but time was running our for me to go camping this past weekend. I was still doing some welding Saturday morning before heading out that afternoon.
I ran into some trouble. I had asked my nephew to grind away all the surface rust on all the metal and he accidentally stripped the threads on one of the bumpers mounting bolts and nut plate. The nut plate was salvageable I just need a tap. So I ran to Fastenal Friday morning to grab some new bolts and a 12M-1.75 Tap. I got home and fixed the nut plate and got everything mostly painted.
Everything was looking good except I needed a spot for my license plate. I used some scrap aluminum I had from making my mirror relocation brackets and the stock Samurai license plate bracket.
I got the prep tables mounted and everything packed up and was on my way to camp! We headed to mount Herman again for a 3 night trip.
The prep tables worked out great! I used some hinge material from home depot to mount the HDPE to the tailgate and the tire carrier.
My Coleman camp stove fit perfectly on the tailgate which is quite lucky for me since I didn't measure anything! I drilled some holes into the HDPE for some paracord hangers.
The water can mount I made worked great with our water can. I turned the can on it's side and it made for a great way to get water out of the can and into our water bottles and pots and pans for cooking and cleanup.
The whole setup worked out quite well. I need to refine our camp kitchen and kit a bit.
I made a snafu when I was showing off my tire carrier to my friend and I stood on it and I bent my spindle! I was able to bend it mostly back into place but I am disappointed with it's strength. I will be upgrading...
Despite that I did get some time to do a little bit of wheeling and playing around.
My daughter decided to climb in and pretend that she was the one driving after I got out to take some pictures.
Some things I'd like to improve
Tailgate needs way to lock into the open position. I used a strap to secure it but that method seems clumsy. Same goes for the tire carrier.
The water can being able to mount on it's side was great for getting water out but we had to run around the tire carrier to get access to the spout. It would be nice if we could dispense water from inside the kitchen area.
Stronger spindle.
Want another spot for another can for longer trips.
I also discovered that my trailer light adapter didn't allow for my hazard lights to function properly. I think I might be making my own trailer light adapter soon.
July 27th, 2016, 08:56 AM
Fred, LOVE seeing your build here. You're doing some really awesome and creative stuff!!
July 28th, 2016, 01:14 AM
Thanks Peter.
Can't say any of my ideas are original. Been borrowing where I could.
August 4th, 2016, 03:00 AM
Too tired to post another in depth write up so I'll just post these two pics. Picked up this 93/94 EFI 16 Valve Automatic Suzuki Sidekick yesterday! 141K miles.
Has a sputtering/bucking issue around 1500-2000k RPM. Adam seems to think it's a fuel mixture problem. Seller thought it was an electrical issue with the transmission. Not sure yet.
August 18th, 2016, 03:24 AM
I've removed the Suzuki Security System from the Sidekick since the siren relay kept clicking. Someone had cut the wire to the siren long ago. I'm assuming that it kept going off.
I've yet to really dive into troubleshooting the issue but have come up with this list of items to hit.
Fuel Pressure Regulator
Fuel Pressure - Measured 35psi at idle - 40 under throttle
Vacuum Leaks
Plugged Catalytic Converter
Secondary Ignition cables.
Spark Plug Wires
EGR Valve
PCV Valve - Replaced since it was a cheap part
Faulty ECM - I plan on removing it to check for faulty components (capacitors?)
I planned on modifying the harness myself so I was going through Warbirds Harness Modification Instructions and he mentions that modifying the wiring harness from a 4 speed automatic donor is "significantly more complicated and not included in these instructions."
I've got access to the FSM for my sidekick through alldatadiy, so I can access the wiring diagrams for the transmission control module. Been trying to figure out what modifications are going to be necessary but I'm at a loss.
August 18th, 2016, 09:31 AM
I have that same ARB compressor in my Jeep. It works good for me. I have 35" tires. Airing down to 15 pounds makes it take me about 20 minutes to air back up. I am not in any hurry, so it all works out.
August 18th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Fred, I was going to recommend the kick fix website but it's no longer viable. I found this though:
About half way down is a "Download Zip file" link. Someone archived the site. It's clunky but check out the section under sensors, lots of good info on diagnosing the sensors.
The suzuki forums sidekick page was very helpful to me when I was chasing similar issues.
August 18th, 2016, 09:51 AM
lol, nevermind I found it.
August 18th, 2016, 01:37 PM
Thanks Flashboiler. I have been reading through the website.
Half of my laziness with diagnosing the sidekick is that it hasn't acted up since I've gotten it. Haha!
I'ts been running fine.
I had discovered that someone had taken the valve cover off and never reinstalled it correctly. it was missing one bolt and only two of the remaining bolts were tightened.
Someone has clearly removed the RWAL module in the past since one of the plastic nuts was sitting on the drivers side floor.
The 60amp fuse was blown and the remaining tabs were bent in to complete the circuit. Whoever decided that bypassing a 60 AMP fuse was a good idea is brilliant!
Got off the phone with Petroworks and it looks like the oil pan and pickup modification service they offer is $125 which isn't bad. But I either have to pay $250 up front to get the pan shipped to me and then I get my $125 core refunded to me when I ship my pan and pick up back to them.
August 31st, 2016, 11:48 PM
I really like your tire carrier and the way you made fold down tables for your cook stove. Nice!
September 1st, 2016, 01:24 AM
Thanks JandDGreens!
September 16th, 2016, 01:48 AM
I suppose I'll give a brief pictureless update. I've got the 1.6L engine in the samurai. I've yet to get all the radiator lines plumbed in and I plan on tackling the wiring this weekend. I've pulled the harness from the Sidekick and I've stripped it of all the electrical tape. I got the VSS from the sidekick installed into the Samurai's cluster. Suzuki made a spot in the Samurai for a VSS, almost like the Samurai was supposed to have fuel injection.
Ran into an issue with the Exhaust. Looks like I'll have to get one made or fab one myself.
September 16th, 2016, 09:28 AM
Hi Fred,
I bought a 2" exhaust (lowrange?) and Doug Thorley header for my 1.6 swap. I had a shop weld it up, it's worked well... A little loud for the road but I like it snow bashing.
But, I've always struggled to pass NOx. I think it comes down to two things: The 2" exhaust came with a new cat, which I question the quality of (only because I barely pass Nox, usually the 2nd day testing) or the lack of back pressure from the bigger exhaust. The EGR system expects a stock level of backpressure and I've got less, so I must have less EGR flow.
Just some thoughts on what exhaust to go with.
I'd stick with stock exhaust adapted to the stock header.
Last weekend I was wheeling some hard trails in South Dakota and managed to smash my exhaust. It's smashed pretty good right by the t-case for a few feet and I can't say I notice any power loss.
September 19th, 2016, 01:02 AM
I managed to get everything bolted together. I think I need to redo the hangers for the exhaust because it is TIGHT and it rubs the frame quite a bit.
September 24th, 2016, 02:05 AM
Going to try and make a decent effort at posting an update here.
I started this project about a month ago. It's honestly probably the biggest project I've ever committed to tackling too!
I pulled the front clip from the Samurai as I knew it'd make things easier. I recommend that anyone attempting an engine swap in a Samurai do this as well. It's incredibly easy!
This made pulling the engine that much easier! Everything unbolts easy enough. I found it was easier to remove the heater core hose from the engine rather than the heater core. FYI.
I honestly used this 1/4" Socket Wrench and socket set for most of the removal. I also found myself using my 12mm and 14mm wrenches quite a lot as well.
My 3 Year old daughter helped me out as much as she could!
Pulling the engine out of the Samurai was the easy part!
Getting the engine out of the Sidekick was a major pain! I never got around to picking up Adam's engine hoist and I decided to use two ladders, a 2x4, a ratchet strap and some steel tubing. I didn't get the engine out of the sidekick this night it got too dark and there were some extra brackets bolting the engine to the transmission as well as the flywheel inspection plate.
The next day I got the engine out and began work on swapping the oil pan and pick-up out. The 1.6L's oil pans sump was a little too wide and would have come in contact with my front axle had I left it. To solve this I discovered I could use a 1.3L oil pan and modify a pick up. I purchased a new oil pan and modified pick up from Trail Tough so I could keep my 1.3L in usable/sellable condition.
I got the new oil pan installed as well as the transmission adapter plate and the 1.3L's motor mounts with the passenger side relocation bracket.
Ran into a slight issue with the exhaust. I was hoping to get away with using the Samurai's exhaust with the catalytic converter and everything but it did not want o fit.
I got the Sidekicks downpipe and catalytic converter installed and coupled to my muffler. It's rubbing on the frame everywhere and I think I can fix it if I move some of the exhaust hangers but I'll look into it more when I get the thing running.
I've been tackling the wiring these last two weeks. I've been using Warbirds Samurai Engine Swap Wiring Harness instructions as a guide. Unfortunately my donor sidekick is the 94' 4-Door 4-Speed Automatic Transmission version which his instructions reference as "...significantly more complicated and is not included in these instructions."
