View Full Version : Filing flight plan!! Possible assistance needed.

October 31st, 2015, 06:44 PM
Hey everyone. I'm sorry to post this in general but couldn't find the forum to post solo runs and our service keeps Were popping in and out. 96EXXLTinCo and I are on the back side of Saxon Mountain and got into some deep snow. We're headed back down but are concerned about a few Hills. So, we wanted to let y'all know in the event we get stuck. We're currently on 712.1 and will be taking it back down. I'm attaching our last gps coordinates. If we don't post by tomorrow morning, could someone or please call us and anybody is in the area of they could possibly send help. Thanks everyone!!!

October 31st, 2015, 07:50 PM
My other back yard, I'll be watching...

October 31st, 2015, 08:07 PM
Wylie was just fitting his chains earlier, if you need we can probably head your way. GPS coordinates did not post.

October 31st, 2015, 08:12 PM
If they stay on 712.1, and keep going downhill, we should see a follow-up within the hour.

October 31st, 2015, 08:38 PM
We MADE it down! THANK YOU EVERYONE for watching out for us and being willing to help! It is really comforting to know there's someone out there. Thank you for offering to come out Zaza, we REALLY appreciate it!!

This Texas transplant (who obviously doesn't wheel in the snow) got a real taste tonight. Think I'll be skipping winter wheeling in the snow. I like my vehicle to go where I turn the wheel, lol. Had one pucker moment as we slid VERY quickly backwards down a steep hill. 96EXXLTinCo (Chad) reacted immediately and safely navigated us down the curvy incline. I've always said I hadn't found much I wouldn't try off roading...well now I have. This girl likes mud, dirt and big rocks. I'll skip the snow thank you very much!!! Thanks Chad for getting Hill and I off the Mt tonight and with all tires on the ground!

Thanks again everyone!!!

October 31st, 2015, 08:51 PM
I've always said I hadn't found much I wouldn't try off roading...well now I have. This girl likes mud, dirt and big rocks. I'll skip the snow thank you very much!!!Sounds like a challenge to me. :D

Years ago, I told people it is easy to tell a California driver from a Texas driver:
The California driver is traveling @ 25 MPH on the highway, with the 4-ways on, saying "OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!"
The Texas Driver is skidding, looking out the side windows and saying "YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!"

A Texas driver will adapt, this Colorado native has seen it before! :)

October 31st, 2015, 09:01 PM
Sounds like a challenge to me. :D

Years ago, I told people it is easy to tell a California driver from a Texas driver:
The California driver is traveling @ 25 MPH on the highway, with the 4-ways on, saying "OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!"
The Texas Driver is skidding, looking out the side windows and saying "YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!"

A Texas driver will adapt, this Colorado native has seen it before! :)


I also want to thank you guys for lookin out. Wasnt much snow up there, but with hunters running all over the trails all day using tons of skinny pedal, there was a couple hills I wasnt totally confident in making it back up, it was getting dark so hunters were out of the area and just wanted a back up plan in case I couldnt find a way down. I really do appreciate that Mike and Cliff. Definitely puts the mind at ease and opens some options knowing somebody would be looking for us if we werent down in the morning. Time to get the truck outfitted a little better!!

Thanks again guys, I appreciate it, and glad you didnt have to come up after us!!

October 31st, 2015, 09:20 PM
Good to hear everyone's down safely!

Also nice to see people ready to help - I was beneficiary of that kind of help last winter!

October 31st, 2015, 09:21 PM

That's really our mindset about most things and yes that definitely sounds like a Texas driver for sure - just not in snow. Lol. Everything in Texas shuts down if there's a flurry that melts before it hits the ground. They all panic. I literally can't think of one Texan I know who can drive in the snow. Lol. We are ill equipped!! It's like watching a slippery demolition derby! You Coloradans who do winter wheeling are hardcore and I have lots of respect for you! Chad's réaction time was so quick and was already maneuvering before Hill and I even realized what was happening. I'm SO glad he was driving because it would have had a much different outcome otherwise! Note to self, next time I'm flying down a snow covered mountain backwards out of control, don't look out the window at the monumental drop off 3 inches from the outside edge of the tire...that's getting precariously closer. Or out the back window watching nothingness speed closer to you, for that matter. :redface: Could have lived without those visuals lol. Kinda like riding a backwards roller coaster without knowing there's actually a track back there. Lol. Adrenaline anyone?

October 31st, 2015, 09:57 PM
1) For any sort of need, ANY forum is fine to get the word out. General is a good pick though - perhaps greater exposure.

2) For folks planning to head out alone, who might wish to post in advance "just in case", we have the "Check-In" thread, stickied in the Members Only forum. Read the first post in that thread for how to use it. Essentially, you post where you're going and are obligated to check in when you return - and if you don't check in upon return someone "might" (quite likely will) head out to help.

3) Plan on hitting up at least one snow run. They are different from bare ground runs. They are typically on safe trails and help is always at hand. Attend one and see if they are of any interest to you (I hit one or two per season - Bunce / Ironclads and Rock Creek which are open all year)

4) Do you have a Rescue List riding along with you? Chad probably has it (and I have yet to fulfill his list submission... but have the info).

