View Full Version : Support our sheriffs as well as your kids

July 12th, 2015, 11:52 AM
The Jeffco sheriffs department launched a campaign supporting kids having lemonade stands. They want to be notified of when and where the stand will be so they can swing by and buy some lemonade and connect with the community while encouraging the child's entrepreneurship.

I helped Annika set up a stand at our local Safeway yesterday (with permission from the store management). She offered both pink and yellow lemonade as well as watermelon slices. Most people were very sweet to her, over-paid or just made a donation without wanting any lemonade. But apparently a couple people complained to the store management that they allowed a kid to set up the stand and raise money "without a cause".

I could tell you 100 causes. But to wrap it up, I call it parenting. My kid is 10. She can't get a real job yet but she wants things like every kid does. To make her work for it a little bit and teach her customer service etc. is priceless.

To the complainers, I say get a life. Were you never a kid? Did you ever deliver newspapers, shovel snow, rake leaves, mow lawns, babysit and sell lemonade just to have $10.00 to go to the county fair? Yeah... those were the days.

On our way home, we dropped off a gallon of lemonade and some cups at the volunteer fire department. They were very pleased!

Rant over.

July 12th, 2015, 02:04 PM
Those were the days! We would grab our little red wagon and walk along E. Mississippi Ave, collecting "pop" bottles. By the time we left the supermarket at Windsor Gardens, we had walked a mile and cashed in enough bottles to buy more soda, and candy! After that, we had a mile walk home, to burn off all that sugar. :D

Well done Jackie! I guess the next step is to take the unexpected lesson, and adapt for the next experience/next lesson. :thumb:

July 12th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Good for the Jeffco Sheriffs Dept., Safeway, You, Annika, and the people that bought or donated.:thumb:

As far as complainers, they just need to get a life and quit spreading their unhappiness to everyone else.

For those of you unfamiliar with why a Sherrif's Dept would do this -> http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/11/politics/lemonade-stand-shut-down-texas/

July 12th, 2015, 02:44 PM
This is not intimidating and would never offend me in any way. Annika said "hi, hello or good morning" to every customer who walked in or out of the store. A few times, people said they didn't have cash so she offered a free glass because it was such a beautiful day!

The nay-sayers bug me, but let's all help get the sheriff's campaign recognized and support the kids.

(The $63 bench in the picture wasn't ours to sell! but it wasn't bad to sit on)!

July 12th, 2015, 03:10 PM
I saw that on the news last night. Pretty cool that a bunch of Sheriff Officers would all visit a lemonade stand. Great PR for the Sheriff office, good community relations, and great relationship building with kids! I think it is a fantastic idea. Every kid should get to do this. Good for Annika for setting up her stand!

July 12th, 2015, 04:11 PM
Nay-sayers aside, this is all about a bunch of goodness!!!

Much goodness from multiple avenues - parenting, growing up, reinforcing goodness by being a customer, police having a visible and positive role (good for all), and sweet liquid goodness for the fire fighters.

Yes, much goodness!

July 12th, 2015, 05:01 PM
Ugh, parents doing the right thing and teaching their kids a little responsibility. So disturbing. Why can't you just not care and let them play video games all day? :lmao:

Good on you Jackie! Parents that are actually parents make me happy, and make society a better place for all. As everyone else has said, forget the nay-sayers. They would probably complain about anything, just to hear themselves talk.

Keep up the good work, the community as a whole appreciates it!

July 12th, 2015, 05:06 PM
The police where I grew up (teen years) hung out at the places we hung out. We were a bunch of gearheads in the late 60's, early 70's with the good old gazillion hp cars and teenage judgement wasn't necessarily a good thing. Having the cops know us all by name, and us knowing them by theirs (i.e., Officer Mike) was a good thing.

Really good to see Jeffco going in this direction.

July 12th, 2015, 06:42 PM
I couldn't agree more, Chris. I pulled a few stunts as a kid that weren't very nice (oops - that egg I threw went into their air conditioning unit). Yeah. That was me and my friends. And as an adult, I have been the victim of kids "hitting the wrong house" with the TP gig. When I saw it happening, I laughed and told the kids that the girl they were after lived next door. They had 25 rolls of TP in my yard. The next morning it was all cleaned up. No harm done.

July 12th, 2015, 08:29 PM
I cleaned up the local Pizza Hut parking lot for small pizza for lunch, delivered newspapers, had a lemonade stand and a hot cocoa stand. Always had a strong work ethic.
i love to hear these stories! Great for Annika and to all the kids out there with stands! I try and stop at any stand and buy what they are selling.

July 12th, 2015, 08:33 PM
I try and stop at any stand and buy what they are selling.

Me too. `tis good to reinforce the spirit.

July 13th, 2015, 07:55 AM
just want to add a shout out to the Denver Police Department, we were on the wrong side of some stupidity recently (ongoing, can't discuss it) and they have been absolutely amazing. I've never had customer service like this; the officer we initially dealt with was really on top of things and knew exactly how to relieve my wife's anxiety, and the detective on our case was active on it immediately and has even called and emailed us over the weekend a few times. One call and these guys got on it, we are surprised and grateful.

July 16th, 2015, 07:58 PM
In the same vein...

www.DenverPost.com/news/ci_28487585/denver-father-organizes-propolice-rally-sunday-as-an-example-for-kids (http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_28487585/denver-father-organizes-propolice-rally-sunday-as-an-example-for-kids)