According to some people who have had Myron (of Zuks Off Road) modify their harness he gets rid of the Transmission Control Module altogether. One person from a facebook group, who works closely with petroworks, said that I need to keep the TCM to make everything work.
According to fixkick I can disconnect the TCM which puts it in Manual Test Mode (limp home mode). Which is what I suspect ZOR is doing by deleting the TCM. Right now I plan to keep the TCM connectors on the harness in case I need to try some stuff out.
Also, my Sidekick donor had Cruise Control. So I'm keeping the cruise control wiring as well in hopes of adding cruise control. The Cruise Control actuator is just a cable that pulls the gas pedal! Should be easy to swap into the Samurai!
Saturday I hope to get the fuel pump mounted and complete the wiring and hopefully add oil and get this thing running!!
Some Great sources I'm using! Huge thanks to HardLuk on ZukiKrawlers for his thread!
September 24th, 2016, 08:34 AM
Let me save you some grief, (assuming your using an external fuel pump) prime the pump. I had to prime my pump before it would work, I used a brake bleeder sucker tool like this.
September 24th, 2016, 08:54 AM
Fred are you using an external fuel pump?
What psi will it be pushing?
September 24th, 2016, 12:21 PM
Thanks Flashboiler!
I am using an Airtex E2000 pump. I believe it puts out 100psi. The regulator on the sidekick should bring it down to about 35psi
September 24th, 2016, 12:51 PM
you will enjoy the end result of all the work.
its a much better engine.
did you look into the 2.0l swap?
September 24th, 2016, 02:23 PM
Internal or external?
September 24th, 2016, 02:47 PM
Thanks Dieseledoc. Not really. I wasn't looking for any vehicles with the 2.0L. This 1.6L 16V just happened to land in my lap pretty much.
Adam, this fuel pump is external.
September 24th, 2016, 03:00 PM
Careful with over heating the external pump.
Where are you mounting it?
September 24th, 2016, 03:17 PM
Right next to the exhaust! Just Kidding. On the opposite near the frame rail actually. I haven't heard of other guys having this problem in this location.
September 24th, 2016, 03:41 PM
Cool, id assum it wont over heat being that it dont have to flow to much.
But still external pumps are known for over heating
September 24th, 2016, 05:14 PM
Nice progress on the swap, it's looking good
September 24th, 2016, 05:49 PM
Nice! :)
September 25th, 2016, 01:04 AM
One of the things I love about being a parts of FR4x4 is now I take notice of all types of 4x4s' they are as unique as the people who own them!! Love where you are taking your rig!
September 25th, 2016, 09:56 AM
Thanks Everyone!
September 26th, 2016, 09:00 AM
Well.....I tried firing it up last night and no go.... I think I killed my ECM when I replaced the some capacitors on it.
I've got another ECM on the way.... Going to have to wait until Friday I suppose.
Though here's a trick I used to get the pump primed.
I placed duct tape over the gas tank cap opening. I poked a hole in it and used my compressor to pressurize it by sticking the end of my air gun in the hole! Worked great I think!
September 26th, 2016, 11:12 AM
sounds like you have fuel pressure now.
did you check for spark ?
Well.....I tried firing it up last night and no go.... I think I killed my ECM when I replaced the some capacitors on it.
I've got another ECM on the way.... Going to have to wait until Friday I suppose.
Though here's a trick I used to get the pump primed.
I placed duct tape over the gas tank cap opening. I poked a hole in it and used my compressor to pressurize it by sticking the end of my air gun in the hole! Worked great I think!
September 26th, 2016, 02:36 PM
Well.....I tried firing it up last night and no go.... I think I killed my ECM when I replaced the some capacitors on it.
I've got another ECM on the way.... Going to have to wait until Friday I suppose.
Though here's a trick I used to get the pump primed.
I placed duct tape over the gas tank cap opening. I poked a hole in it and used my compressor to pressurize it by sticking the end of my air gun in the hole! Worked great I think!
Good idea!
September 26th, 2016, 06:31 PM
You are doing well. It will be a runner in no time flat.
Keep in mind JDM engines. The 1.6l is right around $850 shipped, low miles as well😃
September 27th, 2016, 01:11 AM
I will keep the JDM engines in mind! I had planned on keeping my 1.3L for a while since it runs but by now The harness and the samurai is pretty solidly set up for the 1.6L. So if this engine ever kicks the bucket I'll just put another 1.6L in it.
Has fuel pressure I'm sure!
September 27th, 2016, 11:28 AM
I got it running this morning!! Still not sure what I did though
September 29th, 2016, 02:08 AM
I had the samurai running Tuesday afternoon. After a minute I saw some smoke coming from the dash.
I shut off the engine and disconnected the battery and discovered that a trace on the dash flexible pcb had burned up. I discovered that I hadn't connected the black/white wire properly. Anyway, I got it running today and drove it to work. I suspect I have an oil leak on the front of the engine near the drivers side. Not sure what to think about that....
September 29th, 2016, 02:24 AM
I missed your post from yesterday - good work getting it running - Congrats!
Doubly that you found the cause to "letting the smoke out".
Oil leak - pfft - small stuff.
September 29th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Did you replace the distributor orings (2) ?
Almost always a source of oil leaks.
October 1st, 2016, 09:26 AM
I did not replace the distributor o-rings on this engine yet. I think it was just leftover oil that got caught between the engine and the power steering pump.
Here's a video of the first time running it.
October 3rd, 2016, 01:50 AM
Among the other big tasks I had to tackle was the wiring and installing the VSS (Variable Speed Sensor) in the dash.
I began the electrical mods by removing the cluster, wiring harness and computers from the Sidekick.
I removed the VSS from the sidekick cluster and installed it into the Samurai cluster. Interestingly enough, the Samurai cluster had a spot with screw holes for it!
I soldered a yellow wire to a tab on the right and the remaining metal tab with the screw threads was the ground.
The wiring harness seemed like a daunting task though I don't think it's the $300 job all the Samurai vendors want to charge. Though I hear Zuks Off Road only charges $150 which seems far more reasonable.
I removed all the electrical tape from the harness and used zip ties to secure the wires in key locations to keep the wire branches and configuration mostly the same.
I removed all the stuff that I absolutely knew I would not be needing. Things like the headlights and blinkers, the brake fluid level sensor and a few other miscellaneous things. I identified and labeled everything I could. I'm beginning to think that the issue the woman I got this Sidekick was having was due to the lack of a Torque Converter Clutch Relay. I never located it.
I was extremely concerned about the transmission control module being an issue. I had heard from someone on a suzuki samurai facebook group that I would need to keep the TCM for it to work correctly or so that it the ECM wouldn't throw up a code and the check engine light.
I had wanted to keep the cruise control module and the cruise control actuator as it would have been pretty nice to have. The Honda Civic I've been daily driving has spoiled me with Cruise Control and Air Conditioning. In the end I removed most of the wiring and left the plugs for the TCM and Cruise Control Module thought I will probably remove them and the associated wiring sometime soon.
I'm pretty sure that my exhaust was not the original and that the exhaust I had on the samurai was custom. There was some weird stuff going on with it. I had heard that when some shops do the engine swap that they use the original muffler with the sidekicks catalytic converter. Mine kind of fit.... The downpipe going to the catalytic converter was really close to the frame. I couldn't use one of the spring bolt's on the frame side of the flange from the header to the downpipe and a tab on the downpipes heat shield was also rubbing the frame. My muffler sits maybe an inch or two too far towards the rear to really reach the flange on the end of the catalytic converter but I made it work temporarily. I think I can have an exhaust shop redo the flange from the header and the hangers for the rest of the exhaust system.
So I guess that the air intake pipe on the top of the engine as well as the throttle cable bracket will hit the samurai hood when you close it. You can solve this with a body lift or a hood scoop I hear. I chose to do the mods Brent from trail tough gave me over the phone.
For the throttle cable bracket I had to cut off the top of it and grind in the notch that's just below where the original throttle cable was secured.
(I'll try to get some better pics soon)
The air intake pipe bracketry needs to be modified as well. If you measure from the center of the original holes 1-1/4 up and drill two new holes (5/16" drill bit worked great) then cut off the bottom of the bracket as well as the bracket that goes over the valve cover.
My hood clears pretty well. I think its barely touching that boxy thing that's sitting under my throttle cable.
Getting back to the wiring harness I opted to keep my ECM on the drivers side, the harness modification instructions I was following from Warbird intended for me to deconstruct the wiring harness wire by wire and would have had me end up with my ECM on the passenger side where the original 1.3L ECM was but I really didn't want to take the harness apart that much. I drilled two extra holes in
the firewall for the Engine harness to enter the cab and for the Igniter, MAF, IAC and grounds to exit the cab and commenced to deconstructing the original harness and integrating the new harness.
I don't do anything in order so I took a break from the wiring to get the air box to fit. I removed most of the original mounting tabs from the air box as well as shortened the flexible hose about a half inch.
Eventually I got fuel pump mounted with some heavy duty zip tie mounts and heavy duty zip ties. I removed a check valve on the return line and added new hoses.
