View Full Version : Solo Wheeling

November 2nd, 2015, 07:47 PM
Good article about preparing to solo. I solo more than I do group runs, especially for longer trips.


November 2nd, 2015, 08:08 PM
Good article. Top priority for me is to have someone that knows where I'll be and what to do if I don't check in by a certain time. Equally important to have a few basic things in case you spend a night on the mountain, especially in winter with a disabled vehicle.

November 2nd, 2015, 10:50 PM
Decent article. The majority of the wheeling I do is alone. It really is the only time I can truly get "me" time. I do always let someone know where I will be going and what time I should be expected back. I usually state that if I am not heard from by XXX time, that they should send help or to contact the authorities. I usually over pack and over prepare for most situations. But that came from experience. I grew up in the mountains and my folks were always apart of the local fire department/emergency services in that area. My mother also taught CPR and first aid for the Red Cross my entire childhood. So I have been dragged to more training sessions that I care to remember. As the old saying goes, "Safety first". I also carry spares and have the knowledge to fix just about everything on my vehicle. If I didn't have any of that, I would be very nervous about traveling in the back country alone.

November 3rd, 2015, 02:56 AM
I have learned my lesson twice both on trails I have been on about 10 times before, up the fork on left hand and the top of carnage canyon. I was in my stock 94 pick up and left on a whim ones with an exgirl friend and the other with my dog.
Both times I don't recall letting anyone know because I was a 20 year old know it all. Thanks God there was good people to help me out! Or else I would have been one of thoes guy that leaves their rig for a long time.
That when I decided if I plan on doing this solo thing I need to build something that will get me there and get me out or at lease carry everything I need to stay a few days.
My yota on one tone and a v8 should do the trick right....wrong! Over the years while building I have come to realize that it's not the rig that gets you there and back Its what between you ears. That being said will I ever go solo anymore......Yes!! Will it be anytime soon.....NOPE hahaha

One thing I think the article lacked if Food, shelter, back pack to when you have to just walk away, FIRE!!