View Full Version : First Aid/Med stuff

April 19th, 2008, 08:58 PM
This thread started under the "Recovery Tech" and "What do you carry in your rig" posts.

"Brody, thanks for the offer! Supercool! And good idea on a Recovery Day.

I'll start looking for #4 kits with the curved needles. Nurses leave them in the "stuff that was in your pockets at the end of the day" bin. I have not had to use mine, and although"

It is that "although" that prompts me to keep scanning the floor and upper shelf of the nurse's locker room for suture kits, tape, etc. I have yet to need my scaplels for anything they are generally used for, but would be handy for making small cuts in things other than humans. Plus, a good sharp small blade is good for sliver removal. Point is, I don't need to tell you all that one object doubles for another in a pinch.

Brody, I have one 4 suture kit, absorbable, monofilament. That is what I meant by black. I forgot the terms for monofils, vicryls vs silk and polyester.

I have a grab bag I am building for our recovery day or meet and greet day. I can get gloves, gauze, blades, and odd suture kits, plus tape. If anyone has a request, like masks, let me know. I will keep borrowing to a minimal, however, as we all pay for the rising costs of medicine, but I think it would be a good idea for those who may need such things to have them. Caveat: no needles or syringes. I only find 18guage IV needles and those hurt!

April 21st, 2008, 06:08 AM
Thanks! Get what you can and those of us who know how to use the stuff will distribute what you can bring. Syringes you can get at any pharmacy and I only end up using mine for lidocaine, so needle size isn't a big deal.

Thanks again. Sorry that you missed the run.