View Full Version : Lunar Eclipse on Yankee Hill

September 28th, 2015, 12:59 AM
DAMN CLOUDS! O.K., I got that out of my system. :)

This Tail Gunner says the run was a HUGE success! Twelve vehicles made the ascent without incident. The people out front worried about all of them, the person at the back... backed the trail leader(s). I saw families at the destination, enjoying being there. I saw stars that I forgot existed. I met new people, visited with "newish" people, and got off the mountain with an old friend.

After I got home, I consoled myself with a "recreational fire" and contemplated the day.


Pictures will have to wait. ;)

September 28th, 2015, 02:38 PM
Thank you for the report Mike. I'm happy to hear it sounds like it was a good trip. I got home from work just in time to set up the telescope and grab a camera as it started. It was in and out of the clouds from my view as well but the last half was pretty clear. I hope you all got to see at least some of it! Some pics I grabbed:

September 28th, 2015, 05:16 PM
Although I wouldn't normally consider 285 a 'trail,' the traffic was moving slower than any trail run I've been on...ie it was essentially stopped. But the viewing was great (truly) from hwy 285 as we were stuck for hours in traffic coming back into town! You guys will just have to pick a better trail next time.:D

September 28th, 2015, 06:59 PM
we had a great time. got to play in the dark.
put faces to screan names.
even got to see some of the IFS stuff do well. still think the Comander shpuld have got 3/4ton treatment cummins and all.
we have some cell pbone pics.....will come soon

our friends Lisa and Rob did make it up to the hill but well after we left. They stayed and played for hours in the JK rubi

thanks to all that were along for a good run.
we look foreward to the next

September 28th, 2015, 07:23 PM
With the exception of the clouds not cooperating with the eclipse, I have to call this one a success. Always have to worry a little bit whenever we get this many on a trail, but I don’t see how things could’ve gone any smoother. I got to safeway around 2:15 after pre-running the Oh My God rd to Yankee Hill connector trail sent to me in a .KMZ file Fred, along with others. Glad I ran it first, I had trouble getting PDF maps to load the tracks he sent me, so I downloaded another app which seemed to work just fine…….more on that later. But while heading up the wrong way, I did come across the metal skeleton of an old mine building which housed a huge winch (didn’t look to see if it was still there, was in a hurry) and pulley system for lifting material out of the ground. Grabbed a few pics real quick and got back to running the trail.
By about 3:30 or so we had 11 rigs ready to roll. We had a quick meeting with some basic directions where we’re going, as well asbasic rules to follow when wheeling in a group. Mike (Hypoid) graciuously offered to bring up the rear since he had a radio, and I was thrilled to have someone volunteer for what I consider the least desireable position. THANK YOU AGAIN MIKE!!
A couple stops on OMG rd for some pics and we hit the connector trail. That drive goes past some old mines, and right next to one that appears to be active still. It has security signs and even razor wire around some of it (I thought that stuff was illegal in CO?) as well as solar panels and a newer looking rope on a winch at the opening to what is obviously a mine shaft. Only grabbed one quick pic of the hoist with new looking rope and ore cart while pre-running in the morning.
No issues on the trail the whole way with the exception of friends of ours needing some rocks stacked and a spot on the most challenging part of the whole trail. They were in a bone stock Jeep Liberty, and aside from a few clunks underneath, they made it fine and did a good despite being new to trails. Oh yea, and that app I used to follow the GPX tracks.........wouldn't work on my tablet AT ALL, luckily it did on my phone but a handfull of times it would quit working, would have to restart my phone and re-open the app. A pain in the a$$, but we got there without having to figure out how to turn around 11 rigs.........
It was still daylight when we got to the top of Yankee Hill and everyone set up with chairs and snacks for the eclipse show. The moon came up nice and big but it wasn’t long before it went behind some clouds and never came back out the whole time we were there. Most of the group gave up and headed out toward Alice. Mike, Sean, our friends and us stayed for a little while hoping the moon might come back out, but it became pretty obvious the clouds were socked in and not budging. We waited till the last bit of light from the sun was gone in the west and checked out some stars for a little bit. Straight above us it was clear enough to see the milky way, always a treat for me and good reminder why I live here.
We headed down around 8:30 ish? But unlike the others, we went back down the trail we came up. Our friends were following us and we ended up running into 2 other trucks that gone down the Alice side but were playing around. They decided to fall in line and follow us down also. Zero incidents the whole way down. We headed down to our hotel room at the Ameristar where we got the dust washed off of us and enjoyed some room service.
First and foremost I want to thank Fred for all the leg work he did despite not being able to join us. Thank you Fred. Next, thank you again to Mike for taking the most important (and in my opinion) the least desirable spot. Your communication back there was great and a huge help!! And thank you to everyone else who showed up, kept it safe all day, and made for a large enjoyable group to wheel with. Here is the pics I got, I’m sure there will be more coming.