I thought I got everything wired in and proceeded to try to start the thing after pressurizing the fuel tank with air to prime the pump. I ran into some issues with the wiring on the fuse block as well as what I thought was the ECM being dead before I got the thing to start for some reason the following morning. The first thing I noticed was that the temperature gauge shot all the way up. After asking around I learned that I needed the temperature sensor from the 1.3L for the gauge to function correctly.
After I got that installed I started it up again and was letting it run for awhile. I noticed that the needle still shot all the way up before I noticed smoke coming from the cluster. I shut off the engine and disconnected the battery and removed the dash.
The trace led to the plug which in turn led to the black/white wire which I never properly spliced to the new harness. My best guess is that the current from the temperature gauge or the other gauges needed somewhere to go and the black/white wire trace wasn't up to handling the load. I repaired the trace with some wire and soldered between the spots that had completely burned up.
After I got that repaired I took it out for a test drive! I managed to get the Samurai up to 80mph! I'm sure it could have gone a little faster but I honestly don't like speeding too much.
October 3rd, 2016, 09:59 AM
I'm enjoying your write-up.
October 3rd, 2016, 11:48 AM
Congrats on getting it running! Nice work
October 3rd, 2016, 09:13 PM
:thumb: You do nice work, glad it's going so well!
October 4th, 2016, 01:13 AM
Thanks everyone!
October 4th, 2016, 07:01 PM
I have some zuki parts you can have.....a crank pully for a 1.3l to add power steering, and a few T-case shifters, was going to fab up a twin stick for mine.
hope you are taking the power steering box fron the trac/kick( its a tracker and a sidekick)
you will enjoy it!
October 5th, 2016, 01:34 AM
I likely will take the power steering box from the sidekick.
I'll let you know about the stuff dieseldoc. Not sure how much I want to tear into the transfercase right now and I sold the 1.3L to some guy on craigslist. I have some other priorities.
October 6th, 2016, 01:35 PM
Since there a few of you with Samurai's I wanted to let you know about the facebook group created by George Evans
Nice little community though I seem to be the most active member. Haha!
I think I got some of the exhaust issues sorted out. I got everything to couple today despite the rain here. It definitely silenced the exhaust some. I quit smelling exhaust in the cab. The only drawback is that now my tailpipe is twisted at a weird angle.
October 6th, 2016, 06:09 PM
Sweet man....
I will be at the shop this weekend, if you have time and wish to, you can bring it by and we can get it cut and welded.
October 6th, 2016, 11:06 PM
Fred, if you have not met dieseldoc/ Brandon hes a cool guy!
Brandon, Fred is a long time Friend of mine ! Doing the math we have known each other for more then half our lives! 14 or 15 years now i think, he actully got me in to wheeling!
October 8th, 2016, 01:31 AM
I have not met DieselDoc yet. I'm more of a web wheeler these days. And I think its more like 16-17 years by my count.
Thanks DieselDoc. Not sure about this weekend but shoot me a text sometime. 720-202-2883
October 8th, 2016, 11:38 AM
Were getting old.....not old yet, but getting there lol
October 8th, 2016, 11:48 AM
Doing the math we have known each other for more then half our lives! 14 or 15 years now i think, he actully got me in to wheeling!
Were getting old.....not old yet, but getting there lol
You guys are young pups! :lmao:
October 8th, 2016, 12:37 PM
You guys are young pups! :lmao:Way to tell em Chris. Really young pups!
October 8th, 2016, 05:20 PM
October 8th, 2016, 10:43 PM
I don't know. I did turn 30 this year....
October 8th, 2016, 10:48 PM
Youth is wasted on the young... :lmao:
The StRanger
October 9th, 2016, 12:45 PM
I don't know. I did turn 30 this year....
I remember 30. What a weekend all those years ago...
October 9th, 2016, 06:07 PM
30...I remember 30.
It was good times 😈
October 10th, 2016, 12:32 AM
Well so far so good with being 30.
I think I have an oil leak at the oil pump..... Not sure what to make of that.
October 11th, 2016, 06:26 PM
not cool:confused:
had hopes of some drive reports:steer:
hope you get the thing figured out and done soon.
good luck:wrench:
October 12th, 2016, 01:15 AM
I've driven the Samurai quite a bit. I probably shouldn't be but the Honda has developed some noise recently. I think it needs new cv axles.
It's definitely got some pep now. Everything seems to be working well enough. I think I discovered my original issue with it not starting immediately after the swap. A corroded battery terminal. I thought the ECM was bad and purchased another one. After I cleaned the wiring up this weekend it wouldn't start and I jabbed the probe of my meter into the opening on the negative battery terminal and the clamp screw and the headlights came on! The probe improved the connection between the battery post and the terminal. Corrosion! I'm pretty certain this was the problem I first had.
The oil leak seems to be coming from the oil pump. I need to see whats under the timing cover.
I post pictures pretty regularly on my Instagram if you guys are interested.
October 21st, 2016, 01:19 AM
About 400 miles on the 1.6L! So far so good but I still don't like that oil leak coming from the oil pump.
This Saturday I'm going to replace just about everything on the front of the engine.
I purchased a new Oil Pump, Water Pump, Timing Belt, Tensioner, Timing Cover and Electric Fan Controller.
I figure if I need to pull everything off the front of the engine I might as well install the electric fan I got from my sisters Pontiac G6.
I'm hoping I can get the oil pan off the engine without pulling the engine out again so that I could pull the oil pump and reseal the oil pan after I install the new oil pump.
I'll let you all know how it goes and then hopefully I'll take it out on a run next weekend or the following weekend.
November 8th, 2016, 01:58 AM
I'm back to daily driving my Samurai! Been working out some kinks here and there.
I made a bracket for the igniter.
In addition that I cleaned up the wiring under the hood pretty well. I wrapped everything with electrical tape and split loom tubing. I also took the opportunity to remove all of the automatic transmission wiring from the engine harness.
With all that done I noticed I fresh oil on the exterior of the engine.
The oil was the oil pump so I figured the gasket on it was going bad. I was advised to do the water pump and timing belt at the same time.
I put in an order from Petroworks for all the stuff I'd need, including a new timing cover.
In order to get the oil pump off I needed to remove the lower timing pulley/cog and the oil pan. There's a nut in the center that holds it on but in order to get it off I need to hold the cog in place. I stupidly tried to pry against one of the pulley screws with a screwdriver while trying to break the bolt free and ended up cracking the cog.
I got on the ColoradoZuks Facebook group and asked for one and someone happened to have one about 30 minutes from my house on an engine block they were willing to give me for free!
Huge thanks to for the measurements for making the tool needed to remove this bolt properly. You can see it in the bottom portion of the picture.
With the new cog I installed oil pump and water pump.
And after all that I still have an oil leak.
I believe it may be from the front of the head gasket but the oil leak is slow and I'm not noticing and smoking or oil in the coolant.
In other news I purchased an OBD1 to USB cable and I plan on using the rhinoman software to read data from the ECM.
November 8th, 2016, 02:19 AM
Ugh - is the oil leak, at least, less than what it was?
Those shiny parts look nice.
November 8th, 2016, 02:38 AM
It is.
November 8th, 2016, 09:42 AM
Nice to hear your rolling now.
November 8th, 2016, 10:04 AM
Have you considered using some powder (flower) blown onto the metal surfaces to help track the origin of the leak? How difficult is it to remove the cover over the belt?
November 8th, 2016, 07:15 PM
Jim- the biggest issue with the Timming cover on these engines is space!
They are super easy to work on.
Fred- good to see you are getting things fixed.
One thing to check next time you are in the Timming cover, the little screw on the cam!
There is some adjustment there for setting base timming, these things will work lose, and then you will fight it to keep it running right.
It took me a week of fighting with my buddies engine before I found this a screw had come loose.
Keep plugging away and you will find the leaks, valve cover is a big leaker too....
As well as the distributor.
November 9th, 2016, 09:22 AM
Thanks for the advice Jim. I guess I should have mentioned that I did coat the engine with baby powder and it definitely seems to be coming from the area around the front of the head gasket. I was told that it could be a plug in the engine block that worked loose but I have yet to check and after working on the truck for so long I'm just taking a break.
I've been meaning to install one of the electric fans from my sisters pontiac g6 so once I do that and it's easier to remove the timing cover I'll move on some of the other projects under the hood.
No issues running right now. I'm enjoying the speed and horsepower and I apologize to anyone else on the road with me.
November 9th, 2016, 11:19 AM
I'm enjoying the speed and horsepower
December 10th, 2016, 12:07 PM
I wanted to revisit a list of planned mods I made early on in this thread and reevaluate where I am.
Fix The Engine Drinking Oil/Coolant Issue
My-Side Harley Carb Kit
Roof Rack - Packing Camping gear for two adults and a toddler now
Skid Plates - Diff Armor
Rear Tire Carrier
Rear Cage - Minimally since now I have a daughter to worry about keeping safe.
Full Cage - One can dream
The Transfercase Cradle from Zuks Off Road
Lift - Goal to get on 33's
That was a very randomly planned list of things.
So the things I accomplished were
Battery - Was forced into getting a new one as the old one predictably died.
