View Full Version : BJ40 re-gearing / knuckle and front axles
February 6th, 2016, 12:39 PM
I finally started my needed project of re-gearing the beast, I had the factory 4.11 and when I installed the 35” tires I could tell it just doesn’t have the necessary power so I got a 5.29 Nitro ring and pinion set. I’m also changing the steering knuckle to the six shooter also the front axles. I have the ring installed on the locker already but I ran into a problem, the old pinion has 10 splines and the new Nitro has 27 splines I guess I have to order a new flange. So this is how far I got this morning. Progress will be posted.
February 6th, 2016, 12:44 PM
oops....that's a big wall to hit.
Come on brown box santa be swift with parts delivery
February 6th, 2016, 12:49 PM
What locker are you running Louis?
February 6th, 2016, 12:51 PM
Yay! Toyota build porn!
Sucks about the spline count. I see you are in Monument, but I think I have a couple 27 spline flanges laying around. I can check and measure the bolt patterns if you are interested.
February 6th, 2016, 12:54 PM
What locker are you running Louis?
I got the ARB lockers
February 6th, 2016, 12:55 PM
Yay! Toyota build porn!
Sucks about the spline count. I see you are in Monument, but I think I have a couple 27 spline flanges laying around. I can check and measure the bolt patterns if you are interested.
It would be great if they are the right bolt pattern, 60×68.5
February 6th, 2016, 12:56 PM
oops....that's a big wall to hit.
Come on brown box santa be swift with parts delivery
Seems like everything is a challenge on this truck
February 6th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Nice, clean & spacious, work area!
February 6th, 2016, 01:08 PM
Since it sounds like you have to replace the flange, so if you go new, consider one with multiple patterns drilled. You may be very thankful later that you did. This would be the time to do it!
February 6th, 2016, 01:19 PM
Nice, clean & spacious, work area!
Thanks Jim
I'm fortunate enough to have the shop, it make things much easier, back in the days I built a chopper out of my old garage and I tell you, it was a pain not having the space and the equipment
February 6th, 2016, 01:21 PM
Since it sounds like you have to replace the flange, so if you go new, consider one with multiple patterns drilled. You may be very thankful later that you did. This would be the time to do it!
That is the only one I can because of the weird bolt pattern, 60×68.5 and 11mm bolt holes
February 6th, 2016, 03:01 PM
This place has plenty of different 27 spline options, even ones that have no holes drilled so you can make your own patterns!
February 6th, 2016, 03:06 PM
This place has plenty of different 27 spline options, even ones that have no holes drilled so you can make your own patterns!
Curt has a great business that I always buy from which goes back to my Land Cruiser. He'll talk to you and walk you through stuff when needed. He even offered to drive to me and lend a hand when I had trouble with fuel starvation when I was stuck in the Henry Mts - that's a pretty good drive from his shop. He knows his Yotas!
The only negative is sometimes he's on an expediation in South America (the b*stard!) but dealing with his staff is fine too.
February 6th, 2016, 03:09 PM
Seems like everything is a challenge on this truck
Sucks now, but once you're done you'll have a big ass grin!
February 6th, 2016, 03:14 PM
Well, no luck. Looks like everything I have is for the mini trucks. Found one that is close to 60x68.5 but it is for 10mm bolts, not the 11mm.
February 6th, 2016, 03:33 PM
This place has plenty of different 27 spline options, even ones that have no holes drilled so you can make your own patterns!
that is the place for sure, I saw they have the correct flange
February 6th, 2016, 03:34 PM
Well, no luck. Looks like everything I have is for the mini trucks. Found one that is close to 60x68.5 but it is for 10mm bolts, not the 11mm.
Thanks for checking
February 6th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Sucks now, but once you're done you'll have a big ass grin!
You know it! 🔧
February 7th, 2016, 08:51 AM
Drill it!
10mm to 11mm will be easy and not so much as to make it fail.
February 7th, 2016, 09:06 AM
Drill it!
10mm to 11mm will be easy and not so much as to make it fail.