Good to hear you made it back. Who here has the tagline where we don't remember days, we remember "moments". I'd think you might have a few moments to remember. :lmao:

October 31st, 2015, 11:54 PM
1) For any sort of need, ANY forum is fine to get the word out. General is a good pick though - perhaps greater exposure.
2) For folks planning to head out alone, who might wish to post in advance "just in case", we have the "Check-In" thread, stickied in the Members Only forum. Read the first post in that thread for how to use it. Essentially, you post where you're going and are obligated to check in when you return - and if you don't check in upon return someone "might" (quite likely will) head out to help

Yes, thank you Jim! Both Chad and I had remembered seeing the forum where you could post flight plans, however neither of us could remember where on the forum it was and cell service was very sketchy so we wanted to get something out there...but rest assured, we definitely won't be forgetting to file in the future as we do a lot of solo runs!! On that note, I think the Delorme Explorer Satellite Messenger and GPS/Glonass device is going to be our Xmas gift to ourselves as we've ended up on several trails that we'd be hard pressed to get anyone on CB and non existent cell service! that and a GoPro (a video of that slide would have been pretty cool to watch back..after the fact, safe n sound at the bottom) Granted if you never have to call for help or get recovery assistance I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong! :lmao:

3) Plan on hitting up at least one snow run. They are different from bare ground runs. They are typically on safe trails and help is always at hand. Attend one and see if they are of any interest to you (I hit one or two per season - Bunce / Ironclads and Rock Creek which are open all year)

Hmm. Are those family friendly runs, because after today I keep getting images of Anne Heche in 6 Days, 7 Nights eating Xanax like candy, lol!! I think an easier trail (not that it was technical at all, just the ice) and no drop offs to slip off would probably be A-ok and be enjoyable. I figured out, it's not the sliding or skidding in the snow that bothers me, it's the not knowing exactly where the truck will end up that I seem to have a problem with! LOL. I'm fairly certain I can convince Chad to do this run and I'll tag along. Truthfully, until I've put tires to snow personally and don't look like a ridiculous Texan trying to drive in the snow, I probably wouldn't opt to drive the trail but would love to see it. It's beautiful up in the mts with the snow and not something I'm used to seeing so it'd be a treat for sure!

4) Do you have a Rescue List riding along with you? Chad probably has it (and I have yet to fulfill his list submission... but have the info).
YES! I keep it in all 3 formats stored digitally that travel with me and we are going to be printing a hard copy to keep in the truck just in case. Hoping Murphy's Law will help us out and as long as we have redundant copies, we won't need em! LOL!

We were all more at ease once we saw confirmation that the Flight Plan actually posted to the site after several attempts as there were a few concerning spots headed back as we weren't going to head down Saxon with the snow... knowing that someone would see it we figured worst case scenario a long night hike in the snow or an impromptu camping trip on the trail sans Smores. All and all very grateful to have the forum and all the wonderful members who are eager to help others!

Good to hear you made it back. Who here has the tagline where we don't remember days, we remember "moments". I'd think you might have a few moments to remember. I most definitely will have 'moments' to remember from today and this trail. Some wonderful (as the sunset and the vistas were INCREDIBLE) and a few that I'm sure will make me wince for a while...but it's all a part of what we do. Crappy things are going to happen, you just hope you're well equipped to handle them. Additionally, I'm glad that I got to see how a seasoned Colorado wheeler conducted himself in an emergency... Surely better than some who would have panicked yelling "oh $*&$ we're gonna die"... I've seen many others panic in far less urgent situations so it's nice to know you can eventually get to that level of skill and comfort. I'll be starting with the 'bunny slopes' of snow wheeling.. Dirt field maybe? lol However, one major positive... we finally got the kickstart we need to update our survival gear and recovery kits! LOL! Amazing what you don't think you need, til you find yourself in a situation where you might actually have to use it!

November 1st, 2015, 12:00 AM
Good to hear you made it back.

Was quite the adventure for sure!! I think this is a good reminder for everyone to make sure you got the winter gear and equipment loaded up. Luckily we caught a spot where Leila got a couple bars of service and first thing I said was to post a message that we were headed down but if we didn't post by morning, we're somewhere on FSR 712.1 Not all of us can get someone to go along everytime, but we can help watch each others' backs when we head out solo. There's not a doubt in my mind that there would have been a few rigs tracking us down in the morning had we got stuck, and that peace of mind is priceless.

2) For folks planning to head out alone, who might wish to post in advance "just in case", we have the "Check-In" thread, stickied in the Members Only forum.

I knew I had seen it!! Every time I head out alone I remember to post a message where I'll be and when I'll be back. Unfortunately, I don't remember to do it till AFTER I'm already down. Today should make it a little easier to remember to do that.

Do you have a Rescue List riding along with you?
A must have in every glove box!! But if there's no cell service, you'll be glad you left a message for us to see about where you're going and when you'll be back!!

Another thought..........might be a good idea to leave a CB channel on you're message post as well in the event you don't have cell service and get stuck. That way anyone coming after you later will know what channel to try and get you on. Or another thought, we could all just always use the same channel......... i.e. Front Range 4x4 uses channel 7? Just a quick thought to kick around.

Although everything worked out with no issues, I can't begin to explain how comforting it was to know people would be looking for us if we weren't down by morning. I tend to push the limits a little bit from time to time, and I don't think that's a bad thing as long as somebody knows your plan.

November 1st, 2015, 12:10 AM
I tend to push the limits a little bit from time to time, and I don't think that's a bad thing as long as somebody knows your plan.

I really do love the concept of the 'Checking In' post. As wheelers we all understand the risks and possible situations that can arise and most are going to be familiar with MVUM's, GPS, etc... Much better to send an SOS to someone who can actually interpret the info. In past I'd always file a flight plan with my best friend, but realized after today...that in a real situation, she may be slightly uninformed to get accurate info. Saying 'we're on 721.1 headed X direction' isn't going to mean much to her bc she wouldn't have a clue what an MVUM is, let alone figure out that's a Forest Service road. So having competent and experienced people watching each others back is excellent! Thanks again everyone! Really glad no one had to come out and brave the cold on Halloween for us!