Fix the engine drinking oil issue - Well I swapped out the engine but the new engine is leaking something... Not losing that much oil and I'm not losing coolant. But something IS showing up on the exterior of the engine.
Roof Rack - Been working out great!
Rear Tire Carrier - Want to change some things but I've got it done!
Transfercase Cradle from ZOR - I have it but I have not installed it.... Want to re-gear the tcase now.
Plans for summer 2017
Some things have changed. My son will be born February and we plan on taking him camping with us that Summer and I've decided to build a trailer to haul to camping gear as well. Expect a new thread at some point.
The roof rack worked out great for my family when it was just the three of us but I made a smaller roof rack with the understanding that I could use the space on the back seat next to my daughter's car seat. Not going to work with an additional baby in the back. I'll extend/remake the roof the roof rack for more cargo.
Head Gasket - If that is indeed the source of the leak on the new 1.6L
Add a receiver to the bumper. Can't tow a trailer without a receiver hitch.
Roll Cage - Rear cage at minimum - but hopefully I'll be able to just get the full cage all at once. Anyone know of a place I can get it welded? I've been liking this one from Low Range Off Road -
Transfercase Gears - Some Crawl would be nice.
Lift - maybe just SPOA to start but I'm not terribly concerned with lifting at the moment.
The big plan for The Summer is the Trailer.
With a trailer I can stow all the camping gear, food and water. I'd like to get a roof top tent to mount on the trailer as well. I've seen some cool things done with the harbor freight trailers as a base. The inside of the Samurai wouldn't be as cramped if we could get the gear in the trailer.
December 10th, 2016, 12:16 PM
Any risk with running the motor (this is a DD yes?) to summer with the compromised head gasket? How much coolant are you losing? Any oil/coolant cross transfer / mixing happening?
I know you're in tune with the rig - we'd just hate for this motor to get damaged with the time you have into it.
December 10th, 2016, 12:22 PM
That's the weird thing! No coolant/oil cross contamination and I'm not losing a significant amount of either. In fact It's been so little I can't identify which one I'm losing. 2700 miles so far daily driving it these last few months. Not really sure what's leaking.
December 10th, 2016, 12:24 PM
I'm pretty sure it's oil though.
December 28th, 2016, 10:36 AM
I take that back. Could be coolant.... Was a little low on coolant when I check the fluids before I drove it to Grand Junction this Christmas.
What a difference!! The 16V did way better going up the mountains!. Got about 20mpg
December 28th, 2016, 10:04 PM
these engines are strong they are built to take 3rd world driving abuse, thus head gasget leask rarely cross contaminate.
as long as your compresion is good and even you will be fine to run tell summer.
not a bad idea to pick up a spair head, as you will need to have it machined.
gld your enjoying the extra ponies.
hope we get to see this little monster this summer
January 4th, 2017, 12:23 PM
I'd like to hope it'll last. I really want to get some longevity out of this engine.
I've been having this EGR System Failure code pop up. I think some passages are blocked and I may have to pull the intake to clean them out. Not sure what to do.
January 4th, 2017, 12:49 PM
EGR intake man ports were plugged on my Honda. I just cleaned them out a month ago (for me - no manifold removal needed).
Do you have a "stumble" or short rough spot on acceleration from a stop? That was the symptom that I noticed. I ran for a year or so with the stumble...
January 4th, 2017, 05:27 PM
Might get a little better mileage with the EGR functioning. My 33" Sammy gets 20mpg with a 1.6 16V. I would hope yours would do a bit better.
January 4th, 2017, 07:29 PM
Stupid EGR.
One of the dumbest things the engineering departments have ever done.
Spent gases run back into the engine is problematic at best.
Suet clogs the passeges
As well as hmm spent gases DON'T burn.
I get it the manufactur is trying to bring the cylinder temps down.
This can be achieved with valve over lap, thus allowing fresh clean air to pass over the pistion, and on into the exhoust side. Thus dropping NOx and carbon monoxide.
Seems that the big oil companies are doing great as we are still getting the same, or worse fuel economy.
Diesel is a prime example of this.
My 1st gen Cummins truck got 28mpg before the low sulfer junk, 23 after.
Same engine in a 2006 would be well under the 20mpg mark, move on to the 2010 and newer
These trucks are getting 9-14mpg. All this in the name of emissions standards.
Hmm twice the fuel use bring the total out put right back to where it was before all this fancy shamcy emission crap.
Fred-hope you can figure this issue out. Myron at ZOR (zuks offroad) may have some good info for you on this issue.
January 6th, 2017, 11:01 AM
I braved the cold yesterday and tried running a flex cable from a rotary tool into the passages. The EGR is moving freely but I wasn't able to get the cable into one of the ports all the way. Some people on the Suzuki Samurai Owners 2.0 group on facebook suggested that I run the engine with the EGR removed and block the Exhaust. I gave this a bit of a try. I guess I'll see how it does in 400 miles. Seems like it comes on about every 500 miles or so. I rolled over 4k miles with the 16v in the Samurai this weekend.
Been reading about it on fixkick and I'm hoping I don't have to pull the intake. Though I suppose I might as well do that when I do the head gasket this summer.
February 27th, 2017, 01:47 AM
Been about 1k miles after cleaning some of the EGR passages. I didn't think I cleaned them all that well but the code hasn't come back.
I signed up and paid for two easy trails at the Easter Jeep Safari in April so I'm going!
Signed up for Secret Spire on April 14th and Chicken Corners on the 15th. I may sign up for more but that depends on money and openings.
But I need to do some more stuff to the Samurai to get ready for the trip. Maybe I'll have the trailer going by then or not but my company didn't give out the bonus we were all expecting so the trailer project might have to wait. Though I will be talking with someone about buying a haulmaster soon.
I finally sold the Sidekick body but I did manage to remove the seats and power steering setup. I started on the seat swap and will post pics soon.
but here is the to do list for getting the Samurai ready for MOAB
Moab To Do List:
Head Gasket and Head Bolts
Water Pump Gasket - Water Pump needs to come off for the head gasket
Valve Cover Gasket
Adjust Valves
New Air Filter - Pod Filter from Trail Tough
Replace Oxygen Sensor
Fix The Exhaust
Change the fluids in the Transfer Case and Axles
Replace the windshield
New Shocks - Pretty sure that these are original
Finish The Seat Swap
New Tires
If I could get these things done before April I'll be really happy.
I've driven the 1.6L for 5k miles now and am pretty happy with it. It survived one trip to Grand Junction so I'm pretty sure it can survive a trip to Moab.
March 23rd, 2017, 03:13 AM
I've gotten a lot of stuff done on the Samurai recently.
Early this year I solved my windshield washer fluid sprayer problem. I had accidentally smashed the hose when I removed the windshield frame last summer.
I relocated the on board air compressor the passenger side fender and ran a hose to a quick disconnect through the grill.
I finished the seat swap last week. I started making mounts a certain way first. I planned on using some flat stock running between the sliders but quickly realized that it was going to be a lot of work and I no longer have easy access to a welder and instead ended up using some angle iron.
The way the sidekick seats bolt into the sidekick higher on the middle of the vehicle on the tranny tunnel and lower towards the door side. So I needed to cut the door side mounts down to sit even with the tranny side mounts. I mostly followed the guide on izook ( without the welding.
I used two inch masking tape as a guide.
I had to remove the fabric and foam on the sidekick seats and detach the back rest from the frame as well.
On the tranny side I utilized the mounting holes left from the sidekick sliders and bolted the angle iron the mount. I had to mount the door side angle iron a little differently. I drilled sideways into the remaining metal of the door side mount. I made a template to transfer the original Samurai seat slider holes to the angle iron I mounted on the sidekick seat frame.
I got the passenger seat finished after some struggle with the mounting holes. One of the previous owners had added some pipe flanges as seat risers and drilled through the mounting nuts in the tub.
During this I solved another problem. The original passenger seat for the Samurai had a cable that ran down to the slider mechanism that would allow the seat to slide forward automatically when you pulled the reclining lever. This was a complete assembly and I discovered that I could use the assembly from the samurai seat on the new sidekick seat.
I began the drivers side the same as the passenger side but the sliders on the drivers seat are a little different. The bolts on the drivers seat were going to interfere with the sliders.
I solved this by countersinking them.
March 23rd, 2017, 03:16 AM
The sliding mechanism was still in the way so I added some spacers anyway.
One of the previous owners insisted on the seat lift for the drivers seat as well and mangled up the rear most brackets.
I purchased a head gasket set and power steering kit from petroworks as well. I think I'll hold off on the head gasket until after the Easter Jeep Safari in Moab because I'm not sure I can afford the machining (if necessary) and I feel pretty confident that the engine will survive for quite some time.
I removed the old steering box easily enough and installed the sidekick power steering box with the wedge from Petroworks.
I wasn't expecting much trouble with steering shaft but apparently there were two nylon pins that I had to break to get the steering shaft to shorten so that the rag joint would be in the proper location. At some point I'll eliminate the rag joint as well.