I have to double check the lip od on the 10mm screw flange, it might be different size, we will make it work somehow
February 7th, 2016, 10:25 AM
The toy stuff is way tough.
We used to drill them and have the center hub turned down to fit Sami stuff.
February 23rd, 2016, 09:25 AM
Well, the project is completed for now and ready for the test, hopefully today. I had the rear springs, front and rear ring and pinion set, front axles swapped and I was lucky to find the fine spline flange that I needed. Unfortunately I was not able to replace the knuckles and the steering arm due to irresponsible 4x4Labs sales. I had terrible experience with 4x4Labs, I would not recommend that anyone do business there. When I ordered the steering arm, the sales person (no name!) stated that the arm was in stock for immediate delivery, unfortunately that was not the case, I made several phone calls (don’t bother, no one will pick up) then several emails and then finally after two weeks an email telling me that the part has to be made?????? Am I missing something here? I’m running a business and I tell you; customer satisfaction is on top of my list, that is the only way to stay afloat. Anyway I have to make my own 6shooter SUA steering arm kit before I tackle this again.
February 23rd, 2016, 10:38 AM
Hope you get a test run today!! That is unfortunate with your 4x4Labs experience, but it's good to call them out and warn others. I have been there with other companies and it sucks.
February 23rd, 2016, 03:42 PM
So I did a bit of testing, so far everything seems to work properly, 5.29 gears will work perfectly. Also the rear springs are much more flexible than what I had on before, I think I'm ready for the Anniversary run
February 23rd, 2016, 05:54 PM
Looking good!
February 24th, 2016, 08:28 PM
Nice work! I am sure you will be happy with all the changes!
February 24th, 2016, 08:53 PM
Nice work! I am sure you will be happy with all the changes!
I drove around a bit today, so far everything is good, I wish that I could change the knuckles at the same time so I don't have to worry breaking them or the steering arms. I guess it will be a project for an other time
February 29th, 2016, 08:50 PM
Hi Louis - what is your crawl ratio on the BJ now with the 5.29s? Wondering what you have and how you like it? I am trying to figure how how to get my CJ geared lower (possibly with a T18 transmission swap or maybe some terra low gears for the TC, probably not changing the 4.88 axle gears since i drive it on the hwy a lot), but trying to come up with a reasonable CR to target. I am thinking 50 minimum, and 60-70 would be ideal for a trail rig like mine that won't be doing any serious, hardcore rock crawling.
February 29th, 2016, 09:32 PM
Hi Louis - what is your crawl ratio on the BJ now with the 5.29s? Wondering what you have and how you like it? I am trying to figure how how to get my CJ geared lower (possibly with a T18 transmission swap or maybe some terra low gears for the TC, probably not changing the 4.88 axle gears since i drive it on the hwy a lot), but trying to come up with a reasonable CR to target. I am thinking 50 minimum, and 60-70 would be ideal for a trail rig like mine that won't be doing any serious, hardcore rock crawling.
I have not driven much with the new gearing so I'm not sure how will it work on the trail yet, I guess we find out Saturday. In town I found that actually helped quite a bit going uphill, some places where I could only go in 3rd gear now I can actually use the 4th gear. I did a bit of test crawl next to my shop and in low made a big difference, hoping that it will be the correct ratio, if not I need to look into split case trans. My stock axle ratio was 4.11 the 1st gear is 4.92, 2nd is2.64, 3rd is 1.51 and 4th is 1.00. My engine is only 85hp and even with the turbo I believe that I'm at the same hp due to the elevation. Is you Cj 4 speed split?
March 1st, 2016, 11:17 AM
For my CJ-7 I am running 4.27 gears in the axle, Dana 300 transfer case and NP435 4 speed transmission and have a final gear reduction of 75.1 in low range first gear. NP435 has a first gear of 6.69. Was able to use the bellhousing from the factory T5 transmission and required a custom throwout bearing. Novak adapter to mate the tcase to the transmission.
