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December 18th, 2015, 11:12 PM
Hey y'all!!!

I'm Chris. I live in Golden and just got my first car/truck at the age of 33. I picked up an 1988 Toyota SR5 4x4 Pickup with the 3.0v6 in it. I picked this rig up as a project because I had worked on a 1983 toyota pickup with my dad. I figured there couldn't be much more too working on the V6EFI than the 20r. :lmao: I happen to like working on the 3.0. It's taught me a lot about patience. ;)
It already had the lift and bigger intake, bored throttle body, headers, and 2.5 exhaust when I got it.
Here are all the new parts I put on it.
Power steeering pump
A bunch of vacuum hoses
Master cylinder with all new rear brake lines and brake cylnder and pads/drums
Lspv delete with a manual Wilwood PV put in
Full E-brake replacement
I chased error codes 42 & 51 down and got rid of those.
valve cover gaskets and pcv
And many other nuts bolts and bulbs.
Now that it runs I've just got to get 31" tires.

Anyways, I'm pretty new to this slow rock crawling/trail riding thing. I grew up riding and driving the dunes at Glamus and Ensanada & Baja Cali. I've been up Rollins Pass and Switzerland Trail and a few trails out in Gilpin and the James Peak and Mammoth Gulch Areas so far. I hope to explore more of the Lost Creek Wilderness Area and Wyoming this summer.

The first pic is the first day i got my lil beater second is me; HI!!!, and the 3rd is how it is now without the desert bumper etc.

December 18th, 2015, 11:37 PM

Welcome to the group!

Hmmm... First car/truck at age 33 - story behind it?

Glamus and Ensanada & Baja Cali... PIX PLEASE (prolly flying at speeds faster than CO trail speed)!

December 18th, 2015, 11:53 PM
Welcome to Front Range, Chris!

December 19th, 2015, 02:03 AM
Welcome to the Party!

December 19th, 2015, 07:16 AM
welcome to the group

December 19th, 2015, 08:17 AM
Welcome! I got my first 4x4 at 39! Been hooked ever since. :thumb:

December 19th, 2015, 08:52 AM
Welcome to the darkside.
The cookies are awsome and the trail rides are even better.

Nice ride to get started with.

December 19th, 2015, 09:44 AM

December 19th, 2015, 10:50 AM

December 19th, 2015, 02:35 PM

December 19th, 2015, 03:08 PM
Jim; I don't really have a story as far as not havining a car til just recently @ 33 goes. Til I moved to Gilpin County and West JeffCo. I lived in large cities or places that had great public transportation.

I don't have any recent pics from Glamus etc. because I haven't been there since I was 12 or so. In the mid 90's Glamus and Ocotillo Wells got to be really dangerous as far as riding or camping goes. You either had parents putting 4 year olds on 250cc and bigger 3 wheelers and the kids would ride over your tent in camp. Or you had dudes putting huge hemi's in sand rails and jumping dunes at 90 plus MPH and landing on other quads and trucks. People just trashed the place and used it as an excuse to litter and party and just get out of control. It was quite sad, really. I really like how there is a sense of conservation here in Colorado that goes along with 4x4ing here.:)

December 19th, 2015, 03:34 PM
Welcome! You will love the Toyota once it is all sorted out!

December 19th, 2015, 07:05 PM

The StRanger
December 19th, 2015, 09:39 PM
Welcome to the dark side...
We have cookies !!!

December 19th, 2015, 10:15 PM
I lived in large cities or places that had great public transportation.

`had a buddy in college that was the same. He lived in the Chicago burbs and never had a need for a car. A few days before the two of us road-tripp'd to Seattle (from Illinois) we went to the DMV to get him a license.

As for Glamus and OW - I had no idea it was that out of control - sad to hear.

December 20th, 2015, 10:39 AM
Welcome to our little slice of Heaven.

December 20th, 2015, 11:39 AM
Thank you all for the welcome. I usually lerk a lil more before introducing myself to see if their are any dicks on here. Pirate4x4 being a case in point;). I should have my truck up and running here soon. I just need to do the front drivers side wheel bearing and get tires. You can see the white casing through a crack in one of the tires rubber, so i don't really want it on the road. There are a few things I stil want to do to it, bob the bed for a flat bed, level the front suspension, finish the snorkel and reroute the exhaust big rig style, new long block 3.0 before summer. It might not ever be a pretty truck but it will get me there.

`had a buddy in college that was the same. He lived in the Chicago burbs and never had a need for a car. A few days before the two of us road-tripp'd to Seattle (from Illinois) we went to the DMV to get him a license.

As for Glamus and OW - I had no idea it was that out of control - sad to hear.

Yeah I just got my license at 32. I usually ride my bicycle everywhere. Or I ride the bus. But the pub. trans. here in the front range is just attrocious. Most 30 minute bike rides are 2 hour multi-transfer trips on the bus:(. When I absolutely need a car, I'm lucky enough to have a loving girlfriend that lets me borrow her Tacoma sometimes. :D

I don't know how Glamus and OW are now. I stopped paying attention too that area conservation wise around 2003-2005 due to traveling. At that time it was still out of control. The recreational area was getting smaller and smaller due to conservation efforts over breeding grounds of a ram and a few other animals and insects. But you stil had more and more people going out there to 4x4, shoot illegal guns, blow stuff up, etc, basically recreatin the place up. It just was a mad house. That being said, if you're ever out that way go check out Slab City! It's one of thee best skate park anarcho squater camps I've ever been too! There is also a great crag North East of there to score some wild honey nearby the place.;)

December 20th, 2015, 03:03 PM
It might not ever be a pretty truck but it will get me there.

In my book: Reliability comes first. Capability slots at second. Looks - a far last.

December 20th, 2015, 06:35 PM

December 21st, 2015, 12:34 AM
Hello, and welcome.

December 27th, 2015, 12:44 AM

December 27th, 2015, 08:19 AM
In my book: Reliability comes first. Capability slots at second. Looks - a far last.

Some people have questioned me about reliability/ease of working on issues and the 3.Slow or 3vze. Specially that dick recruiter at Lincoln Tech Mechanical College. The guy just made fun of my truck for having after market mods and not wanting a newish 4.0v6 4runner mommymobile with an auto trans. It was one of the wierdest college intrerviews ever.

The way I look at it is that if I put about 3-4 grand incl. truck & long block price into it , I'll get about 70,000-100,000 miles before major valve and valve cover gasket repairs on the motor. Also the after market stuff like the headers ,from what I've read, gets rid of most of the head gasket issues and other things. I figure on a small block Chevy or a Cleveland you're doing a full engine tear down and rebuild, honing cylinders, trans, timing etc. at about 80,000 to 100,000 miles just to get 180,000 miles out of the motor. With the Toyota 3vze it's a valve adjustment and valve cover job and maybe an alternator and clutch at the same time, knock on wood, to go to 250,00, do an overhau and keep goingl. And going to the 3.4? I don't like working on or driving my GF's Tacoma with a stock obdII 3.4 and auto trans. the thing is a gutless wonder

Sorry I have a tendency to write too much and make too many run ons.

January 13th, 2016, 11:14 PM
Little late, but Welcome