The relocation bracket for the pump was a little confusing but I eventually got it installed. I had to try two belts before finding one that worked well.
You might notice that one of the mounts on the pump is broken nearest the pulley. I think it'll be ok though. This must have happened in the sidekick somehow.
I ran into some issues with the reservoir as well. I was expecting the reservoir to mount somewhere near the radiator like in the sidekick but I ended up making a new bracket and replacing the hoses with longer ones and mounting it in front of the air box.
After that was all done I installed new shocks as well!
I did an oil change yesterday and I hope to get around to changing the fluid in the transmission, transfercase and differentials before the trip to Moab as well but I'm not sure if I will.
I also need to wire in the new Oxygen sensor.
I need to weld on or get some bolt on recovery points for the rear and install the reverse lights I bought before Christmas. Almost done working on the Samurai before Moab though.
My son was born January 29th and he has been a welcome distraction for me but I'm excited to take him camping in Moab next month.
More updates soon!
March 23rd, 2017, 06:54 AM
wow you have been busy. Congratulations on the new family member.
March 23rd, 2017, 07:15 AM
when are you going to moab?
March 23rd, 2017, 09:16 AM
Thanks Xaza.
I'll be heading out of Denver on the 12th next month.
April 20th, 2017, 11:20 PM
I'll try to catch you all up. I didn't really do much to the Samurai since the last post. I installed a new oxygen sensor since it was supposed to be replaced at 80k and this engine had 140k when I pulled it from the sidekick. I also didn't like how close the windshield wiper fluid reservoir sat to the air intake so I made a new mount for it to move it a couple of inches away from the intake. I used some 1"x.25" aluminum I had lying around. At this time I also put in a new air filter, completing the tuneup.
Now I really wanted to show some Suzuki pride for this trip so I put some decals on the Samurai. I got some overlays for the Suzuki emblem on the grill from Dan Muskopf Designs
I used a brayer roller and heat gun to make sure it was pressed down nice since I had sprayed over the emblem previously with bedliner.
Also added some new jeep eater stickers (no pics, sorry)
This trip was a little different than our usual family camping trip. I had planned on camping 3 nights. 1 or two of those nights I was likely going to be camping on my own so I was actually left with some free space in the Samurai. I even considered taking out the passenger seat for the pelican cooler because I was going to be solo for wheeling and my family was going to be heading back to Grand Junction to wait for me to finish wheeling. I'm glad I left the passenger seat in and I'll tell you why later.
The cooler and water jug were actually empty to save weight. I'd get groceries and water in Grand Junction.
Gassing up and Heading out!
Now we left Denver at noon, which happened to be when we had wanted to be getting to Grand Junction but we can't ever leave on time...
Running so late we decided to spend the night in Grand Junction at the in-laws house. We got an early start Thursday and ended up pulling onto 128 around 3:30pm. Now don't ask me why but I thought I could get away with a 3-wire sensor and it worked great for several hundred miles. I also decided to store a jug of oil under the hood that I think may have been pulling on some wires. Anyway. Just as we were pulling onto 128 the Check Engine Light started coming on. I was getting codes for MAF, O2 Sensor, IAT sensor. I moved the Jug of oil and the light went off. But I had a feeling about that o2 sensor.
Driving through Moab I saw tons of nice rigs! I saw the Chevy Tracker from the 2011 Ultimate Adventure! In the City Market parking lot I saw this nice Isuzu Trooper.
April 20th, 2017, 11:21 PM
We ended up camping at Kane Creek campground just outside of Moab.
Now Abby is amazing with a sewing machine and is a great designer! She made our 2 month old son a sleeping bag/swaddle! Which he seemed to love! He did great camping!
Anyway. Long story short. After wheeling Secret Spire Friday the IAT and O2 Sensor codes came back. I didn't get any pics of the Samurai wheeling but Secret Spire was a gorgeous trail.
The only damaged I did to the Samurai was I slightly bent the leaf spring mount.
The power steering performed great! The sidekick seats were extremely comfortable.
I stayed in town for the Red Rock Four Wheelers Easter Jeep Safari raffle and at 9:30pm that night with the raffle still going on and having not won anything myself I decided to call it and drove back to Grand Junction to spend the weekend with my family.
On Saturday I decided to replace the Intake Air Temperature sensor because I got the code for it. We drove the kids to the park in Grand Junction to meet up with a friend and afterwards went to the O'reilly Auto Parts for the sensor, which turned out to not fit (8v maybe). On our way back to the in-laws we got rear ended at red light. After sitting there for nearly a minute!. The driver of the truck said she was looking at other vehicles and thought we had started moving. From my perspective we got slammed into at a red light! We had the kids in the back seat but they were ok. We got hit hard enough for Abby's glasses to fly off her face. Abby's neck was hurting pretty bad and she went to the hospital with our son in the Ambulance. The in-laws showed up and gave me and my daughter a ride to the hospital after dealing with the police. Abby's neck is still pretty sore but the kids seem to be just fine. My back was just a bit sore the next day but I don't think I sustained any real damage.
April 20th, 2017, 11:23 PM
My mother in-law offered to drive our camping gear down in her truck on Monday and after buying a new car seat for our son (I had one in the Samurai for my daughter) we loaded both kids in the Samurai and left Grand Junction, which happened to be my Sons first ride in the Samurai and Abby's first real ride in the Samurai since the night she went into labor. We stopped in Glenwood Springs for a swim and got home pretty late Sunday night.
April 21st, 2017, 12:35 AM
Nice write-up and pix Fred! Sorry to hear you have issues with a sensor - and that rather important accident.
April 21st, 2017, 10:25 AM
Great write-up. So sorry to hear about getting rear-ended, but glad everyone's OK and hope your wife's neck is back to normal soon. BTW, your kids are ADORABLE. The pix of your two month old, what perfection!
April 21st, 2017, 12:33 PM
Thanks! Yeah. The accident was very unfortunate but I'm just glad we're all ok.
Thanks Heather!
April 28th, 2017, 02:21 AM
I forgot to give you all an update on the rear bumper reverse lights! I got these done before I went to Moab.
I started by removing the bumper from the Samurai and removing the tail lights.
Eventually I want to mount some shackle mounts and a hitch to the bumper so I made sure to leave room for those.
I used masking tape and measured the location of the lights from the center of the Samurai. I used a hole saw at all of the corners and a jigsaw to cut the rest of the metal from the bumper.
I used the opportunity to touch up the paint on the bumper and the swing for the tire as well.
I had some issues getting the lights to come on when I put the Samurai in reverse. Turns out that there is a plug under the hood from the reverse switch that I unplugged when I did the engine swap.
I really like the amount of light these put out and I think they look pretty good.
April 29th, 2017, 07:02 PM
The lights look great! Glad the family is all OK after the entire ordeal!
April 29th, 2017, 07:48 PM
Nice mounting the lights inside of the bumper!
April 30th, 2017, 09:53 AM
nice! I love my LED reverse light. people still dont seem to understand what it means.....parking lots suck now days.
Looks realy good Fred. nice to see it getting long trips with little issues.
May 1st, 2017, 12:06 PM
Thanks Everyone!
I guess the next thing I'll move on is the front bumper project.
With the Samurai back on Daily Driver Duty it'll be hard to get some of the other things I want done finished.
May 15th, 2017, 01:41 AM
Well I've been getting a little work done.
I've got the base for the bumper project welded.
The Samurai had some brackets on the front of the frame already. For Recovery or tying it down on the boat it came over on or something.
So I had some free time at work one night and made some copies.
Once these were cut and drilled out I began mocking some stuff up.
I think I've got the beginnings of a winch bumper going.
We're having some work load issues at my job and unfortunately they're having to let some people go. The future of my job is a bit uncertain as well but I prefer to remain optimistic. Anyway, the welders last few days came around last week and he welded up the brackets to the plate which will make the base of the front Bumper. He's also the same welder who welded the brackets for the rear bumper/tire carrier.
I'm using some 3/8" bolts to attach it to the frame (Hey, I come across hardware for free at work but it's mostly standard) and I'm using some 3/8" drill bushings as the spacers for inside the frame. Which is about 44mm if you ever find yourself googling the inside width of the stock samurai frame.
Got it mounted late Saturday evening to see how it fits.
Going to get some u-bolts bent and Denver Spring soon to attach the bumper to the center tube/crossmember on the samurai frame to added support. Still want to get a winch before I start making more progress on this bumper. Wanting to go with the Stinger design.
Now for some other news!! I've had some craigslist alerts set up for quite a while now for a harbor freight haulmaster trailer and Friday morning (also PAYDAY) I got an alert for a small (40x48) haul master trailer for $150. I got the original samurai hitch bolted back on and went and took a look. I ended up nabbing it for $100! Towed it home and marveled at it for a while. A Tiny Trailer for a Tiny Truck!
Put it to use this Sunday as well to haul a play set and our grill from my sisters house.
Getting some ideas for it and crawling over expedition portals trailers subforum.
That's it for now! Probably won't do much to the trailer in the mean time. I'll keep the frame the previous owner put on and we'll probably load the camping gear on it for camping trips. The wiring is kind of horrible and I'll need to re do it.
