View Full Version : Total Lunar Eclipse & Supermoon run ideas

August 24th, 2015, 09:11 AM
There will be a total lunar eclipse Sept. 27th that just happens to coincide with a supermoon this year (moon orbit closest to the earth).

Ideally, a drive up to Mt. Evans would be best but no doubt the road past Summit Lake will be closed and maybe even the primary by that time?

At any rate, let's spin some suggestions on doing either that or a night run to get away from the city light pollution, above treeline on a mild trail somewhere, weather permitting. Maybe a 1600-1700 meet up time or even a late day trail run then hang out to take on the scene?



August 24th, 2015, 10:11 AM
There are a few good open sky areas on Yankee hill and devils canyon. My overland group did a meteor shower run on argentine. Of course the further from Denver the less light pollution.

August 26th, 2015, 09:05 PM
Interesting, some roads in RNMP may still be open and free of city lights.

I am interested in going along.

August 27th, 2015, 07:24 PM
argintine would be a great place as the ore pile at the top has a tone of space.
we would enjoy this as well

calender time for this one!

August 27th, 2015, 08:23 PM
Initially I was also thinking Argentine but it's a long way out for those that don't want to be out on the trails so late (thinking work or kid's school, etc.). I think I may be leaning towards Yankee Hill (good suggestion) as it's not as far west, easy access, etc. What says all? Still open for more ideas to solidify before posting on the calendar. I'm hoping weather and my work sched hold out.

August 27th, 2015, 08:49 PM
Definitely a great idea. Barring any unforeseen issues.... I'm there

August 28th, 2015, 06:55 AM
Yankie hill works to...

August 28th, 2015, 09:34 AM
It's official and on the calendar. I've kind of turned it into a party (why not?). Hoping I won't be working that Sunday now!

September 23rd, 2015, 06:04 AM
I took Monday off. :woot:

September 23rd, 2015, 07:35 AM
I took Monday off. :woot:

You're kill in' me Mike! We were considering camping ourselves. I sent you and the other "yes" RSVPs a PM that I need to designate a new leader as I have to work now; won't be able to attend the event I put together.:mad:

Would be grateful for someone to take the lead and keep the party going. If you use PDF Maps, I have .kmz files that overlay for the route I planned.

September 23rd, 2015, 07:39 AM
Would be grateful for someone to take the lead and keep the party going. If you use PDF Maps, I have .kmz files that overlay for the route I planned.That is why I bumped this thread: I don't have the fancy electronics, but I'm going anyway.

September 23rd, 2015, 07:47 AM
Right on, and thank you!

September 23rd, 2015, 08:12 AM
Was just going to
RSVP. Leila and myself will be going. I have PDF maps on my phone and tablet. Never done the trail and will ALWAYS defer to anyone that would like to lead, but I'm not skeered too either.

EDIT: Must have not been awake yet when I wrote that earlier, had to add a couple words so it made sense.

September 23rd, 2015, 04:48 PM
Right on, and thank you!
Yeah, well, Junior is really pumped about this run. The sammiches are made. :D


September 23rd, 2015, 11:23 PM
Yeah, well, Junior is really pumped about this run. The sammiches are made. :D

Gotta rub it in don't ya Mike! :D

Was just going to
RSVP. Leila and myself will be going. I have PDF maps on my phone and tablet. Never done the trail and will ALWAYS defer to anyone that would like to lead, but I'm not skeered too either.

EDIT: Must have not been awake yet when I wrote that earlier, had to add a couple words so it made sense.

OK, Chad, my man, here's the deal: I'm hoping real bad that my Sunday work sched changes but in reality, it's about a 2% chance. No one else I've PMd has been able to assume the role...so.......dude....for the sake of Sunday night humanity, can I appoint you? That said, IF my sched changes Sunday (unlikely but I'll know by Friday) I'll be happy to step back in and take responsibility. Honestly, if you're already familiar with PDF Maps, it's a breeze. I pre-ran most of the run with my family leaf-peeping last weekend so I've confirmed my route from OMG to Yankee is valid. OMG is straight forward, I charted a trail that connects to YH and while Yankee Hill does have many spurs, that's what the moving map is for. I can send you my .kmz files, you import them into the Clear Creek MYUM (free from PDF Maps store) and if your phone or tablet get GPS signal, then you just follow the moving ball.

If you think you'd be down, please PM me your phone # so we can chat.

If you prefer not, that's still cool, I completely understand and I'll start a dedicated thread for the search, maybe one of the "maybe"s would be going.

Thanks for the consideration!

September 24th, 2015, 12:20 AM
First of all, I absolutely hope you're able to make it. A big reason why I joined the site is to meet new people, and I hate seeing you put forth the work to put this together and then not be able to make it.