Here's the mine that looks like it's still in operation:

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_123914%20Large_zpswij5qh7m.jp g

and a few of the metal skeleton we came across. It was all riveted, so I'm thinking it's not any more recent around the turn of the century, Central City's hay day:



And the mine shaft now capped off:


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_124435%20Large_zpseoa136gi.jp g


Our parade up the start of Oh My God rd:

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_153533%20Large_zpshbzk5zpk.jp g


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_155505%20Large_zpsfsckqsed.jp g


Turning onto Yankee Hill off of the connector road:


Still got a few more to come..........

September 28th, 2015, 07:31 PM

Our heroic tailgunner:


taking a break:



Some views from the top:

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_182705%20Large_zpsqodgxsmo.jp g

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_182733%20Large_zpsihnhno1d.jp g

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/9-27-15%20Yankee%20Hill%20Lunar%20Eclipse/Copy%20of%2020150927_184820%20Large_zpscqrc08gw.jp g

Everyone lined up at the top +1 who came in the other way and were waiting on us at the top, and -2 that I couldn't fit in the picture:


The moon just before it disappeared for the remainder of the time we were there:


Thank you again to everyone for making a fun, enjoyable, incident free run. I'm ready for the next one already.

September 28th, 2015, 08:58 PM
Great pics and thanks again Chad, Mike for keeping it alive and thanks everyone that attended and tolerating all the changes. It sucks I missed out but unemployment sucks even more.

It's a great excuse to put together a "just cuz" run!

The StRanger
September 28th, 2015, 09:14 PM
Im glad it was a good time for all, I would have loved to be there but with a school age and work it was just not to be.
Had some sodas and a camp fire in the back yard.. It was good...

September 28th, 2015, 09:29 PM
First! Thanks everyone for the organization and the good times! Well organized, fun yet slightly cloudy Blood moon.

Second... Sorry we were one of the ones that bailed a touch early.

All in all a great time!

September 29th, 2015, 06:22 AM
I think we took the same pictures. :) Here are the few that came out:





I did not bring a tripod. It was hard to get a clear picture of the moon.


Its also hard to screw up a sunset.


September 29th, 2015, 10:10 AM
Nice pictures - wish we'da joined in! We were originally going to Red Rocks to watch it and have a dinner picnic, but found out there was a concert that night. Tried to make it out to Yankee Hill... but impromptu plans ended up failing. We ended up somewhere outside of central city (here) (https://www.google.com/maps/place/39%C2%B047'55.5%22N+105%C2%B031'14.9%22W/@39.798742,-105.520816,215m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en) and got to watch the cloudy moon for a good bit (while having dinner :) )

September 29th, 2015, 03:03 PM
You tried to get to Yankee Hill? If so that sucks!! Probably could've got us on the radio if you were in the area before we were all parked.

October 2nd, 2015, 10:09 AM
Here is the 1st video, I am still editing the other 14 so bare with me,


October 2nd, 2015, 10:43 AM
Nice. I am looking foreward to the vedio you go of our rig.

We had a great time. Am th8nk9ng a night run is in order before the weather turns white.

October 2nd, 2015, 12:50 PM
Here is part two, I am going to skip a couple parts of the trip to get to the good stuff.


October 2nd, 2015, 02:38 PM
Part 6 And 7



October 2nd, 2015, 04:53 PM
Nice. I am looking foreward to the vedio you go of our rig.

Here ya go;


October 2nd, 2015, 09:14 PM
Last one for today here is part 9


October 3rd, 2015, 01:57 PM
a couple of pics

October 3rd, 2015, 02:05 PM

October 3rd, 2015, 02:09 PM
Last few

October 3rd, 2015, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the videos Sean!

October 4th, 2015, 10:25 AM
Nice pics
Great video