Also, this has made it very clear I need to get a hitch on the bumper.
May 15th, 2017, 03:31 AM
What a beautiful baby, looks happy in that photo. Looks like your little Samurai is coming along nicely, love your trip report. (to bad about the accident but glade your Ok)
May 15th, 2017, 03:48 PM
that accident sucks, sorry that happenned. Looks like a lot of good stuff is happenning too! :thumb:
May 18th, 2017, 01:19 PM
Thanks Guys!
June 14th, 2017, 11:33 AM
I had been hearing a rattle for a while and I thought I narrowed it down to my fan clutch going bad. I wasn't experiencing any overheating or anything but I decided to swap out my fan in favor of an electric one. I had been following some of the local Zuk guys on a Facebook group and they had posted a nice electric fan setup utilizing the fan from a Kia Spectra. With the rattle really worrying me and $100 gift card to Amazon I ordered the fan and a fan controller from Amazon. I was hoping to get the fan installed in time for a camping trip because I was worried about the rattle..... Turns out that rattle was the loosening frame side bolt from the exhaust manifold to the catalytic converter. I put off installing the electric fan for a week. I decided to go through with the swap because I had purchased the parts and formulated the plan.
The fan fits the stock Samurai radiator almost perfectly.
The fan has these squarish tabs on the passenger side that fit into some squarish holes in the some brackets I'd need to make. I chose to make them from Aluminum because it would be easier to drill some holes and square them up with a jigsaw and file. I got some brackets from work in the scrap bin to use.
The drivers side mounts were easier. I used a 3/4" wide 1/8" thick piece of flat stock aluminum for the bracket. I was able to use two holes from the original fan shroud mounting bolts.
I used some 1/2" deep drill bushings as spacers for some bolts to mount the fan to the radiator on the drivers side.
The fan is a tight fit and I ended up finally removing the hood prop to move the radiator as far forward as I could. I never used the hood prop anyway.
In addition to getting this new fan off Amazon I just had to use a plug from a kia because I couldn't stand the thought of using spade connectors to power it. I ran to the junkyard in search of a kia to steal the fan plug/harness from and ended up leaving with a spare kia fan and the harness for it!
I used a hayden fan controller to control the fan. It uses a temperature probe that I conveniently installed into a spare port on the thermostat housing.
I got it all wired and through it all in front of the battery because I'm a lazy guy.
Fast forward a week later and I get emissions here in Colorado, and Pass!!
They didn't even question the engine swap!
I'm going to the zoo with my kids and notice that my temperature gauge is too hot. My fan didn't kick on. I immediately suspect the fan controller after parking and entering the zoo. After I hotwire the fan and get home I discover that the wire that powers the fan controller itself got smashed between my battery and fender. Kicking myself, I repair the wire and commit to improving the wiring in the area on the coming weekend.
June 14th, 2017, 11:34 AM
I used some HDPE (cutting board material from the tailgate table project) to make some mounts for the Sidekick Fuse Block, fan controller and the ARB Compressor Relay.
We've been getting some decent rain here in Colorado lately and the Samurai leaks horribly. I suspect water is getting in under the windshield frame and the door seals leak as well. Either way your feet and knees get wet while driving in a heavy rain. I ordered a new lower windshield seal from Roadless Gear, which was a good 1/4" thicker than the original and I was very hopeful that it would fix the leak.
The new door seals were more spongy and thicker than the old ones as well.
Pretty confident that I won't be getting water in through the door seals anymore but the windshield frame is still leaking...
July 9th, 2017, 02:47 AM
I got a welder for Fathers day from Abby and decided to start putting it to use. I finally got handles welded to the retaining nut on the tire carrier.
Now, it's just the cheap Harbor Freight welder but it's a start and I can start joining steel to steel. With that in mind I decided to tackle the rust hole in the back of the Samurai. I cut around the hole with a grinder and a dremel.
In the process of welding in the patch piece I discovered more rust closer to the side of the tub and hidden underneath the sealant they put over the joints.
This really had me beating my head against a wall. I was starting to consider just going for the virtual lift and welding in trailer fenders so I could finally clear some bigger tires. The area was too tight to get at with my grinder and the dremel just wasn't the right tool for the job. I purchased a cheap body saw from harbor freight. The tool worked well and I was able to remove even more of the floor the tub behind the wheel well.
Now I'm honestly not sure how much of this is me being a poor welder or the fact that I have a poor 90 amp welder with no gas and I'm using flux core wire.
I smoothed the welds with a flap disk and slathered everything with some epoxy that Abby just happened to have out as she was building my daughter a bed.
Sprayed it with black spray paint and called it done.
With that project done it was time for our 4th of July adventure. I needed to take my kids to meet their Grandpa (my dad) in New Mexico. When I would go visit my dad in New Mexico we would go camping and fishing at Morphy Lake. We loaded the kids in the back of the Samurai and packed up the trailer and set off.
After having lunch with my Dad in town we set off to find a camp site at the lake much to our disappointment.
Oh well. We found a campsite nearby down a forest road. We had run into mud our whole way up to the lake and even more up to the campsite.
I had rigged some fishing rods to the roof rack with some zip ties so I suppose some fishing rod holders are in the works soon.
July 9th, 2017, 02:48 AM
After doing some camping and fishing and meeting back up with my dad and grandma we headed back home to Colorado. About 20 minutes outside of Las Vegas, New Mexico we ran into trouble with the trailer. One of the tires blew. I guess it didn't like being pulled at 75mph.
We had good luck though. The Tractor Supply store just happened to be open on the 4th and my dad was able to bring us two new trailer tires.
The entire trip went well and of course we couldn't help but having one mishap with that blown tire. But the only nagging thing that I disliked about the trip was the soft top flap noise and the HEAT. Unfortunately I couldn't take the doors off with the kids in the back so We had to leave them on which allows the samurai to get pretty warm. I think I need to really work on putting the air conditioning parts together for the Samurai. I really need to get serious about that. And I really want to find a hard top....
July 9th, 2017, 10:32 PM
Thanks for sharing, I wish I could do more camping than I do, Maybe next summer.
July 10th, 2017, 12:49 AM
I hear you. We're really making a big push to get out and camp this summer. We spent last summer buying and gathering gear, this summer we're dead set on using it.
July 10th, 2017, 07:26 AM
So far we have just done day trips. We got the chance to Kayak Rampart Reservoir (wakeless day use lake) a couple Sundays ago was a good day (we got there very early as it gets real crowded). We scooped out the campgrounds as I would like to make a weekend out of our next trip or at least a overnighter like Sunday-Monday as that is our two days off.
September 17th, 2017, 10:48 PM
Haven't had much time to work on the Samurai. Started a new job recently and my daughter just started school... Priorities.
Some good news though. Someone was throwing away a two piece hard top! So I got one for free. it's the weird one though where it turns the tailgate into full door.
Some glass was broken/missing but you can't beat free!
The latches were in bad shape so I sourced some new ones from McMaster Carr.
Part Number is 1864A15
I drilled out the old rivets and removed the old latches and riveted on the new ones.
The rear portion of the top has a longer distance to reach for the latches and I was missing one of them.
So I determined that I can reuse some of the ones I removed from the front portion and make them reach the tub of the samurai using some threaded rod and some coupling nuts made from tee nuts.
For now I will just replace the broken window with acrylic or lexan. Whichever the plastic shop has scrap of. I will also probably replace the rear glass. Currently it is plexi with window tinting. I'm pretty sure at some point it was actually glass . I also need to figure out how to mount it to the tailgate.
September 18th, 2017, 12:49 AM
Started a new job recently
Hey - Congrats! What doing?
September 18th, 2017, 09:56 PM
Thanks! I'm doing maintenance at the Amazon building in Aurora. Better Pay. More Days Off.
September 19th, 2017, 01:11 AM
Cool - more time to spend with family - or work on the sammi - choices choices...
September 27th, 2017, 09:06 PM
Mostly it's all family time.
Hard to find time to work on the Samurai.
On a side note. I've finally got all new tires on the Samurai. 215/75R15's. BFG All Terrains KO2's.
Had to break down and get some because the rear drivers side tire quit holding air. Thankfully I had the ARB OBA compressor so I always had air.
September 28th, 2017, 10:55 PM
October 27th, 2017, 10:21 PM
I've been driving with the hard top all this week. Sure was a battle getting here and it looks like we're starting to get some more snow now here in Colorado.
Being that I was able to get the front piece mounted with rivets and the catches from rally tops I intended on doing the same to repair/replace the latches on the rear as well.
I was originally going to just use the rear latches the way they were because most of them were still mounted. I went to do a test install and one of the latches broke. I ordered some new latches and some hardware from McMaster Carr.
I got some M5x0.8 All thread since that's the thread size of the hook latch on the latch. I got some stainless M5x0.8 coupling nuts because they were cheap. I also ordered some new catches from rally tops again.
Another thing that I did that wasn't really in the plan was that instead of rivets for the latches on the rear hard top I used some expanding rubber rivnuts. The same type I used to mount my custom ABS door panels. The hard top did have some metal reinforcing laminated into the fiberglass.