That being said........if you can't make it, I got you, no problem. I'm already familiar with the Conoco/Mcdonalds as well as OMG road. I've spent quite a bit of time playing around with PDF maps and already have clear creek MVUM loaded on both my phone and tablet. I haven't used a .kmz file yet, but I have no doubt it's a piece of cake, and even if it's not, it will be by the time I get up there. Will PM you my number right now. I gotta say though Fred, I think you're looking a little under the weather. I bet you whatever you have is full blown by Sunday...........


September 24th, 2015, 09:05 AM
Chad saves the day! Thank you sir, I just sent you a PM. I'm still exploring a sched work around but I have to assume I'm screwed and establish this plan B for the sake of the folks fired up and going if for nothing else. And yes, I am feeling a bit tepid today....

September 24th, 2015, 11:35 AM
Fred bummed you can't make it and I just got on and received your message and agree with Chad you do look a bit bad right now. Chad thanks for volunteering to take lead.

September 24th, 2015, 09:02 PM
Thanks Sean, no one more bummed than me. As I mentioned to Chad on PM, I'm going to love/hate reading the trail report.

So, I've pulled all stops and I'm officially "no way in hell" making it so Chad is now the new leader; THANK YOU CHAD. I've forwarded the .kmz files I've put together so it should be a fun, expeditious journey for all. After he's had a chance to get them loaded and checked out, we're going to talk and discuss the ride. I did have plans to stop in Russel Gulch (ghost town) and there is a building to the left with name/altitude on it that is a pottery studio; Diane and Forest run that and he makes pottery out of their home next door. Their may be a time issue with that however, as it's a much larger turn out than I ever expected (cool!) so an earlier start may be ideal if it works for most? Input on that? If it's positive, I will spend the time to PM all "yes"s and "maybe"s.

September 24th, 2015, 10:00 PM
BTW, the last time this happened was 33 years ago. What were you doing then? Next time will be in 18 years.


September 24th, 2015, 11:07 PM
To stir the waters...


September 25th, 2015, 04:25 AM
Moved our status up.... WE ARE IN!! I haven't done this particular route there, but have been up there before. I don't mind helping out in whatever way you guys need. Should also have a few other vehicles along with trail savvy drivers.

September 25th, 2015, 09:25 AM
Chad thanks for volunteering to take lead.
It will be an honor sir.........

Moved our status up.... WE ARE IN!!
Glad you can make it!! Shaping up to be a good time!!

I did have plans to stop in Russel Gulch (ghost town) and there is a building to the left with name/altitude on it that is a pottery studio; Diane and Forest run that and he makes pottery out of their home next door. Their may be a time issue with that however, as it's a much larger turn out than I ever expected (cool!) so an earlier start may be ideal if it works for most? Input on that?

As I said in the email I sent you Fred, we're staying the night in Blackhawk and ANY meet up time will be no problem from this end. Depending on how many friends Jim brings, (and I am assuming you meant a few rigs and not passengers Jim?) we could end up with around a dozen rigs, so extra time will definitely not hurt and might be a good idea if everyone is able to adjust?

Also, I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to move the meet up location to the Safeway parking lot with this many rigs? Seems like it would be a little easier to get everyone together there, and it's only a little further up the road from the gas station. Thoughts on meet up time and location changes anyone?

September 25th, 2015, 12:45 PM
Considering the number of rigs coming, I'll be bringing my handheld CB for anyone that doesn't have one in their rig.

September 25th, 2015, 12:47 PM
Also, anyone that might be doing the trail cleanup and wants to stay in Central City or Blackhawk Sat night, pm me and I can get you discounted rates at the hotels. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

September 25th, 2015, 01:04 PM
Also, anyone that might be doing the trail cleanup and wants to stay in Central City or Blackhawk Sat night, pm me and I can get you discounted rates at the hotels.
What about people doing the lunar run Sunday night? (I'm no gambler whatsoever, but I'd be willing to bet she could get same discounts if anyone doing the yankee hill/lunar eclipse run wanted to go up Saturday night) PARTY IN BLACKHAWK!!!!

September 25th, 2015, 03:57 PM
UPDATE 9/25: Due to the fantastic response and number of rigs attending, this run has been moved up to departing at 3PM now from the SAFEWAY in Idaho Springs. To help Chad (96EXXLinCO) out, I'll be sending every "Yes" and "Maybe" a PM. Please reply there just so we know you've received the update. Thank you!

September 25th, 2015, 05:42 PM
To stir the waters...

Jim Jim Jim, I do have to ask why you aren't going??