March 1st, 2016, 03:11 PM
For my CJ-7 I am running 4.27 gears in the axle, Dana 300 transfer case and NP435 4 speed transmission and have a final gear reduction of 75.1 in low range first gear. NP435 has a first gear of 6.69. Was able to use the bellhousing from the factory T5 transmission and required a custom throwout bearing. Novak adapter to mate the tcase to the transmission.
looking for exactly that kind of set up...but cost and challenge of transmission swap to granny 4speed is tough.
My crawl is 3.1x2.46x4.88 (1st gear x transfer case x axle gear) which is 37. Terralows in the TC would only get me to 47 - was wondering if that would suffice. Probably not but just wondering as its cheaper and easier than transmission swap.
March 1st, 2016, 04:25 PM
I would have to ask about what your plans are for wheeling the jeep and how difficult of trails you are planning to run? For probably 80% of the wheeling I do in Colorado and Moab, I am in either 2nd or 3rd gear in low range, and often didn't bother using low range, but ran 4hi in first gear.
For another comparison, my 2011 Rubicon has a crawl ratio of 73.1 (4.46 x 4 x 4.10) and again I seldom find myself using 1st gear. For either jeep about the only time I use first gear is in big rocks or for engine braking going downhill on a steep rough trail.
About the only time I have wished I had a lower crawl ratio was a few trails in Moab, and down at Penrose or Montrose.
March 1st, 2016, 06:29 PM
I would have to ask about what your plans are for wheeling the jeep and how difficult of trails you are planning to run? For probably 80% of the wheeling I do in Colorado and Moab, I am in either 2nd or 3rd gear in low range, and often didn't bother using low range, but ran 4hi in first gear.
For another comparison, my 2011 Rubicon has a crawl ratio of 73.1 (4.46 x 4 x 4.10) and again I seldom find myself using 1st gear. For either jeep about the only time I use first gear is in big rocks or for engine braking going downhill on a steep rough trail.
About the only time I have wished I had a lower crawl ratio was a few trails in Moab, and down at Penrose or Montrose.
Agreed - just for some fun I crunched a few numbers. From your numbers, sounds like the D300 is a reduction of 2.6 or so. So, if your in your second gear low (guess a bit on numbers here but maybe 3x2.6x4.27) you are crawling at 33 - not much different than my 1st low at 37 - and thus it does 80% of whats needed - but that remaining 20% is the crux part of some fun trails. Also, keep in mind with your 6.69 1st, that even in hi range, with 4.27 axles, you are crawling at 28.5 - which isn't much different than your 2nd low. That is better than mine in 2nd gear low range (1.61x2.46x4.88 = 19), which is my second lowest gearing. I only have one lower geared option than your 1st gear high! Granny gears go along ways when needed, and still give you the standard 3 speeds for highway driving (especially with the Warn OD set-up on my D18).
I do get what your saying - that is part of the reason I am interested in Louis experience as we have run some trails together and I feel I can relate to his experience - especially when he gets back from Moab. If the BJ struggles or cruises on Fins or Hells or whatever then that would be good feedback. I'd like to be comfortable on some of the bigger rocks - say Moab stuff like Hells R and the like or even just some of the stuff like the big rock on Longwater or Hackett - seems like I could use some help there although a good traction device in the rear would also help. Kinda thinking more along the lines of gearing before going the traction device route. The engine braking is also really helpful when you are running 10in drums with no power assist. It gets tiring to keep a load of pressure on the brake pedal - thinking of upgrading to 11in drums on the front which would help - brake booster would require hanging pedal and MC relocation. Fuel Injection (TBI) would help with the steep rocks slabs and flooding or starving carburetors. Maybe I just need a new Jeep! At least I finally upgraded from ignition contact points and got some new more aggressive MT tires this offseason in quest for traction and . Its all good...especially your CJ - like it a lot.
....sorry Louis for sidetracking your thread...
March 1st, 2016, 07:17 PM
It's all good, I'm interested to see who does what since I got an other project (Cherokee) in my hand, it is always good to get more knowledge before I start.
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