I did not like the way the hook latch mated into the catches from rally tops.
I did discover that the triangle eyebolts from the cheap Amazon latches I bought had the same thread size as the one on the latch.
The latches are just made of folded steel. Same for the hook on the latch as well.
This means that the threads weren't perfect and I had to chase all the threads with a tap before it would accept the allthread extensions I had to cut to get the latches to reach the tub of the Samurai.
I drilled a center hole in all of the catches from the cheap Amazon latches so that they could pivot to some degree because the two rearmost latches are angled and I didn't want the headache of trying to mount the catches at the correct angle.
October 27th, 2017, 10:24 PM
With the rear piece of the top mounted I had to figure out the mounting for the rear glass. Now this is the most retarded setup I've seen from a hard top company. At least rally tops has some legitimate hinges for their rear glass. The glass had some brackets that attach to the tailgate .... somehow. I've never actually seen it in person and the few pictures I've seen online don't show details.
I cleaned all the paint and rust of the brackets and repainted them.
I had a plan to mount some flat plate aluminum to the tailgate for the rear glass to bolt to. Me and Abby purchased a bandsaw about a 2 years ago. It's been sitting outside for about a year and I needed to cut some aluminum plate to make the brackets for the rear glass.
I used some more rivnuts to attach the plate to the tailgate. I marked out the material I needed to remove to clear the gasket when the tailgate was closed.
The drivers side of the tailgate had a raised section to clear the latch mechanism but I needed the plate to attach on the side to provide stability for the rear glass brackets. The bandsaw sure made easy work of all of this.
I ended up buying a piece of polycarbonate to replace that rear glass since the tinting on it and yellowing from age made it impossible to see through.
So far so good. I'm having some issues with the front top piece sealing against the windshield but my gasket is damaged and trying to source a new one is hard.
Now hopefully this winter I can source some Air Conditioning parts.
October 29th, 2017, 10:53 PM
Nice work on the top! The bandsaw certainly makes a lot of jobs easier. Great tool to have.
October 29th, 2017, 11:11 PM
Good progress!
FWIW: I didn't like surface rust issues on my drill press's machined post. Coating with WD-40 didn't last before rust started again. I gave it one coating - YEARS AGO - with Slick 50's OneLube and it has yet to form surface rust. The table of your band saw might like it too.
I hear they reformulated since then (I had the old "red can") - hopefully the new stuff is as good as the old:
October 30th, 2017, 08:32 PM
Thanks Jim! I'll give that a try!
December 7th, 2017, 10:24 PM
Haven't really gotten much done. The new job keeps me pretty occupied. As well as my 10 month old son and 4yr old daughter.
I noticed some cracks under the passenger seat starting to form a couple of weeks ago. I drilled some holes at the ends of the cracks to keep them from growing.
There are a couple of things I feel contributed to this.
Number 1 - Thirty Year Old Truck
Number 2 - Previous owner installed pipe flange seat risers
Number 3 - Sidekick Seat swap
I used my harbor freight welder to patch up the cracks. It went surprisingly well.
I sprayed some paint over it and on the underside of the tub and called it finished.
If I see the cracks opening or new ones forming I'll add some more metal underneath the seat mounts/sliders.
I've been noticing a bit of vibration recently as well. It became especially evident between 15-20mph recently. I had chalked this up to the new tires.
I changed my transmission oil.
I inspected the transmission mount.
And I glanced over at the rear drive shaft and noticed a shiny spot.
My u-joint was completely destroyed!
I've continued to be impressed by this vehicle. Even with this completely destroyed U-Joint the Samurai did 70mph+! The vibration was hardly noticeably above 30mph.
The flanges are pretty well ground in one the forward direction. The remaining u-joint held together well enough to keep my going forward.
I dropped it off at Bill Englewood Driveshaft and he was able to get the flanges swapped out and I had my driveshaft back the next day.
I'm still trying to battle noise inside the Samurai. I picked up some Boom Mat to put in some key areas of the tub to see if it helps. I'll keep you all posted!
January 12th, 2018, 03:36 PM
I've been battling road noise in the Samurai. I thought that getting the hard top would get the noise down to what I'd consider a reasonable level for the road trips I take with the family.
I started out with purchasing an 8 pack of some 12x12 DEI Boom Mat. DEI states that 100% coverage isn't necessary and that 25%-50% should yeild the same results.
I started by removing the seats and all the carpet. I cleaned the tub of the Samurai with simple green and paper towels.
I put one full sheet under each front seat and in each front floor pan. I put 2.5 sheets underneath the rear seat. I split one sheet and put half on each side of the transmission tunnel.
I reinstalled the carpet and drove it for a couple of days. This small amount of boom mat yielded some small but noticable results.
Enough that I felt justified to order another 8 pack of boom mat as well as DEI's Under Carpet Light. A 48"x70" sheet.
I added some more boom mat to each firewall, the top of the transmission tunnel beneath the heaterbox. I added some to the vertical surfaces above each wheel.
I split one sheet between both wheel wells. During this time my daughter was playing with my phone so I did not get many pictures of the added boom mat.
I started cutting the Under Carpet lite, focusing on the front of the samurai. I spend more time in here than my family since I drive it daily.
I placed a full sheet inside each door.
January 12th, 2018, 03:37 PM
My daughter also helped me remove the seats this time around. Afterwards she hung around to play on my phone and keep me from taking pictures.
I used some cardboard to make a template for the transmission tunnel.
I tried to completely enclose the tranmission/transfercase tunnel with the undercarpert lite.
I had a nice piece leftover that almost covered the rear of the samurai underneath the rear seat so I begin reinstalling the carpet.
After all this work, which wasn't much, this has yielded some significant results. I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm beginning to suspect some more transmission problems. I've been hearing a whine that goes away whenever I press in the clutch. I figured this was the throwout bearing.
Some more knowledgeable folks have said that it's the input bearing so I believe I may be having louder than usual transmission noise.
My EGR Failure code has also been ever present for the last few weeks. I picked up another head because I suspect my headgasket may be failing too. Sweet smelling exhaust...
While I had the doors taken apart I decided to try swapping in the window channel from the same 4dr sidekick from the junkyard that I got the head from. It's ok.
January 12th, 2018, 05:07 PM
You and your daughter have been busy!
When is the trans coming out? Wait for warmer weather?
January 12th, 2018, 05:19 PM
I'm not really sure. I was lucky enough that someone gave me some new transmission bearings back in August. Though when it comes to tearing into stuff that deep I'm a complete noob. Someone was selling one for $140 a couple weeks ago. I may end up just buying another one.
January 12th, 2018, 07:05 PM
Sure is looking sharp!! Nice work.
April 23rd, 2018, 05:37 AM
I've got a bit of an update. I was very tentative about going to Easter Jeep Safari this year but I wanted to get some things done just in case.
I was never satisfied with the way I mounted the power steering reservoir.
I had it mounted above the drivers side fender in front of the air intake. after thinking about it for some time I decided to mount it on the radiator above the power steering box. Unfortunately this meant that I needed to relocate the coolant reservoir/overflow bottle. I don't like committing to mods (in case they don't work) and I love to have options. So I ordered another drivers side radiator mount from Tony with Highway 83 Suzuki.
I cut off the radiator clip and drilled a 1/4" hole through an already existing hole in the metal welded to the back of the radiator clip from the mount. This holed lined up nicely with a hole on the passenger side radiator mount, allowing me to simply bolt this clip to the radiator mount. I attached my coolant reservoir and ran a longer line from the top of the radiator and I was done!
With the area above the power steering box freed up I was able to begin making a simple bracket to attach the power steering fluid reservoir.
I used a 3/4"x1/8" piece of aluminum flat stock to attach the reservoir to existing holes in the drivers side radiator mount.
I ran new lines from the bottom of the reservoir to the power steering box and a new line from the return of the pump. I used some spiral wrap around the hoses to keep them from kinking and collapsing by keeping even pressure all around the hoses. This did not work so well when I went to MOAB.
The new mount fit pretty nice with the air box installed.
Some time passed before I finally committed to going to Moab. Once we made plans to go I knew I need to get some things done.
When I got the hard top I had to lose the roof rack and my CB Antenna mount. I was skeptical about getting the roof rack back on with the hard top before heading out so I used my time to wrap up other lose ends. My son helped me fabricate a new CB Antenna mount days before heading out. I used some angle iron to make the mount bolt to the old tire carrier mounts.
I used the bandsaw to trim the excess material and make it look sleek.
I painted it black with some bedliner. (No Pic at the moment)
Somehow I had KINKED the hose for the windshield wiper fluid again! I fixed this before heading out and modifying the roof rack to fit with the hard top.
I decided to try using some sugru to seal some holes in the hard top. It worked pretty well. I was afraid it would not cure next to the (vulcanized?) rubber seals on the hard top but it did.