September 25th, 2015, 07:28 PM
2 -3 rigs may be accompanying us. Heidi is coming off working the night before, a touch more of challenge to get going earlier. Worst case we catch you guys up higher on the mountain. I will keep you posted.

September 25th, 2015, 08:27 PM
Jim Jim Jim, I do have to ask why you aren't going??

I have to ask that of myself too.

1) I'm a night person - 3pm start time is PERFECT
2) Stars - all good stuff
3) Night run - goodness

I have no reason not to join in aside from I want a day off - a day of nothing scheduled.

y'all enjoy a good time together!!!

September 25th, 2015, 08:32 PM
As busy as I've been lately Jim, I would have to agree a day of nothing sounds really nice!! BUT, snow is around the corner and I gotta get on them trails and soak up as much backcountry time as I can before I hibernate. Ok, I lied, before goose season............

September 26th, 2015, 08:11 AM
So far, the time and meetup location has been received pretty well (THANK YOU FOR THE REPLIES!). Only one instance that was going to be tight for someone bringing friends and he's replied again to say all is good! In an effort to not leave anyone behind, below are the lists of those I've heard from and those I've not. I'm sure more will respond today but if you know any of them, please feel free to give them a nudge to reply to my PM or here so we can be assured all are aware of the changes. I should also note there are a number of members bringing friends/rigs so the effective count will be much more.

Confirmed for the new time and place change:

Still awaiting replies:


September 26th, 2015, 08:14 AM
I have to ask that of myself too.

I have no reason not to join in aside from I want a day off - a day of nothing scheduled.

y'all enjoy a good time together!!!

While I 100% agree and generally cherish this....

As busy as I've been lately Jim, I would have to agree a day of nothing sounds really nice!! BUT, snow is around the corner and I gotta get on them trails and soak up as much backcountry time as I can before I hibernate. Ok, I lied, before goose season............

I too live by this! ('cept the goose....they're bad juju for me)

September 26th, 2015, 08:18 AM
2 -3 rigs may be accompanying us. Heidi is coming off working the night before, a touch more of challenge to get going earlier. Worst case we catch you guys up higher on the mountain. I will keep you posted.

Jim, you can head up Fall River Rd. to Cumberland Gulch http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=49 up to Yankee Hill. It would cut down on a lot of time and you'd still get in a shorter trail run. That's one of the ways I was going to suggest exiting.

September 26th, 2015, 10:53 PM
Our neighbor is planning on joining us also.

September 27th, 2015, 09:22 AM
We have 2 jo8nning.

September 27th, 2015, 10:21 AM
Thank you all for your replies and updates. Still awaiting 3 more. Don't want to leave anyone behind; does anyone know those three and can call/email them?


Still awaiting replies:


September 27th, 2015, 01:43 PM
On our way

September 27th, 2015, 02:18 PM
Thank you all for your replies and updates. Still awaiting 3 more. Don't want to leave anyone behind; does anyone know those three and can call/email them?


Still awaiting replies:


Tried reaching out to the 3 above via social media and tried the rescue list....no such luck however I THINK Mark may know because he was active an hour ago...

If anyone has trouble or can reach the others, you can call me. 512-791-0516. See everyone soon!

September 27th, 2015, 02:20 PM
Pre ran the oh my god to yankee hill connector, dont want any surprises with this big of a group. BTW, anybody know how many vehicles we can get away with before we need a parade permit? Im at safeway right now. Any questions, running late etc. You can call me 720-771-3048. Will also be on CB channel 7 no later than 2:45

September 27th, 2015, 02:41 PM
Thanks Leila and thank you Chad! I also had Jim send them emails this am. This whole situation is a great example in comradery and teamwork. Quite a testament to this site. Have fun, take pictures for me and be careful. I'm off to work. :frown:

September 27th, 2015, 02:48 PM
Thanks Leila and thank you Chad! This whole situation is a great example in comradery and teamwork. Quite a testament to this site. Have fun, take pictures for me and be careful. I'm off to work. :frown:

And a HUGE thank you to Fred for putting this together and still doing A LOT of leg work even after having to pull out. I have been REALLY busy this whole week and could not have done what he did to make changes, do everything possible to make sure all were notified etc.

You can count on lots of pics Fred, thats never a problem with me. Thank you again for all you've done for this run!!!

September 27th, 2015, 03:11 PM

September 27th, 2015, 03:18 PM
Ok for the 3 that didn't get the message. We're pulling out soon. You can go into Central City and hop right onto Yankee Hill trail as the cut through is very tough to find. We missed it with the GPS tracks when we pre ran it. We may have service and will check for msgs if anyone needs directions!