I had an idea to raise the rear of the roof rack enough to clear the rear piece of the hard top, which was the reason I removed the roof rack. I had to modify the windshield bracket supports to clear the front piece of the hard top. To raise the rear of the roof rack I drilled one hole on each side to put the u-bolts that support the roof rack higher than the original position. This worked quite well!
I'll post another update detailing the trip to Moab soon!
April 23rd, 2018, 10:20 PM
With the roof rack mounted it was time to get packing. Like last year we took the car as well. So we were able to split all the gear between the two vehicles.
With the vehicles packed we headed out LATE for Moab/Grand Junction.
To supplement the road communications I purchased a couple of Baofeng UV-5R's for the trip. One for the Samurai and one for Abby's car so that we could keep in touch.
We stayed at Abby's parents in Grand Junction since we got in so late (1AM).
The next day we grabbed some lunch before heading out to Moab. I left the doors and rear glass at Abby's parents because the weather was warm enough. As soon as we got into Moab I started having trouble shifting. I asked my nephew to drive the Samurai to the gas pump and he was able to back out of the parking spot but could not get it back into 1st.
We went to Kane Creek campground and got a site. After getting camp set up and dinner going me and my nephew Jason got to swapping out the clutch cable with a spare so that we could go wheel Day Canyon with EJS in the morning.
We woke up the next morning and begin heading to the meeting spot for the EJS group running Day Canyon. I guess we were running late because we never saw the group. But on the way to the meeting spot the Samurai was making a squealing noise. We popped the hood and saw that power steering fluid was leaking out of the reservoir. We had to loosen the radiator support when we swapped out the clutch cable and must have caused the power steering hose to kink and fluid started spilling out. This was an easy fix but annoying.
With the group nowhere to be found we decided to the run the trail ourselves.
Moab is beautiful and we enjoyed the trail.
Back in camp the kids were having fun playing in all of the dirt at Kane Creek campground.
We returned Easter Sunday, once again running extremely late. We had missed the raffle and all the vendors at EJS but it was a fun trip none the less.
In other news. I've acquired some leaf springs.
I got a set of stock YJ leafs from someone on craigslist a couple months ago.
I also picked up some Old Man Emu 2" HD springs as well.
I don't have the bracketry to run the YJ's but I think I could easily run the OME springs. I'd just need some longer shocks.
I've noticed some pretty bad rust on the exterior of the body underneath the passenger rear fender brackets. I'm almost committed to attempting the virtual lift.
May 18th, 2018, 06:20 PM
Another update!
After MOAB my brakes started grinding pretty bad. This was out of nowhere but not completely unexpected since I have not had to do the brakes since I bought the Samurai in 2015. The rear drum brakes went easy enough. Probably the easiest drum brake job I've ever done.
The front's were a little harder. I had to drive to two separate auto parts stores to get the pads and the shoes. When I got the tires off and examined one the rotors the passenger side was pretty horrible. Probably the worst rotor I've ever seen.
I could not find rotors in stock anywhere in town. Finally I gave in and started calling brake shops to get them turned. I got them turned at PepBoys downtown.
Looked way better after having them turned.
I knew I'd be doing some extensive mods to the Samurai this year. I started with remounting my turn signals inside the grill and removing the portion of the crossmember that extended from the frame to in front of the tires. I used a pipe cutter to get a straight cut. My son helped out!
With that done I decided it was finally time to remove the rear fender flare mounts. One of them was rusted pretty bad and I needed to assess any rust on the body.
I was not happy about this.... I expected some surface rust maybe but not gaping holes. This isn't the worst rusted samurai that I've seen but this one was mine.
I covered the rust with some spraypaint for a week while I thought it over....
May 18th, 2018, 06:24 PM
Finally I said screw it.
I picked up some trailer fenders from the trailer supply store in town. I'd go with the virtual lift route.
I picked up a sheet metal nibbler that attaches to my drill, some more sheet metal, a roll on raptor liner kit and committed to completing the drivers side fender first because I'm still not sure how I want to work around the gas filler hose.
Removing the boom mat was a bit of a pain. I found that by balling it up I could stick it to the remaining boom mat on the body and pull it free.
The Samurai is first and foremost my family vehicle. I would need to notch the fender to clear the rear seat.
I busted out my harbor freight welder and cut some sheet metal and got to work.
I used some seam sealer to cover the gaps and seal out the elements. I used some bondo to to fill in my horrible sheet metal welding skills. The Samurai body is PAPER THIN! and I'm not the best welder. I used a orbital sander to smooth the bondo out.
At first I was planning on just mixing up a small amount of the raptor liner so that I could save it. After a while I figured that I would paint the lower part of the drivers side door too.
May 18th, 2018, 06:26 PM
I sprayed some adhesion promoter on the bare metal parts and rolled on the raptor liner. I couldn't be happier with the results and I can't wait to get the other side done.
The carpet still mostly fits in the back of the Samurai, the seat still fits. The seatbelt is pretty tight between the wheel well and the seat but still works fine.
Now, I'm driving around with the drivers side done and the passenger side, with the worst rust is still how it was. I'm a little nervous to work around the gas filler and tank but I'll tackle it in a week or two. Not sure when I'll get the front done.
May 19th, 2019, 09:56 PM
One Year Later: Still haven't done the other side. I've done tons of other stuff in the meantime but not the fender. I'm getting serious this year. I picked up a millermatic 211 and intend to make some decent mods. I'll try to post an update soon.
January 16th, 2022, 09:30 AM
I'll see if I can get the old images working soon but in the meantime I'll give a run down of what I've done to the Samurai since my last updates. Glad to be back on this forum!
I managed to come across some 85 4Runner Axles with 4.88 Gears, TruTrack Lockers and High Steer
Toyota Drive Shafts - Shortened in the Rear - Lengthened Up Front.
Installed YJ Leaf Springs all around
6.4 to 1 Gears in the transfer case with a ZOR Cradle
35" Bald Tires!
January 16th, 2022, 01:11 PM
What a beast! The breakover angle on that is nuts.
January 16th, 2022, 01:33 PM
What a beast! The breakover angle on that is nuts.
Yeah. I think I'll even need to push the front axle forward another inch to get a better angle on the front drive shaft. I think its fairly common to stretch the front quite a bit.
Other things I think are worth mentioning. I can still hit 70mph pretty comfortably on the highway too! Getting right around 18mpg still.
In all honesty though. I've only wheeled it one day in Moab for the Easter Jeep Safari last year. I'll be paying close attention to runs for this group to get out and really test it out.
January 16th, 2022, 01:40 PM
While there is always something that could be tended / fixed / upgraded, is it trail ready (enough) as-is?
January 16th, 2022, 11:09 PM
While there is always something that could be tended / fixed / upgraded, is it trail ready (enough) as-is?
It is! I just need to change the T-Case fluid and top off the power steering fluid.
January 31st, 2022, 08:04 AM
Sammy's are rad. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
January 31st, 2022, 08:26 AM
Thanks! Yeah. I'm planning on heading out to the Easter Jeep Safari again this year. My family has made that a yearly tradition. I love driving my Samurai around at a Jeep event. (I've got tons of love for Jeeps still)
I should mention the old pictures of this build thread. I've got backups but it looks like I've lost the domain name they were hosted under. I'll look at creating a gallery for them. My hope was to just upload them in the same web address and the old images would just start working again but it's looking like I wont be able to do that until I get the domain again.
January 31st, 2022, 10:21 AM
it's looking like I wont be able to do that until I get the domain again.
Is there a "physical" or "administrative" address to the site? Most web sites have such an address - check with the host and see what they say.
February 1st, 2022, 11:28 AM
Is there a "physical" or "administrative" address to the site? Most web sites have such an address - check with the host and see what they say.
Really not sure but it looks like someone parked something else already. I probably can reach out to the new owners but that'd require motivation I don't currently have. Thanks for the advice though. I may muster up the motivation to look into it more.
May 18th, 2022, 08:38 AM
Haven't had a chance to do much to the Samurai. But I did order some tires last month that finally came in. Hopefully putting them on tomorrow.
Mad Maxx
May 18th, 2022, 11:18 AM
Yoooo I just found this thread - hey there fellow 'Zuk driver! I hope to see you on a trail soon!
May 18th, 2022, 11:48 AM
to save for a new engine
You should get a crate engine off a snowmobile, 2 stroke 850cc engine in a Sami would be so sweet :D
I'm sure it would plug right in... (sarcasm)
May 30th, 2022, 09:39 AM
Yoooo I just found this thread - hey there fellow 'Zuk driver! I hope to see you on a trail soon!
Hey! Meant to respond sooner. Now that I actually have some tires I hope to hit the trails soon.
May 30th, 2022, 09:41 AM
DETN8R previously posted:
"to save for a new engine"
You should get a crate engine off a snowmobile, 2 stroke 850cc engine in a Sami would be so sweet
I'm sure it would plug right in... (sarcasm)
Sounds like a cool swap!
I'll have double check the date of when I said that but I believe I may have actually swapped the engine since I made that post. I'm currently running a 1994 Suzuki Sidekick Fuel Injected engine.
May 30th, 2022, 09:44 AM
Got the tires installed last week with the help from a buddy.
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